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Names of the Philosophers Summary / Main thought How is it compatible with my

own perspective of self?

1. Immanuel Kant 1. Respect others as you would 1. A person should not be used
2. David Hume respect yourself. as a tool, instrument, or device
3. Rene Descartes 2. There is no self, only a bundle to accomplish another’s private
4. John Locke of perceptions. ends. Thus all men are persons
5. St. Augustine and 3.”I Think, Therefore I Am”, the gifted with the same basic rights
Thomas Aquinas mind and soul can exist without and should treat each other as
6. Socrates the body. equals.
7. Plato 4. It is in consciousness alone 2. We have different perspective
that identity exist, not in the about the self and we have
body and soul. Memory dictates confused identity and diversity.
one’s identity. For the self to exist, the self
5. “Love and Justice as the should have the same
Foundation of the Individual impression or perspective and
Self” idea about the self.
6.”Know yourself” 3. Establishing the distinction of
7.”The ideal self, the perfect soul from the body can make
self” people believe in the afterlife
and the soul’s immortality.
4. Personal identity is the
concept about oneself that
evolves over the course of an
Individual’s life. The soul may
change, but consciousness
remains intact.
5. All knowledge leads to God.
Loving God means loving one’s
fellowmen and loving one’s
fellowmen denotes never doing
any harm to another or, as the
golden principle of justice states.
Doing unto others as you would
have them do unto you.
6. Knowledge is the
personification of good while
ignorance is that of evil. Self-
knowledge is the ultimate virtue,
it will lead to ultimate happiness.
7. Moral virtue is rooted in the
intellect and leads to happiness.
Wisdom and knowledge lead to
virtue which will lead to

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