VNU by Me

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What present will you choose to give your close

friend for his/her birthday?

Main answer: There are many choices in such a special event, as for me, I will give
my close friend a book. I have 3 reasons for this.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, once you give your friend a book, you definitely want to give him/her a
healthy way to relax. Actually, with the endless popularity of laptops and
smartphones, many people become addictive to technology, which really does harm
to their health. So, reading books helps my friend not squander time on them. Next,
should I give him/her a real-page turner, he can like it and this helps create a good
habit, reading books in spare time.
Secondly, this gift also makes sense in broadening knowledge. I need be aware of
my friend's taste in reading such as about fields as sport, economy, fashion to name
but a few. Furthermore, inspirational books also give him/her motivation and skills
to apply into life. For example, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is
deserved reading. Finally, when I give my friend a book, I could make sure a bit
that he/she will keep it in care. In fact, books are usually respected by many people
and it can be kept on bookshelves carefully. Besides, my friend is not likely to have
trouble in bringing it once he/she goes to school or work.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I choose book as a present for my friend's
Such a/an + noun phrase: Một cái gì như vậy
Endless popularity: Sự phổ biến không hồi kết
Become addictive to: Trở nên nghiện
Squander time on = Waste time
Real-page turner: Sách gối đầu giường
Make sense (idiom): Có ý nghĩa
Broaden knowledge: Mở mang kiến thức
Be aware of = Know
Taste in reading: Khẩu vị đọc
To name but a few = So on
Inspirational book: Sách truyền cảm hứng
Be deserved + V_ing: Đáng làm gì
Keep O in care: Giữ gìn cẩn thận
Have trouble/difficulty in: Gặp khó khăn trong
Talk about a memorable meal that you have
Main answer: I would like to talk about the meal my friends and I used to cook for
around 50 children in need at Sun Flower love shelter last year because of 3 reasons.
Supporting ideas: Firstly, the children who we cooked for and enjoyed that meal
together have really special circumstance. Some of them are fatherless or
motherless children. Their parent has trouble in ensuring their physical and mental
growth, so they ask the love shelter's help to nurture them. Others are abandoned or
even illegitimate children. They're really deplorable because they don't have anyone
among their relatives anymore.
Secondly, the dishes which we cooked are quite simple but they were our love
and sympathy to the orphans. At that time, we prepared a 3-course meal including
sour soup, fried rice and dumpling. We had main charge of cooking this meal and the
shelter's custodians gave us a hand. The most time-consuming stage is going to the
market. As a result, we started early, at 4 a.m. before washing, chopping food, tasting
and enjoying our accomplishment along with the kids.
Finally, I find this meal memorable in the virtue of its mean and influence on the
children. Actually, I believe the cozy atmosphere during the meal helped them not
feel alone or isolated in this society. Moreover, it is also a great motivation for them
to resiliently overcome difficulties. My friends and I simply want them to realize that
many humanitarians are willing to help them.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I chose to talk about this memorable meal.
Children in need: Trẻ em gặp khó khăn
Love shelter: Mái ấm tình thương
Circumstance (n): Hoàn cảnh sống mà mình không thể kiểm soát
Fatherless | Motherless (adj): Không cha | Không mẹ
Have trouble (in) ST: Gặp khó khăn trong
Physical and mental growth: Sự phát triển thể chất và tinh thần
Nurture (v): Nuôi dưỡng
Abandoned children: Trẻ em bị bỏ rơi
Illegitimate children: Trẻ em không được pháp luật thừa nhận
Deplorable (adj): Đáng thương
Have charge of: Phụ trách về
Custodian (n): Người trông coi, chăm sóc nơi nào đó
Give SO a hand: Giúp ai đó một tay
In the virtue of = Because of
Cozy atmosphere: Bầu không khí ấm áp
Isolated (adj): Bị cô lập
Resilient (adj): Kiên cường
Humanitarian (n): Nhà hảo tâm
Homeschooling is an idea to develop education.
Do you agree or disagree?
In comparison with the past, there are many forms of education applied to people
these days as a result of the increasing studying need. The vast majority of people
have preference in letting their children go to the traditional schools while some
choose one of the contemporary educational method, homeschooling. Generally,
there are the pros and cons for each educational style and private reasons from
learners as well as their family. In my viewpoint, I opine that homeschooling has
some unforeseen risks.
Firstly, it is not easy to claim that homeschooling could guarantee a better quality
of education for our children than that at conventional schools. Actually, should
they study at home, they are not likely to be equipped facilities such as library,
laboratory, playground. Besides, many people usually attribute the knowledge
overload to the main reason they are not willing to send their children to schools;
however, they also have difficulties in defining what knowledge is essential for
them. Moreover, homeschooling can be considered to be ineffective in terms of
teachers, who are often learner's parents. In fact, they are not as professional and
patient as those who work as real teachers at school with the quality of expertise,
teaching techniques and experience.
Secondly, children need to study in an environment like schools which helps them
both absorb theoretical knowledge and practice it through hands-on activities with
their friends. Admittedly, beside studying in class, children also get the time to
enhance soft skills together. For example, teamwork and resolving problems play a
vital role in their maturation in the future. Moreover, playing with friends makes
sense in getting rid of their inferiority in communication with friends, even all of
them could become a good company of friends as time goes on, homeschooling is
difficult to do this.
Finally, homeschooling has been not proven to be efficient due to lack of
qualifications for learners. Indeed, after children expend a period of time on
studying at schools, they will receive degrees or other forms of graduation
recognition which help them fulfill some requirements later. By way of illustration,
enrolling in higher education or applying for scholarships. On the other hand, almost
all recruiters expect well qualified candidates finishing the foundation level of
education at a prestigious educational facility, which also helps applicants land a
decent job.
In conclusion, I disagree homeschooling is an idea to develop education. This
method contains risks of guaranteed quality of education, children's ability to
improve soft skills and lack of qualifications for learners.
In comparison with: So sánh với Hands-on: Thực tế, ứng dụng
As a result of: Như là kết quả của Get the time: Có thời gian
Have preference in: Có sự ưu tiên trong Play a vital role: Đóng vai trò thiết yếu
Contemporary (adj): Đương thời Maturation (n): Sự trưởng thành
Opine that (v): Bày tỏ quan điểm Make sense (idiom): Có ý nghĩa
Conventional (adj) = Traditional (adj)
Get rid of: Loại bỏ
Attribute ST to ST: Quy ST cho ST
Inferiority: (n): Sự tự ti
A company of friends: Nhóm bạn thân
Have difficulty (in): Gặp khó khăn As time goes on: Theo thời gian
trong Expend time + on/in: Dành thời gian
In terms of (idiom): Về mặt By way of illustration = For example
Absorb = Study = Learn Prestigious (adj): Uy tín
Theoretical knowledge: Kiến thức lý Land a decent job: Kiếm được công
thuyết việc tốt

Talk about the behaviour that encourages or

makes you angry in public places.
Main answer: I would like to talk about the smoking behavior, one of the very
popular bad habits making me unpleasant.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, smoking in public places really gets on others' nerves. Actually,
when someone smokes, others accidentally become passive smokers because of
getting exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Especially, it's too
unpleasant at some places like bus stops, hospitals, restaurants. Moreover,
smoke is extremely detrimental to health of vulnerable people as pregnant
women, children and the elderly breathe it.
Secondly, this behavior is in danger of fire. In fact, this will happen when
smoke exposes to flammable materials such as gasoline from vehicles or
alcohol in hospitals. Besides, to be honest, there are not few unconscious
smokers who throw cigarette or the embers without any observation.
Finally, I feel angry over smoking in the virtue of its possibility of causing
the air pollution. Actually, fumes from cigarettes spoil the air as badly as the
emission from vehicles or machines. Obviously, smoking brings the
environment nothing but ruin. As a result, smoking contributes to exacerbate
the global warming these days.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I chose to talk about this behavior.
Get on one's nerves (idom) = annoy
Passive smoker: Người hút thuốc thụ động
Get exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: Tiếp xúc với môi trường đầy
khói thuốc
Detrimental (adj) = Harmful
Pregnant women: Phụ nữ mang thai
The elderly: Người lớn tuổi
Flammable material: Vật liệu, nguyên liệu dễ cháy
Unconscious smoker: Người hút thuốc vô ý thức
Embers (n): Tàn thuốc
In the virtue of (idiom) = because of
Fumes | Emission (n): Khói (thải ra từ thuốc, xe cộ,...)
Spoil the air: Hủy hoại không khí
Nothing but ruin: Chẳng có gì ngoại trừ hủy hoại
Exacerbate (v): Làm tệ đi
Global warming: Trái đấm ấm lên

What do you prefer to get married or to be

It is true that virtually everyone someday wonders themselves whether they
would like to get married. Inevitably, single or married life brings the pros and
cons to most of us. In my opinion, I have preference in marriage instead of
being a single person in the virtue of some reasons.
First of all, marriage opens the door to interesting experiences of family
life. Actually, when reaching adult, the vast majority of people essentially need
a real family-oriented environment to become more mature. Having a family
forces us to learn how to resolve problems and reconcile new relationships or
circumstances which we have never ever encountered in advance. Besides,
starting a family is akin to embarking on new journey where we accumulate
new merits. For example, we need absorb and practice knowledge of building
and nurturing the life of family. In short, marriage is a really colorful life.
Secondly, married life gives us a chance to share certain responsibilities
and goals with our spouse. In essence, both of them share both liability and
roles in terms of family cultivation, bearing, educating children and
diversifying their life. In fact, should we get married, we can easily realize
these in a possibly perfect way. Moreover, along with a partner, we could also
raise possibility of some intentions related to life, work or community.
Evidence suggests our spouse is likely to be a profound source of
encouragement to make plans come in reality, which is really tough when
living alone.
Finally, marriage makes sense in getting rid of some drawbacks of lonesome.
Evidence attests that being single has bad influence upon our physical and
mental well-being. We really need someone to share with, listen to us or
have a certain discussion on topics in life, work. In this way, we prevent
ourselves from the autism or isolation. On the other hand, in case we could get
stuck in risks of health, safety or certain cases of emergency, our spouse
would be the first help. They can take care of or even take us to hospital
In conclusion, I subscribe to the belief that we had better get married and have
preference in married life rather than becoming singles.

Virtually (adv): Mostly, mainly Accumulate (v): Tích lũy

The pros and cons: Advantages & Merit (n): Value
disadvantages Nurture (v): Nuôi dưỡng
Reaching adult: Đến tuổi trưởng thành In essence: Quan trọng nhất
Essentially (Adv) = Basically In terms of: About
Family-oriented: Hướng về gia đình Cultivation (n): Sự vun đắp
Reconcile (v): Dung hòa Evidence suggests: Bằng chứng cho
Be akin to: Be similar to thấy
Embark on = Start Be likely to: Có khả năng là
Profound (adj): Very great Physical and mental well-being: Sự
Come in reality: Trở thành sự thật phát triển thể chất và tinh thần
Tough (adj): Difficult Autism (n): Sự tự kỷ
Make sense (idiom): Có ý nghĩa Isolation (n): Sự cô lập
Get rid of: Remove Get stuck: Vướng vào
Drawback (n): Disadvantage Spouse (n): Vợ / chồng
Evidence attests: Bằng chứng chứng Subscribe to the belief that: Đồng ý
minh với niềm tin rằng
What kind of book, newspaper or magazine do
you often read? Why?
Main answer: I would like to talk about motivational books, the kind of book
I usually read every day. There are some reasons for this choice.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, motivational books really give me much motivation for life and
work. In fact, this genre of book always encourages its readers not to give up
efforts before difficulties. For example, Life without Limits of Nick Vujicic has
really inspired many people to know how to fit in the disability and overcome
adversities in life. Besides, these books help nurture our soul in a positive
way that we don't surrender any circumstance and try to become an optimism-
oriented person.
Secondly, motivational books help us gain practical knowledge and
experience of writers. Instead of theoretical knowledge, they contain much
cumulative one from its author's own in a lively, realistic and persuasive
way. Moreover, writers share practical experience which we can apply into
our life or work. For instance, the Alchemist gives us lessons for the
entrepreneurship and passion pursuit.
Finally, this kind of books is also flavor of the month. We can find both
books and e-books easily in places such as bookstores, library or by
smartphone, laptops. In addition, they're suitable for virtually everyone like
children, teenagers, students and adults.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I usually read this kind of book.
Motivational book: Sách truyền động lực
Genre (n) /ˈʒɑːnrə/: Thể loại (sách, nhạc, phim,...)
Fit in (phr. v.): Hòa nhập
Adversity (n) /ədˈvɜːsəti/: Nghịch cảnh
Nurture soul /ˈnɜːtʃə(r)/: Nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn
Surrender (v) /səˈrendə(r)/: Đầu hàng
Circumstance (n) /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/: Hoàn cảnh ngoài tầm kiểm soát
An optimism-oriented person: Người có khuynh hướng lạc quan
Theoretical knowledge /ˌθɪəˈretɪkl/: Kiến thức lý thuyết
Alchemist (n) /ˈælkəmɪst/: Nhà giả kim
Flavor of the month = Popular (adj)
Do you prefer to shop in a store or online?
It is no doubt true that: Không có gì Devote to = Expend in/on = Spend on
phải nghi ngờ Not only ... but also: Không những mà
Have preference in ST: Ưu tiên điều gì còn (nhớ đảo ngữ nếu đặt "not only" đầu
đó câu)
Web-based (adj) = Online Aforementioned (adj): Đã được nhắc
Pivotal (adj): Chủ chốt đến
Regardless of = Despite = Inspite of Evidence suggests: Bằng chứng cho
In a/an + adj + N: Theo 1 cách gì đó thấy
By way of illustration, = For example,
Boutique (n): Cửa hàng quần áo
Home delivery: Dịch vụ giao hàng tận
A comparison with: So sánh với
Resort to + ST | V_ing (v): Quyết định
Get | Have ST V3/_ed: Có ST được làm
để làm gì
gì đó
Thereby + V_ing: Vì vậy ...
Be proved to be: Được chứng minh là
When it comes to (idiom): Khi nói đến
Those who = Those people who
In terms of (idiom): Về mặt
Engaged on (adj) - busy
Economical (adj): Tiết kiệm
It seems to me that: Dường như đối với
Virtually everyone: Hầu hết mọi người
tôi rằng
Have taste in ST: Thích điều gì đó

It is no doubt true that the development of Internet makes shopping easier and
easier nowadays. We do not have to go to stores to buy clothes or necessary
stuff like in the past. I have preference in web-based shopping because this
trend brings many benefits for the buyers.
Firstly, convenience of time and location is one of the pivotal reasons why
people choose to buy online instead of at stores. Indeed, online shops always
open regardless of day or night, so we can market any time in a flexible way.
By way of illustration, we can purchase a beautiful dress or a nice shirt at
midnight when most boutiques are closed. Besides, we can buy the things we
need at home or at the company provided that we have Internet connection
without spending much time travelling to sellers in person.
Secondly, we could benefit from reasonably priced purchases when we shop
on the Internet. We can surf hundreds of sites to have a comparison with the
price and choose the best ones for ourselves. Actually, we can hardly move
among stores just to compare the price and resort to it as the only way to choose
goods. In addition, many web-based stores offer discounts regularly to attract
more customers. Thereby benefiting buyers in terms of getting an affordable
price. For example, when it comes to airline tickets, travel agencies only offer
special price for clients buying through their website. As a result, we can easily
get the most economical one only if we go shopping online.
Finally, virtually everyone who has taste in shopping can devote to less time to
possess certain items. In fact, when we buy via the Internet, not only can we
browse sellers' websites at anytime as the aforementioned advantage, we also
save time for travelling. Evidence suggests that we can stay at home to order
what we want and experience the home delivery to get purchases shipped to our
houses or company. This way is proved to be suitable for those who are
engaged on their work and life.
In conclusion, it seems to me that it is more beneficial when we buy online than
go shopping at stores.

What season do you like the most?

Main answer: The season I really like is the summer.There are some reasons
for this choice.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, I often have many days off without going to school. At that time, I'm
keen on going home to enjoy the cozy atmosphere in my family. In fact,
visiting my family and relatives makes me happy to share with them everything
in terms of studying, work or life. Besides, I can also enjoy hobbies to release
stress. For example, I have preference in playing sports, reading books and
watching movies.
Secondly, it's undeniable that the summer is the ideal time for going
travelling. I can get away from it all to immerse myself in the stunning
landscape. This activity helps me relax after working, studying and recharge my
battery. Moreover, I can spend much time dispelling the heat of summer at
beaches such as Da Nang, Vung Tau, Nha Trang.
Finally, I can devote free time to taking a certain useful course. This helps
improve myself because I can furnish myself with solid and soft skills like
English, communication, presentation and so on. Also, joining in a course helps
me avoid the sedentary lifestyle in this off-season. Therefore, I can become a
social butterfly and expand many relationships.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I choose the summer.
Be keen on = Be interested in = Like
Cozy atmosphere: Bầu không khí ấm cúng
In terms of (idiom): Về mặt
Have preference in: Thích hơn
Get away from it all (idiom): Đi du lịch để thư giãn
Immerse in (v): Đắm chìm trong
Stunning landscape: Phong cảnh đẹp
Recharge my battery: Nạp lại năng lượng
Dispel the heat of summer: Xua tan cái nóng mùa hè
Devote to = Spend time
Furnish with (v): Trang bị
Sedentary lifestyle: Lối sống lười vận động
Social butterfly: Người hòa đồng

Should parents ask their children to do

When it comes to whether parents should ask their children to do housework,
some people opine that parents had better do this whilst others think it is no use.
In my opinion, I subscribe to the view that we had better let our offspring share
First, should parents ask children do housework, they can help them practice
seriously lessons of sharing responsibility. Actually, children really need be
aware of role and responsibility of others in family. They need know that while
they attend school, their parents have to work or even so do siblings. As a
result, everyone should support each other by a means of way like doing
housework. Besides, once they are in charge of certain household chores, they
can expect a sense of achievement. By this way, children could feel empathetic
to their parents' hardness in work so that they remind themselves to help parents
and make effort once doing something.
Second, parents could have a work-life balance with the help of their kids in
housework. In fact, fathers and mothers these days really apply themselves to
earn a living in a modern society. If they must care about housework on their
own, they are likely to get stressed. However, the less burden of housework
could be, the more balance in work and life they can have. They can devote free
time to entertainment or upbringing in a comfortable way.
Final, youngsters can get a chance with doing housework to improve their
ability of observation. Imagine that children do nothing but studying and
routines, which make them expose to some risks. For example, they could
spend much time playing video games after school that help them learn nothing
and they might immerse themselves in the sedentary lifestyle. Contrary to that
outlook, household chores help furnish children with skills of observation and
solving problems. When they sweep or mop the floor, they are forced to be
meticulous in cleaning up or they can enhance the logical thinking skill once
arranging furniture.
In conclusion, it seems to me that children help their parents do housework is
really necessary because of the aforementioned benefits.
When it comes to: Khi nhắc đến
Opine that (v): Bày tỏ quan điểm The + so sánh hơn ..., the + so sánh
Whilst = While hơn ....
It is no use (idiom): Không đáng làm gì Devote to = Expend in/on = Spend on
Subscribe to the view: Đồng ý quan Youngsters = children
điểm Expose to (v): Tiếp xúc với (điều gì đó
Offspring (n) = Children xấu)
Attend school = Go to school Immerse in (v): Đắm chìm trong
A means of: Phương thức Sedentary lifestyle; Lối sống lười vận
Household chores (n) = Housework động
Sense of achievement: Cảm giác hoàn Contrary to that: Ngược lại với
thành công việc Furnish with (adj): Trang bị với
Empathetic (adj) = Enthusiastic Aforementioned (adj): Đã được nhắc
Make effort: Nỗ lực đến
Work-life balance (n): Sự cân bằng
trong cuộc sống và công việc
Apply oneself: Làm việc chăm chỉ
Talk about the movie which influences on how
you think.
Main answer: The season I would like to talk about is The Lion King, the
wellknown cartoon all over the world. There are some meaningful lessons I
distilled from this.
Supporting ideas:
First and foremost, we have to pursue specific goals in this life. Simba, the
only young lion of Mufasa and the main character became a lost soul after his
father's death. He seemed not to know where to go, what to do. However, ever
since living with Timon, Pumbaa and especially, meeting Nala, he did find his
goal in life, that was to return and save his hometown from his bad uncle and
enemies as hyenas.
Secondly, we really need friends who accompany and assist us under some
circumstances. Actually, Timon and Pumbaa helped Simba beyond measure
during his comeback as a true leader in his hometown. For example, they
assisted Simba to defeat hyenas and cope with his uncle, Scar. Moreover, they
did also sacrifice much time for Simba to stay with Nala without any
Finally, I realized that home is always where our hears belong. Indeed, the
longer time Simba spent on the new habitat, the more homesickness he got. It
couldn't slip his mind, he always think about his departed father, his mother,
Nala and so on. In addition, when it did strike him where he must have been, he
immediately went home to embark on new mission: save his hometown.
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why I choose this film.
First and foremost: Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất
Pursue a goal: Theo đuổi mục tiêu
Lost soul (n): Người lạc lối
Hyena (n): Linh cẩu
Accompany SO (v): Đồng hành
Under circumstances: Dưới những hoàn cảnh
Beyond measure (idiom) = Very much
Comeback (n): Sự trở lại
Cope with (v): Ứng phó
Slip one's mind (idiom): Quên điều gì đó
Departed (adj): Quá cố
It strikes SO + how/when/where ...: Chợt nảy ra trong đầu ai đó về ....
Embark on (v): Bắt đầu việc gì đó khó khăn
Characteristics of satisfying job most people
consider when we decide their career.
Once making a decision about their career in the future, people have to consider
carefully and thoroughly. The higher people and life's needs are, the more
carefully they must take choosing the job into consideration. Obviously, there
are many characteristics for laborers to select the satisfying job. In my opinion,
many people highly appreciate following three criteria.
Initially, the majority of people prefer to choose the employment suitable for
their specialty, especially which they learned in universities or colleges. If
they choose the job accommodating learned knowledge and skills, they will
satisfy not only themselves but also their family, friends and teachers, who
supported them during their studying time and hoped for their development.
Moreover, the appropriate job helps many people take advantage of knowledge,
skills which they experienced in school to develop strengths and dispose of
weaknesses. Actually, a graduate in major of information technology must be
more proficient and accustomed to working with computers, software than
students in other expertise.
Afterward, working environment also plays an important role in consideration
of a job. It is undeniable that a working environment can affect many aspects
when working. A large number of people would like to choose a friendly and
cooperative atmosphere at work in order to help themselves reach joint
effectiveness in work. Development and complication in work demand us to
support each other, this advantage influences positively upon both employees
and their employers who always want their companies to develop consistently.
Creating a good working environment is also the good way to appeal to many
prospective employees that are considering a suitable job.
Finally, good salary and benefits help many people in taking choosing a job
into account because of many advantages. First, good salary helps them cover
plenty of living, studying expenses and support their family, especially families
in need. Second, appropriate paycheck and benefits commensurate with their
abilities are also a motivation for them to choose and dedicate to that job.
Moreover, they can be willing to help community, which also contributes
positively to spirit values of employees. Therefore, salary and benefits are
often first considered when somebody chooses a job.
In conclusion, I believe that suitability in job, working environment, salary and
benefits are common factors which the majority of people consider when
choosing a satisfying job.
Make a decision = Decide
So sánh hơn (the + SSH ..., the + SSH ...)
Take ST into account/consideration = Consider ST
Take advantage of (idiom): Tận dụng
Be accustomed to: Quen với
Play an important to: Đóng vai trò quan trọng
It is undeniable that: Không thể phủ nhận rằng
Influence upon/on: Tác động lên
Commensurate with (adj): Tương xứng với

Talk about difficulties in life you have suffered

Main answer: I am going to share with you about some of the difficulties
which I have experienced in recent days.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, I would like to talk about my problem in orientating my future career. I
am currently a third year student specializing in English. Well, I have known
that I can have difficulty landing a decent job based on using language. I used
to get confused and asked for advice from my lecturer. She suggested me to
study another degree after I graduate which may help me open the doors to
many job opportunities.
Secondly, life has a lot of things to worry about, therefore; my second concern
is earning money for my tuition and supporting my parents other expenses. I
have found a part time job as an English teaching assistant. Although I have a
heavy timetable of work and studying, it is worth getting a part-time job
because I can gain many valuable lessons.
Finally, studying for the exam and working on projects to submit them before
deadlines are the most stressful dilemma. I only spend six hours sleeping every
night. However, no matter how difficult I get, I still try my best to bone up on
my lessons and pass subjects with flying color.
Conclusion: In brief, everyone has their own difficulties, but we have to
know how to cope with them and be strong to overcome them.

Orient ST (v) : Định hướng Open the door to ST : Mở cánh cửa

Specialize in ST (v) : Chuyên về đến
Have difficulty (in) V_ing : Gặp khó It's worth / deserved + V_ing : Đáng
khăn để làm gì
Land a decent job : Có công việc tốt Dilemma (n) : Hoàn cảnh chỉ được
chọn 1 trong 2 cách Bone up on (phr. v.) : Ôn lại
Spend + time + (on) V_ing Pass ST with flying color : Vượt qua
No matter how + adj + S + V : Dù ... ST với kết quả cao
thế nào đi nữa Cope with (phr. v.) : Đối phó

Qualities of a good leader?

It is undeniable that one of the main factors that lead a company to success is
the leaders. They are like the captains of a ship to guide it through the stormy
sea by means of their leadership qualities. This essay will indicate three
qualities which a good leader has to possess.
Firstly, a good listener can make a good leader. It is obvious that a big company
has multiple levels of power which make it impossible for all employees to get
in touch with their upper managers. As a result, their ideas are not liable to be
listened to and considered. This may let them feel less respected and afraid of
contributing to the development of the company. In contrast, when the manager
knows how to listen to their subordinates, they can get more ideas from them to
take them into account whether which is the best one to develop the company.
Secondly, a good leader should be visionary to make good decisions. Evidence
suggests, in the business world with endless changes and advances, leaders or
even entrepreneurs need show the great foresight to prepare themselves and
their company thoroughly in case of unforeseen situations. For example, the
feasibility of certain projects or strategies can be ensured if virtually everything
in respect of them is under a leader's control. Besides, a leader needs keep
himself/herself updated information in terms of trends or needs of customers in
the long run.
Finally, teamwork skill is one of the most important elements that helps a
company go further and a good leader needs to be capable of delegating and
managing teamwork. When assigning work to a suitable person, they can exert
profound effects. It can also motivate them to apply themselves and work in a
creative way. Moreover, having a good command of this skill steps in to save a
manager's time to supervise the working process of others and generate a
cooperative atmosphere at the workplace. The more proficient at teamwork skill
a manager is, the less counterproductive effects they could bring about.
In conclusion, a good leader should be a good listener, decision-maker and they
also apply teamwork skills to working and managing their work.
It is undeniable that + S + V In respect of = With respect to =
By means of ST (idiom) : Nhờ vào Related to+ Keep O updated : Giữ cho
Possess quality (n) : Sở hữu phẩm chất O được cập nhật
Get in touch with : Liên lạc với In terms of (idiom) : Về mặt
Be liable / likely to : Có khả năng In the long run (idiom) : Về lâu về dài
Subordinate (n) : Cấp dưới Exert profound effect : Tạo ra tác động
Take ST into account / consideration đáng kể
= Consider / Ponder ST Apply oneself : Chăm chỉ làm việc
Evidence suggests : Bằng chứng cho In a creative way = Creatively
thấy Have a good command of ST : Giỏi về
Show great foresight : Thể hiện khả điều gì đó
năng dự liệu tuyệt vời Step in = Help
In case of = In the event of ST : Trong The more...., the less...: So sánh kép
trường hợp Counterproductive effect : Tác động
The feasibility of ST : Tính khả thi của xấu
ST Bring about = Produce
Decision-maker : Người ra quyết định

Advantages and limitations of technology?

It is undeniable that the advent of technology has made considerable differences
among the past and the present in respect of almost all aspects of life. In my
opinion, technology has brought us both benefits and drawbacks.
On the one hand, technology has paved the way for the appearance of
laborsaving devices, which actually exert positive effects on our life and work.
Indeed, by means of such modern gadgets, manual labor has gradually given
place to automatic machines. For example, household chores with vacuum
cleaners, dishwashers or office work and studying with calculators, computers
have become quicker and more straightforward than ever before. Besides, these
devices also help minimize the possibility of mistakes from manual jobs.
Therefore, there is a guarantee that work and studying performance could be
enhanced thanks to technology.
Moreover, technology has made contributed to our connection with one another
all over the world. Obviously, achievements of technology in communication
have paved the way for the mediums of communication ranging from
telephones, cell phones to laptops with the wireless network connection.
Furthermore, they step in to blur the difficulties in terms of geographical
distances. Nowadays, we can get in touch with our family, friends, and
colleagues by a means of online interaction in lieu of face-to-face ways.
On the other hand, technology should be attributed to some problems related to
the sedentary lifestyle and security of most of the users. Justifiably, technology,
with its convenience, is making human beings dependent on it beyond measure.
As a consequence, many people spend much time on computers or smartphones
in place of outdoor activities or meeting real people. Also, there is a high
incidence of technologically oriented risks of security these days. By way of
illustration, in cyberspace, security holes could be exploited by hackers for
illegal purposes such as information thefts or high-tech crimes.
In conclusion, with the aforementioned opinions, I believe that technology
brings about the pros and cons of our life.
It is undeniable that + S + V The medium of = A mean of = A
The advent of ST : Sự ra đời của ST means of ST
Make differences among : Tạo ra sự Range / Vary from ... to ...
khác biệt trong số Step in = Help
In respect of = With respect to = Blur the difficulties (v) : Làm mờ đi
Related to khó khăn
Bring SB ST In terms of (idiom) : Về mặt
Benefit and drawback = Advantage Get in touch with (idiom) : Liên lạc với
and Disadvantage = The pros and In lieu of = Instead of = In place of
cons (idiom) Attribute to : Quy về
Pave the way for ST (idiom) : Mở Sedentary lifestyle : Lối sống lười vận
đường cho ST động
Exert effects on : Tạo ra tác động trên Justifiably : Công bằng mà nói
By means of (idiom): Nhờ vào Beyond measure (idiom) : Very much
Manual labor : Lao động tay chân, thủ A high incidence of technologically
công oriented risks :
Give place to ST (idiom) : Nhường chỗ Tỉ lệ rủi ro cao liên quan đến công nghệ
By way of illustration = For example =
Straightforward = Easy+ More ... For instance
than ever before : Nhiều .... hơn trước Security hole : Lỗ hổng bảo mật
đó Exploit (v) : Khai thác
The possibility of ST : Khả năng củaST
There is a guarantee that + S + V
High-tech crime : Tội phạm công nghệ
Enhance = Improve
Contribute to : Góp phần
Aforementioned (adj) : Đã được đề cập
Achievement of technology : Thành
trước đó
tựu công nghệ
Bring about = Produce
What activities would you like to take part in to
increase your sense of community?
Main answer: In order to improve my sense of community, I have a preference
for donating blood, teaching children in need and raising awareness of people
about protecting the environment.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, blood donation is becoming flavor of the month among students
including me. I usually join in this charity activity every semester when
hospitals hold sessions of blood donation at my university. In this way, I can
help save many people's lives, especially those need have operations for
medical treatment.
Secondly, I can make use of my knowledge to help children in need study. On
the weekend, my friends and I visit orphanages or love shelters to teach orphans
as well as abandoned children there. Honestly, although we aren't professional
teachers, their happiness and excitement while studying make us get
jubilation because we realize we can help the community by our own
Finally, protecting the environment has an intimate connection between most of
us and the community. Frequently, while partaking in charity events like Green
Summer, my friends and I usually propagate the danger of plastic waste for the
environment among denizens in the areas we set foot on. This activity makes
sense in raising their awareness about getting rid of using plastic bags and
disposables to protect our environment and community.
Conclusion: Those are the 3 reasons why I choose these activities.
Flavor of the month (idiom) : Phổ biến
In this way : Bằng cách này
Make use of (idiom) : Tận dụng
Love shelter : Mái ấm tình thương
Abandoned children : Trẻ em cơ nhỡ
Intimate connection : Quan hệ mật thiết
Partake in = Take part in
Propagate (v) : Tuyên truyền
Denizen (n) : Cư dân
Set foot on/in (idiom) : Đặt chân đến
Make sense (idiom) : Có ý nghĩa
Disposables (n) : Đồ dùng 1 lần
Talk about the person on whom you get
impression verymuch.
Main answer: The person who gives me the most impression is my
mother. This is because of many reasons.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, mother is the person who loves her children unconditionally. So
does my mother. She has taken care of me since I was a lad/lass until now.
She always cooks delicious meals for me so that I can be healthy to study
and work. Besides, she always gives me the best thing ever.
Secondly, my mother is extremely patient and tolerate. If my memory
serves me right, when I was a kid, it took her hours just to teach me how to
count from one to ten. However, she taught me patiently to learn right
from wrong in lieu of yelling at me. Moreover, I was also a stubborn child
and I sometimes disobeyed her. By way of illustration, I used to truant and
steal her money to play games, in place of punishing me, she let me know
tangible consequences of this to deter me from committing it again.
Finally, my mother is a diligent woman. Everyday, she wakes up early in
the morning to cook breakfast for the whole family. Then she takes us to
school and devotes her time to doing housework before going to work at
the company nearby. To tell you the truth, she sacrifices her life for the
sake of my family.
Conclusion: To sum up, mother is always the person who impresses me
and inspires me to become the best of myself.

I was a lad/lass : Tôi là một cậu bé/cô bé

If my memory serves me right (idiom) : Nếu tôi nhớ không lầm
In lieu of = In place of = Instead of
By way of illustration = For example
Tangible consequence : Hậu quả hữu hình
Deter from (v) : Răn đe
Commit again (v) : Tái phạm
Devote to (v) : Dành thời gian
To tell you the truth (idiom) = To be honest
For the sake of SB/ST : Vì lợi ích của SB/ST
Should we choose construction, or should we
leave greens areas in the city for public use?
It is undeniable that being under construction plays a prominent part that makes
the city more and more modern. However, there is an increasing concern
amongst people that this activity could be detrimental to green areas in the city
for public use. In this essay, I tend towards the latter view by reason of some
tangible benefits.
Firstly, investing on green areas could be considered to be an effective way that
we are joining hands to protect the environment. Indeed, the development of
vibrant and metropolitan cities has forced us to take over from green areas for
construction, which has deleterious effects on the environment. As a
consequence, this activity has contaminated the environment with the pollution
of air, water, and soil. Meanwhile, should some areas be covered by trees, the
clean air definitely can benefit virtually everyone. Obviously, flora uses carbon
dioxide to generate oxygen for the fresh air and our breath.
Secondly, leaving green areas for public use, justifiably, has a strong sense of
community in the city. The more burgeoning the city becomes, the more
difficult the denizens, especially those who are from low social-economic
backgrounds, get to use costly and modern forms of entertainment. In this case,
visiting public parks, forests, and gardens for relaxation must be a socially
acceptable policy of the city state applied to citizens. Moreover, these green
areas are places where people can get back to nature and escape from the hectic
pace of life, which is becoming prevalent among those residing in the city.
Finally, preserving green areas in the city helps us prepare for a better life of
later generations. In place of erecting myriad buildings and facilities, leaving
green areas for public use helps the juvenile people live in harmony with
Nature. Currently, we are making use of it to survive, which is akin to our
children. Moreover, it is worthwhile to raise awareness among them about the
importance of protecting the environment. Therefore, it is deserved making this
become a reality by means of green areas.
With the aforementioned reasons, I subscribe to the viewpoint that we should
maintain green areas in the city for public use in lieu of construction.
It is undeniable that : Không thể phủ Those who = Those = Those people
nhận rằng who
Play a prominent part : Đóng 1 phần From low socio-economic
quan trọng backgrounds : Từ tầng
There is an increasing concern lớp có địa vị kinh tế-xã hội thấp
amongst people : Có 1 mối quan ngại A socially acceptable policy : Chính
ngày càng lớn của mọi người sách được xã hội đồng thuận
Detrimental to : Có hại đến Get back to nature : Trở về với thiên
I tend towards : Tôi nghiêng về nhiên
The latter view : Quan điểm thứ 2 Escape from the hectic pace of life :
By reason of = Because of Thoát ra khỏi nhịp sống bon chen
Tangible benefit : Lợi ích hữu hình Become prevalent = Become popular
Invest on/in : Đầu tư vào In place of = In lieu of = Instead of
Join hands : Chung tay Erect = Build = Construct
Metropolitan city : Thành phố có nhịp Myriad : Vô số
sống ồn ào Juvenile people = Young people
Take over from : Thay thế Live in harmony with : Sống chan hòa
Deleterious effects on : Tác động bất với
lợi đến Make use of = Take advantage of
Contaminate ST = Pollute ST : Gây ô Be akin to = Be similar to
nhiễm It is worthwhile to = It is important to
Câu điều kiện loại 1 (Should = If) Raise awareness : Nâng cao nhận thức
Benefit SO : Làm lợi cho ai đó It is deserved/worth + V_ing
Flora : Thực vật Become a reality : Trở thành thực tế
Justifiably : Công bằng mà nói By means of ST = With the help of ST
Burgeoning = Developing Aforementioned : Đã được nhắc đến
Denizen = Citizen Subscribe to = Agree to
What is your favorite food or drink?
Main answer: So, I suppose I would commence with the question of what is my
favorite food or drink and my choice is milk. I have 3 reasons for this choice.
Supporting ideas:
Firstly, milk is considered to be a nutritious drink for our health. According to
nutritionists, this beverage is enriched with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D,
B12, can xi and so on. If we don't supplement our diets with these essential nutrients,
we're likely to get many health problems like malnutrition, damaged immune system.
Besides, evidence suggests milk contributes positively to patients' recovery progress.
As you know, most of us opt for milk as an inevitable present for the patients who
we visit and so do I.
Secondly, milk is on an intimate connection with recharging our batteries after
exercise. To tell you the truth, once I expend my free time in the workout, I always
drink milk to recharge my battery. The aforementioned nutrients help us shorten the
progress of energy recovery consumed with calories. Moreover, the pivotal benefit of
drinking milk after doing exercise I've realized is that I still have a flurry of
excitement although I spend much time on playing sports or doing exercise in
Finally, this beverage is the flavor of the month and easy to drink. I suppose virtually
everyone can enjoy it, even have an appetite for it. Nowadays, the development of
food and drink technology has facilitated this beverage and milk products to become
prevalent among people all over the world. Furthermore, if you don't like to use the
traditional kinds of milk, you can buy other kinds which come in different flavors
like sweet, sour, sugar-free to name but a few. It's easy to drink milk these days!
Conclusion: Those are 3 reasons why my favorite drink is milk.
Commence with = Start / Begin with
Be enriched with ST : Được làm giàu với ST
Supplement ST with ST : Bổ sung
Malnutrition (n) : Suy dinh dưỡng
Immune system : Hệ miễn dịch
On an intimate connection with ST : Có mối quan hệ mật thiết với
To tell you the truth = To be honest
Expend time in/on ST : Dành ... cho ...
Aforementioned (adj) : Đã được nhắc đến
Nutrient (n) : Chất dinh dưỡng
A flurry of excitement : Sự hào hứng dồi dào
The flavor of the month = Popular = Prevalent among
Have an appetite for ST : Thích cái gì đó thật nhiều
Talk about your memorable vacation?
I would like to share about one of my memorable sightseeing trips in Nha Trang
beach. Last year, after my graduation, my family and I took a getaway there. Nha
Trang has a lovely seashore with many famous surrounding tourist destinations.
Because we wanted to take our time well, so we decided to travel by plane, and it
took us about 5 flight hours. To make the trip go as smoothly as possible, we
prepared necessary things such as clothes, money, medicine, and so on in advance.
Next, there were many activities we had planned after setting foot in Nha Trang
city in the morning, I was impressed by the beauty and the metropolitan life in this
city. Then we checkedin at a beautiful resort with a beach view and enjoyed a
seafood buffet which was fresh and tasty. After that, we expended much time on
several interesting sites like Vinpearl Land, the Marine Institute.
In the evening, when the sun gradually went down, my family walked along the
coast to watch the sunset and snapped the stunning landscapes there. I completely
overwhelmed by the beauty of the sun. I have never experienced an incredible view
like that in my life.
Honest, not only did that trip help me escape from the hectic pace of life in HCM
city, but it also helped enlighten me on new things in this beautiful city.
Take a getaway : Take a short break
Set foot on / in somewhere = Visit somewhere
Metropolitan life : Nhịp sống đô thị
Beach view : Hướng nhìn ra biển
Expend time on / in ST = Spend time on ST
Snap ST = Take a photo
Stunning landscape : Phong cảnh đẹp
Đảo ngữ câu có Not only
Escape from the hectic pace of life : Thoát khỏi nhịp sống bon chen
Enlighten SO on ST : Khai sáng
Can university degree or higher qualification
can guarantee a good job?
Finding a job in this time of economic crisis is becoming more and more difficult.
There is an increasing number of people trying to complete a course in university
education with the hope of landing a good job. From my point of view, a college
degree or more advanced qualifications can guarantee people of a better job.
Firstly, a bachelor’s degree can prepare people well for a future career. The
university education provides students with specialized knowledge that is needed for
performing some specific jobs. To illustrate, it would be impossible to become a
doctor without a degree in medicine. Moreover, college graduates can build and
develop transferable skills like conducting research, giving presentations, and
working in a team. Those skills are highly valued by employers and vital for them to
achieve success in the career path they choose.
Secondly, acquiring academic qualifications helps open more job opportunities.
Many recruiters likely tend to emphasize experience than qualifications, but a
college degree is one of the main entrance requirements in some job fields such as
science, education, or technology. Therefore, getting a degree would assure people of
accessing more specialist occupations. Also, degree earners can create valuable
career networks through an internship or volunteer work. This means they can expect
support from their mentors or professors to land a decent job.
Finally, workers with a bachelor's degree or higher education can reach their higher
goals in their careers. For those looking to climb up the corporate ladder, pursuing
an advanced degree is essential. This is because some organizations require a higher
degree for most upper positions. Apart from career advancement, companies often
offer the salary commensurate with the abilities as well as the experience of their
staff, so college-educated employees can expect a pay increase.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that a university degree or an advanced qualification is
critical to assure people a good job. Not only does it prepare employees with
increased knowledge and transferable skills but it also offers them more job
opportunities as well as chances for promotion.
Economic crisis : Khủng hoảng kinh Climb up the corporate ladder : Leo
tế lên nấc thang lãnh đạo
There is an increasing number of Apart from = In addition to
people .... Commensurate with : Tương xứng
Provides SO with ST với
Transferable skills : Kỹ năng có thể College-educated : Được đào tạo ở
chuyển hóa bậc đại học
Land a decent / good job = Get a A pay increase : Khoản tăng lương
good job Not only does... : dạng đảo ngữ
Should old people live with children or in
nursing house with other old people?
The last phase of their lives : Giai đoạn cuối của cuộc đời
Whether (or not) : Liệu rằng hay không
Senior citizens = The elderly
Sense of loneliness : Cảm giác cô đơn
Caretaker : Người chăm sóc
In terms pf = Related to
Provide SO with ST
State-of-the-art = Modern
Keep track of = Supervise
Play a crucial role : Đóng vai trò quan trọng
Face with ST
Get involved in : Dính dáng tới

It is admitted that the elderly have to encounter many health issues when they get the
last phase of their lives. Whether old people should stay with their family members
or live in nursing houses is a debatable question. In my viewpoint, nursing houses
are ideal places for the elderly because of the following reasons.
On the one hand, young people tend to spend ts heir entire time working long
hours due to work pressure. As a result, they have less time to get into
conversations with their parents. This leads to the fact that senior citizens would feel
a sense of loneliness, even they live under a roof with their children. Additionally,
young people probably do not have sufficient time to take care of their parents. As a
result, they could get difficulty once their sons or daughters are away from home.
They must stay with a caretaker all the time to handle daily tasks, even simple ones.
On the other hand, living in nursing houses seems to be beneficial to the elderly’s
health, in terms of both physical and mental sides. It is undeniable that nursing
houses provide seniors with a great number of state-of-the-art equipment as well as
specialized doctors. Therefore, their health condition might be kept track of daily
and treated with appropriate medical care. Furthermore, mental health plays a
crucial role, especially when we get older and older. In nursing houses, they could
make friends with others who have the same age as well as common interests. In
contrast, the elderly might have to face with generation gap whenever they get
involved in any discussions with their children at home.
In conclusion, old people should live in nursing houses instead of staying at home
with children because young people fail to spend their time taking care of their old
parents. Moreover, the elderly’s heath would be guaranteed, physically and mentally
if they live nursing houses.
What are the characteristics of a good friend?
S + be + in the face of adversity : Đối mặt với hoàn cảnh khó khăn
Obliging (adj) = Willing to help
S + get trouble with ST : Gặp khó khăn với
Manage to : Xoay sở
By means of = Thanks to
Material / Spiritual values : Giá trị vật chất / tinh thần
Within one's capability : Nằm trong khả năng của ai đó
According to circumstance : Trong tình huống ngoài tầm kiểm soát
To tell you the truth = Honestly
Must-have : Phải có
It is worthwhile to V1 : Thật quan trọng để
Accompany SO on / to SW .. : Đồng hành cùng ai đó trên / đến đâu đó

In my point of view, a good friend needs to have 3 characteristics below.

Firstly, I am impressed with the helpfulness of a good friend. When I am in the face
of certain adversity, he or she would be very obliging to give me an advice or a
solution. Take a good example, when I get trouble with financial businesses, I
could manage to resolve them by means of their money. Also, a helpful friend also
needs to support people in need. In essence, they need to donate material or
spiritual values to them which are within their capability.
Secondly, a good friend, in my eyes, is definitely an understanding human.
According to circumstance which might make us upset or even depressed, a good
friend should talk to and listen to us. This helps us share with them comfortably and
together find out appropriate solutions. To tell you the truth, having such a
sympathetic friend nowadays is not easy.
Finally, reliability is also a must-have characteristic of a good friend. Initially, I
appreciate a friend who can keep secrets I shared with them in advance like the
matters of love, studying, work, or life. Besides, it is worthwhile to have a friend
who can keep promises. When accompanying them on certain trips or journeys, we
can feel safe without any worry.
Those are 3 characteristics I think a good friend needs have.
It is better to show the anger than to store it up.
Do you agree or disagree with this
Be in the dilemma about : Ở trong tầm kiểm soát của ai đó
tình thế phải chọn 1 trong 2 In place of = Instead of
Whether ... (or not) : Liệu rằng hay Make sense : Có ý nghĩa
không In terms of : Về mặt
Subscribe to = Concur that = Agree Attitude towards ST / SO : Thái độ
By reason of = Because of về
Justifiably : Công bằng mà nói Ruin bond = Destroy relationship
Detrimental / Deleterious effects on : In light of : After considering
Tác động tiêu cực lên In the long run : Về lâu về dài
Fume at ST = Get angry with In the worst-case scenario : Trong
Lose control of our emotions : Mất tình huống xấu nhất
kiểm soát cảm xúc Irrational actions : Hành động cảm
Thereby + V_ing tính
Seethe at : Rất giận nhưng kiềm nén Provided that : Miễn là
trong lòng Ponder = Consider
Inwardly : Trong thâm tâm
Get laid-back : Thư giãn The best course of action : Hành động
Superior to = Better than tốt nhất có thể
In the hands of somebody : Trong Aforementioned : Đã được đề cập

It is undeniable that most of us sometimes are in the dilemma about whether we

should show the anger or store it up when having an unpleasant experience. In my
opinion, I subscribe to the view that we had better not show anger by reason of
several reasons.
Firstly, showing anger, justifiably, may cause detrimental effects on our health.
When we fume at something and could not store it up, the feeling of anger may
make us lose control of our emotions. Thereby feeling frustrated, unpleasant,
bored, or even depressed must be deleterious effects on health. Meanwhile, should
we seethe inwardly at something unpleasant by keeping silent or wandering slowly
on some street, we can get laid-back and relax our mind. Obviously, this temporary
solution is surely superior to showing the anger and keeping it in the hands of
Secondly, storing the anger up in place of showing it makes positive sense in terms
of maintaining relationships. Virtually everyone would like to have good
relationships with others. To imagine that we get angry with them, especially our
parents or close friends, our negative attitude towards them or something related to
them might ruin our bonds. Also, in light of the drawbacks of destroying or even
losing certain relationships in the long run due to our anger, many people could
concur that storing it up outweighs showing it. This can be clearly seen in business
Finally, the calmer we can keep while in anger, the much more time we could have
to find out the appropriate solution for problems. Evidence suggests once humans get
angry with someone or something, many of them have trouble finding out a good
solution for the adversities they are in the face. In the worst-case scenario, many
people lose control of their emotions, which results in unforeseen irrational actions.
However, provided that we store it up for a while, we can ponder about everything
to take the best course of action for the cases.
In conclusion, for the aforementioned reasons, it seems to me that storing the anger
up is better than showing it.
What do you choose between owning a car and
taking a taxi?
When it comes to ST : Khi nhắc đến In comparison with ST = Compared
Means of transportation : Các to ST : So với
phương tiện giao thông Order = Take = Call = Hail a taxi
Urbanite = Urban citizen : Công dân In the long run : Về lâu về dài
đô thị Evidence suggest : Bằng chứng cho
Would rather V1 than V1 thấy
Vice versa : Và ngược lại Put the emphasis on ST = Emphasize
S tend towards ST : Nghiêng về ST
The latter view = The second view Qualify for ST : Đủ điều kiện
In / By virtue of ST = Because of ST Ensure ST/SB in safety
Cost-effective = cost-efficient (adj) : Conveyance = Vehicle
Hiệu quả về kinh tế Impose on (v) : Áp đặt
Basic amenity : Tiện nghi cơ bản Driver's awareness course : Khóa học
Gasoline-powered (adj) : Chạy bằng nâng cao nhận thức
xăng License suspension : Tịch thu bằng lái
Automobile = car Prison sentence : Án tù
Based on : Dựa trên Beneficial to ST : Có lợi đến
In lieu of = In place of = Instead of

When it comes to the means of transportation that people, especially urbanites

prefer to travel, private cars and taxicabs have become more and more prevalent.
Some people would rather use their cars than take a taxi and vice versa. In my
viewpoint, I tend towards the latter view in virtue of some reasons.
On the one hand, owning a car is not a cost-effective choice for the expensive life
these days. In order to own a car with a basic amenity, most of us have to spend
much money on many fees and expenses. For example, a gasoline-powered
automobile might cost us the price, taxes, car insurance, and others based on the
laws of each country. Besides, in comparison with expending a large amount of
money on maintaining a car that we are not likely to use regularly, hailing a taxi
once needed is considered to be convenient and cost-efficient in the long run.
Moreover, an automobile needs a spacious enough space or even a garage for
parking. Evidence suggests most of the urban citizens owning a car have
difficulties in this.
On the other hand, in the eyes of many people, driving a car is not simple. The
majority of countries put a big emphasis on giving a driving license as a
requirement for drivers before driving. Take an example, a Vietnamese needs at least
three months in basic and extensive training with different tests to qualify for
driving a car by themselves. Also, when we drive a car, we must ensure virtually
everything and everyone around in safety because this kind of conveyance is more
dangerous than others. Otherwise, drivers may be imposed some strict punishments
like driver's awareness course, license suspension, or even prison sentence in
case of causing car accidents.
For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that taking a taxi is beneficial to us
in lieu of owning a private car.

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