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BIT International College


Course Code: PSYCHO 2

Course Title: Understanding the Self
Instructor(s): Angel Diputado
Contact Detail:
Consultation Days and Time: Monday – Friday; 9:00-17:00

A course intended for students to understand personality development, personal and social behavior, and
adjustment reactions. It is intended to enable the evaluation of factors regarding self and one’s personal
identity and understand a better view of one’s self. It aims to enhance the students’ self-awareness and
understanding and to promote practical skills for effective personal use.

A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to:
1. Formulate ideas about own psychological features and about the emotional world of the
2. Familiarize with basic theories of self-knowledge, self-help, and self-management.
3. Acquire the ability to analyze the different psychological spheres playing roles among personality.
4. Acquire the ability to effectively use the selective techniques and strategies for performing in
various circumstances.
5. Gain understanding of the significance of motivation behind people’s self-presentation behaviors.

Weeks Topics Learning Outcomes Learning
1. Explain why it is essential to understand
the self;
2. Describe the different notions of the self
from the points-of-view of the various
The Self
philosophers across time and place; Discussion
from Various
1 3. Compare and contrast how the self has Quiz
been represented in different philosophical Output
schools; and
4. Examine one’s self against the different
views of self that were discussed in the
1. Explain the relationship between and

among the self, society, and culture;

2. Describe and discuss the different ways by
which society and culture shape the self;
The Self, Discussion
3. Compare and contrast how the self can be
2 Society, and Quiz
influenced by the different institutions in
Culture Output
society; and
4. Examine one’s self against the different
views of self that were discussed in the
1. Identify the different ideas in psychology
The Self as about the “self”; Discussion
2-3 Cognitive 2. Create your own definition of the “self” Quiz
Construct based on the definitions from psychology; Output

PSYCHO2 Understanding the Self | pg. 1

3. Analyze the effects of various factors
identified in psychology in the formation of
the “self”.
The Self in 1. Differentiate the concept of the “self”
Western and according Western thought against Discussion
4 Eastern Eastern/Oriental perspectives; Quiz
Thoughts 2. Explain the concept of self as found in Output
Asian thoughts.
1. Understand the stage of life and explain the
physical changes that occur during each
2. Identify the contributions of genetic and
The Physical environmental factors on physical
Self development of the self
3. Describe the factors that affect body image;
4. Examine the impact of culture on body
image and self; and
5. Develop a positive body image.
1. Discuss the developmental aspect of the
reproductive system;
2. Describe the erogenous zone;
3. Explain human sexual behavior;
The Sexual 4. Characterize the diversity of human
Self behavior;

5. Describe sexually transmitted diseases;
6. Differentiate natural and artificial methods
of contraception.
1. Identify various religious practices and
beliefs; Discussion
The Spiritual
6 2. Understand the self in relation with Quiz
religious beliefs; and Output
3. Explain ways of finding the meaning of life.
1. Describe the nature, functions, and origins
of political self;
2. Discuss the role of family, school, church,
peer groups, and media in the development
The Political of political self;
7 Quiz
Self 3. Determine the importance of social
interaction in political self; and
4. Identify and describe the theoretical
perspectives in the development of political
1. Describe a Filipino identity;
2. Identify different Filipino values and traits;
Being Discussion
8 and

Filipino Output
3. Reflect on your selfhood in relation to your
national identity.
1. Explain how learning occurs;
2. Enumerate various metacognition and
8-9 Learning studying techniques; and
3. Identify the metacognitive technique that
you find most appropriate for yourself.

PSYCHO2 Understanding the Self | pg. 2

1. Use Bandura’s self-efficacy theory for self-
2. Differentiate growth and fixed mindset by Discussion
9-10 Growth, and
Dweck; and Output
Goal Setting

3. Design personal goals adapting Locke’s

goal setting theory.
1. Explain the effects of stress to one’s health;
Stress 2. Examine cultural dimensions of stress and Discussion
Management coping; and Output
3. Design a self-care plan.


This rubric for assessment will be used by the instructor to evaluate the student’s papers and essays. The
students will also refer to the rubric for self-assessment.
Focus, Purpose, Structure & Organization Audience, Tone, & Point- Grammar, Mechanics,
Support & of-view Presentation,
Development Vocabulary, & Word

50% 30% 10% 10%

5 Engaging and full of Organization is Clear discernment of Each sentence
development of a sequential and distinctive audience; structured effectively
clear thesis statement appropriate to Tone and point-of-view and powerfully; Rich,
as appropriate to assignment; paragraphs appropriate to the well-chosen variety of
assignment purpose; are well-developed and assignment sentence styles and
Consistent evidence appropriately divided; length; Virtually free of
with originality and ideas are linked with punctuation, spelling
depth of ideas; Main smooth and effective capitalization errors;
points are sufficiently transitions Appropriate format and
supported; Support is presentation for
valid and specific assignment;
Exceptional vocabulary
range, accuracy, and
effective word usage
4 Competent and well- Competent organization, Effective and accurate Effective and varied
developed thesis without sophistication; awareness of general sentences; Errors (if
statement; Ideas Competent paragraph audience; Tone and any) due to lack of
supported sufficiently; structure; Lacking point-of-view satisfactory careful proofreading;
Support is sound, effective transitions Syntax errors (if any)
valid, and logical reflect uses as
Contains only
occasional punctuation,
spelling, and/or
capitalization errors;
Few formatting errors,
most likely due to
carelessness; Good
vocabulary range and
accuracy of word usage
3 Mostly intelligible Limited attempts to Little or inconsistent Formulaic or tedious
ideas; thesis organize around a thesis sense of audience sentence patterns;
statement is weak, statement; Paragraphs related to assignment Shows some errors in
unclear, too broad, or are mostly stand-alones purpose; Tone and point- sentence construction;
indirectly supported; with weak or non-evident of-view not refined or Contains several
Main points and ideas transitions consistent (mostly common)
are only indirectly punctuation, spelling,
supported; Support and/or capitalization
isn’t sufficient or errors; Several errors in
specific, but loosely formatting or formatting
is inconsistent;

PSYCHO2 Understanding the Self | pg. 3

relevant to main Ordinary vocabulary
point(s) range, mostly accurate;
Some vernacular terms
2 Mostly simplistic and Organization, while Shows almost no Sentences show errors
unfocused ideas; attempted, was awareness of a particular of structure; Little or no
Little or no sense of unsuccessful; audience; Reveals no variety; No grasp of
purpose; Insufficient, Paragraphs were grasp of appropriate tone sentence flow;
non-specific, and/or disconnected; No evident and/or point-of-view for Contains many errors
irrelevant support transitions or planned given assignment of punctuation, spelling,
sequence and/or capitalization;
Errors interfere with
meaning in places;
Formatting incorrect in
most places; Errors of
diction and usage,
while evident, to not
interfere with readability
1 Ideas are extremely Organization, if evident at Lacks awareness of a Simple sentences used
simplistic, showing all, is confusing and particular appropriate excessively, almost
signs of confusion, disjointed; Paragraph audience for assignment; exclusively; Frequent
misunderstanding of structure is weak; Tone and point-of-view errors of sentence
the prompt; thesis Transitions are missing; are somewhat structure; Contains
statement is Inappropriate and/or inappropriate or very many and serious
essentially missing or illogical inconsistent errors of punctuation,
not discernable spelling, and/or
capitalization; Errors
severely interfere with
meaning; Formatting is
weak; Extremely limited
vocabulary; Choices
lack grasp of diction;
Word usage is
0 Shows complete Paragraph structure does No evident awareness of Contains multiple and
confusion about the not exist or is a single audience as appropriate serious errors of
topic or inability to rambling paragraph or to assignments; Tone sentence structures i.e.
grasp it; Clear series of isolated completely inappropriate fragments, run-ons;
absence of support paragraphs to assignment Unable to write simple
for main point(s) sentences; Frequent
errors in spelling and
capitalization; Intrusive
and/or inaccurate
communication is
hindered; Diction and
syntax make
meaningless or very
confusing at best

PSYCHO2 Understanding the Self | pg. 4

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