Industrial Training (Marketing) : March Semester 2021

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1st floor, WISMA UOA II, UNIT 1-12b, No 21, Jalan Pinang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur





YEAR: 2021.



1.0. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
2.0. Background of language center………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
2.1. History………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
2.2. Purpose of ELIT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
2.3. Vision…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7
2.4. Mission…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
2.5. Products and Services…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
2.6. Objectives of my internship………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
2.7. Management Structure………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

3.0.Job functions or tasks to the student by the organization………………………………………………………………….9

3.1. Preparing marketing strategy………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

3.1.1. Organizing of online marketing statements………………………………………………………………………………….10

3.1.2.Reconciling marketing and sales department...............................................................................11

3.1.3..How staff is recruited in the marketing and sales department at ELIT............................................11
3.1.4. Preparing monitoring surveys instruments for tracking the success methods used……………………11

3.2. Marketing Approaches in Malaysia………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

4.0. Problems encountered during the training……………………………………………………………………………………..12

4.1. Adopting to the work setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12

4.2. Brainstorming in a meeting with team mates…………………………………………………………………………………13

4.3. Deciding on the suitable Approaches……………………………………………………………………………………………..13

4.4. Emergence of covid19 Pandemic…………………………………………………………………………………………………….14

4.5. Other assigned duties on rotational………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

5.0. Summary of the experience gained by the student………………………………………………………………………..14

5.1. Acquisition of communication skills………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

5.2. Time Management………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

5.3. Independence…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

5.4. Challenges in Marketing Department at ELIT………………………………………………………………………………….16

5.5. The strengths and weaknesses at the language center…………………………………………………………………..16

5.6. Personal Limitations at the work place…………………………………………………………………………………………..17

6.0. Future Prospectus of ELIT language center……………………………………………………………………………………..17

4.1. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18


It is my pleasure to thank the Almighty ALLAH for giving me knowledge and wisdom to
accomplish this noble cause of writing this internship report
Once again, I thank ALLAH for letting me to finish my internship program without getting
into much difficulty. I am also grateful to ALLAH to connect me with so many wonderful
people who assisted me to sail through my internship period peacefully.

Still, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my work place supervisor who has shaped
me to become a well knowledgeable person in my area of study. May Allah bless Mr.
Mubarak. For mentoring me. In the same spirit, I send my warm appreciation to all workers
at ELIT language center. You really loved me unsparingly and made me to grow

More still, I would like to thank my dearest parents; the mother, father, sisters and brothers
and my relatives for the support you have extended to me since I joined my University studies

Lastly, I would like to extend my thanks to all my University lecturers, but more especially my
University supervisor Mr. Mabruk. In addition, I thank all my fellow students and friends for
your moral support since we came to live together in the line of education. I have no clear
words to show my happiness to everyone, but ALLAH will reward you accordingly.

1.0. Introduction.

The internee applied in the ELIT Language Centre to carry out her internship program.
Fortunately, her application was honored and was given a place to do her internship. This was an
opportunity for her to apply her classroom theoretical knowledge into practice. She indeed
acquired hands on skills and experience. Therefore, the internee in her internship report included
the following information; Vision and Mission Statements of the language center, Skills and
Experiences gained, challenges and their possible solutions, strengths and weaknesses and the
future prospects of the Language center. However, the internee concentrated more on
understanding the strategies being employed by the Language center in carrying out its
marketing functions to reach out its clients wherever they are. The internee was attached to
marketing department by the management though she was given an opportunity to rotate in
different departments. This provided her with a chance to develop more understanding about the
influence of marketing functions in other departments at the language center. The internee
participated in the daily marketing activities from the start to the end of the internship period.

2.0. Background of Language center

2.1. History

ELIT is an established institute for teaching English language. It is located opposite the KLCC
Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ELIT Language Centre is an English Language
School situated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The center was commenced in 2007,
and acquired a rapid fame at the international level as a center for studying English language in a
short period.  ELIT teaches offers all the English language skills namely; reading, listening,
writing, and speaking. The language center delivers English learning programs to people of
different age groups. However, most of the learners are over 18 years of age. But many of the
clients are foreign students who join the institution to improve on their English abilities.
However, prior to joining the English course, a student is examined in English language in order
to determine the student’s competence. There are different levels in the whole course of English
language. The student will be recommended to join a level equivalent to his/her competence. For
instance students studying IELTS go through Elementary to Advanced level and on completion

are awarded with a certificate recognized world-wide. The curriculum is based on the New
Headway program. The language center offers two types of courses, Intensive and General. The
Intensive course is 108 hours a month, and the General is 60 hours a month. Usually, the
intensive course is taken by people who are planning to further their education in foreign English
speaking countries like United Kingdom, Canada and others. Yet the General course is learnt by
people who want to perfect their speaking abilities and are traveling to foreign speaking
countries for vacation. There is also a provision for those who would like to make Conversation
and practice their speaking skills with a native speaking teacher. These speaking classes
enhances the abilities of students at speaking and students normally take one to two months to
finish. This language center is a fully fledged institution and has several operational departments
and one of them is marketing department.

Since the internee specialized in learning marketing, she finds it necessary to define what is all
about marketing as her area interest. In simple terms marketing involves targeting of interesting
potential customers and clients with intention of selling the company goods and services. Basing
on this understanding, ELIT language center continues to carry out the necessary activities
related to researching, promoting, selling, and distributing the company’s products or services.
But essentially marketing department at ELIT language center does whatever it takes to reach out
its clients among the citizens of Malaysia and the foreigners who arrives in the country to pursue
their studies but need to improve on their English capabilities. In fact many foreigners have
continued to join this language center for learning English language.

The internee commenced her internship exercise on 14 th /April/2021 and is expected to complete
it at the end of July/2021. At the end of the internship period, she believes that the exposure she
will have acquired from the field will help her to get a good job or alternatively become more
creative in starting a job of her own through working as a marketing adviser to many people in
business area. In infrastructure university Kuala Lumpur (IUKL), it is a prerequisite for every
student must fulfill the requirement of doing internship in order to graduate. All undergraduate
students carry out practicum for the purpose of integrating classroom knowledge into day today
life. Of course, this period has transformed me into a complete professional in my area of
specialization. I have acquired skills in dealing with people as well as doing things that are
actually needed to be done in practice. In my field of marketing as area of my study, I have learnt

quite numerous things and now I feel I can handle any kind of challenges at work place. During
my internship I had two supervisors, the University supervisor was Mr. Hassan Marian Ali and
the work place supervisor was Mr. Mubarak. These two persons assisted me to sail through the
entire internship period smoothly.

2.2. Purpose of ELIT

Our purpose is to provide the best possible English Language programs for all individuals who
either want to enroll in a university or simply improve their English language skills.

2.3. Vision

Our work is based on our quest to build positive intercultural relationships globally, as well as a
strong commitment to delivering a high level of English courses by professional and creative
native speakers. . We also believe that through the mutual cooperation of our students we can
both achieve our objectives and goals to deliver a high quality of education in the international
language of English.

2.4. Mission

ELIT Language Centre has a mission which is “to build positive intercultural relationships
globally, as well as a strong commitment to delivering a high level of English courses by
professional and creative native speakers”.

2.5. Products and services

ELIT Language Centre is majorly in the teaching of Educational services related to English
language. The institution awards certificates to its learners upon passing the necessary
Examinations and tests. It offers international English courses like IELTS or TOEFL that are
essentially learnt by people from Non-English speaking countries who travel to other countries to
study in Universities that offers courses in English language. The language center employs
several digital marketing searching engines which involve e-marketing. It created Facebook
pages, Twitter and other accounts such as snapchat and other famous sites, marketing through

them. It also, designed a website for where someone can access information about the language
center all over the world.

The language center also designs Business cards and distribute them to potential customers, it
organizes professional workshops and post them online for large coverage. Besides teaching
activities, the language center performs translation services in the areas of business, marketing,
market research, tourism, management, journalism, IT, education, website localization, history,
automotive, agriculture, hospitality, cinema & film, TV& drama, literature, law, contract(s),
health care, medicine (general), and more. The University also translates religious, text and
political books into English language when their original form is written in other languages.

2.6. Objectives of my Internship

i. To apply the classroom knowledge about marketing into the practical field.

ii. To learn how to reach out to clients through professional marketing approaches.

iii. To learn how to meet the needs of customers.

iv. To acquire job exposure and exploit employment opportunities after training.

v. To build strong professional marketing skills.

vi. To learn how to deal with persons from various cultural background in companies.

vii. To learn the modern marketing tools and how they are put into use in service branding.

2.7. Management structure

The structure of authority at ELIT Language center is headed by the Chief Executive officer
(CEO) who is responsible of drawing strategic plans as well as receiving supervision reports
from the subordinates. Immediately below the CEO, there is an Operational Manager (OP) and
this one is responsible for day today teaching and learning activities at the center. However,
he/she is assisted by other personnel who are appointed to head various departments such as;
academic department, marketing and sales department, administration department, Immigration

department and accounting and finance department. All in all, ELIT has a simple structure of
authority which simplify the effective flow of communication as well as easy decision-making
processes. Since internees are not in the formal structure of the university, an emergency office is
created purposely to serve persons who carry out internship like me. In this case, I belonged to
the lowest rank in the structure with almost no administrative role to undertake in the formal line
stream of ELIT structure of authority.

Management Structure






3.0. Job functions or tasks given to the student by the organization

After I was given a letter of internship acceptance to carry out my practicum at ELIT. It was left
to me to report on the right date. I started my internship on the date of 14 th/April/2021. On this
day, I was allocated to work in the Marketing and sales department and my supervisor was the
head of the department, Mr. Mubarak. I started by going through induction and this involves of
being taken around all around the offices meeting different people and saying Hi to everyone. I
visited all the offices including the study rooms at the campus. Thereafter, I was shown my
office and got introduced to the team mates I will be working along with during the period of my
internship. By the time I started my internship, there was an ongoing project being worked upon

and it was on attracting more clients to join ELIT learning center. This provided me with a rich
opportunity to contribute and share ideas with already experienced workers in the field of
marketing. I was served with numerous documents used in the department. They wanted me to
get acquainted with the kind of documents employed during the processes of preparing a
workable marketing strategy.

3.1. Preparing a marketing statement

On the days that followed, I was integrated into the existing team. We started on the activity of
coming-up with a suitable marketing statement that would be put to the public to advertise the
language center services. We began by watching and listening the old statements that were done
before but no longer in use. We also watched and listened to marketing statements for other
universities in the same services. This exercise took us several hours and each one was tasked to
phrase the marketing statement in a manner which is attractive and convey to SMART, the
attributes of a good advert. This word smart stands for short, measurable, actions, responses and
time. After this exercise of listening and watching, we went in meeting and through brain
storming, we shared what everyone had written on a paper. We read one by one making
necessary criticism as we were filtering what we needed to remain in the marketing statement.
We finally concluded the whole exercise and we came up with what we thought to be the best
marketing statement for public consumption. However, we needed to present it to the senior
marketing manager for necessary changes and approval. I was so excited when our work was
passed without any changes and it is now running on public media for public use. This was my
first opportunity to apply the classroom knowledge into working environment.

3.2. Organizing of online marketing activities

There was also another task of preparing information that should be compiled for online
publicity. This process was to consider the audience that uses social media such as Twitter,
Facebook, You tube, Instagram among others. For each of the platform we needed to
determine the nature of the information to send to the potential clients. For instance, the
information to put on you tube, it required us to capture an ongoing live class to
demonstrate to our clients on how lessons are conducted at ELIT language center. We

liaised with the teaching staff and we selected one lady who worked hand in hand with our
camera crew to film the lesson lively in a preset time. We needed to review the film and it
was edited well. When we presented it to the senior marketing manager, it was passed and it
was put on you tube for public viewing. Indeed, ELIT has provided me with the practice I
was yearning for a long time. Really internship is a very nice exercise despite working on
pressure when asked to finish the task in a limited time.

3.1.2. Reconciling marketing and sales department.

During my internship period, we undertaken to learn the influence of marketing activities on

sales performance. From my observation, I learnt that when the activities in marketing
department register success, this positive performance is reflected in increased sales. On the
other hand, poor performance of the marketing department will automatically lead to declining
trends in sales. Therefore, marketing and sales departments share almost similar activities and
any positive performance the marketing departments will obvious reflect almost same results in
the sales activities.

3.1.3. How staff is recruited in the marketing and sales department at ELIT.

By rotating in quite in almost all departments at the language center, we were taught in a seminar
that was organized by the marketing department “on how to recruit the best candidates in the
sales and marketing departments”. This seminar provided me with knowledge about choosing
best workers if given chance to do it. First of all, you benchmark from your competitors.
Thereafter, you look out for candidates who are better than those for the competitor. This helps
to have a competitive edge in both marketing and sales departments. ELIT language center
continues to perform well because of staff competence being hardworking as it is in marketing
and sales departments.

3.1.4. Preparing monitoring survey instruments for tracking the success of the marketing
method used.

I was also put on the team of workers who were responsible for carrying out field surveys to
evaluate the success of the marketing strategy that has been employed to attract the new learners.

We started by writing an instrument to use in data collection. We came up with two sets of
instruments, that is; the questionnaire but with simple questions to answer by every person
approached and an interview guide. Once the instruments were approved, I was given a small
training on how to supply the questionnaires and make interviews to respondents without fear.
This exercise has given more strength and hope to perform my duties well. This was another
good experience to me as an internee.

After data collection we took the information to research and development department for
analysis. The results were exciting and it came tour understanding that most of the clients are no
longer accessible when you decide to use traditional strategies of marketing, For example, the
majority of the people can be reached out using social media or on university website. This has
provided me with the new ways of making business get known in the modern world.

3.2. Marketing approaches used in Malaysia.

Unlike in my country of birth in Somalia, there are many marketing means used in reaching out
the potential clients within and outside Malaysia. During my internship, it came to my
understanding that ELIT language center employed quite a number of marketing approaches to
attract its client. Since the university offers a variety of services, it has in place different
advertising methods of how to inform and persuade the customers about them. These Advertising
methods include;

i. Television Commercial.

ii. Radio Commercial.

iii. Magazine.

iv. Press.

v. Billboard.

vi. Street Advertisement.

vii. Online Advertising (Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and others).

viii. Organizing public speaking event.

4.0. Problems encountered during the training.

During my initial days of work it was obvious to develop fear in me for the unknown
environment. I think, this is a common experience to so many people in their early days of doing
work for the first time. These are the challenges that I went through during my internship

4.1. Adopting to the work place setting

Every field has its own jargons while communicating to one another at the work place. It
took me some days to get acquainted to the technical language used while working on
marketing projects that put in place for publicity. Of course, this was a challenge to me but
it helped me to integrate what we learn in theory into practice. It is true and I agree with the
English phrase which says that “experience is the best teacher”. As I stand now, I have
acquired the necessary confidence to effectively listen and share with fellow staff without
hesitation. I hope the idea of internship is very significant to every learner before graduation

4.2. Brain storming in a meeting with Team members:

By the time I started my internship at the organization, there was a project that was going
on in the marketing department. This project was upon working on a marketing statement to
be presented for advertising purposes. To me, it was new experience and remember the
project involved listening and viewing old scripts and write down what should be removed
and retained for a design of anew advert. At first, it was a challenge for me to contribute in
fear of being laughed at, however slowly I gained confidence after few days because I had
realized that what was being talked about during a meeting session it is what is taught in
class room environment.

4.3. Deciding on the suitable marketing Approaches:

When I started my internship I couldn’t stand in camera and make a live talk for public
consumption, but now I’m skilled and confident in presenting myself in camera. In addition to
that, I couldn’t determine and decide what advertising method was suitable for a particular target
of potential clients of ELIT language center. I was given a good opportunity to work hand in
hand with the team that evaluates the costs involved in advertising functions. It is true that
marketing department consumes a substantial amount of money in the consideration of the
overall organizational budget in a financial year. By the end of this internship exercise, I will be
in position to make decisions regarding the appropriate advertising method in response to the
intended target group.

4.4. Emergence of covid19 Pandemic:

In the course of my internship I was disrupted by the emergence of covid19 pandemic. We

were forced to stop from working in fear of catching the killer disease that is believed to
have originated from china. The government decided to lock down the country to save the
lives of the people. These changes made my working schedule altered was affected and I
also changed my internship working time table. However, the lockdown was lifted and we
continued with our normal course of business, but observing the new rules like abide by
social distancing, hand washing and keeping wearing masks in public places. But this has
resulted into low levels of activities at ELIT language center.

4.5. Other assigned duties on Rotational:

In respect of my internship exercise, there was an opportunity for me to rotate in all
departments with the exception of the CEO office. This allowed to go into accounting and
finance office. In this office I learnt how to prepare simple book keeping like posting
entries in the cash book using the principle of double entry system in both using manual
and computer systems. More so, by the time I left the accounting department I could use a
cash book and a petty cash book properly as well as balancing them and make a daily
report of receipts and expenditures to the chief cashier of ELIT language center.
More still, I visited he department of operational manager and I was able to learn how
supervision is carried out and how orders are implemented at the organization. However,
at ELIT language center the type of administration is more of linear and whatever is to be

done involves all the decision makers and the employees to decide what is to be done and
how and when to accomplish a given task. There is democratic methods of doing any
activity. I liked this type of structure of authority that does not call for dictatorship at the
There, I’m equipped with the necessary skills and experience from related fields of my
area of specialization.

5.0 Summary of the experiences gained by the student.

I consider the period of internship as an eye opener for my success in the area of my study. First
of all, I have been able to practice what I learnt in the classroom into the real environment. I can
prepare a marketing statement and analyze it in depth and I can predict the impact of such a
statement in the minds of the existing and potential clients. I made the necessary improvement in
the following areas during my internship at ELIT language center.

5.1 Acquisition of Communication Skills:

There is nothing as important as effective communication in the department of marketing and the
organization at large. Ineffective communication could cost the organization large sums of
money. For example, when you come up with unclear message and you use it to advertise the
products or services of the company, you may create a bad image of the company’s goods and
services. And the customer may easily switch to the competitor. This automatically results into
general decline in sales and hence taking a way the chance for the business to continue with
operations. It is clear to me to always act consciously when designing for any advert for public
consumption. I believe I possess these skills now and I’m happy for the experience I have gone
through during my internship. I have also cultivated enough experience in communicating with
team mates, bosses, and my fellow students that I couldn’t do it well before going for internship.

5.2 Time Management

During my study time I would not mind much about reporting late for my lessons. However this
was not the case when I started my internship at ELIT language center. My supervisor in the
department of marketing and during induction session, he provided me with a well detailed
working schedule with many daily activities and their corresponding time for beginning and
completion of each activity. When I started my internship I made sure that I arrive on duty in
time and leave work on time. Some time, it would require us to stay behind and finish our daily
activities to beat the deadline. The internship taught me much about doing work in time and
finish it on time. Time wastage may cause decline in the levels of productivity among the

At ELIT language center, the maximum hours for employees is eight (8) and any worker
assigned duties beyond these hours is paid bonus for the number of hours worked. For my case. I
could work beyond those 8 hours but I could not ask for bonus payment simply because it was of
my own benefit to learn from more from the seniors and also to get familiar with working
beyond the normal numbers of hours. I learnt like utilizing the existing opportunities to generate
more income for the organization through use of redundant time during working days.

5.3 Independence

The internship exercise has taught me many things about how to develop an idea and you decide
to stand on it and give it support during criticism. At ELIT language center, you are encouraged
to remain independent in idea generation so long as the idea can add value to the organization.
No senor staff will rubbish ones idea until it is in complete form and ready for its application.
Once the idea works for the company you earn respect and sometimes you are awarded with a
gift in return for appreciation. This liberty of free thinking helps the workers to excel and work
beyond the normal working hours. It is one way f motivating workers. It does not call for extra
supervision, but is built on self- driven initiatives. In general, it improves the overall productivity
of labor force which may reduce on the cost of production per unit hence optimum use of
resources at the organization.

5.4. Challenges in the marketing department at ELIT language center:

For the period I stayed on internship I made some observations that seem to be challenges in the
marketing department at ELIT language center. A mere fact that advertising activities are carried
out by the marketing department, there are some difficulties that could keep the activities to go
slow and these include;

i. Insufficient up to date information on how much the department contributes to the

overall performance of the institution.

ii. Abandoning the use of Newspaper for Adverts.

iii. People working on advertising projects work on part time. This means that they
can let out the secrets of the institutions to the competitors.

iv. Lack of a fully-fledged research and development department to help in data


v. Limited innovativeness among human resources in the Advertising campaigns.

5.5. The strengths weaknesses of ELIT language center:

The internship provided me with a wide understanding of the whole institution and this is what I
observed in respect to its strengths and weaknesses;

The strengths of the institution included the following;

i. It is well renowned as an English center in Kuala-Lumpur in Malaysia.

ii. The institution has a good reputation at teaching languages.

iii. It has a global multinational clients

iv. It is well known by local clients

v. It has a good location accessible from all directions in the city.

vi. It has good Infrastructures that looks attractive all the time.

vii. It has established a good relationship with existing clients.

viii. The institution has well qualified teaching staff yet natives from English speaking
countries like America and United Kingdom.

Also, the following weaknesses were observed by myself during my internship period.

i. Little resources are given to marketing department.

ii. Inadequate proper media planning to determine what and when to publicize
depending on the prevailing conditions.

iii. Use of many inexperienced fresher who still lack creativity needed in advertising

iv. Too much work from a small number of employees yet with limited motivation

5.6. Personal Limitations at the work place.

As an internee and doing work for the first time, despite the rapid changes was going through at
my place of internship, I still had personal weaknesses such as arriving late for work and leaving
for home before completing the daily tasks. However, by the time the period of internship ended,
I had made a great improvement in myself. For example, I was no longer arriving late and I
could finish my daily activities on time,

6.0. Future prospects of ELIT language center.

On the eve of completing my internship, I shared with CEO on some of the challenges facing
the marketing department and the institution at large. He listened to me and I presented what I
wanted to communicate to him. Regarding the challenges within the department of marketing,

for example, poor funding of the research and development department. On this matter. He told
me that they have hired an independent consultant to help them unveil to them the weaknesses
occurring in the institution. Thereafter, they are ready to streamline everything because the
institution has a substantial amount of resources to finance the institution’s needs. This also
provided with an opportunity to say thanks to the CEO as well to all workers, particularly my
team-mates in the marketing department.

6.1. Conclusion:

In a nutshell, the period of internship has made me to become all round person. In other words, it
has equipped me with practical understanding of my area of study. The ELIT language center has
also helped me to improve both my writing and speaking abilities. I left the place but I still share
with my fellow workers. They are now my friends and I always ask them for help if need arises
especially in the area of doing assignments that require practical skills and experience. All in all,
the confidence acquired will assist me to look for a job of my dream without fear. More so, If I
get back to my country I may consider to create an advertising consultancy and become self
-employed because I hold what it takes to run such a firm and provide advertising services to the


This log book shows a concise business summary of ELIT language center. It displays the
overall objectives, market strategy, target market, financial requirements and it also shows the
format of the marketing activities, the action plan, role assignments, deadlines and costs.


 ELIT language center is an institution service provider of Education services covering

English language and other languages. However, it also provides consultancy services in
other services related to business.
BUSINESS  ELIT language center has the following objectives; apply the classroom knowledge
OBJECTIVES about marketing into the practical field. To learn how to reach out to clients through

professional marketing approaches. To learn how to meet the needs of customers among

THE PROBLEM  The Financial Resources still need to be expanded to optimum level.

 The solution to the problem is to provide the best education services in the teaching of
English language to both local and foreign people.
COMPETITIVE ELIT language center provides best services to its clients and it provides  unique value to
ADVANTAGE customers, e.g. convenience, quality, price or service
TARGET  Local population in Malaysia and foreign students from Non-English speaking countries
MARKET all over the world.
 ELIT will employ these channels in reaching out customers; advertising, online
advertising, SMS, mail-out, giveaway, media release, social media campaign or event.
FINANCIAL  To complete the finances portion of this marketing plan, it requires to rely heavily on
REQUIREMENTS ELIT financial statements and projections.


 Reporting to
One month
 Through brainstorming we came up marketing manager  Estimates
with the advertising statements for responsible for done by
PRODUCT public use. Watching and listening to final filtering and personnel
running Adverts before and after their approval of adverts in charge
release to the public before put to of finance
 One month
 The prices of the running adverts were duration
done by
being determined by other persons, but from
PRICE  Finance officer personnel
the charges depends on air time and the 1/July/2021
in charge
length of the advert allowed to run. to
of finance

done by
 ELIT LANGUAGE CENTER;  Premises for the
PLACE permanent  personnel
in charge
of finance

 In the department I was attached, we

carried out promotion of the services of
ELIT by use of Print media  Estimates
advertising, online advertising, SMS, 6 months done by
mail-out, giveaway, media release,
PROMOTION  Finance from July to personnel
social media campaign or event. We
used these promotional approaches to Dec,2021  in charge
reach out to potential clients both local of finance
and foreign students.

 We could activities that will

undertake to achieve ELIT
goals/objectives for each marketing
activity:  Estimates
Therefore, we choose marketing  6 months done by
MARKETING manager in the
activities to include: Print advertising, from July to personnel
CHANNELS marketing
online advertising, mail-out, giveaway, Dec,2021  in charge
media release, event, website, of finance
blog/social media, public relations,
branding and artwork, or publications

 All team mates.  Estimates

 Regular field surveys and monitoring
Each assigned to  6 months done by
PERFORMANCE the listening capacity of social media
monitor a given from July to personnel
STANDARDS considering the likes made on daily
social platform Dec,2021   in charge
,e.g. Facebook, of finance
RESULTS  Analysis of daily reports from all staff  6 months done by
manager in the
MEASUREMEN and make one general report to the from July to personnel
T METHODS head of marketing department Dec,2021   in charge
of finance
OTHER  Distribution of flyers  By all staff in the Once in  Estimates
marketing every three done by
department months  personnel
in charge

of finance
 Marketing and  Estimates
sales work together done by
Once in
OTHER  Public Events. plus the top personnel
every year. 
management and in charge
the teaching staff. of finance
 Few staff in the done by
Once in a
OTHER  Bill boards and posters marketing personnel
department in charge
of finance
 Reviews are done  Estimates
to determine their done by
Once in a
REVIEW  Annual review reports are generated. success and draw personnel
the next year in charge
marketing budget of finance


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