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duty imposed on the Commission by effect which they had on the evaluation
Regulation No 3877/88 to ensure that of the risk of market disturbances.
the disposal of vinous alcohol does not
disturb the markets in alcohol and
spirituous beverages, or create additional ;2. Since the Commission is placed under a
difficulties in other sectors or affect duty by Regulation No 3877/88 to
competition with the products for which ensure that the disposal of vinous alcohol
alcohol may serve as a substitute. does not disturb the markets, it is normal
for it to require strict guarantees from
the undertakings wishing to participate in
If it is not to be in breach of the duty to tender procedures organized for such
state reasons laid down in Article 190 of disposal. The fact that those guarantee
the Treaty, a Commission decision conditions exclude from the procedure
refusing to take action on a special undertakings which are unable to satisfy
tender procedure in which valid tenders those conditions does not constitute a
have been submitted may not be confined breach of the principle of equal treatment
to stating mere factual observations as laid down in Article 40(3) of Regu-
which influenced it but must also, in a lation No 822/87 and Article 1(2) of
field in which the Commission has a Regulation No 3877/88. Such an
wide power for the assessment of exclusionary effect is inherent in any
complex economic situations, state the guarantee condition.


in Case C - 3 5 8 / 9 0 *

I — Facts certain wine products. Article 37 provides

that the disposal of the products of such
distillation which are held by the inter-
1. The legislation applicable vention agencies must not cause any
disturbance of the market in alcohol and
spiritual beverages produced in the
1. Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 of Community and that, to that end, they are
16 March 1987 (OJ 1987 L 84, p. 1) lays to be disposed of in other sectors, and in
down rules on the common organization of particular in the fuel sector, each time
the market in wine. Articles 35 and 36 of disposal is likely to bring about such
that regulation concern the distillation of disturbance.

* Language of the case: English.

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2. Article 39 of Regulation No 822/87 4. According to Article 1(2) of Regulation

deals with the compulsory distillation of No 3877/88, the conditions governing invi-
table wine. In that regard, Article 40(3) tations to tender must ensure equality of
provides that: treatment for all interested parties wherever
they are established in the Community.
Admission to tender procedures is, however,
restricted by Article 1(4) to interested
parties who have guaranteed compliance
'Products taken over by the intervention with their obligations by putting up a
agency or products derived from their security.
processing shall be disposed of either by
public auction or by a tendering procedure.
They shall be disposed of in a manner
which ensures that:
5. Article 2 of the same regulation provides
that the Commission may, in accordance
with the Management Committee procedure
provided for in Article 83 of Regulation No
— the alcohol can be sold on the market in 822/87, either take action on the tenders
the normal way for the various uses, received or take no action, for each
tendering procedure, which may be subject
to special conditions, particularly to avoid
market disruptions.

— any disturbance of the markets in

alcohol and spiritual beverages is
6. Commission Regulation (EEC) No
1780/89 of 21 June 1989 lays down detailed
rules for the disposal of alcohol obtained
from the distillation operations referred to
— equality of access to the merchandise in Articles 35, 36 and 39 of Regulation No
and equality of treatment of prospective 822/87 and held by intervention agencies
purchasers if guaranteed.' (OJ 1989 L 178, p. 1). It provides for three
types of invitation to tender for the disposal
of such alcohol: standing invitations to
tender, individual invitations to tender and
special invitations to tender. Article 1(2) of
3. The general rules on the disposal of the regulation provides that 'invitation to
alcohol obtained from the distillation tender' is to mean the organization of a
operations referred to in Articles 35, 36 and competition among interested parties in the
39 of Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 and form of a call for bids, the contract being
held by intervention agencies are laid down awarded to the party submitting the most
in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3877/88 advantageous bid complying with the rules
of 12 December 1988 (OJ 1987 L 346, laid clown in the regulation.
p. 7). According to those rules, such alcohol
is to be disposed of in tender procedures
since such procedures offer the advantage of
being generally more accessible to operators 7. The fifth recital of the preamble to that
in the alcohol sector than auction regulation states in this regard that the
procedures. objective of invitations to tender is to obtain

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the most favourable price, the contract successful tenderer is then to obtain, within
having to be awarded to the tenderer the 20 days following receipt of the notifi-
offering the highest price where the cation referred to in Article 23(3), a
Commission decides to take action in statement of award from each of the inter-
respect of tenders. According to the next vention agencies concerned and provide at
recital, the Commission may also decide not the same time proof that a performance
to take action in respect of tenders received guarantee has been lodged with that agency
in order not to affect competition with to ensure that the alcohol constituting the
products which the alcohol may replace. first lot is in fact used for the purposes
specified in the notice of invitation to

8. Title III of Regulation No 1780/89

contains provisions relating to special invi-
tations to tenders. Each invitation to tender 11. Articles 25 to 28 of Regulation No
is to be published in the Official Journal of 1780/89 concern the times and
the European Communities. Notices issuing arrangements for the removal of the
special invitations to tender are to state the alcohol. According to Article 26(1), the
conditions of tender and to fix a time-limit removal of the second lot must not begin
for the submission of tenders. Article 18 of until after the removal of the first lot.
Regulation No 1780/89 provides in this Article 26(2) provides that before the second
regard that each invitation to tender is to lot is removed successful tenderers are to
relate to two lots which are to be covered provide proof that a performance guarantee
by one removal order and that tenders are relating to that lot has been lodged.
to be invited for the price of the first lot, the
price of the second lot being determined
according to the price agreed for the first
lot, as adjusted by a coefficient to be
specified in the notice issuing the invitation 2. The contested measures
to tender.

12. The Commission organized a first series

9. Article 23(1) of the regulation provides of special tender procedures in 1986, for
that within 15 working days of the last date which the performance guarantee had been
for the submission of tenders the fixed at ECU 80 per hectolitre of alcohol.
Commission may decide either to award a No contract was awarded pursuant to those
contract or to make no award. Article 23(3) procedures.
requires the Commission immediately to
notify tenderers in writing and against a
receipt of the decision taken on their tender
and similarly to notify the intervention 13. In 1989, the Commission again
agencies holding the alcohol. organized a number of special sales by
tender for large quantities of alcohol for use
as motor fuel within the Community. A
single guarantee of ECU 40 per hectolitre
10. If the Commission decides to award a was required, lot by lot, to serve as both
contract, it must, according to Article 23(2) performance guarantee and removal
of Regulation No 1780/89, accept the guarantee. Those procedures did not lead to
highest tender. Article 24 provides that the any actual awards.

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14. On 5 September 1990 the Commission alcohol for which a contract is awarded and
decided, by Regulation (EEC) No 2575/90 the _ successful tenderer must provide
(OJ 1990 L 243, p. 22) and Regulation additional guarantees for removal. They arc
(EEC) No 2576/90 (OJ 1990 L 243, more flexible inasmuch as the performance
p. 24), to open two tender procedures guarantee may be replaced by surveillance.
concerning alcohol held by the Italian and
French intervention agencies. The provisions
of Regulation No 1780/89, as amended by
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2568/90
of 5 September 1990 (OJ 1990 L 243, 17. The reasons for those changes are
p. 11), were applicable to those procedures. explained in the fifth and sixth recitals of
the preamble to Regulation No 2568/90:

15. The amendments made by Regulation 'Whereas, in the case of special sale by
No 2568/90 concern, inter alia, Articles 24 tender, a lower performance guarantee, the
and 26 of Regulation No 1780/89. The purpose of which is to ensure that the
amended version of the second indent of alcohol awarded is put to the intended use,
Article 24(2) provides that the successful should be required than for other types of
tenderer must provide proof of the lodging tendering procedure given the possibility for
of a performance guarantee to ensure that supervising and checking the use of the
the total quantity of alcohol for which a alcohol concerned within the Community;
contract is awarded is in fact used for the whereas the said performance guarantee
purposes specified in the notice of invitation may even be replaced by inspection by an
to tender unless the Commission has international surveillance firm until the
decided to replace such guarantee by the alcohol in question has been put to its final
obligation for the successful tenderer to use;
submit until final use to an inspection by an
international surveillance firm as well as
proof of the lodging of a removal guarantee
to ensure that the alcohol constituting the
first lot is removed within the time-limit Whereas the successful tenderer should be
stipulated. The amended Article 26 provides obliged to lodge a removal guarantee in
that the successful tenderer must also respect of each lot in a special sale to ensure
provide proof that the removal guarantee that the alcohol is physically removed within
has been lodged in respect of the second lot the time-limits laid down so as to reduce the
before the removal of that lot, which may financial costs associated with the storage of
not take place before the first lot has been certain alcohols; whereas the timetable for
removed. the physical removal of the alcohol awarded
should be revised accordingly.'

16. Those new provisions are both more 18. As regards the replacement of the
stringent and more flexible than the original performance guarantee by surveillance, it is
provisions. They are more stringent for two also necessary to point out that the third
reasons: the performance guarantee must be recital in the preamble to Regulation No
provided in respect of the total quantity of 2568/90 refers to the need to give tenderers


certain assurances as regards supplies and to provided in respect of the total quantity of
take account of the cost of the investments alcohol awarded, may no longer be replaced
that need to be made in processing plants by inspection by an international
for the use of vinous alcohol for use as surveillance firm. On the other hand, the
motor fuel within the Community. provision of a removal guarantee is no
longer required by the amended Article 26.
Those amendments are explained as follows
in the first recital of the preamble to Regu-
lation No 3391/90:
19. For special tender procedures Nos 5/90
EC and 6/90 EC, provided for by Regu-
lations Nos 2575/90 and 2576/90
respectively, the Commission decided to
replace the performance guarantee by
inspection by an international surveillance 'Whereas, for special sales of alcohol by
firm. It fixed the removal guarantee for the tender, a single performance guarantee
first lot at ECU 40 per hectolitre of alcohol should be required for the purpose of
at 100% vol. for both procedures (OJ 1990 ensuring that the alcohol awarded is
C 224, p. 10). removed and put to the intended use, in
particular in the fuel sector in the
Community, to be released in proportion as
the successful tenderer supplies the proof of
use for the intended purpose with the view
20. The Commission took no action on the to simplifying the system of guarantees
tenders received in special tender required.'
procedures Nos 5/90 and 6/90. On 26
November 1990, it decided, by Regulation
(EEC) No 3389/90 (OJ 1990 L 327, p. 19)
and Regulation (EEC) No 3390/90 (OJ
1990 L 327, p. 21), to organize two new
special tender procedures for the same
quantities of alcohol as those involved in 22. The second recital goes on to state that
procedures Nos 5/90 and 6/90. The rules the prices to be paid for the alcohol
applicable to those new procedures, awarded should follow more closely the
numbered respectively 7/90 EC and 8/90 fluctuation of fuel prices on international
EC, are those laid down by Regulation markets.
No 1780/89. Those rules were amended by
the Commission in Regulation (EEC) No
3391/90 of 26 November 1990 (OJ 1990
L 327, p. 23).

23. For the two new special tendering

procedures, the Commission fixed the level
of the performance guarantee at ECU 90
21. The fresh amendments made by Regu- per hectolitre of alcohol for the total
lation No 3391/90 also concern Articles 24 quantities put up for sale, namely 3 200 000
and 26 of Regulation No 1780/89. hectolitres in procedure No 7/90 EC and
According to the new version of Article 24, 1 600 000 hectolitres in procedure No 8/90
the performance guarantee, which must be EC (OJ 1990 C 296, p. 9).

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3. Facts (c) The course of the contested tendering


(a) The product in question

27. On 8 September 1990, the Commission
published the notices of invitation to tender
for procedures Nos 5/90 EC and 6/90 EC
(OJ 1990 C 224, p. 10 and p. 15). For
24. In Europe there is no demand for procedure No 5/90 EC, the Commission
alcohol as a substitute for petrol. However, received a tender from CIA at ECU 4.52
there is some demand for alcohol from oil per hectolitre. For procedure No 6/90 EC,
companies for blending with petrol. Alcohol several tenders were submitted. CIA's tender
may also be used as a petrol additive. at ECU 4.40 per hectolitre, submitted for
that procedure, was not valid, however,
since it had not observed the time-limit for
the submission of tenders.
(b) The applicant

28. On 28 September 1990, a director of

25. Compagnia Italiana Alcool SaS di CIA, Mr A. Palma, went to Brussels in
Mario Mariano & Co. (hereinafter 'CIA') order to discuss tenders submitted by CIA
is a company incorporated under Italian law under the two tendering procedures.
having its registered office in Naples. It is a
joint venture, whose two major shareholders
are Palfin SpA, of Naples, the parent
company of the Palma group, and Distilleria 29. On 11 October 1990, the Commission
del Salerno SpA, of Gallipoli, a company proposed to the Management Committee
belonging to the Marrone group. The two for Wine that no action be taken on bids
parent companies of CLA. are both active in received under the two special tendering
the alcohol business and regularly procedures on the ground that the inter-
participate in tenders organized by the national markets needed transparency and
Community. the situation of the international markets at
that time was unstable. Those proposals
were accepted by the Committee.

26. Those two companies decided to create

CIA which brings together the production
capacity required for the processing of 30. On 18 October 1990, the Commission
alcohol for use in the fuel sector within the adopted two decisions in conformity with
Community from the quantities sold by the the opinions given by the Management
Commission out of intervention stocks. For Committee. It considered that no action
that purpose CIA has entered into a should be taken on the special tendering
co-operation agreement with the American procedures in view of the offers received for
company La Tropicana, of Irving, Texas, the first lot and taking into account the
concerning technology and know-how in situation on the world market for fuel at
the use of alcohol in the fuel sector. that time.

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31. Those decisions were notified to CIA in II — Procedure and forms of order sought
November 1990 by registered letters. The by the parties
letter concerning procedure No 5/90 EC,
signed by a director of Director-General VI
of the Commission, is worded as follows:
34. CIA's application was received at the
Registry of the Court on 7 December 1990.

'In conformity with Article 23 of Regulation

(EEC) No. 1780/89, I inform you that the
Commission has decided not to retain your 35. By a separate document, lodged at the
offer for the sale by tender referred to Registry of the Court on the same day, the
above in view of the offers received and applicant also applied, under Article 186 of
taking into account the situation on the the EEC Treaty, for interim measures
world market in fuel. suspending the application of Regulations
(EEC) Nos 3389/90 and 3390/90 until the
Court had given judgment in the main
The Commission will decide on a reopening
of the special sales of the vinous alcohol
concerned within the shortest possible
delay.' 36. By order of 19 December 1990, the
President of the Court dismissed that

32. The letter concerning procedure 6/90

EC was worded in the same way except that
it was stated that the decision was taken 37. Originally, CIA's application concerned
independently of the admissibility of the both the sale of the quantities of alcohol
tender received from CIA. governed by procedure No 5/90 EC and
the sale of the quantities governed by
procedure No 6/90 EC. In its reply lodged
at the Registry of the Court on 6 May 1991,
the applicant stated that it was withdrawing
33. On 27 November 1990, the that part of its application relating to the
Commission published the notices of invi- Commission's decision not to take action on
tation to tender relating to procedures Nos tenders submitted under procedure No 6/90
7/90 EC and 8/90 EC (OJ 1990 C 296, EC.
p. 9 and p. 14). In respect of those two
procedures, the Commission decided on 22
January 1991 to accept two tenders each at
ECU 3 per hectolitre. The tender accepted
for procedure No 8/90 EC was made by the 38. The applicant, CIA claims that the
company Palma, the company controlled by Court should:
Palfin, which is one of the parent companies
of CIA. The Commission had also received
for that procedure a tender from the other
group controlling CIA. However, that (i) declare void the decision of the
tender was not valid. Commission not to take action on

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tenders submitted under special tender- 39. The Commission, the defendant,
procedure No 5/90 EC concerning the contends that the Court should:
sale of vinous alcohol held by inter-
vention agencies;

(i) dismiss the application as unfounded;

(ii) order the Commission to award

contracts on the basis of tenders
submitted under special tender (ii) order the applicant to pay the costs of
procedure No 5/90 EC concerning the the proceedings.
sale of vinous alcohol held by inter-
vention agencies, applying the criteria
set out in Article 23(2) of Regulation
(EEC) No 1780/89;
40. Upon hearing the report of the Judge-
Rapporteur and the views of the Advocate
General the Court decided to open the oral
procedure without any preparatory inquiry.
Pursuant to Article 95(1) and (2) of the
(iii) order the European Economic Rules of Procedure, the Court, by decision
Community to compensate fully all of 24 September 1991, assigned the case to
damage suffered by the applicant as a the Sixth Chamber.
result of the decision to be declared
void pursuant to the claim set out above
and as a result of the Commission
selling the same lots of alcohol initially
covered by special tender procedure No III —Pleas in law and arguments of the
5/90 EC, through special tender parties
procedure No 7/90 EC, such damages
still to be specified by the applicant;

41. The first part of CIA's application seeks

the annulment of the Commissions's
decision of 18 October 1990 not to accept
(iv) take any further measures which the CIA's tender under special tender procedure
Court may deem necessary or appro- No 5/90 EC and a declaration that the
priate; organization by the Commission of special
tender procedure No 7/90 EC covering the
same lots of alcohol as procedure No 5/90
EC is illegal. The second part of CIA's
application seeks compensation for the
damage which it claims to have suffered as a
result of the Commission's unlawful conduct
(v) order the Commission to pay the costs in relation to the two abovementioncd
of the applicant. special tender procedures.

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1. The first part of the application: The claim 45. Consequently, the decision does not
for annulment and for a declaration of satisfy the requirements of Article 190 of the
illegality EEC Treaty, as laid down by the Court in
its judgment in Case 294/81 {Control Data
Belgium v Commission [1983] ECR 911,
paragraphs 12 to 15). In the present case,
that infringement of Article 190 constitutes
(a) The claim for the annulment of the a breach of essential procedural
Commission's decision of 18 October 1990 requirements, entailing the nullity of the
contested decision as a whole, since it does
not state in any way at all the reasons which
led the Commission to reject CIA's tender.

42. CIA considers that the Commission's

decision of 18 October 1990 is unlawful on
two grounds: it (i) does not meet the
reasoning requirements laid down in Article 46. According to the Commission, it is clear
190 of the EEC Treaty and (ii) contravenes from the case-law of the Court of Justice
Regulations Nos 822/87 and 3877/88. that the requirement to give reasons laid
down by Article 190 of the EEC Treaty is
practical rather than purely formal
(judgment in Case C-350/88 Biscuits
Delacre v Commission [1990] ECR I-395,
(i) The reasoning of the decision paragraph 29). That requirement is satisfied
if a sufficiently clear statement of the
objectives pursued is given (judgment in
Case C-331/88 Fedesa [1990] ECR 1-4023,
paragraph 29). In the present case, the
preamble to the contested decision
43. CIA considers that the reasoning of the
specifically refers to the regulation
decision rejecting the tender, as notified in
governing its terms and procedures.
November 1990, is incomprehensible and
does not enable either CIA or the Court to
verify whether the Commission took into
account the limits to its discretion laid down
in Regulations Nos 822/87 and 3877/88. In
particular, it fails to explain in any way why 47. Moreover, the contested decision
the award of contracts in question could provides two reasons: the 'offers received'
lead to a disturbance of the market. and the 'current situation on the world
market in fuel'. Those reasons, and the
general context in which the decision was
adopted made it possible for CIA, as a
specialized undertaking in the sector
44. That defect is particularly flagrant since concerned, to discern clearly the reasons for
the contested decision concerns a relatively the decision not to award a contract under
infrequent special tender procedure relating procedure No 5/90 EC. Whether the
to very large quantities of alcohol and there reasoning of a decision is sufficient does not
was no circumstance or urgent reason depend only on its wording but also on its
compelling the Commission to put forward context (judgment in Biscuit Delacre, cited
such rudimentary reasoning for its decision. above, paragraph 16).

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48. The Commission contends alternatively alcohol covered by tender procedure No

that any incompleteness in reasoning in the 5/90 EC. That undertaking was the
present case does not constitute an American company Union Carbide. During
infringement of essential procedural informal talks with the Commission, that
requirements. It refers in this regard to the undertaking had stated that it was prepared
Opinion of Advocate General Lenz in Case to make the necessary investments for the
45/86 (Council v Commission [1987] ECR use of vinous alcohol in the fuel sector,
1494), according to which the expression provided that supplies were assured. That
'infringement of essential procedural guarantee of supplies was likely to be jeop-
requirements' cannot mean that every ardized since it turned out that CIA had
imprecision or incompleteness in reasoning submitted the best bid under special tender
constitutes a failure to state reasons such as procedure No 5/90 EC. CIA believes that it
to entail the nullity of the legal instrument was this circumstance which led the
as a whole. In the present case, however, Commission to decide not to award a
the obligation to state reasons was not contract under that procedure.
essential since CIA could ascertain all of the
reasons by referring to the entire legal
context and non-observance of that obli-
gation did not therefore cause it any actual
51. CIA considers that the Commission
cannot justify that discriminatory conduct
by referring to the third recital of the
preamble to Regulation No 2568/90, which
mentions the need to give tenderers certain
(ii) The requirements of Regulations Nos
assurances as regards supplies and to take
822/87 and 3877/88
account of the cost of the investments that
need to be made in processing plants for the
use of vinous alcohol in the fuel sector
within the Community. There is no indi-
cation in that recital that the contract in
49. CIA contends that the Commission's question was to be reserved for under-
decision rejecting CIA's tender for the takings such as Union Carbide which had
contract is contrary to the principle of equal made such investments. Furthermore, such a
treatment, as laid down in Article 40(3) of condition was not laid down either in Regu-
Regulation No 822/87 and in Article 1(2) lation No 2575/90 or in the notice of invi-
of Regulation No 3877/88. That principle tation to tender in procedure No 5/90 EC.
requires that the tender procedure must be
conducted according to objective criteria
announced in advance.

52. CIA therefore considers that the

Commission could not decline to award it
contracts for the lots in question because its
50. In the present case, however, the tender fulfilled all the objective conditions
Commission took its decision according to which the Commission had announced. It
subjective criteria which were determined by also considers that the other reasons which
the nature of the undertaking to which it the Commission put forward during these
wished to award a contract for the lots of proceedings in order to justify its decision

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are contradictory, unfounded and advanced down tendering conditions designed to

too late. avoid such a risk at the time when the
tender procedure is being organized and
may not decline to award contracts to
tenderers which have observed them.

53. In that regard, CIA considers first of all

that the Commission's arguments advanced
during the proceedings are contradictory.
During the proceedings for interim relief,
the Commission attempted to justify its
negative decision by claiming that the price 56. CIA further considers that in the
tendered by CIA was not sufficiently high present case there was no risk that the
and that it could legitimately expect to alcohol for which a contract was to be
obtain a better price on account of the awarded would be used for purposes other
events in the Gulf. However, after the war than those laid down and that therefore
in that region had in fact started, the there was no reason to replace the super-
Commission awarded the contracts for the vision of performance, provided for by
lots of alcohol in question at a price Regulation No 2568/90, by a performance
considerably lower than that which CIA guarantee of ECU 90 per hectolitre. That
initially bid. kind of risk is certainly no greater in the
case of sale for the use of alcohol within the
Community than in the case of sale relating
to use outside the Community. Nor can it
be argued that the use of alcohol as an
additive presents less risk of fraud than the
54. The crisis in the Gulf had no impact at use of alcohol for blending with petrol.
all on tender procedure No 5/90 EC.
Indeed, the decision to open that procedure
was taken one month after hostilities had
broken out. Furthermore, it is difficult to
see how the effects of those hostilities on
the development of petrol prices in the short
term could have any significant effect on the
level of a tender contract having a lifetime 57. Finally, there were no grounds in this
of five years. case for considering that CIA would not
take up the total quantity of alcohol
awarded and that it was therefore necessary
to extend the guarantee to all the alcohol
for which a contract was to be awarded.
CIA points out in this regard that it has
55. CIA contends, secondly, that the made investments so as to have the
Commission could not claim that there was production capacity needed to process all
any risk that the sale of the lots of alcohol the lots and that these long-term measures
concerned would disturb competition with would have enabled it to comply with its
products which may be replaced by such contractual obligations. Moreover, it is
alcohol and that the terms of tender relating wrong to argue that an undertaking such as
to the guarantees ought therefore to have Union Carbide, which has installed new
been reviewed. While it is true that the production facilities, would observe its
Commission must take care that such a risk take-up obligations more scrupulously than
does not occur, nevertheless it must lay an undertaking already on the market since

I - 2468

both types of undertaking must cope with would stabilize some months later.
problems of return on their investments. However, it could anticipate that the level
of petrol prices would not remain as high
throughout the period of the removal of the
alcohol awarded. It was therefore necessary
to review the guarantee conditions.
58. The Commission contends that the
discretion conferred upon it by Article 23(1)
of Regulation No 1780/89 allowed it to
take into account factors not expressly
referred to in the tender conditions. In the
present case, it took into consideration the
following factual circumstances. 61. Besides those considerations relating to
the market in question, the Commission also
took account of the fact that CIA had not
tendered a price substantially higher than
that it had bid in previous sales by tender
and of the fact that the effectiveness of the
59. Tender procedure No 5/90 EC had guarantees was not assured if the lots were
been designed so as to attract undertakings awarded to CIA. As regards this last factor,
which would invest in the production plant the Commission points out that the liability
necessary for processing alcohol into of the parent companies with regard to CIA
additives. Such investment provides a real is limited, that the CIA's modest investments
guarantee that those undertakings will take would have allowed it to abandon the
up all the quantity awarded. Furthermore, project without great losses, that the super-
supervision of the use of the alcohol as an vision of performance of CIA's obligations
additive is less complicated than supervising would have been complicated because it
the blending of alcohol with petrol. intended to use the alcohol for blending
Consequently, the guarantee conditions with petrol and, finally, that CIA did not
could be less stringent. The bid received have the experience necessary for operating
from CIA under procedure No 5/90 EC did in the fuel sector.
not meet the considerations which brought
about those more flexible guarantee
conditions. CIA was neither a new entrant
on the market which had invested in the
necessary production plant nor an under-
taking having as its purpose the use of the
alcohol awarded as an additive.
62. The Commission considers that a
decision taken on the basis of such objective
criteria cannot be regarded as being
contrary to the principle of equal treatment.
Consequently, the identity of the tenderers
60. Another factor to be taken into did not influence that decision in any way.
consideration was the Gulf crisis. At the That wholly objective approach is,
beginning of the crisis it was quite justifiable moreover, borne out by the fact that the lots
to take the view that the sale of alcohol for of alcohol covered by procedure No 8/90
use as fuel could be achieved at a price EC were awarded to the Palma group and
higher than the ECU 4.52 per hectolitre that the parent companies of CIA are
actually bid by CIA. The Commission could generally successful in other tender
not foresee at that time that petrol prices procedures organized by the Commission.

I - 2469

(b) The organization by the Commission of drastic way and in such a short period of
special tender procedure No 7/90 EC time.

63. CIA considers that special tender

procedure No 7/90 EC is illegal for several 66. Fourthly, the new guarantee conditions
reasons. First, since procedure No 7/90 EC are contrary to Article 40(3) of Regulation
relates to the same lots of alcohol as No 822/87 and Article 1(2) of Regulation
procedure No 5/90 EC, the nullity of the No 3877/88 because in practice they do not
decision not to take action on procedure No allow small and medium-size undertakings
5/90 automatically entails the nullity of the to participate in the tender procedures
consecutive decision. CIA refers in this concerned. Such exclusion is manifestly
regard to the judgment of the Court of First contrary to the principle of equal treatment
Instance in Case T-37/89 (Harming v guaranteed by those articles.
Parliament [1990] ECR II-463).

64. Secondly, the conditions of tender for 67. As regards the first ground relied on by
procedure No 7/90 EC and in particular the CIA, the Commission considers that the
condition relating to a guarantee of reference to the judgment of the Court of
ECU 90 per hectolitre are contrary to First Instance in Manning v Parliament, cited
Regulation No 2568/90 and in particular to above, is not relevant because that case
the fifth recital of its preamble, which refers concerned a series of decisions relating to a
to the requirement for a lower guarantee. single post to be filled by an official. In the
CIA points out in this regard that it is that present case, however, the Commission is
regulation which applies to procedure No well able to honour its obligations relating
7/90 EC, provided for by Regulation No to tender procedure No 7/90 EC even if the
3389/90, and not Regulation No 3391/90, decision concerning tender procedure No
because the latter regulation is subsequent 5/90 EC were to be annulled.
to Regulation No 3389/90 whose first
recital makes express reference to Regu-
lation No 2568/90. In any case, Regulation
No 3391/90 contains no indication as to the
appropriate level of guarantee.
68. As regards the second ground advanced
by CIA in its reply, the Commission submits
that Article 42(2) of the Rules of Procedure
of the Court preclude the raising of fresh
65. Thirdly, the tender conditions for issues during the proceedings. In any event,
procedure No 7/90 EC are quite dispropor- the fresh argument is unfounded because it
tionate compared with those for previous is clear that it is Regulation No 3391/90
procedures, in particular those governing which applies to the procedures opened by
procedure No 5/90 EC, which applied two Regulations Nos 3389/90 and 3390/90.
months before the opening of sale by tender Those three regulations were published on
No 7/90 EC. It is astonishing that the the same day and the notice of invitation to
Commission should decide to change its tender published for tender procedure No
policy on guarantee conditions in such a 7/90 EC expressly refers to Regulation No

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3391/90. The reference to Regulation No 71. Finally, the Commission considers that
2568/90 in the first recital of the preamble CIA ought in any case to have attempted to
to Regulation No 3389/90 is only a simple win contract No 7/90 EC even if it was
drafting error which in no case could opposed to the guarantee conditions. Such
mislead those affected (judgment in Case action would probably have mitigated its
C-27/90 SITPA v Oniflhor [1991] ECR losses.
I-133, paragraph 13).

2. The second part of the application: The

claim for compensation for the damage

69. With regard to the third ground, the 72. CIA considers that all the conditions
Commission explains first of all that in laid down by the Court with regard to the
drawing up the new guarantee conditions it non-contractual liability of the Community
took account of the market instability are fulfilled. In adopting its negative
caused by the Gulf crisis and considerations decision of 18 October 1990 and organizing
of simplification. The guarantee of ECU 90 tender procedure No 7/90 EC, the
per hectolitre for all the lots for which a Commission committed a misuse of power
contract was to be awarded guaranteed and contravened the fundamental principle
proper performance of the contract and of equal treatment. Those infringements
take-up of all the quantity awarded. The constitute a sufficiently serious infringement
Commission acknowledges that the new of superior rules of law for the protection of
conditions were likely to lead to slightly individuals.
reduced bids. It denies, however, that the
conditions were disproportionate in relation
to the objectives pursued and that they
represented a radical change of policy. It 73. The effect of those infringements was
points out in this regard that the guarantee that CIA was excluded from obtaining lots
of ECU 90 was not substantially bigger of alcohol put up for sale under tender
than the performance guarantee of ECU 80 procedures Nos 5/90 EC and 7/90 EC. The
required in 1986. guarantee conditions for procedure No
7/90 EC were so onerous that it was
impossible for CIA to obtain the necessary
bank cover. Nor could such cover be
obtained by CIA's parent companies which
had already taken part in procedure No
8/90 EC concerning a smaller quantity of
alcohol and could therefore no longer
70. As regards the fourth ground, the afford to participate, individually or jointly,
Commission contends that the guarantee in procedure No 7/90 EC.
conditions were certainly not impossible to
meet by undertakings such as CIA. That
undertaking is a joint venture between two 74. CIA is not yet in a position to
large groups which regularly undertake the determine exactly the damage resulting from
distillation of large quantities of alcohol. that exclusion since the exact amount of the
Nothing prevented those two groups from damages depends on the sale price of the
making a joint bid under procedure No finished product during the life of the
7/90 EC. contract awarded and the purchase prices

I - 2471

with respect to lots for which a price has breach of a superior rule of law in the
not yet been fixed. However, according to a present case. CIA's allegation of a lack of
provisional estimate, the loss of profits reasoning for the decision not to award
amounts to ECU 16 576 000 (green). contracts concerns only a procedural rule; it
is not sufficient to constitute a manifest and
grave disregard by the Commission of the
limits on its powers. As regards the alle-
75. The Commission contests in the first gation that it acted in breach of the prin-
place the reality of the damage which CIA ciples of proportionality and equal
claims to have suffered and challenges CIA's treatment in organizing procedure No 7/90
estimates of the amount of that damage. It EC, the Commission explains that it simply
points out that the sale price of the finished adopted the guarantee measures which were
product is lower than that advanced by CIA necessary in the case (judgment in Case
so that any loss of profit is also lower. C-331/88 Fedesa, cited above, paragraph
14) and that this did not constitute a sudden
and unexpected change of policy.
76. The Commission considers next that
there is no casual link between the damage
and its own conduct. CIA could have
mitigated the damage if it had submitted
tenders under procedures Nos 7/90 EC and
8/90 EC. The guarantee conditions for 79. The Commission also refers to the
procedure No 7/90 EC were not prohibitive judgment in Joined Cases 83/76 and 94/76,
for the participation of CIA, which is a joint 4/77, 15/77 and 40/77 (HNL v Council and
venture specifically created in order to Commission [1978] ECR 1209), according
participate in large tenders of this type and to which individuals may be required to
whose parent companies are major accept within reasonable limits certain
distilleries. If those companies had so harmful effects on their economic interests
desired, CIA could have participated. This is caused by a legislative measure even if that
borne out by the fact that those companies measure has been declared null and void.
could afford to submit competing bids in The Commission recognizes that the new
procedure No 8/90 EC (1.6 million hecto- guarantee conditions might cause financial
litres). Together, they could therefore have problems to small distributors. It states
submitted a bid in procedure No 7/90 EC however that in order to participate in
(3.2 million hectolitres). special tender procedures governing large
quantities of alcohol, an undertaking must
possess either the necessary plant and
know-how for processing alcohol into fuel
77. The Commission also takes the view or the means to acquire such plant and
that CIA cannot be considered to have technology. Those conditions can neces-
suffered or to be about to suffer any real sarily be fulfilled only by an undertaking of
damage because it could have passed on any a certain size.
losses to the Commission by lowering its
offer price in the following tender
procedure in order to take account of the
additional cost of the guarantee.

78. Finally, the Commission contends that P. J. G Kapteyn

there has been no sufficiently flagrant Judge-Rapporteur

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