Bsed Bios Tubio, Junrey

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1. I do study when the topic is difficult to understand. Obviously, I more likely to be a rationalist
viewpoint for obtaining my reason to study and it is to address the difficulty I faced so I could
learn and understand it for a better score whenever there is.
2. I can rationalist viewpoint during my study by remembering what is my goal. Because the only
reason why I study is to have a better score and with that I could have a better semestral grade
which is an advantage to look for a job so I could support myself and my parents financially.
3. Yes, it could. Empiricism is to experience while rationalist is to reason. My point is that there are
instances that present experience is linked to pas reason and vice-versa for the fact that there
are people change, affects and influence the way they think and live their life because of
undesirable situation that arised from broken decision. For example, you caught an accident
because you forced to drive even you have drunk too much (experience), the last time your one
of a kind friend invited you to have some fun but you refused to joined. Obviously, you refuse
because you know the consequences of driving while drunk and it serves as you experience to
lead a concrete reason of refusing a friend’s invitation. However, it may applicable depending on
the situation you have right now. Therefore, I could say it is possible to use both philosophical

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