Seminar International Development FractalTime M

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ID UM57287SCI66294





ID: UM57287SCI66294

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master Degree in Civil Engineering

24th February 2019

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 1


Table of Content


NAME: FELIX OKECHUKWU AMAOGU........................................................................................1
SCHOOL: CIVIL ENGINEERING...................................................................................................1
ID: UM57287SCI66294...........................................................................................................................1
1. Abstract.................................................................................................................................................4
2. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................4
3. My Understanding of Braden’s Time Codes.....................................................................................6
3.1 Time Code 1 and 2:.....................................................................................................................6
3.2 Time Code 3 and 4.......................................................................................................................8
3.3 Time Code 5:................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Time Code 6:................................................................................................................................9
3.5 Time Code 7................................................................................................................................10
3.6 Time Code 8................................................................................................................................10
3.7 Time Code 8................................................................................................................................11
3.7.1 Months of the year (Ọnwa Iguaro).......................................................................................11
3.8.1 Ọnwa Ụzọ Alụsị......................................................................................................................12
3.9.1 Naming after dates.................................................................................................................12
3.10.1 Months and meanings...........................................................................................................12
3.11.1 Ọnwa Mbụ...............................................................................................................................12
3.12.1 Ọnwa Abụo..............................................................................................................................12
3.13.1 Ọnwa Ife Eke..........................................................................................................................12
3.14.1 Ọnwa Anọ................................................................................................................................12
3.15.1 Ọnwa Agwụ.............................................................................................................................13
3.16.1 Ọnwa Ifejiọkụ..........................................................................................................................13
3.17.1 Ọnwa Alọm Chi.......................................................................................................................13
3.18.1 Ọnwa Ilo Mmụọ.......................................................................................................................13
3.19.1 Ọnwa Ana................................................................................................................................13

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 2

3.20.1 Ọnwa Okike Okike..................................................................................................................13
3.21.1 Ọnwa Ajana.............................................................................................................................13
3.22.1 Ọnwa Ede Ajana.....................................................................................................................13
3.23.1 Ọnwa Ụzọ Alụsị......................................................................................................................13
3.8 Time Code 10.............................................................................................................................13
3.9 Time Code 11.............................................................................................................................14
3.10 Time Code 12.............................................................................................................................14
3.11 Time Code 13- Time Code 16..................................................................................................16
3.12 Time Code 17-20........................................................................................................................18
4. Principle of Time and Experience....................................................................................................19
5. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................20
6. Reference............................................................................................................................................24

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 3


1. Abstract.

All children who are learning to walk fall down a few times.  Similarly, those who eagerly
look to know when the end of the age will come should be expected to make a few
mistakes in “setting dates”.  It is not in the power of any human being to set the date of
Christ’s return or end time.  But the Scriptures (Christian Bible) make some very plain
statements about the timing of latter day events and claim that, in the time of the end
when the Messiah’s coming is imminent, those who are wise will understand the numbers
of the days. On the contrary, quantum scientists tell us that we can never predict an
exact future, what we can predict are probabilities for the future

Braden’s explanations on how ‘our present mirrors our past cycles’ of time is an
interesting perspective on life cycles to modern discoveries and cultural advancement.
This indeed has brought to awareness, why everyone should be time conscious and
observant with events of time. His work clearly shows how we can make sense of the
constant changes in today’s world. Through these discoveries, we will be guided away
from the destructive choices we have made in the past and we will demonstrate a way “to
the greatest possibilities of our lives”.
On the other hand, Time is seen as a pattern of cycles dotted with “Choice Points”
according to Braden in his book the Fractal Time. Critical moments when changes occurs,
good or bad according to choices we make as individuals or society happen collectively.
With reference also to Braden’s Codes 3 and 4 in the book Fractal Time, this is
enlightening in thinking of time in a powerful new way, rather than considering the
minutes of each day as nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once, as
pioneering physicist John Wheeler 1 once remarked, “now we can envision time as a kind
of code that connects the past with the future”.
This essay therefore outlines my personal view and understanding of time, and its
application to the book Fractal Time by Gregg Braden

2. Introduction
Before going further in this essay, I wish to define time as something we deal with every
day, and something that everyone thinks they understand. However, a compact and
robust definition of time has proved to be remarkably tricky and elusive.
Time and seasons are instruments of measurement, assessment, planning and
perfection. According to Christian believe, Time is an effective tool in the hands of God in
planning and executing his plans. In time, everything that has a beginning must have an
end. If God did not create time and seasons, there will be no end to terror, sickness,
disease, misfortune, misunderstanding quarrels, poverty and lack, failure and
disappointment, imprisonment and failure. In fact, there will be no end to evil.
Also socio politically, the most important aspect of building self-discipline, should be
learning how to manage time effectively and efficiently. Productivity and time

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 4

management are critical to success in more ways than we ever realize. As problems we
experience are small and repetitive, rather than big emergencies, we may actually think
that we have a good understanding of time management. However what we fail to see is
that those small repetitive problems add up and seriously restrict the quality of the result
that we achieve.
1. John Archibald Wheeler was an American theoretical physicist.

Time discipline therefore is a field in sociology and anthropology which looks at the
economic rules, conventions, customs, and expectations governing the measurement of
time in different societies and throughout history. The field was pioneered in 1967 by E.P.
Thompson2, who argued that the observance of clock-time is a consequence of the
European industrial revolution, and that the imposition of synchronic forms of time and
work discipline by governments and capitalist interests was an essential factor in the
development of industrial capitalism and the creation of the modern state. Earlier, pre-
industrial societies had different views of time, often imposed by religious and other social
authorities, and flowing from the collective wisdom of human societies. Referring to Gregg
Braden’s Fractal Time, and I quote” Our ancestors endured the changes in global
magnetic fields and climate, diminishing resources, and rising sea levels that come with
the end of time. They did so without satellites and the Internet or computer models to help
them prepare for such a radical shift. This phenomenon is presently being used
scientifically to ascertain annual exceedance probabilities and return periods and
reoccurrence of natural disasters, such as flood and earthquakes etc. Studies on hazards
of various types and intensities, (for example, drought, and floods) have shown they do
reoccur in future (Olatunde and Aremu, 2013 3) However, predicting the future occurrence
of these hazards is a bit tricky. This is because some assumptions tend to go into the
analysis of the prediction. For example, the predictions of flood risks using statistical
analysis of past rainfall data assumes the future will be like the past. However, abundant
evidence shows that climate variability and change will bring a future unlike the past
(IPCC, 2012)4. Studies also, have shown shift/change in the climate of the Sahelian zone
of West Africa (Demarée, 1985; Vannitsem and Demarée, 1991) with the total annual
rainfall being above normal while during the period 1970 to 1993 the rainfall was below
normal. This therefore, points to the fact that analyses of historical data only provide
estimates of historical recurrence intervals.

This essay is however my understanding of the book Fractal Time, and my contribution to
it’s effective time management rather than by calculation of codes.

"I have always considered myself to be a hard worker. My parents thought me the value
of hard work. What they didn't teach me was that hard work without proper organisation,
only results in chaos. Developing an organised mind has made a real difference to my

Antonia Dodson, California

2. Edward Palmer Thompson was a British historian, writer, socialist and peace campaigner.
3. Dr Olatunde and Aremu are Lecturers at Fedral University Lokoja and NDA respectively.
4. IPCC, 2012: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 5


3. My Understanding of Braden’s Time Codes

3.1 Time Code 1 and 2:

Time Code 1: We're living the completion of a 5,125-year-long cycle of time-
a world age-that the ancient Maya calculated would end with the winter
solstice on December 21, 2012.
Time Code 2: Our ancestors recorded their experience of the last "end of
time," showing beyond a reasonable doubt that the close of one world age
is the beginning of the next, and not the end of the world.
Braden explains how this date was arrived at based on the Mayan cycle of
5,125 years per cycle. 2012 is not only the end of this cycle but also the
period when the solar system will have passed the imaginary line at the core
of our galaxy (similar to the equator of the Earth), which only happens every
26,000 years. Studies were cited that the proximity of the Earth to the
galaxy’s core aligns us to its mysterious force and energy, and that we can
expect a time of “greater consciousness and enlightenment.” Accordingly,
each world age cycle lasts 5125 years. The current world age began in
3114 BC and ended on 21 December 2012. On the earlier occasions,
catastrophic signs were noticed marking the nearing world age end. They
had made efforts of high levels for successful survival against these signs
past the end of world age. The end date of 21 December has been clearly
noted 2000 years ago as has been firmly established in Mayan inscriptions.
The fact that the Mayan calendar dates back to at least the 5th century
BCE, and by 900 AD had been refined into a complex, but highly accurate
calendar, even more precise than the modern Gregorian calendar we use
today. While the Gregorian calendar gains three days in every 10,000 years,
for example, the Mayan calendar loses just two days over the same period.
Amongst the three calendars used by the Mayans, one used a 260 day
cycle based upon the movements of the planet Venus, which was then
combined with a solar year period of 365 days to generate a recurring 52
year period called a ‘Calendar Round’, similar to our concept of a “century.”
This fact shows that the Mayans have a great understanding of time and it’s
relativity to world age, and therefore can be useful in the calculation of time
cycle. However the fact that the author concentrated on just the Mayas
calendar as the bases for calculating time cycle is what I’m yet to sink in.
Braden used the long count calendar of Maya. When read from left to right,
it consists of decreasing time scales of baktun = 144000 days, katun=7200
days, tun=360 days, uinal=20 days and kin=1 day. The end of world age
given by Mayan calendar is: or 13 baktuns. The author back-
calculated and converted this scale into the Gregorian calendar to arrive at
21 December 2012. There had been other astronomical calendars by other
civilisations as well like the Egyptian, Arab, Hindu Vedic, and Chinese etc.
from which also such calculations are possible. Each may give a different
answer. According to Christian believe, the end of time comes with the
second coming of Jesus Christ, the savior, who will transcend the living in to
supernatural beings, which also is seen as a transition from one time to

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 6

another. The beginning of time in the Christian believe is as illustrated in
Genesis 1: 14-19 “14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of
the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to
mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse
of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16 God made two great
lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the
night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to
give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate
light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was
evening, and there was morning--the fourth day. NIV1. After this creational
time, there has never been any other such creation on earth, rather the end
and the beginning of another era, which either takes place in the same
location, or further away due to climate and or environmental change.
According to Braden, we discover that the end is actually the start of a new
journey. Perhaps poet and visionary T. S. Eliot2 best described the irony of
an end being a beginning: "We shall not cease from exploration / and the
end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / and know the
place for the first time. Relating this to the Christian believe, the end of an
era or age is when we believe that the Christ has come to save mankind
from destruction predicted for the end time, for the sun and moon were
created to give light to the earth, to separate day from night, and serve as
Signs to mark seasons, days and years. Time, is a temporary interruption in
eternity. It is a commodity that can neither be bought nor sold. The only
thing you can do with time is use it. If you don’t use it, you lose it. If time
doesn’t work in your favour, it will work against you. Understanding time and
how it affects our existence should be an attainment of spirituality and
discipline. If the Mayan carlender is correct, that means we are only
priviledged to experience this process of transition. This therefore means
that all those who did not survive the last age and could not be transited in
to the new age, have indeed lost completely what ought to be their right.
Because we are all created with equal opportunities to love and be loved, to
experience the good and the bad and to be beneficial to the times and
seasons of God. God the creator is impartial and has taken away from us
the rigors of searching for the mysteries of existence rather has uplifted
mankind to the supernatural level of discernment. As it is written in the
Christian bible, 1 Chron 12:32: “…men of Issachar, who understood the
times and knew what Israel should do-200 chiefs, with all their relatives
under their command;”1 This is a crucial time – When 11 tribes of Israel
were without a leader, without guidance, and a model to follow. It is a time
for special understanding. It is a time for real discernment.

It is often during these crucial transition times that a lack of wisdom causes
people to make rash decisions. They assume the course already laid is
going to be the course to follow. These times require people of real strength,
discipline and character.

1. NIV: New International Version is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1978 by Biblica.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 7

2. Thomas Stearns Eliot, OM, "one of the twentieth century's major poets" was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and
literary and social critic.

3.2 Time Code 3 and 4

Time Code 3: New discoveries show that we can think of time as an
essence that follows the same rhythms and cycles that govern everything
from particles to galaxies.
Time Code 4: We can think of the things that happen in time as places
within cycles-points that can be measured, calculated, and predicted.
Due to the complexity of measuring time and past events to be able to
predict the future according to the Arthur for me is understood as using past
experience to perfect other such occurrences. This for me is also to be
related to Time Code 2 which talks about the record keeping of ancestors
for future use.
Here specific events are placed and measured along a time scale consisting
of a series of events. Time connects the past with the future. This is not a
new concept. If we know how to read the past, we may be able to read the
future if the parameters express the same way. But difficulty arises when
they do not and in most cases, it is so. Therefore the best way I think time
can be used to avert a future occurrence, is to learn from the past
experience and apply the remedies against the future. History is supposed
to be the best teacher as it is a written expression of events, usually with an
analysis of the root cause, which can be investigated and improved upon.
According to Robert Tulip1 in his article Jesus Christ, Avartar of the Age of
Pisces states that Traditional astrology sees Aries as the first sign and
Pisces as the last sign. From this system, the time of Jesus marked the end
of a previous “Great Year” of 25,800 years and the start of a new Great
Year, when the equinox shifted back from the sign of the “first” zodiac age,
Aries, to the “last” zodiac age, Pisces. We can see the resemblance with the
Christ myth? Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last (Rev
22:13), Aries and Pisces. He is the sacrificial Lamb of God (end of Age of
Aries) and the Fisher of Men (dawn of the age of Pisces). His symbol is
ICHTHYS or fish, and he calls to him “fishers of men” as his disciples. His
communion food is designated as fish, when he asks for as much after his
resurrection (Jn 21)1. His early Christian followers were called the “little
fishes” and represented by two fishes – a symbol for Pisces.
In fact, the fish became a “primary symbol” of Christianity, concerning which
Christian art historian Dr. Charles R. Morey2 remarks in an article entitled,
“The Origin of the Fish-Symbol’ (Princeton Theological Review 8.93): If
Braden’s calculation is correct, then to my understanding, the second
coming of Jesus Christ shall mark the end of the present time, and herald to
a new world which also is in line with the Christian believe. But due to the
fact that the calculation is always an approximation, it may be very difficult
to actually pin point the exact date it would be. This end is told in the
scriptures to happen in a split second and would happen once worldwide,
which means it shall happen suddenly and any who is not prepared would
perish as it is predicted to be a great and terrible day.
1. Robert Tulip of Independent Researcher with expertise in: Atheism and Humanism, Abrahamic Religions and Mythology and Folklore

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 8

2. Charles Rufus Morey (20 November 1877 – 28 August 1955) was an American art historian, professor, and chairman of the Department of Art
and Archaeology
3. Ed Krupp of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles is an Astronomer claim that the vernal equinox in 10,500 BC was in Virgo, or at least was
closer to Virgo.

Again, Krupp3 says: “Circumstantial evidence implies that the awareness of

the shifting equinoxes may be of considerable antiquity, for we find, in Egypt
at least, a succession of cults whose iconography and interest focus on
duality, the bull, and the ram at appropriate periods for Gemini, Taurus, and
Aries in the precessional cycle of the equinoxes.” – Suns of God, page 40

3.3 Time Code 5:

Time Code 5: If we know where we are in a cycle, then we know what to
expect when it repeats.

This is all actually a simple matter of observation, in terms of what we have

experienced in time past that we could improve on. The ancients could
calculate exactly when the equinox point crossed this line of stars into
Pisces by viewing total lunar eclipses. One such total eclipse, a ‘blood
moon’, occurred on the night of Passover in 4 BC , according to Robert
Tulip, but was depicted in the scriptures as a real life physical event on the
exodus of the children of God out of the bondage of Egypt at the time of
Moses the prophet of God. This blood moon was seen to be visible in Virgo,
opposite the sun in Pisces, as the full moon rose at dusk. This analysis of
the date of the start of the Age of Pisces as defining the time of Christ refers
to what the ancients could see and imagine, not to any celestial event with
any real impact on the earth. The stars are just markers for human

3.4 Time Code 6:

Time Code 6: The Time Code Calculator shows us when we can expect the
conditions of the past to repeat, not the events themselves.

Here Braden asserts that the key to using our choice points is that for us to
affect our future in a conscious way, we must recognize where we are in the
cycle. This all begins with our realizing that we're actually living a Time
Code of sorts, a pulsating field of energy that has a beginning, is ever-
expanding, and carries what scientists have called the "forward march of

However, there are two areas in which there is a dynamic physical effect of
precession. Climate science recognises precession as a main driver of the
glaciation cycle, but this light and dark cycle has a period of 21600 years
(4000 years shorter than the 25765 year precession cycle) because the
whole orbital egg is also slowly spinning against the stars. The dark point of
this cycle was in 1246 AD, a time we could call the depth of the Iron Age or
kali yuga. The other effect of precession, less established, is that the solar
system itself has a pulse of period 178.9 years, exactly one twelfth of a

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 9

zodiac age, suggesting our planetary wobble is in resonance with the whole
solar system, making the earth like a chrysalis in its cocoon.

3.5 Time Code 7

Time Code 7: Ancient traditions divide Earth's 25,625year orbit through the
12 constellations of the zodiac-the precession of the equinoxes-into five
world ages lasting 5,125 years each.

The Hopi, Maya and Tibetan traditions speak about this time not only as a
completion, but as a beginning as an invitation to join your heart and mind
through compassion, love, and unity. Messages from teachings across the
planet from many traditions ask us to learn from our ancestors by honoring
our connection through our hearts. This has gone a long way in safe
keeping and transferring the knowledge of the old to the next generation.

The construction of Stonehenge is also believed to have begun

approximately 5,000 years ago, immediately after the end of the last Mayan
Great Cycle of 5,125 years which, according to the Mayan Calendar, ended
in total destruction on 8-11-3114 BC. Research indicates portions of its early
construction predate the formation of the Torah, the five books of Moses,
the first five books of the Holy Bible, by almost two thousand years. Today,
the remnants of a partially destroyed Stonehenge, perhaps taken down by
man instead of nature, are located on the Salisbury Plain of southern

3.6 Time Code 8

Time Code 8: The position of the earth within our galaxy creates powerful
changes that signal the end of one world age and the beginning of the next.
The knowledge of these cyclic changes is known as the doctrine of World

What Braden is passing across here is that we live in a fractal universe of

time and space with several calendars that interrelate from the quantum to
cosmic change. Even within the workings of our own lives we move through
transitions, challenges, developmental cycles, and shifts on the mental,
emotional, physical and spirit levels.

This knowledge is good to avoid the repetition of the mistakes of our

ancestors experienced during the last time a 5,125-year long great cycle
which came to a close. The concern here is with phenomenal particularities
of our perceptions, and in no way may they be considered as physical data
in which a continuum separates the end of one stimulation and the
beginning of the next, each stimulation having its own duration as well.
Since the advent of experimental psychology, it has been established that
perceived simultaneity does not conform to physical simultaneity. The
steadily increasing quantity of research on this point is aimed at providing

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 10

more accurate means for measuring these phenomena as well as
attempting to explain and interpret them.

3.7 Time Code 8

Time Code 9: The Vedic traditions describe an extended time of devotion,
expressed in action (bhakti), that began around 1898 and lasts well beyond
the 2012 Mayan end date.

Braden went ahead to refer to the Aztec cosmology which describes the
history of the Earth as a series of suns in comparison to the Mayan belief
that the universe exists as great waves of energy that repeat as cycles of
time. Citing that a key aspect of their understanding is that each cycle has a
unique characteristic based upon the wave that carries it. This is also
applicable to the measurement of time used by the ancient Igbos of Nigeria,
who also used the sun (Onwa) to differentiate the days of their calendar
long before civilization.

The Igbo calendar (Igbo: Ògụ́àfọ̀ Ịgbò ) is the traditional calendar system of
the Igbo people which has 13 months in a year, 7 weeks in a month, and 4
days in a week plus an extra day at the end of the year. The calendar has
its roots steeped in ritualism and symbolism; many parts of the Igbo
calendar are named or dedicated to certain spirits ( Igbo: Mmuo) and deities
( Igbo: Alusi) in the Igbo mythology. Some of the spirits and deities were
believed to have given the Igbo people knowledge of time. The days, also
known as market day, also correspond to the four cardinal points, north,
south, east, west. Although worship and spirit honoring was a very big part
in the creation and development of the Igbo calendar system, commerce
also played a major role in creating the Igbo calendar. This was emphasized
in Igbo mythology itself. An example of this is the Igbo market days of which
each community has a day assigned to open its markets, this way the Igbo
calendar is still in use. The Nri- Igbo yearly counting festival known as Igu
Aro marked March 10, 2012 as the beginning of the 1013th year of the Nri
calendar. System In the traditional Igbo calendar a week ( Igbo: Izu) has 4
days ( Igbo: Ubochi) (Eke, Orie, Afọ, Nkwọ), seven weeks make one month
( Igbo: Ọnwa), a month has 28 days and there are 13 months a year. In the
last month, an extra day is added. The traditional time keepers in Igboland
are the priests or Dibia.

3.7.1 Months of the year (Ọnwa Iguaro)

1. Ọnwa Mbụ
2. Ọnwa Abụo
3. Ọnwa Ife Eke
4. Ọnwa Anọ
5. Ọnwa Agwụ
6. Ọnwa Ifejiọ
7. Ọnwa Alọm Chi
8. Ọnwa Ilo Mmụọ
9. Ọnwa Ana

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 11

10. Ọnwa Okike
11. Ọnwa Ajana
12. Ọnwa Ede Ajana

3.8.1 Ọnwa Ụzọ Alụsị

The names of the day's have their roots in the mythology of the Kingdom of
Nri . Eri, the sky- descended founder of the Nri kingdom, had gone on to
break the mystery of time and on his journey he had saluted and counted
the four days by the names of the spirits that governed them, hence the
names of the spirits eke, orie, afọ and nkwọ became those of the days of
the week. The days also correspond to the four cardinal points, Afọ
corresponds to north, Nkwọ to south, eke to east, and orie to west. These
spirits, who were fishmongers, were sent down by Chukwu (Great God) in
order to establish markets throughout Igboland which they did by selling

3.9.1 Naming after dates

Newborn babies are sometimes named after the day they were born on,
though this is no longer commonly used. Names such as Mgbeke ( maiden
[born] on the day of Eke), Mgborie (maiden [born] on the Orie day) and so
on were common among the Igbo people. For males Mgbo is replaced by
Oko ( Igbo: Male child [of]) or Nwa ( Igbo: Child [of]). An example of this is
Nwankwo Kanu , a popular footballer.

3.10.1 Months and meanings

The following months are in reference to the Nri- Igbo calendar of the Nri
kingdom which may differ from other Igbo calendars in terms of naming,
rituals, and ceremonies surrounding the months.

3.11.1 Ọnwa Mbụ

The first month starts from the third week of February making it the Igbo
new year. The Nri- Igbo calendar year corresponding to the Gregorian year
of 2012 was initially slated to begin with the annual year- counting festival
known as Igu Aro on February 18 (an Nkwọ day on the third week of
February), but was postponed to March 10 due to local government
elections in Anambra State where the Nri kingdom is located. The Igu Aro
festival which was held in March marked the lunar year as the 1013th
recorded year of the Nri calendar.

3.12.1 Ọnwa Abụo

This month is dedicated to cleaning and farming.

3.13.1 Ọnwa Ife Eke

Is described as the hunger period.

3.14.1 Ọnwa Anọ

Ọnwa Anọ is when the planting of seed yams start.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 12

3.15.1 Ọnwa Agwụ
Ịgọchi na mmanwụ come out in this month which are adult masquerades.
Ọnwa Agwu is the traditional start of the year.The Alusi Agwu, of which the
month is named after is venerated by the Dibia (priests), of which Agwu is
specifically worshiped by, in this month.

3.16.1 Ọnwa Ifejiọkụ

This month is dedicated to the yam deity ifejioku and Njoku Ji and yam
rituals are performed in this month for the New Yam Festival.

3.17.1 Ọnwa Alọm Chi

This month sees the harvesting of the yam.

3.18.1 Ọnwa Ilo Mmụọ

A festival called Önwa Asatọ ( Igbo: Eighth Month) is held in this month.

3.19.1 Ọnwa Ana

Ana (or Ala) is the Igbo earth goddess and rituals for this deity commence in
this month, hence it is named after her.

3.20.1 Ọnwa Okike Okike

ritual takes place in this month.

3.21.1 Ọnwa Ajana

Okike ritual also takes place in Ọnwa Ajana.

3.22.1 Ọnwa Ede Ajana

Ritual Ends

3.23.1 Ọnwa Ụzọ Alụsị

The last month sees the offering to the Alusi.

3.8 Time Code 10

Time Code 10: The present world age began on August 11, 3114 B.C. Its
end is signaled by the rare alignment of our solar system with the core of
the Milky Way galaxy on December 21, 201 2-an event that last occurred
approximately 26,000 years ago.

Braden in this code explains that just as the last cycle of the world which
ended August 11, 3114 BC, the rare alignment of our solar system with the
core milky way galaxy on December 2012 is a signal to justify another end.
Meaning that this predicted end did not mean a complete catastrophic end
of the world, but a transition to a new beginning. Although Maya scholars
agree that the ancient Maya would not have seen this day as apocalyptic,
rumors have spread that a cosmic event may end life on Earth on that day.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 13

Other rumors as cited by Braden from an Indian newspaper about the world
loosing it’s magnetic pole, or that the Earth's magnetic field will suddenly
reverse or that the planet will travel almost 30,000 light-years and fall into
the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy has also been
dismissed. (A light-year is the distance light travels in one year, or about 6
trillion miles, or 10 trillion km.)

3.9 Time Code 11

Time Code 11: Nature uses a few simple, self-similar, and repeating
patterns-fractals-to build energy and atoms into the familiar forms of
everything from roots, rivers, and trees to rocks, mountains, and us.

Braden explained that this fractal view of the universe implies that
everything from a single atom to the entire cosmos is made of just a few
natural patterns. While they may combine, repeat, and build themselves on
larger scales, in their complexity they can still be reduced to a few simple
The most fascinating outcome of this reasoning is that to describe the
universe's geometry with one number, it is actually simpler than the
numerical description of the simplest atom we know. One of the world's
leading theoretical physicists once argued that our universe is actually really
simple; it's just our cosmological theories that are getting needlessly
The concept of time is equivalent to the operation required to estimate
duration in the objects of our universe. Duration consists of the
superimposition of the different aspects of an identity. It is a kind Of intrinsic
movement of things. A tree grows and does not lose its identity. The human
individual retains his personality throughout the flux of the organic and
mental processes that make up his life. Each inanimate or living being
comprises an inner motion, a succession of states, a rhythm which is his
very own. Such motion is inherent time . . . . In short, time is the specific
character of things. It is truly a dimension of ourselves.

3.10 Time Code 12

Time Code 12: Everything we need to understand the universe lives in the
simplicity of each piece of it.

Reading through the mystery of phi, it is well understood that the golden
ratio is taken to be the template for understanding the uniqueness and
oneness of the universe and its relativity to all existence therein. This in my
understanding shows that we can work together to achieve one goal if we
have this understanding, leading to a globalization and peaceful
coexistence. Also in Braden’s Mystery of Time he went ahead to explain
about the two revolutionary discoveries of the 20th century which forever
changed the way we think of time. With those discoveries, it became
possible to link time with the things that happen within it. In other words, it
became scientifically "legal" for us to think of time as stuff. If it behaves like
stuff, then we can measure it as stuff.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 14

Because time is a natural process and so much of nature is governed by the
golden ratio, it would make sense that time would follow the same patterns
of fractals and the golden ratio as well. And it does. To understand how this
paradigm-shattering way of thinking connects the things that happen in the
future with those of the past, we must first take a closer look at the mystery
of time itself.
However, a certain cosmologist Gary Gibbons from the University of
Cambridge said: “We believe that time emerged during the Big Bang, and if
time can emerge, it can also disappear, that’s just the reverse effect.”
Another radical theory proposed by a team of Spanish scientists headed by
Prof Senovilla, “Similar to a wind-up mechanical timepiece giving up its
energy, time is slowing down, and may eventually grind to a halt altogether,
resulting in all of existence being frozen “like a snapshot” within a single
moment in time. This has shown the extent of work several researchers
have put into the study of time and arriving at so much complexity.

Jesus told the original twelve disciples that (like Daniel) it was not given for
them to understand the times and the seasons (Acts 1:7), it is also written
that, at the time of the end, the wise will understand the times (Daniel 12:5
13). They will seek to view the times and seasons from God's perspective,
and they will understand!.

In order words, I agree with Braden on the fact that time and space are one
and same and therefore inseparable.
Quoting the exact words of Minkowski 80th Assembly of German Natural
Scientists and Physicians in 1908:
“The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung
from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They
are radical. Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to
fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will
preserve an independent reality”
Braden went ahead to explain that According to the current theories, the
contraction of the universe would cause space to flow in the opposite
direction from what we see today. In other words, all of the particles that
have moved away from the place where the big bang originated would begin
a journey backward toward their point of origin. Because space is time, time
would reverse its flow as well. With the discovery of the crucial, though,
unexpected link between space and time, Einstein realized that these two
things could no longer be thought of as separate things.
They are fused together and form the continuum (manifold) of space-time,
viewed as a four-dimensional vector space.
Suddenly, he realized something unbelievable, namely that our
understanding of past, present and future and the sharp difference we see
between them – may only be an illusion.
“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly
persistent illusion,” he said.
At first, he wasn’t particularly thrilled with the unified space time idea and
dismissed new four-dimensional geometry proposed by Hermann
Minkowski, as “superfluous” pedantry but he eventually accepted the idea.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 15


As Arthur Schopenhauer expressed, “the most insignificant present has

over the most significant past the advantage of reality”
Naturally, this illusion “our understanding of past, present and future” is very
convincing for us, but it’s still an illusion, we live with every day, every
moment, continuously.
Centuries ago, St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the world’s most influential
thinkers was also occupied with the phenomenon of time and space.
“How can the past and future be, when the past no longer is, and the future
is not yet?” he asked.
“As for the present, if it were always present and never moved on to
become the past, it would not be time, but eternity.”
Essentially the same question we are pondering today.
Most of us are convinced that reality means the events of the present
It’s our fundamental belief since we were children because the only thing we
understand is the reality of the moment.
We divide time into past, present and future and it seems essential to our
experience of reality – our reality – as anything, says Paul Davies, a
Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Past present and future exist all at once
But what if our perception of time and space has simply deceived us?
Much of what we thought we knew about our universe-that the past has
already happened and the future is yet to be, that space is just an empty
void, that our universe is the only universe that exists-just might be wrong,
says famous physicist Brian Greene.
In our day-to-day lives, we experience time as a continuous flow. But it can
also be useful to think of time as a series of snapshots, or moments, and
every event can be thought of as the unfolding of moment, after moment,
after moment.
And “if we picture all these moments, or snapshots, line them up, every
moment here on Earth, every moment of Earth orbiting the Sun, and every
moment throughout the entire universe, we would see every event that has
ever happened or will ever happen, from the birth of our universe at the Big
Bang, some 14-billion years ago; to the formation of stars in the Milky Way
galaxy; to the creation of Earth, four and a half billion years ago; to the time
of the dinosaurs; to events happening on Earth today, like me working in my
office,” Greene explains.
Don’t you have a strange feeling that someone out there is so incredibly
advanced technologically that he can observe all those movements
(snapshots) in the entire universe when they take place.

3.11 Time Code 13- Time Code 16

Time Code 13: Our knowledge of repeating cycles allows us to pinpoint
times in the future when we can expect to see the repeating conditions of
the past.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 16

Time Code 14: The Time Code Calculator can pinpoint personal cycles of
love and hurt, as well as global cycles of war and peace.

Time Code 15: Patterns identified for an earlier time in history tend to repeat
themselves with greater intensity at later dates

Time Code 16: Using a template of human events, Earth events, and
celestial events gives us a consistent way to view the past as a realistic
window to 2012.

Braden confirms that using of nature's signs to mark world changes extends
beyond the knowledge of today's indigenous people. He went ahead to
quote the "lost" biblical book of Enoch the Prophet, which offers a perfect
example. Enoch is one of the most honored and mysterious of the Old
Testament prophets for a number of reasons-not the least of which is the
account that states he never died! Instead, at 365 years of age, Enoch left
the earth and, as one passage relates, "walked with God."
The wisdom and message of Enoch were greatly revered by the early
Christians-that is, before the book of his powerful visions was removed from
the official biblical texts. We see evidence from some of the world's great
scholars that his wisdom was considered divine, and the Book of Enoch was
regarded as a holy scripture. The Roman historian Tertullian, for example,
stated that the words of Enoch were "spoken in the same scripture of the
Lord, and every scripture suitable for edification is divinely inspired."
More so concerning the use of past events to predict future occurances, An
excerpt from the book of Lama Anagarika Govinda, “The Mystery of Times,
Whether the universe as a whole can change or not is quite irrelevant;
important alone is that there is a genuine creative advance possible for the
individual and that the past that is ever growing in him as a widening horizon
of experience and wisdom will continue so to grow until the individual has
reached the state in which the universe becomes conscious in him as one
living organism, not only as an abstract unity or a state of featureless
The algorithm Braden comes up with he calls The Time Code Calculator
and, despite not too subtle hints of it’s divine pedigree, it’s quite clever,
almost elegant (elegance being an attribute greatly prized in scientific
Central to each calculation is the ratio known as phi, a truly elegant and
ancient formula generally attributed to the Greeks and popularly known as
The Golden Mean. The most interesting part of the book is the all too brief
history and explanation of this, Mandelbrot’s Fractal Geometry, and the
Fibonacci sequence and how they illustrate an underlying universal pattern
in creation. It’s a fascinating problem because time has a direct connection
to us. We experience time in our life, we know what time is. We know it so
well, so clearly, so intuitively, that we have this very complex idea, this very
rich idea of time: it flows, it passes, the future is different from the past, it’s
the same for everybody, and clocks measure it. But most of that, we have
understood, is not the way nature works – it’s an approximation. It’s a
simplification. The more you study time, the more you realise that it’s a

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 17

complex, multi-layered problem. The beauty of the problem is the need to
connect what we know from physics to our experience.
To search for time outside of ourselves or separated from the objects of our
observation-so to say "time in itself"- is like isolating the directions of space
from the observer and to speak of an "absolute east" or a "north as such" or
a "West in itself." "Absolute time" is as nonsensical as the denial of time; the
former because the very concept of time denotes a relationship either
between a subject and an object or between the different parts of an
existing or assumed system of correlated things or forces; the latter (i.e. the
denial of time) because time is a definite experience, whether we can define
it in words or not. Mitzi Adams, a heliophysicist at NASA's Marshall Space
Flight Center, agreed, and I quote. "The greatest threat to Earth in 2012, at
the end of this year and in the future, is just from the human race itself,"
Adams said. Naturally, this illusion – our understanding of past, present and
future – is very convincing for us, but it’s still an illusion, we live with every
day, every moment, continuously.
Centuries ago, St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the world’s most influential
thinkers was also occupied with the phenomenon of time and space.
“How can the past and future be, when the past no longer is, and the future
is not yet?” he asked.
“As for the present, if it were always present and never moved on to
become the past, it would not be time, but eternity.”
Essentially the same question we are pondering today.
Most of us are convinced that reality means the events of the present
moment. It’s our fundamental belief since we were children because the
only thing we understand is the reality of the moment.

3.12 Time Code 17-20

Time Code 17: There is nothing in the geological record to suggest that
Earth's magnetic fields will reverse before or immediately following the 2012
cycle end date.
Time Code 18: The Time Code template shows that the human, Earth, and
celestial conditions of today are in the same range as the key reference
dates of the past. In other words, the changes happening now are just what
we'd expect for the end of a world age.
Time Code 19: There is a consensus among the best minds of our time that
the current depletion of natural resources, exponentially growing population,
global poverty, and competition for the necessities of life are converging
toward a "bottleneck" in time.
Time Code 20: The results are conclusive: heart-based focus and living will
have a direct effect upon the way we experience 2012 and our time of
Time Code 21: Faced with the greatest number and magnitude of
potentially world-ending challenges in 5,125 years of human history, we
now discover that the key to our transition lies in our collective feelings
about the change.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 18

The understanding in the Time codes above is that we have reached a
stage in life where with what researchers have discovered about the
depleting resources experienced in recent times, the global destruction to
natural resources and the impending catastrophe besieging the earth and
our lives, it is imminent for all to come together and live more cooperatively
and together find lasting solutions on how to preserve what is left of the
earth today. As rightly pointed out by Braden in his book,
“It may be no coincidence that it's only now-in the last years of the darkest
part of our cyclic journey through the heavens, just when we are faced with
the greatest threats to our future and even our survival-that we have
discovered we have the ability to cooperate with one another in a way that is
unprecedented in the history of the world. It's as if we've pushed ourselves
to the very edge of our limits and our beliefs. Now we must apply what
we've learned in order to survive what we've created”. Ultimately, concerns
about Earth's fate would be better focused on slow-acting problems such as
climate change rather than some sort of cosmic catastrophe, said Andrew
Fraknoi, an astronomer at Foothill College in California.

4. Principle of Time and Experience

Yes one of the main things that I understood about physics and the problem of time in
general is that one should not confuse the time in physics, the way clocks run, with our
experience of time. These are two related but different things. Our experience of time is
related to clocks, no doubt, but it is much richer than anything that is directly captured by
clocks. Because our experience of time is not in the moment – we have this sense of
flowing, we have this sense of time passing. Why? What is it? I believe that this is not
something directly related to physics, this is something related to the way our brain works.
The brain doesn’t just exist in a moment in the sense that it heavily uses traces of the
past, what has happened before in clock time, and stores them in memory. When we
think of time, what we’re really thinking about is the fact that we have memory. Memory
takes us to the past. What takes us to the future is our ability to forecast, to imagine the
future, to anticipate it. Our brain is a machine that uses stored memories to try to predict
the future and act accordingly. In the long line of physical time, we are connected to a
little window to time, by our personal memories, our memories from books, memories that
we get from telescopes to the past, and so on, and similarly connected to the future by
our guessing about the time itself: that’s what time is for us. I believe that if you want to
understand what time is for us, the physical equations of quantum gravity, or by Newton
or Einstein, are not directly sufficient – you have to understand also how our brain works.

This is so true because quantum laws tend to contradict common sense. Quantum
experiments constantly show us there is so much we still don’t understand about the
world around us. One subject that is truly bizarre, is the nature of what we define as
reality. If one chooses to believe that the atom really did take a particular path or paths
then one has to accept that a future measurement is affecting the atom’s past, said
Associate Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU Research School of Physics and

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 19

“The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was only when they were measured at the end of
the journey that their wave-like or particle-like behavior was brought into existence,”
Professor Truscott said.

Quantum experiments have revealed that reality does not exist unless we are looking at
it. During the experiment scientists discovered that time went backwards. Cause and
effect appear to be reversed. The future caused the past.

The uncertainty principle says that we cannot measure the position (x) and the
momentum (p) of a particle with absolute precision. The more accurately we know one of
these values, the less accurately we know the other. Multiplying together the errors in the
measurements of these values (the errors are represented by the triangle symbol in front
of each property, the Greek letter "delta") has to give a number greater than or equal to
half of a constant called "h-bar". This is equal to Planck's constant (usually written as h)
divided by 2π. Planck's constant is an important number in quantum theory, a way to
measure the granularity of the world at its smallest scales and it has the value 6.626 x 10-
34 joule seconds.
One way to think about the uncertainty principle also is as an extension of how we see
and measure things in the everyday world. You can read these words because particles
of light, photons have bounced off the screen or paper and reached your eyes. Each
photon on that path carries with it some information about the surface it has bounced
from, at the speed of light.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us, therefore, is of little value beside what lies
within us."

5. Conclusion
As international communications and travel increased, it became clear that it would be
necessary to establish a common time for all parts of the world.
In eighteen eighty-four, an international conference divided the world into twenty-four time
areas, or zones. Each zone represents one hour. The astronomical observatory in
Greenwich, England, was chosen as the starting point for the time zones. Twelve zones
are west of Greenwich. Twelve are east.
The time at Greenwich -- as measured by the sun -- is called Universal Time. For many
years it was called Greenwich Mean Time.
It’s a fascinating problem because time has a direct connection to us. We experience time
in our life, we know what time is. We know it so well, so clearly, so intuitively, that we
have this very complex idea, this very rich idea of time: it flows, it passes, the future is
different from the past, it’s the same for everybody, clocks measure it. But most of that,
we have understood, is not the way nature works – it’s an approximation. It’s a
simplification. The more you study time, the more you realise that it’s a complex, multi-
layered problem. The beauty of the problem is the need to connect what we know from
physics to our experience.
From man’s perspective, “time” is uncontrollable. Even with all the advances of modernity
man has yet to harness the ‘hands of time’. We have deadlines, but “the clock is ticking.”
We set goals, but it seems “time is expiring.” We work overtime, but it seems we are
“trapped in time.” But from God’s perspective time appears differently. As the Creator of
time, and existing outside its bounds, God rules it! Thus, our omnipotent Lord not only
created time, his character of love and goodness causes time to operate for our welfare.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 20

That is why the writers of Scripture repeatedly use the phrase “at that time” or “at the
appointed time.” In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon referred to 28 “times and seasons” through
which man courses. And the message is clear: The Divine Author of Scripture is showing
us that time has meaning. So much so, that we can be certain that “our times are in God’s
hands” (Psalm 31:15). As our loving Lord, He is there to help us in, out, and through
anything life throws at us.

The Bible says Jesus appeared in human flesh, as a man among men, “in the fullness of
time.” In other words, Christ arrived at the divinely scheduled moment! Existing outside of
time, the omniscience of God determined the birthplace, ministry, life, and death of the
Messiah. This is the meaning of Revelation 13:8 when it says Christ was “slain before the
foundations of the earth.” Before the sun cast its light or the constellations glittered from
the sky, God ordained Christ to be the Timepiece of human history. He is the express
One for whom time exists and it is He that gives time its context and meaning.

I want you to especially notice what all this means to those whose devotion is such that
they can say they are ‘in Christ’ and truly ‘abide in Him.’ To “abide in Christ” (John 15:1-
11). means that God wraps every moment of your life with purpose, meaning, and
destiny! Perhaps that is difficult to accept when life suddenly unravels and we experience
sickness, loss, or slander. But this is why Genesis unveils the narrative of Joseph’s life.

For years, people misunderstood, misjudged, and maligned Joseph; even those of his
own household! You can imagine how Joseph recoiled from it all. It reached the point to
where his brothers conspired and sold him into slavery. This was no way to treat
someone destined to be a Prince. But not long after his enslavement his master’s wife
falsely accused him and he was hauled to prison. Years passed. Time was ticking. And
Joseph wondered if there was any chance of his dreams coming true. But each time he
questioned God he heard something say: “Be still, Joseph. I’m priming you.” It wasn’t long
until Joseph gained favor and ran the compound. Now with the keys he could pick a
midnight hour for a jailbreak! But by this time Joseph knew that wasn’t God’s plan and he
could hear God’s voice saying, “Be patient Joseph, I’m priming you.” And he was right,
because at the appointed hour, Pharaoh called for Joseph to interpret his dreams. And
when Pharaoh heard the excellence of Joseph’s speech he knew the words originated
with God. That’s when Pharaoh lifted him up and said, “Come here Joseph. I’m priming
you. You are now my Prime Minister. All that I have is under your jurisdiction”!

Always remember, from slander to betrayal; from enslavement to imprisonment; from the
prison to the palace: “our times are in God’s hands”!
18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed
into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Now for a closing thought about “time.” There are two Greek words that help us
understand the concept of time. One word is chronos, and it expresses the ‘unfettered
stream of time.’ The other Greek word is Kairos, and it identifies “a moment filled with
meaning and purpose.” It is a moment so significant that it can impact the rest of your life!
Can you see the consequence of chronos intersecting with kairos? Along the stream of
time events both advantageous and adverse occur. Somebody hurts us or God promotes
us. We achieve a milestone or we miserably fail. Either way, we wonder ‘What’s next’?

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 21

But what comes next isn’t in your power. Christ controls your future. Trust Him! Believe
Him. Because there is a “Next”!

The book, Fractal Time by Braden is of immense help to us by providing alternative ways
to bridge the gaps between our imaginations and reality and Braden gives us 20 keys of
conscious creation to interpret the imaginations into reality. Efforts are now under way to
stop and reverse many of the negative social, economic and developmental phenomena I

The 2012 end date has been collecting these theories like a dark suit in a cat hospital.
However, American Indian cosmology, especially of the Maya, teaches that it is more
important to realize the date as the beginning of another World Age at the completion of a
5,125 year cycle, and view it as an opportunity to radically shift in consciousness, rather
than preparing for the “end.”

The Maya “viewed the conditions of the galaxy as converging in a perfect way to serve as
a cosmic midwife. From this perspective, the great birth that 2012 is facilitating is a
spiritual one.

We are all connected to each other on this planet.The Tibetan message is one of
compassion for life beginning with healing the wounds of the heart and mind. The Maya
tradition speaks of a union of the Eagle and the Condor, the mind and the heart with the
masculine and feminine working together. They speak of the need for mankind to
champion the life of each other and the planet in unity like the fingers as part of one hand.
We are connected through our hearts. We are connected through love and compassion.

In a beautiful film entitled, The Shift of Ages, a Mayan elder says, “ The longest road you’ll
ever walk is from your mind to your heart.” In the Torah, a message speaking to this time
speaks of a destruction of a way of living. Within the context of the same message is the
question, “Will you change it?” suggesting choice and opportunity for a shift of thinking
and consciousness.

A second Hopi Prophecy Rock is said to have a pictograph of a rectangular object that is
said to be a way to connect all of mankind by Hopi elders. It is suggested that this shape
is not extraterrestrial, but a computer, or the Internet. Our beliefs and emotions are
tempered by experience and relationship with nature, others and the universe itself.
Personal, family, community, global events and situations affect how we experience life
on a daily basis through local and global media. We are connected through the sound
and light waves to each other via Internet. What is happening in Syria, China, Norway or
Connecticut is accessible to once remote areas separated from the rest of the world by
communication accessibility. We have a relationship with each other on this planet. What
happens in one part of the world affects everyone’s life: the air we breathe, the oceans
that connect us, the destruction of forests, exploitation of human beings, war, violence,
and inability to see with our hearts.

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 22

We each have a relationship with each other on this planet. Earth belongs to everyone.
The power of the realization on this journey is that your heart lives in the now. The
question, “Will you change it?” is the transformational opportunity of this instant and
ongoing recognition of how much you have to offer to this process personally, globally
and universally. You are an important piece of the puzzle.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is
clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. ~Max Ehrmann from The

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 23


6. Reference

1) Damasio, A. (2012). Self comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious

Brain. Publisher: Vintage; Reprint edition
2) Damasio, A. (2010). Self comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
Date: 11/9/2010 Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.

3) Braden, Greg. (2012). Practical Times: The secret of and the New World
4) Gregg Braden, (2012). Awakening New Wisdom through science and
spirituality. New York Times best-selling author of Deep Truth, Fractal Time
(Secret of 2012),

5) Braden, G. (2012). The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and
6) Edgar Morin. In Morin and Grèzes,(2008).Seven Complex Lessons in
Education for the Future.
7) Morin, E. in Morin and Grèzes, (2008).The Humanity of Humanity. The
Human Identity. . Nelson, B. The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain: A
Neurologist's Search for the God Experience.
8) Morin, E. in Morin and Grèzes, (2008). On Complexity. Nelson, B. The
Emotion Code.
9) Omae, K. (2013). The Next Global Stage.
10)Popkin Nathaniel. (Jan 23, 2013). The Great Experiment - Co-written by
Janet Benton with senior writer Nathaniel Popkin for History Making

12)Mild and Moderate Droughts in Savanna Ecological Zone of Nigeria BY Dr

Adewale Francise Olatunde: Fedral University Lokoja & Dr James K Aremu,
Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 24

13)Dr. Charles R. Morey “The Origin of the Fish-Symbol’ (Princeton
Theological Review 8.93):
14) Jeff Myers & David. A Noebel: Understanding Times- A survey of competing
world views

Felix Okechukwu Amaogu. Page 25


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