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Eastern University

Assignment of Final Examination

Course information:
Course Title: Training and Development
Course Code: HRM-403

Submitted To:
Name: Mr. Rakib Ahmed
Designation: Program Coordinator (BBA Program) and
Associate Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
Eastern University

Submitted By

Nusrat Jahan Bithi

Id: 181200067

Date of Submission: 12th June, 2021

nswer to the question-(1)

Questions: 1-a) whether our employees will learn about service

recovery from attending this program.
I think yes, our employees will learn about service recovery from
attending this program. This will be beneficial to both the staff and the
hotel administration. The training program will help the employees so
many things. Offering customer service training to our employees
doesn’t just add-value for the customer; it can drive sales and give us a
strong competitive advantage. Here, I will explain four benefits that this
training programs yield for the organization, employees and customers:

1. Higher employee motivation & engagement:

Providing training on customer service allows employees to greater
understand the impact their role has on the organization. A company
that invests in training shows their employees that they care about
continual development and progress. In turn this makes employees
more engaged in the company and therefore more motivated.
Employees then become more efficient and better equipped to deal
effectively with customers. We can increase engagement a step further
by having employees involved in the development of the training
program by asking for their feedback.
2. Improved customer service skills:
Through customer service training, employees improve their skills
and/or acquire new ones. Specific customer service training programs
focus on improving communication, listening, problem-solving and
organizational skills. Training employees on the same set of
competencies gives them a standard process to deal with customers
and creates a sense of team spirit. The increased motivation and
engagement coupled with the new skills creates improved customer
service in the company.
3. Increased customer satisfaction:
Through effective training, customer service representatives increase
their ability to resolve issues and decrease the number of return calls.
Often, trained employees are able to address the concern at the first
point of contact, which greatly increases customer satisfaction. The
improved manner that employees interact with customer’s leads to the
consumer feeling appreciated and respected. This appreciation is
critical to the company’s success as it is the basis for repeated
patronage and customer loyalty.
4. Rise in profit:
What quality customer service training allows the company to achieve
is higher customer retention, the acquisition of new customers,
reduced employee turnover and increased sales. The training has a
great impact on employee motivation and morale, which leads to
increased productivity. Through the customer service training
employees come together to achieve a common goal, which is to satisfy
the customer. Think of it as an equation: improved customer service +
increased customer satisfaction + increased customer loyalty = an
increase in profit.

So, our employees will learn so many things about service recovery
from attending this program.

Question: b) Will they be able to recover from service problems in

their interactions with customers?

They will be able to recover from service problems in their interactions

with customers. To prevent a bad experience from reflecting poorly on
our organization, service recovery efforts must show customers a
sincere commitment to their satisfaction and to correcting the source
of the problem so it doesn’t happen again. Here are five ways to do
that in your organization.
1. Understand patient expectations
Every brand makes a promise to its customers. McDonald’s promises
convenience, Volvo promises safety and healthcare organizations
promise a lot.
Our organization’s brand messaging signals what customers can expect.
Grasp the implied promise that our brand makes, and we’ll better
understand how and why our organization doesn’t live up to
expectations. So do you know what our organization promises
customers? The answer won’t come from our marketing
department. Customers are the only people who can tell us what they
expect from us, and how they’re interpreting what we’re trying to
communicate about our organization.
To understand our customers’ expectations, we have to understand
how they make service decisions. We have to learn the thoughts they
have, not only at every touch point and interaction with our
organization, but also before they even seek service.
So talk to our customers. Find out what promises they perceive our
brand as making to them. And when things go wrong, ask, how did we
break that promise? How did we fail to live up to our customers’
expectations? Once we can answer those questions, we can begin
to recover patient loyalty.
2. Give customers an easy way to voice their concerns and provide
Service recovery is time-sensitive. For it to work, our staff must act fast.
But they can’t act on problems they don’t know about. That’s why it’s
so important for our organization to hear customer concerns promptly.
While still in our facility, customers may feel uncomfortable voicing
candid feedback. And many customer-satisfaction surveys take four to
six weeks to reach a customer’s mailbox. By then, it’s likely too late to
solve whatever problem they may have had.
Fortunately, technology allows organizations to reach out to customers
immediately after their service experience, and to gather their feedback
with a simple text message or phone call. That’s a service recovery
opportunity that service organizations shouldn’t neglect. Getting
feedback from customers in real time enhances our understanding of
service failures, and enables more timely responses to concerns. This
way, issues and concerns have a higher likelihood of being corrected
while they’re still relevant to customers.
3. Embrace the process of empathy
Customers want empathy and validation of their feelings after a service
mishap. That may come more naturally to some staff than others.
The good news is that empathy is a process that can be learned,
practiced, and improved. One helpful acronym to follow in inculcating
empathy is LEAD, which US Airways uses in its service recovery efforts.
L—Listen. This is the essential first step toward understanding.
Attentive listening will show the customer that your concern is genuine.
And once in a while, it can be the last step, too: sometimes a dis-
satisfied customer just needs to vent.
E—Empathize. It’s critical to verbally acknowledge customers’ feelings,
and to validate them. Show them that we believe that their concerns
are both reasonable and important.
A—Apologize. This may be the most important step. A good apology
must be sincere and start with “I.” “We” apologies feel institutional,
impersonal, and insincere. Remember that we’re not accepting blame;
we’re expressing regret for the problem. Customers appreciate that.
D—Deliver. Make amends. Offer solutions relevant to the problem. If
we personally can’t fix the problem, connect the customer with
someone who can.
Although following these steps can’t undo a service failure, it can go a
long way toward making things right.
4. Provide staff with the ability to act
Staff members want customers to feel good about their service
experiences. It gives staff members pride to know they’re meeting
customers’ expectations, and makes their workdays easier.
With the concern resolution process, leaders play a direct role in
supporting staff by giving staff members the autonomy to resolve
problems to which customers call attention. Leaders can and should
give their staff the education training and resources they need to
resolve issues at the front line.
Having greater autonomy to correct concerns at the points where they
occur allows staff to engage with customers as human beings and
create a more meaningful interaction with them. Genuine moments of
connection happen when staff members reach past their task-based
roles to these authentic personal interactions. Autonomy also allows
staff members to exercise creative problem-solving and critical thinking,
which helps them, feels more, invested in the service-recovery
5. Use customer feedback to improve
Marshall Field, the great department-store magnate, once said, “Those
who complain teach how I may please others so that more customers
will come. Only those hurt me who are displeased, but do not complain.
They refuse me permission to correct my errors and thus improve my
That’s a critical attitude for healthcare leaders to emulate. Concerns are
not a problem to wish away. They are opportunities for you to learn
how to improve your service and win customers.
When we take feedback to heart, not only will we improve our
business, we’ll also be showing our customers that their opinions
matter. That will strengthen our customers’ relationship with our
organization, and earn their loyalty and trust.

Question: c) What recommendations do you have for improving the

I will recommend Training Modules for improving the program. Based
on what we learned about program design, consider changes we would
make to improve the training program. Specially, consider the design of
the program. There are three training sessions, but they are all the
same. The only difference is when the training session will be offered:
morning, afternoon and evening. Each session will last for three hours
and approximately 20-40 employees will attend.
Develop a training module that explains what the training participants
should do during the three hours. For example, should they listen to
presentation? Do role plugs? Read and discuss case studies? Creating a
table similar to this one:
Training Module Description Time Spent (3 hours)
Training overview & icebreaker trainees will listen to a presentation
that describes the purpose, goals and overview of the training session.
Trainees will complete an icebreaker activity. Specifically, they will state
their name, position title, and describe their best guest experience at a
hotel. 15 minutes.
Hotel guest metrics trainees will listen to a presentation about the
metrics the hotel uses to evaluate the experiences of hotel guests. 15
Hotel guest strategies trainees will learn about specific strategies they
can use to improve the guest experience. Specifically, they will learn
about the following strategies they can use (1) during guest check-in,
(2) at the hotel restaurant ,(3) when a guest complaints about their
hotel room, and (4) during guest checkout 45 minutes.
Hotel Gates scenarios trainees will participate in role plays including
checking in guests, servicing guests at the hotel restaurant, responding
to a guest complaint, checking out guests. During the role-plays they
will be evaluated and rated on their interaction with guest 90 minutes.
Quiz and wrap-up trainees will complete a quiz about the strategies
they learned during training. Finally, they will write about three actions
they will complete at work to improve the experiences of the hotel
guests 15 minutes.

I think that’s how they can improve the program.

Answer to the Question no-2
Question: a. Describe the different types of instructional
characteristics that this program should have for learning and transfer
to occur resulting in a decrease in injuries and accident.
Safety is very important aspect in factory to avoid injuries and
accidents. The injuries and accidents depend on type of factory and
safety measures taken. So all employees should have knowledge of
safety that tend to result in most injuries, including walking/path of
travel around trains, rails, and equipment, pinch points between the
railway cars, and climbing or descending locomotives and railway cars.
Describing the different types of instructional characteristics that this
program should have for learning and transfer to occur resulting in a
decrease in injuries and accident:
Instructional characteristics
1. first aid training
2. Firefighting training
3. Building evacuation training
4. Machine handling skills in case of accident
First aid training
First aid training gives us the information and the skills we need to help
adults and children during many emergency situations. The first aid
training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete,
but can help us deliver the care that someone needs while waiting for
medical professionals to arrive.
Firefighting training
Training consists of basic knowledge and skills in exterior firefighting
operations.  Duties are performed from the exterior of the structure
and away from areas that may be immediately dangerous to life and
health, including safe response, scene security and exposure protection
Building evacuation training
There are many reasons why a building or a group of buildings may
need Building Evacuation Planning and training, including:
 Fires
 Chemical Spills
 Toxic or Explosive Gas Releases,
 Explosions
 Violent Behavior, and
 Bomb Threats.
The larger the building, the more organization is required to ensure
everyone is evacuated effectively and as safely as possible. But
regardless of the size or type of building or buildings, or number of
employees, every organization should have a tried and tested
evacuation plan. This program shows how to plan for workplace
emergencies and evacuations and covers:
 The Evacuation Plan
 The Evacuation Team
 The Chief Warden
 Your Responsibility
 Training and Practice
Every Building must have a tried and tested evacuation plan, and
everyone must be familiar with it and know their role.
Machine handling skills in case of accident
Machine handling covers a wide range of activities including: lifting,
pushing, and pulling, holding, restraining, throwing and carrying. It
includes repetitive tasks such as packing, typing, assembling, cleaning
and sorting, using hand-tools, operating machinery and equipment, and
handling and restraining animals.
Your workplace occupational health and safety coordinator can give
you advice about managing the risks associated with manual handling. 
Organizations can offer information and advice on modifying the
workplace or work practices to reduce the risk of machine handling
Question: b) Would these characteristics vary depending on who was
attending the program (e.g., managers, train crew, employees who
maintain track, structures, or signals)? If so, how would they vary?
The instructional characteristics will vary depending on whom is
attending the training program such as:
1. Accounts and office employees not involved in production process
require only firefighting and safety training as well as first aid
training as well as how to evacuate buildings. They never handle
2. Production process employees are taught to handle the machines
they work with
3. Security guards will have their own set of instructions to train on
how to execute evacuation procedures, fight fires as well as first
Managers are not involved in production process. Normally they
manage the organization but then also First Aid training, firefighting
training, Building evacuating training and Machine handling skills in
case of accident programs is also important for them. So that, in case
the situation gets worse, at least they can help.
Train Crew
Train crew normally serves the passengers of Trains. It’s their duty to
take care of all the passengers. So First aid training and firefighting
training is a must for them. Because anyone can get hurt or became sick
anytime and in the running train it’s not possible to go Hospital.
For employees these characteristics training program is must for them.
In the organization anytime they can get sick, or they can get hurt, or
caught fire in the organization so for these situations they must need to
be prepared. An employer should therefore ensure that an employee
who is injured or taken ill at work receives immediate attention. The
Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to
provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel
to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or
become ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including
those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed.

One of the first things we learned during these training programs is that
we must look after ourselves and ensure our own safety as a priority.
It’s not being selfish, it’s being practical. Keeping ourselves safe means
we are in a position to help others rather than needing help ourselves.
Having this knowledge makes us more aware of our own health and
alert to potential hazards posed by our surroundings.

Answer to the Question no-4

Question: a) What outcomes should AMP collect to determine the
effectiveness of the Career Changer Program (Training Program)?
Effective training is one of the many ways that organizations are
developing a competitive advantage, so it is essential to measure the
effectiveness of training programs regularly to determine if any
adjustments need to be made. Measuring the effectiveness of a training
program can be quite costly to an organization; however with a
structured evaluation system in place, it can make the process of
evaluation more cost effective. The Kirkpatrick training analysis model
will enable AMP to determine the effectiveness of their Career Changer
Program. According to the text there are six categories of training
outcomes: Reactions, Learning or cognitive, Behavior and skill-based,
Affective, Result and Return on investment outcomes
1: Reaction- Overall satisfaction with the Career Changer Program
2: Learning- Test AMP employee’s knowledge and skill by having them
undertake pre and post job assessments
3: Behavioral- Employees to be measured on how they use the skills
and knowledge acquired in the program and how they have transferred
training to the job
4: Affective- By using affective outcomes, AMP will be able to collect
evaluations that include our tolerance for diversity, employee
engagement, motivation to learn, safety attitudes, and customer
service orientation.
5: Results- AMP to measure if business results have improved since
implementing the program
6: Return on investment- AMP should assess whether the cost of
training has been superseded by the benefits of the training.

The above information should be collected during the evaluation

process to determine whether the skills and knowledge gained during
the program have been successfully transferred and applied to the job.
Reaction, learning and behavior will determine what was learned, how
confident employees feel using the knowledge learned and how
relatable the training content was to the job. Results and Return on
investment will determine the overall effectiveness of the program on
the organization and whether it has improved the overall business
By using the reactions outcome, AMP can gain knowledge on the
trainees; perception of the program with includes the facilities, training,
and content of the program being offered. The learning for cognitive
outcome can help the company because it can be used "to determine
the degree to which trainees are familiar with principles, facts,
techniques, procedures, and processes emphasized in the training
program". Initially this step measures what knowledge the trainees
have learned in the program. AMP should use behavior and skill-based
outcomes because it will help the company asses "the level of technical
or motor skills and behaviors". By using affective outcomes, AMP will
be able to collect evaluations that include our tolerance for diversity,
employee engagement, motivation to learn, safety attitudes, and
customer service orientation. Results will be a major benefit for the
company because it will actually allow them to "determine the training
programs payoff for the company". With this they can truly see the
results of what is effective, what is not, and what benefits it has had
towards the employees and the company. Lastly, by using return on
investment, AMP can compare the trainings monetary benefits with
that actually cost of the training. AMP will be able to see if they are
gaining or losing money with their career changer program.

Question: 4-b) what evaluation design should it use? Explain your

choice of outcomes and design.
Every evaluation is essentially a research or discovery project. Your
research may be about determining how effective your program or
effort is overall, which parts of it are working well and which need
adjusting, or whether some participants respond to certain methods or
conditions differently from others. If your results are to be reliable, you
have to give the evaluation a structure that will tell you what you want
to know. That structure, the arrangement of discovery- is the
evaluation’s design.

The evaluation design AMP should use is the Pre-test/Post-test with

Comparison group. This evaluation design compares the skills gained by
the trainees post training with the comparison group that are expected
to have similar skills, knowledge and behaviors to those desired upon
completion of the training program.

Out of the multiple evaluation design programs, I think that AMP

should implement the pretest/post-test with comparison group in
order to determine how effective their career changer program is. A
pretest/post-test with comparison group is defined as, "an evaluation
design that includes trainees and a comparison". Both groups have
their pre-training and post-training collected and then if the overall
improvement is higher for the training group than the comparison
group, then it provides evidence that the training program is initially
responsible for the change. This evaluation design is said to be "one of
the most extensively used methods for evaluating research". According
to an article analyzing this specific evaluation design the, "Random
assignment it is an important feature of the comparison group design
and separates it from nonequivalent group designs". It is important that
when conducting this research you randomly determine who will be in
the training group and who will be in the competition group that way
your results are as accurate as possible.

Answer to the Question no-5

Question: a. How would you conduct a needs assessment to
determine if new lenders are starting their jobs without the necessary
knowledge and skills to perform well, and if the organization of the
training curriculum (or another training issue) is responsible for this
“A needs assessment is a systematic process to acquire an accurate,
thorough picture of a system’s strengths and weaknesses, in order to
improve it and meet existing and future challenges.” In the needs
assessment, the first process would be an organizational analysis. This
is an analysis that identifies whether training supports the company’s
strategic direction, whether manager, peers, and employees support
training activity and what training resources are available. Peer and
manager support for training is a very big deal. If a company wants
training success they need positive attitudes from every employee
about participation in training activities. The next process would be
deciding whether Summit Credit Union wants to devote time and
money to training.
A needs assessment is a systematic process to acquire an accurate,
horrors picture of a system’s strengths and weaknesses, in order to
improve it and meet existing and future challenges.
In the needs assessment, the first process would be an organizational
analysis. This is an analysis that identifies whether training supports the
company’s strategic direction, whether manager, peers, and employees
support training activity and what training resources are available. Peer
and manager support for training is a very big deal. If a company wants
training success they need positive attitudes from every employee
about participation in training activities.
The next process would be deciding whether Summit Credit union
wants to devote time and money to training. They have to decide
whether they want to develop a trailing program or if they should buy
one from a vendor. The last process which would be the most
Important to Summit Credit union is a person analysis. “This analysis
helps identify which employees need training; that is, whether
employees’ current performance or expected performance indicates a
need for training.”
It also identifies a person’s current capabilities and those identified as
necessary or desirable. Person needs analysis can be either broad or
narrow in scope. ” By going with the broader scope this would allow the
company to see if the training curriculum is the reason for the problem
or if another training issue is. It would compare actual performance
with the minimum acceptable standard of performance. It is based on
the actual, Job performance of the employee and can be used to
determine training needs for the job and company.

Question: b) Who would be involved in the needs assessment

process? Express your opinion carefully.
Every leader of the company would be involved in the needs
assessment process.
The needs assessment would involve every leader of the company. I
would also involve managers and supervisors. This would help me
figure out exactly why the new leaders are starting their jobs without
the proper knowledge and skills that are used for their job. It would
also allow me to see if it is the training curriculum or something else
dealing with training such as the people that are training them.
Depending on the budget we could also include the employees to see if
they are getting their proper training since the new leaders are not yet
knowledgeable enough to teach the employees how to do the job the
right way.
Process of Training Need Assessment
1. Set Clear Business Objectives
first, identify the objectives of training. Is the company’s goal to
reduce costs? Improve innovation? Or is maybe the aim to
become more efficient? Understanding the performance areas
that employees need to improve on in order to help the company
achieve its goals is the key to the next step.
2. Identify The Competencies Needed to achieve them
once you know what employees must improve on,
identify how they will improve. In other words, which knowledge
and skills will they need to develop in order to become more
productive, efficient or innovative?
3. Remove Learning and Performance Obstacles
next, through surveys and other evaluation techniques, identify
any obstacles that would prevent employees from learning and
developing their knowledge and skills. This could be anything
from poor training delivery methods, to a lack of management
4. Provide The Appropriate Training
finally, armed with information from the previous 2 steps, design
and deliver the most appropriate training for each employee or
team’s needs.
So depending on the budget we could also include the employees to
see if they are getting their proper training since the new leaders are
not yet knowledgeable enough to teach the employees how to do the
Job the right way.

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