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Production Unit 1 and 2

Name of who presents:

Ingrid Natalia Daza Quintero


National Unified Corporation for Higher Education CUN

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The story told below is based on a real-life story It happens in a small town in the United States of America, a town where
everyone knows each other. Joe and Bryan are parents of Jonhs who was adopted and brought from India as a child. Jonhs
is 15 years old, he likes basketball, and he likes to go to church with his parents. They are a very happy family.
It is winter and it is a fun climate for Jonhs and his friends who like to play on the ice, however, that day something was
going to happen that would mark the history of this family.
Jonhs and his excited friends run towards an ice rink, however, they are warned by a neighbor of the danger they are
running while playing on that ice rink. The young people ignore the warning and from one moment to the next the ice
breaks and Jonhs and his friend fall into the extremely cold water, the neighbors run to try to help them, however, the ice is
very fragile, so they call 911. One of the boys who did not fall into the water tries to help and one of them comes out, but
Jonhs sinks, and they cannot see him, he has been underwater for several minutes, the rescuers go into action and go to
look for Jonhs, but hopes are less and less, until the extraordinary happens and without explaining how they find Jonhs. He
arrives at the clinic with almost no signs and with hypothermia for all the time he spent under cold water, his parents arrive
at the clinic in anguish, and the news is that their son is in resuscitation, the doctors try to do everything possible to save his
life, but he stops breathing and is left without signs. They let Joe his mother in to say goodbye, but she in the room with her
heartbroken prays a prayer that the medical unit will extricate herself, and without any explanation, Jonhs vital signs return.
Although the battle that lay ahead for this family was strong, no doubt despite the medical misdiagnosis, Joe and Bryan
clung to prayer and their son was saved.

• Title: Unbreakable love

• Genre: Drama
• Characters:

Joyce mother of Jonhs

Bryan father of Jonhs and husband of Joyce

Johns' son of Joyce and Bryan who was adopted as a baby

brief description

It's a story based on real events

tells the story of a family tragedy

mentions very strong emotional events for the family

shows the faith and love of a mother for her child

details painful scenes and tells of a miracle of life

It does not have special effects but it captivates the audience a lot with its drama
The best of the movie

The professionalism of the main actors

I liked the prominence they give to God in the movie

the soundtrack they included in the movie was wonderful

I liked the town where the movie was shot, very good landscapes
Worst of the movie

some actors are seen that they do not get much in the drama
Production Unit 1 and 2
Link the presentation y pronunciation (YouTube)

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