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FASCICLE VIII, 2002, ISSN 1221-4590


Barbu Dragan1, Florin Taraboanta1

Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, Romania,

In this paper, an active control for globally reducing noise radiated by small
axial flow fans, is presented. Principle and analysis of feedback active noise control are
presented for a single-channel case The analysis showed that feedback active noise
control can be formulated as an adaptive predictor. Computer simulation of feedback
active noise control system performance is based on error paths measured from an
experimental set-up. The results of these experiments clearly demonstrate that blade
passage tones can be reduced with about 10dB using active noise control.

KEYWORDS: Active, Noise, Control, Axial, Fans

1. INTRODUCTION acoustical field type.One way to characterize the

acoustical field is to establish the supply direction
Axial coolers represent frequently noise sources model.The main reason of an activ noise control
for electronic systems. The aerodynamic noise system is to decrease acoustical energy generated by
generated by coolers has two main components : coolers in far field.
- rotation noise ; For the calculus of the total sound power level
-turbulence noise. Lp, of the aerodynamic noise produced by the axial
The aerodynamic noise constituent is generated flow fans, there was settled some equations who has
by air impulses blades passing through a certain the maximal error of ±10 dB:
location; frequency spectrum has discrete peaks at Q ∆p
L p = L p 0 + 10 lg + 20 lg (1)
fundamental frequency fr=(n.z)/60 and its harmonics, Q0 ∆p 0
where z represents number of blades and n is where Lp is the sound power level, dB, Q0 = 1 m3/s
rotational speed in rpm.
and ∆p0 = 1 Pa reference values, Lp0 is specific sound
The aerodynamic whirl noise constituent is
power or standard sound power level, dB, having
produced by the air throbs that appear at the airflow
reference to the air power of the fan, Q is the flow
across fixed obstacles or mobile blades, having an
rate, m3/s, and ∆p a total pressure rise, Pa.
overall level with 20-30 dB lower than overall
The higher precision estimation of the wide
rotational components, in 100 – 600 Hz frequency
band sound power level (Lw) produced by the axial
domain. In many electronic systems it is very difficult
flow fans at low pressure, can be made starting from
to do a passive acoustical alternation in frequency
the aerodynamics and acoustics theory:
Lw = k w + 10 lg(2118.88Q ) + 20 lg(0.0040∆p s )
domain mentioned above and, to these reasons , the
research from technical literature looking for active
systems improving. This is possible because, at low ................................................................................ (2)
frequencies, acoustic energy of axial fans spread by where airflow Q is in cubic meters per second and
plain waves. Now, active noise control is able to be static pressure rise (∆ps ) is in pascals. In Eq (2) the
applied having in mind new software and hardware static pressure rise is related to the total pressure rise
technologies of digital signal processing (D.S.P.). (∆pt) by ∆p s = ∆pt − (1 2 )ρv a2 . The nominal axial

2.THE ESTIMATION of AXIAL FANS velocity component is v a ≅ Q πd 2 4 [ ( )] in mps and

ACOUSTICAL RADIATION [(1 2)ρv ] is the dynamic pressure associated with
the airflow. Other variables are fan diameter d (in
Acoustical attenuation made by active control meters), fluid density ρ (in kilograms per cubic
systems of noise generated by a machine, depends by
FASCICLE VIII, 2002, ISSN 1221-4590

meter) and the specific wideband sound power level 4.ACTIVE NOISE CONTROL SYSTEM
in decibels (reference= 1 pW ) k W ≅ 72D
Experimental research is focused to establish
axial flow fans, where specific fan diameter is
active control system by an acoustic field generated
 (∆p ρ )14  with 180o phase shift comparatively with fan acoustic
Ds =  t
⋅d . (3)
 Q 2
 field. Monitoring of these two fields interfering is
done by a microphone placed at half distance between
The peaks frequency from the rotational noise sources. The block diagram of active control system
frequency spectrum, generated on axial flow fans, can is shown in figure 4.
be computed by relation:
ξ ⋅i ⋅ z ⋅n
fi = [Hz] (4)
where ξ is a coefficient who depends on running
conditions (speed and loading), i is the number of
harmonics, z is the number of rotor blades and n is the
rotational speed in rpm.

The efficiency of active noise control system
depends by acoustic field behaviour. To establish
Fig.2 Axial flow fan maximum/minimum directivity
characteristics of acoustical field emitted by tested
measured broad band component (225 Hz).
axial fan, there are due some measurements of
acoustic field direction. For these reasons it is used a
measurement and analysis channel, so is shown in
figure 1.
To detect acoustic field direction, microphone is
fixed and fan is rotated step by step with 5o,
measuring minimum and maximum acoustic pressure
levels for 5 seconds of every fan position in every 1/3
octave. In figure 2 and 3 are shown experimental
results for rotational frequencies f1 = 225 Hz and
wide band noise, respectively.
From these diagrams result that rotational noise
has maximum amplitude between 0-50o and wide
band noise is not directed. So, it is clear that
rotational noise can be attenuated using only one
supply with 180o noise shift phase. In time domain,
Fig. 3 Axial flow fan maximum/minimum directly
the fan noise has a 5 dB variation for 5 seconds.
measured wide band noise.

Fig.1 Experimental set-up for noise measurement and analysis

FASCICLE VIII, 2002, ISSN 1221-4590

Fig.4 Sketch of experimental set-up

Fig. 5 Block diagram of experimental system.


To test low frequency noise active control
system, are realised some experimental and The signal x (n ) from the microphone is not
simulation tests with block diagram shown in figure
5. available because it is combined with the anti-noise
Input noise x(n) is measured by microphone M1 signal y (n ) . If the error-path transfer function can be
near noise supply and noise error is measured by accurately measured in advance and if the matrix
microphone M2.Adaptiv filter AF input signal from representation can be inverted, except for a
M1 is a reference one to generate secondary signal propagation delay between the loudspeaker and the
(antinoise). microphone, then the essential problem becomes one
The error measured by M2 is used to adjust of predicting the primary noise signal d (n ) .
adaptive filter coefficients to minimise mean square The basic requirement of the primary-noise-
error. signal prediction algorithm is to estimate the primary
FASCICLE VIII, 2002, ISSN 1221-4590

noise signal d (n ) and the use the prediction as e

reference input for the adaptive filter W (z ) . After L(dB)
taking the z-transform of the signals we have:
D(z ) = E (z ) − H e (z ) ⋅ Y (z ) (5)
If the transfer function of the error path H e (z ) is
approximated by C (z ) , i.e., C (z ) ≈ H e (z ) , is
D(z ) = E (z ) − C (z ) ⋅ Y (z ) (6)
Frequency (H)
The primary signal x (n ) is estimated from:
M −1 Fig. 7 Frequency spectrum of fan noise
x(n ) = e(n ) − ∑ ci y (n − i ) (7) L(dB)
i =0
Here ci = 0,1,....,M-1 are the coefficients of the error-
path estimation filter C (z ) and M is the order of the
finite impulse-response (FIR) filter C (z ) , which
yields the modified primary noise signal x(n ) .

Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 8 Normalised noise spectrum


Fig.6 Block diagram of equivalent digital Experimental research demonstrate the

representation of system from fig. 5 efficiency of active noise control system to reduce
fundamental spectral component of rotational noise
In fig 6 is shown block diagram of equivalent and it’s harmonics a single noise source.
digital representation of system noise control where: Is not yet clear if active control technique can
v(n ) = signal from the noise source;
be used to reject wide band noise generated by fans.

d (n ) = signal from error-sensing microphone; REFERENCES

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