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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)
SEM/AY First Semester/2020-2021
Module No. 2
Lesson Title The history of Computer
Week Duration 1
Date August 31 – Sep 4, 2020
Description of Living in the IT Era is one of the 3-unit elective courses offered for General
the Lesson Education under the Mathematics, Science, and Technology strand. The course
explores the science, culture and ethics of information technology, along with
its uses and applications for personal, professional, and social advancement.

Learning Outcomes
Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning  Ability to learn the history of computer and understand how the computer
Outcomes evolves from complex to more user-friendly equipment.
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives  Identify the different improvement in the generations of computer; and
 Determine the different developers of computer system during the
evolution phase.

Student Learning Strategies

Online Activities A. Online Discussion via Google Meet

This module is taken during the third meeting of the course. For further
Asynchronous) instructions, refer to your Google Classroom and see the schedule of
modules/activities in your course guide for the whole semester.

B. Learning Guide Questions

Here are a list of questions to ask regarding this lesson:

 When was the year that computer started?

 What is the first computer to solve a full range of computing problems?
 What are the technologies on each development?


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Lecture Guide

The Evolution of Computer

The term computer originally meant a person capable of performing
basic numerical calculation with the help of the mechanical computing device.
The evolution of computer started way back in 1930’s. History of computer
dates back to the invention of a mechanical adding machine in 1642.
The abacus, also called a counting
frame, is a calculating tool used primarily
in parts of Asia for performing arithmetic
processes. Today, abacuses are often
constructed as a bamboo frame with beads
sliding on wires, but originally they were
beans or stones moved in grooves in sand or on tablets of wood, stone, or metal.
The user of an abacus who slides the
beads of the abacus by hand is called an abacist.
Abacus is an early computing tool. Logarithm was invented by John
Napier and the slide rules by William Oughtred.
Offline Activities
Paced) First Generation (Vacuum Tubes) 1939-1954
Computer in this generation was expensive and bulky. They used
machine language for computing and could solve problem at a time. Computers
during this phase could not support multitasking activities.
In electronics, a vacuum tube,
electron tube (in North America),
thermionic valve or valve (elsewhere,
especially in Britain) is a device used to
amplify, switch otherwise modify, or
create an electrical signal by controlling
the movement of electrons in a low-
pressure space.
Some special functions of vacuum tubes are
filled with low-pressure gas: these are so called soft tubes as distinct from the
hard vacuum type which have the internal gas pressure reduced as far as
possible. Almost all tubes depend on the thermionic emission of electrons.
It was in 1937 when John V. Atanasoff devised the first digital electronic
computer. Atanasoff and Berry came up with ABC prototype in November 1939.
Konrad Zuse's electromechanical "Z machine" especially the Z3 of 1941
was a notable achievement in the evolution of computers. It was the first


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
machine to include binary and floating point numbers.
The Z3 consisted of separate units, such as a punch tape reader, control
unit, floating-point arithmetic unit, and input/ output devices. With respect to
this theme, Burks et al. [BURK46] wrote.
“In as much as the completed device will be a general purpose computing
machine it should contain main organs relating to arithmetic, memory-storage,
control and connection with the human operator. It is intended that the machine
be fully automatic m character is independent of the human operator after the
competition starts."
It is important to note that the Z3 fully met Burks' requirements. Also, the
Z3 supported a special operating mode, because the Lu instruction stopped the
program and activated the input device. The human operator could check,
among other things, the contents of the Registers RI and R2 in the arithmetic
unit, he or she could perform intermediate calculations using the Registers R1
and R2, then the operator could continue running the program.

The United States (US) Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory came up

with the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC in 1946. It
came to be known as the first general purpose electronic computer Computer
during 1946 is capable of storing and saving programs of Von Neumann

ENIAC short for Electronic Numerical

Integrator And Computer, was the first
general purpose electronic computer.
It was a Turing-complete, digital
computer capable of being reprogrammed to
solve a full range of computing problems.
(U.S. Army photo, ca. 1947-1955)

ENIAC was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. Army's
Ballistic Research Laboratory, but its first use was in calculations for the
hydrogen bomb.

Second Generation (transistor) 1954-1959

Transistor made computers smaller and cheaper.

They made computers energy efficient. But
transistors were responsible for the emission of large
amount of heat from the computer.


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
A punch card or punched card (or
punch card or Hollerith card or IBM
card), is a piece of stiff paper that
contains digital information represented
by the presence or absence of holes in
predefined positions.
Early digital computers used punched cards as the primary medium for
input of both computer programs and data, with offline data entry on key punch
Stanford Research Institute brought about ERMA, Electronic Recording
Machine Accounting project, which dealt with the automation of the process of
bookkeeping in banking.
In 1959, the general electric corporation delivered its ERMA computing
system to the Bank of America in California. ERMA (Electronic Recording Machine-
Accounting), was a pioneering computer
development project run at SRI under
contract to Bank of America in order to
automate banking bookkeeping.
They were so successful in operation
that Bank of America was propelled
ahead of other banks in profitability, and
became the world's largest bank by
Bank of America's checking accounts were growing at a rate of 23,000 per month
and banks were being forced to close their doors by 2:00PM to finish daily

Third Generation (Integrated Circuit - IC) 1959-1971

The semiconductors increased the speed and efficiency of the computer.
Operating systems were the human interface to computing operations and
keyboards and monitors became the input and output devices.
In electronics, an integrated circuit (also
known as IC, microcircuit, microchip, silicon chip, or
chip) is a miniaturized electronic circuit (consisting
mainly of semiconductor devices, as well as passive
components) that has been manufactured in the
surface of a thin substrate of semiconductor material.
Integrated circuits are used in almost all
electronics equipment today and they have
revolutionized the world of electronics A hybrid


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
integrated circuit is a miniaturized electronic circuit constructed of individual
semiconductor devices, as well as passive components, bonded to a substrate or
circuit board.
In 1968, DEC launched the first minicomputer called the PDr-8.
In 1969, the development of Arpanet began with the financial backing of
the department of defense.

Fourth Generation (Microprocessor) 1971-1991

Intel produced large-scale integration circuits in 1971.
1972, Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessor.
A microprocessor incorporates most or
all of the functions of a central processing
unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit
(IC).The first microprocessors emerged
in the early 1970s and were used for
electronic calculators, using binary-
coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic on 4-bit
words. Other embedded uses of 4- and 8-
bit microprocessors, such as terminals,
printers, various kinds of automation etc,
followed rather quickly Affordable 8-bit
microprocessors with 16-bit addressing
3004365.aspx also led to the first general purpose
microcomputers in the mid-1970s
Computer processors were for a long period constructed out of small and
medium scale ICs containing the equivalent of a few to a few hundred transistors.
The integration of the whole CPU onto a single chip therefore greatly reduced
the cost of processing capacity.

Fifth Generation (Artificial Intelligence) Present - beyond

The goal of fifth generation computing is to develop computers that are

capable of learning and self-organization. The fifth generation computers use
Super Large Scale Integrated (SLSI) chips that are able to store millions of
components on a single chip. These computers have large memory

This generation of computers uses parallel processing that allows several

instructions to be executed in parallel, instead of serial execution. Parallel


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
processing results in faster processing speed. The Intel dual-.core
microprocessor uses parallel processing.
The fifth generation computers
are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
They try to simulate the human way of
thinking and reasoning. Artificial
Intelligence includes areas like Expert
System (ES), Natural Language
Processing (NLP), speech recognition,
voice recognition, robotics, etc. intelligence

 A computer originally meant a person capable of performing basic numerical
calculation with the help of the mechanical computing device.
 1930 is the year that evolution of computer started.
 In 1642, history of computers dated back to the invention of a mechanical
adding machine.
 The Abacus known as early computing tool where logarithm was invented by
John Napier and the slide rule by William Oughtred.
 In First Generation computer in this generation was expensive and bulky. It
used machine language for computing and could solve problem at a time.
Computers during this phase could not support multitasking task.
 It was in 1937 that John V. Atanasoff devised the first digital electronic
 It was in November 1939 when Atanasoff and Berry came up with ABC
 In 1941 Z3 was Konrad Zuse's notable achievement in the evolution of
 In 1946 The United States (US) Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory came up
with the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC).
 During Second Generation transistor made computers smaller and cheaper.
They made computers energy efficient.
 Stanford Research Institute brought about ERMA. Electronic Recording
Machine Accounting project, which dealt with the automation of the process of
bookkeeping in banking.
 In 1959, the general electric corporation delivered its ERMA computing system
to the Bank of America in California.
 During Third Generation semi-conductors increased its speed and efficiency of
the computer.
 In 1968, DEC launched the first minicomputer called the PDP-8.
 In 1969, the development of Arpanet began with the financial backing of the
department of defense.


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

 In 1971 Intel produced large scale integration circuits.

 1972, Intel introduced the 8080 microprocessor
 Computer system under fifth generation is based on principles of Artificial
Intelligence and Natural Language recognition.
 The abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in
parts of Asia for performing arithmetic processes.
 Abacist is the term called for the user of an abacus who slides the beads of the
abacus by hand.
 A Vacuum tube is a device used to amplify, switch, modify, or create an electrical
signal by controlling the movement of electrons in a low-pressure space.
 The Z3 consisted of separate units, such as a punch tape reader, control unit,
floating-point arithmetic unit, and input/output devices.
 ENIAC was a turning-complete, digital computer capable of being
reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems.
 Punchcard or Hollerith card, is a piece of stiff paper that contains digital
information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined
 ERMA (Electronic Recording Machine-Accounting), was a pioneering computer
development project run at SRI under contract to Bank of America in order to
automate banking bookkeeping.
 Integrated circuits are used in almost all electronic equipment in use today and
have revolutionized the world of electronics.
 A microprocessor incorporates most or all of the functions of a central
processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC).

Engaging Activities

Activity: Evolution of Computer

Directions: Summarize the evolution of computer by making a graphical

representation of each computer generation. You may use charts in any format.


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Performance Task

True or False. If the the statement is correct write True; if it is incorrect, write False. Write your
answer on the space provided

__________1. A computer originally meant a person capable of performing basic numerical calculation with
the help of the mechanical computing device.
__________2. The Abacus was known as the early computing tool which logarithm was invented by John
Clipper and the invention of slide rule by William Oughtred.
__________3. In First Generation computer in this generation were not expensive and bulky. They used
machine language for computing and could solve problem at a time. Computers during this phase could
not support multitasking task.
__________4. During the Second Generation, transistors made computers smaller and cheaper. They made
computers energy efficient.
__________5. Standard Research Institute brought about ERMA, Electronic Recording Machine Accounting
project, dealt with the automation of the process of bookkeeping in banking.
__________6. During Third Generation semiconductors decreased the speed and efficiency of the computer.
__________7. Computer system under the fifth generation is based on principles of Artificial Intelligence
and Natural Language recognition.
__________8. The abacus, also called a counting mechanism, is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of
Asia for performing arithmetic processes.
__________9. Abacist is the term referred to the user of an abacus who slides the beads of the abacus by
__________10. A Vacuum tube is a device used to amplify, switch, otherwise modify, or create an electrical
signal by controlling the movement of electrons in a low-pressure space.
__________11. The Z3 consisted of separate units, such as a punch tape reader, control unit, floating-point
arithmetic unit, and input/output devices.
__________12. ENIAC was a turning-complete, digital computer capable of being reprogrammed to solve a
full range of computing problem.
__________13. Punch Card or Hollerith card is a piece of stiff paper that contains non digital information
represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions.
__________14. ERMA (Electronic Recording Machine-Academy), was a pioneering computer development
project run at SRI under contract to Bank of America in order to automate banking bookkeeping
__________15. Integrated circuits are used in almost all electronic equipment in use today and have
revolutionized the world of electronics.


Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Understanding Directed Assess


These rubrics were used for the following activities: Evolution of computer. Use this rubrics to
assess the student’s works.

Activity: Generations of Computer

3 – Full Accomplishment – The student illustrated generations of computer in a clear and
consistent manner.
2 – Substantial Accomplishment – The student illustrated generations of computer and do so in a
somewhat consistent manner.
1 – Little Accomplishment – The student illustrated generations of computer consistently.
0 – No Accomplishment – The student made no attempt to do the activity.

Learning Resource

a. Mary A. Soriano, J. M. (2010). Computer Fundamentals. Intramuros, Manila: Mindshapers Co,.

b. Sr., A. M. (2003). Introduction to Computer. Valenzuela City: World Class Printing and Packaging.





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