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Particulate Science and Technology

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Novel electrostatic induction measurement

method for monitoring particle flows in an
electrostatic precipitator

Djillali Aouimeur, Farid Miloua, Malika Bengrit, Fatiha Tounsi & Amar

To cite this article: Djillali Aouimeur, Farid Miloua, Malika Bengrit, Fatiha Tounsi &
Amar Tilmatine (2018): Novel electrostatic induction measurement method for monitoring
particle flows in an electrostatic precipitator, Particulate Science and Technology, DOI:

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Published online: 17 Oct 2018.

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Novel electrostatic induction measurement method for monitoring particle flows

in an electrostatic precipitator
Djillali Aouimeur, Farid Miloua, Malika Bengrit, Fatiha Tounsi, and Amar Tilmatine
APELEC Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

The operation monitoring of electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) in the industry is primarily performed Electrostatic precipitator;
by measuring the filtration outcome by using opacimetric sensors. In this study, the feasibility of monitoring; electrostatic
ESP monitoring is estimated using an electrostatic induction probe based on the electrical charge sensor; electrostatic
dissipated through the ground electrode measured through a Faraday cage connected to a sensi-
tive electrometer. The results obtained using a “wire-to-cylinder” ESP displayed that the measured
charge is highly affected by the flow rate of particles passing through the precipitator. Moreover,
any change in the corona discharge regime to breakdown spark or any sudden variation of the
pollutant flow rate is instantly detected by variation in the electric charge. Moreover, the probe
was used as a contactless corona current measurement device. This method was successfully com-
pared with the conventional ammeter method.

1. Introduction alignment; thus, the particles are not detected by the laser
beam. Moreover, on the basis of the application and the
Electrostatic precipitation is widely used to remove pollution
location of the measuring instrument, the sensitivity of the
causing solid particles (such as dust and ashes) and liquids
sensor should vary when the particles density varies from
(e.g., oil mist) contained in the gases emitted by industries
very low (high efficiency) to very high concentration (bad
into the atmosphere (White 1963; Mizuno 2000; Remaoun
efficiency) (Zhuang et al. 2000; Bottner 2003).
et al. 2014). Due to the low power consumption and high
In this study, a novel online monitoring technique based
filtration efficiency, electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are
on the measurement of electrical charge dissipated by the
employed in power plants, cement factories, machinery
rooms such as in wood or in metal industries, offices and ground electrode was proposed using an electrostatic induc-
residential buildings, hospital, etc. (Miloua et al. 2013). tion probe (EIP). An electric wire connects the collection
However, a continuous monitoring system and reliable electrode to the ground through a series resistance R of 100
filtration efficiency measurement during the operation of kX. The resistance is placed downstream the sensor that
ESPs is required due to the frequent fluctuations in their fil- passes through a Faraday cage connected to a sensitive elec-
tration efficiency (Falaguasta, Coury, and Nobrega 2006; trometer to measure the electric charge.
Intra, Limueadphai, and Tippayawong 2010). Thus, optical
sensors such as particle counters and opacimeters are usually 2. Material and methods
employed (Bemer, Regnier, and Calle 1998; Popa and
Dascalescu 2014). In general, dust or smoke particle coun- The experimental setup in this study comprises three dis-
ters have a higher sensitivity than other detection systems tinct functional entities—the ESP, an auxiliary corona
and provide more or less significant information pertaining reactor, and the measurement section (Figure 1).
to the filtration efficiency. An optical counter provides the The filtration device is a classic “wire-to-cylinder” ESP
number and the size distribution of particles in real time by that is placed horizontally. The device comprises a 900-mm-
measuring the intensity of the emitted light (Canadas et al. long aluminum tube with an inner diameter of 100 mm and
1997; Navarrete et al. 1997; Canadas et al. 2004; Lapuerta, a stainless corona wire with a diameter of 0.28 mm con-
Martos, and Cardenas 2005; Dramane et al. 2009; Pati~ no nected to a negative DC high-voltage (DC HV)
et al. 2016). However, the measurement accuracy is related power supply.
to the relative position of the laser beam and of the air The auxiliary corona reactor used in this study has an
stream (Navarrete et al. 2004). The major drawback of such inner diameter of 100 mm and is located at the end of the
an optical meter is that the particle concentration is under- filtration device. Moreover, the length of the reactor is
estimated. This underestimation can be attributed to particle 100 mm, which is shorter when compared with the length of

CONTACT Amar Tilmatine APELEC Laboratory, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Vibratory feeder
Filtred gas

PVC Corona PVC

Cyclone tube ESP
reactor tube

Interface sensor


Figure 1. Schematic of the experimental setup.


Al-Tube (C1)

Al-Tube (C2) PTFE-Tube


40 56

Figure 2. Electrostatic induction sensor: (a) Descriptive schematic; (b) dimensions of the sensor (in mm).

the ESP. The applied voltage of the ESP (VESP) and the cor- Figure 2 displays the schematic diagram of the EIP. The fig-
ona reactor (VCR) were provided by two negative DC HV ure also displays a Faraday cage that consists of two coaxial
supplies (Vmax ¼ 40 kV, Imax ¼ 7.5 mA, Spellman SL 300). aluminum cylinders C1 and C2 that are separated by an 8-
A vibrating feeder introduces PVC particles of an average mm-thick insulating PTFE (Teflon) tube. Cylinder C1 has an
diameter of 100 mm by using plastic wastes as a pollutant outer diameter of 40 mm and a thickness of 14 mm and is
product with a constant flow rate of 60 g/min into a funnel placed at a floating potential, whereas cylinder C2 has an inner
placed at the inlet of the ESP. The mass m of each granular diameter of 60 mm and a thickness of 2 mm and is grounded.
sample used for all experiments was 10 g. An electric wire connects the collection electrode to the
The flow speed of the product inside the ESP was con- ground through a series resistance R of 100 kX that is placed
trolled by a cyclone separator located downstream the pre- downstream a sensor that passes through the inner cylinder C1
cipitator by using a frequency converter, which recovers the without contacting the cylinder. A Faraday cage and a sensitive
unfiltered powder to estimate the filtration outcome by electrometer (PASCO-2132) were connected to a PC for meas-
using the following equation: uring the electric charge Qi induced on a cylinder C1.
min mout In a first series of experiments, the EIP was placed at the
gð%Þ ¼  100 (1)
min ground electrode of the ESP. Moreover, in the second series,
the EIP was placed at the ground electrode of the cor-
where min is the total mass introduced in the ESP, mout is
ona reactor.
the unfiltered recovered mass in the cyclone, and the max-
imal air flow rate of the cyclone Qmax is 150 m3/h for a fre-
quency f of 50 Hz. The cyclone filter was used mainly to
3. Results and discussion
collect the unfiltered particles. However, since the cyclone
was provided with a variable frequency converter, it serves The measurement protocol plotted the variation in the elec-
also to control the airflow rate. tric charge measured by the electrostatic probe versus time

Charge (nC)

't1 't2 't3 Figure 5. Schematic representation of the ESP.

flow on the basis of the Poisson equation:
DV ¼  (2)
Qmax e0
where q is the ionic space charge density, e0 is the dielectric
Time (s) permittivity, and V is the electric potential related to the
Figure 3. Representation of the evolution of the electric charge (VESP ¼ 16 kV,
electric field through
Q ¼ 54 m3/h). ~
E ¼ grad V: (3)
The space charge is not induced by the applied voltage
Al-tube C1
but is produced by air ionization due to corona discharge. If
- - we assume that, the distribution of the electric potential is
- - symmetric along the cylinder axis (Figure 5), Poisson equa-
Wire connected to the + +
collection electrode - + + - tion becomes:
+ + - @2V q
- + +
R ¼ (4)
- @r 2 e0
- - -
Figure 4. Electrostatic induction produced in the inner tube (C1) of the EIP.
q 2
V¼ r þ Ar þ B (5)
for different values of the applied voltage V (kV) and the air 2e0
flow rate Q (m3/h). A typical diagram was plotted for VESP so
and Q values of 16 kV and 54 m3/h, respectively, as shown  
@V @ q 2 q
in Figure 3. E¼ ¼  r þ Ar þ B ¼ rA: (6)
@r @r 2e0 e0
When only clean air flows inside the ESP without any
particles, the diagram displays a constant plateau Q0 of 0.65 As shown by Equation (4), although that the electric field is
nC that corresponds to a charge induced by the ionic cur- mainly produced by the applied voltage, it is however influ-
rent generated by the corona discharge (time interval Dt1). enced at a lesser degree by the space charge density.
This plateau remains almost constant until the particles are In the following section, the results are represented on
not introduced by the vibratory feeder. However, once the the basis of the charge variation rate DQ (nC):
particles are introduced in the ESP, the plotted curve shape
DQðnCÞ ¼ Qmax  Q0 (7)
changes instantly and displays a linear and constant increase
in the negative electric charge to a peak value Qmax of 0.85 where Qmax and Q0 are the maximal and initial charges,
nC that corresponds to a charge induced by the charged respectively (Figure 3).
particle flow (time interval Dt2). Moreover, once all particles Figures 6 and 7 illustrate the simultaneous variation in
corresponding to a clean air flow are collected by the the electric charge DQ and the filtration outcome g as func-
ground electrode, the diagram once again displays an initial tions of the air flow rate Q and the applied voltage V,
plateau (time interval Dt3). respectively.
Figure 4 reveals that a charge is produced by electrostatic As the charge DQ is induced by the corona current pass-
induction in the inner tube C1 and is measured by the EIP. ing through the Faraday cage, we observed a simultaneous
The charge is induced by the potential difference: V ¼ R  i, increase in DQ and the filtration outcome g, as displayed in
where i is the corona current flowing to ground and V the Figure 6. Moreover, as expected the filtration outcome g
potential difference between the ionizing wire and the decreases with the air flow rate; however, the charge DQ
ground electrode. Therefore, after the current increase dur- remains almost constant (Figure 7). Consequently, the
ing the particle flow, an electric charge induced by the par- charge measured by the EIP corresponds to the variation in
ticles during the period Dt2 is displayed. the corona current produced by the total number of par-
The current flowing to ground depends on the voltage ticles passing through the ESP and not only those collected
inside the ESP that increases during the charged particle by the electrode.

1.0 100
Charge ΔQ
0.9 Outcome 90

0.8 80

0.7 70
Charge ΔQ (nC)

Outcome (%)
0.6 60

0.5 50

0.4 40

0.3 30

0.2 20

0.1 10

0.0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
3 Figure 9. Charge evolution at two particle flow rate Qp values at periods: Dt1:
Air flow rate (m /h) Qp ¼ 60 g/min and Dt2: Qp ¼ 240 g/min (VESP ¼ 20 kV; Q ¼ 54 m3/h).
Figure 6. Simultaneous variation in charge DQ (nC) and outcome g (%) as
functions of the air flow rate (VESP ¼ 20 kV).
greater the particle density, the higher is the electric
charge DQ.
1.0 Moreover, any change in the particle density inside the
Charge ΔQ 100
0.9 Outcome
ESP is instantly indicated by the charge diagram evolution,
0.8 as displayed in Figure 9. The figure displays curves for two
particle flow rate values Qp:
Charge ΔQ (nC)

–Period Dt1 (between t ¼ 38.2 sec and t ¼ 48.9 sec) corre-

Outcome (%)

0.5 50 sponds to Qp ¼ 60 g/min;
0.4 40
–Period Dt2 (between t ¼ 48.9 sec and t ¼ 59.3 sec) corre-
0.3 30
sponds to Qp ¼ 240 g/min.
0.2 20
0.1 10 3.1. ESP monitoring
0.0 0
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 The measurement system could be used for monitoring the
Voltage (kV)
particles flowing in the ESP and thus for monitoring the fil-
Figure 7. Simultaneous variation in charge DQ and outcome g (%) as a tration outcome by using a corona reactor with the same
function of voltage V (Q ¼ 54 m3/h).
diameter as that of the collecting electrode but of a much
smaller length. The reactor is placed at the exit of the ESP
1.8 (Figure 1). The following specifies the utilization of the EIP
placed at the corona reactor for monitoring the ESP filtra-
tion outcome.
1.4 The plotted diagrams that represent the evolution of the
1.2 charge DQ measured at a corona reactor voltage VCR of
10 kV and two different values of voltage VESP applied to the
Charge (nC)

ESP are displayed in Figure 10. The figure reveals that when
0.8 the filtration outcome is approximately 100% for a VESP value
0.6 of 28 kV, the charge Q recorded by estimating V multiplied
by I at the corona reactor was almost constant and very stable
(Q ¼ 1.33 nC), thus corresponding to pure corona current.
0.2 However, as the outcome decreases after the abrupt decrease
0.0 of the voltage VESP from 28 to 12 kV, the electric charge, as
10 20 40
Masse of particles (g) displayed by the diagram, increases from 1.31 to 1.38 nC
Figure 8. Variation in charge DQ for varying particle mass values that are
(DQ ¼ 0.07 nC), thus indicating that a determined amount of
introduced into the ESP.(Q ¼ 54 m3/h, VESP ¼ 26 kV). unfiltered particles was flowing through the corona reactor.
The advantage of the proposed measurement system is
the high stability of the measured charge when no particles
Furthermore, Figure 8 displays the variation in DQ for are flowing through the corona reactor; the displayed charge
three values of the particle mass m introduced by the vibra- remains quasi constant (Figure 10(b)). The passing of unfil-
tory feeder into the ESP for a constant voltage. The vari- tered particles is detected by the increase in the correspond-
ation in the electric charge only depends on the pollutant ing electric charge Q, as displayed by the variation results of
product amount that flows within the ESP. Therefore, the the rate DQ reported in Table 1 that is obtained for varying



-0.6 reactor
Charge (nC)

-0.8 ESP



5 50 45 20 25 35 45 50

Time (s)
(b) Figure 11. Plot for VESP equal to 0 kV.

-0.5 Corona

Charge (nC)





10 20 50
Figure 12. Evolution of the electric charge after breakdown sparks in the ESP.
Time (s)
Figure 10. Plotted diagrams obtained for two different values of voltage VESP.
(a) VESP ¼ 12 kV and (b) VESP ¼ 28 kV.
electric charge measurement indicates and records any
breakdown spark; thus, the measurement is an useful tool
Table 1. Variation in the charge rate DQ measured
by the EIP for varying voltage VESP values.
for monitoring the ESP during its operation.
Voltage (kV) DQ (pC)
12 70
14 58
3.2. Using the EIP as an ammeter
16 46
18 34 Moreover, the value of the corona current I flowing through
20 11 the wire can be deduced by measuring the induced voltage
22 0 in the Faraday cage, as specified by Equation (8).
Vi ðmVÞ
values of the applied voltage VESP. The filtration outcome of I ðlAÞ ¼ k (8)
the ESP is maximal when the applied voltage is greater, i.e.
for VESP¼22 kV. Therefore, since almost the total amount of where k is the factor that depends on the radial dimensions
the PVC particles is collected by the collection electrode at of the Faraday cage, Vi (mV) is the induced potential meas-
22 kV, then no particles will pass through the EIP indicating ured by the electrostatic probe, and I (mA) is the cor-
thus a zero charge. On the contrary, when the filtration out- ona current.
come decreases at lower values of voltage VESP, a significant A comparison between the “current–voltage” characteris-
amount of unfiltered particles pass through the probe indi- tics obtained by using the EIP and by using a series micro-
cating thus a higher value of the electric charge. ammeter is represented in Figure 13. Both measurement
Moreover, even if the particles are not charged when no methods are in agreement. The constant k for the Faraday
voltage is applied to the ESP, the EIP indicates a charge DQ, cage used in this study was found to be equal to 0.9. The
as displayed in Figure 11 (VESP ¼ 0). voltage measured by the EIP is the voltage induced in the
Furthermore, the electric charge measurement by using inner tube whose value depends on the distance between
the electrostatic sensor can be used to record the breakdown this tube and the high voltage ionizing wire. Moreover, the
sparks in the ESP, as displayed in Figure 12. The figure rep- constant k ¼ 0.9 was deduced experimentally by analogy, cal-
resents the charge variation for constant values of material culated as the ratio between the values of the current meas-
flow Qp of 60 g/min, VESP of 28 kV, and Q of 54 m3/h. The ured by the ammeter and the EIP.

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