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Social Sciences / Psychology / Experimental Psychology

Practical Research 2 reviewer

Terms in this set (65)

research data values of variables under study

variable central data in a quantitative research

variable entity that take on different values

independent variables identifies the forces for conditions that act on something else (cause)

dependent variables result or outcome of another variable (effect)

intervening variables comes between the independent and dependent

topic refers to the broad subject matter addressed by the study

a general educational issue, concern or controversy addressed in

research problem
research that narrows the topic

research problem can emanate from theories that need validation.

refers to the major intent or objective of the study used to address the

narrows the purpose into specific questions that the researcher would
Research question
like to address in the study

sources of research problems
research recommendations

exist in various settings

list key variables; written in scientific or technical style; be concise and

not repetitive; not explicitly provide reference to the research design

description that leads reader to understanding the research questions

and appreciate why they are asked.

Background of the study

introduce and briefly define the variables.

Narrative hook serves the important function of drawing the reader into the study

It causes the reader to pay attention, elicit emotional or attitudinal

Narrative hook responses, spark interest, and encourage the reader to continue

Statistical data
convincing narrative hooks:
provocative question
Practical Research 2 reviewer
Statistical data clear need for research

Provocative question intent or purpose of the study

a written summary of journal articles, books, and other documents that

Review of related literature
describes the past and current state of information.

it justifies your choice of research

establish importance of the topic

purpose of review of related literature provide background info needed to understand the study

prove researchers familiarity

establish your study as one link in a chain of research

contains the purpose statement. It limits the scope by focusing on some

thesis outlining
variables mentioned in the study.

Prediction of the possible outcomes of a study. It is a statement in which

Research hypothesis a researcher makes a prediction through attributes and/or variables as
well as characteristics.

Null hypothesis there is no significant difference

Conceptual framework a diagram that connects variables of the study with the lines or arrows

Conceptual framework represents the synthesis of literature on how to explain a phenomena

Conceptual framework A map that will guide the researchers

Theoretical framework the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study

important terms used in the study with their definitions and/or how they
Definition of terms
are used.

Conceptual definition coming from a book or dictionary

Operational definition terms used in research; defined on how it is used in the study.

used to structure the research, to show how of the major parts of the
research design
research project

Types of quantitative design



aims to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given

population or area of interest, factually and accurately.

Observational methods to document and describe animal or human behavior

Case studies in depth study of an individual or a small group of people

Practical Research 2 reviewer

uses surveys to describe the attitudes, opinions, or behavior of the
Survey's research design

aims to describe and measure the degree of the association between

Correlational methods
two or more variables or set of scores.

determines the extent to which two variables (or more) co-vary, that is, a
change in one variable are reflected an outcome

Prediction seeks to identify variables that will predict an outcome on criterion

tests on idea to determine whether it influences an outcome.


Used when researcher wants to establish possible cause and effect

Random method third method in the research design

Quasi-experiment include assignment but not random assignment of participants

represent a modification of the between group design in which the

researcher studies two or more

the higher the degree of variation within the population, the smaller the
homogeneity of the population
sample size that can be utilized

derived by the researcher. A large sample size will result in greater

Degree of the precision

Calmorin's formula used when population is more than 100

total population equal or more than 100, the same number may serve as
Universal sampling
the sample size

Population group of individuals with the same characteristics

target population group of individuals with some common defining characteristics

Sample subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study

sample unit basic level of investigation

census accounting of the complete population

sampling error any error that occurs in the survey because a sampling is used

master list of the population (total/partial) from which the sample will
sample frame
be drawn

the degree to which the sample frame fails to account for all of the
Sample frame error
defined units in the population

Practical sampling
2 reviewer ratio of a sample size to population size
instrument the key to finding answers to your questions

researcher-made must be tested for validity and reliability

researcher must explain its parts, and how the instrument will be

Reliability refers to the dependability, or consistency of a measurement instrument

validity the accuracy of a measuring instrument.

Criterion extent to which an instrument compares favorably

measures with multiple indicators, to examine whether the various

construct validity
indicators operate consistently

survey research standardized questionnaires or interviews to collect data

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