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Understanding Covid 19

Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, first verified in Wuhan city, in
the Hubei province of China in December 2019. Covid-19 has spread to various countries in the
world, including Indonesia. The number of positive corona viruses (Covid-19) in Indonesia
continues to grow. Covid-19 was formerly known as Novel 201 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
of respiratory disease, before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared its official name
as Covid-19 in February 2020.The SARS-CoV-2 virus belongs to a family of viruses called
coronaviruses, which also include viruses that cause the common cold, and viruses that cause
more serious infections such as acute respirator
y inflammation (SARS), caused by SARS -CoV in 2002, and viruses Middle Eastern breathing
(MERS), caused by MERS-CoV in 2012. Like other coronaviruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that
causes respiratory infections, and Covid-19 severity. the disease can be changed from mild to
fatal. Serious diseases due to infections caused by pneumonia and respiratory infections

2.Symptoms that arise

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. It is
estimated that symptoms can appear between 2-14 days after exposure even though there are
isolated cases that indicate this may take longer. If you experience symptoms, you must stay at
home to prevent the spread of the disease to the community. Wearing a face mask will help
prevent the spread of the disease to others. According to a recent study published in the Annals
of Internal Medicine (March 10, 2020), the average incubation period is estimated to be 5 days,
and almost all (98%) infected patients will experience symptoms within 12 days.

3.How to prevent transmission

The best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the virus. Wash your hands regularly
and thoroughly with soap and water (foam for 20 seconds) or use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer (at least 60%). Other actions that help prevent the spread of Covid-19: avoid contact
with other people who are sick, avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes or face; cough and
sneeze cover (with tissue or to the elbow) Clean the surface with a disinfectant (alcohol-based
cleaning solution or bleach most suitable for coronavirus) To note, face masks will not protect us
from Covid-19, but will help prevent the spread of the disease to others. Make a social distance,
approximately 1-2 meters between people per person while in the crowd.

4. Maintenance

1.self isolation
2.stay hydrated
3.Take care of your diet properly
4. Take medicine when needed
5. Take care of health
6. monitor symptoms

5.the number of domestic and international victims

662.073 cases
In 200 country
132.426 get well

6.Covid 19 impact on the economy

The global economy could shrink by one percent by 2020 due to the new Corona Virus
pandemic or COVID-19, and could contract further if restrictions on economic activity are
extended without an adequate fiscal response. This was conveyed by the United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA)

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