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Calcif Tissue Int (1991) [Suppl] 49:$26-$30

Calcified Tissue
9 1991 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Use of Non-Collagen Markers in Osteoporosis Studies

Markku T. Parviainen, 1'2 Asta Pirskanen, 2 Anitta Mahonen, 2 Esko M. Alhava, 3 and Pekka H. M~ienp/iti 2
Departments of ~Clinical Chemistry, ~Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and 3Surgery, University of Kuopio, P.O.B. 6, SF-70211 Kuopio
21, Finland

Summary. Clinical and research laboratories routinely mea- teoporosis, up to now partly because of technical difficulties
sure various hormonal and nonhormonal parameters of cal- in reliably interpreting alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme and
cium and phosphorus metabolism, and markers of bone turn- isoform analysis results. Modern separation methods allow
over. Such measurements may help clinical decision-making accurate and quantitative determination of the various alka-
relating to metabolic bone disease and osteoporosis. Molec- line phosphatase isoenzymes and isoforms, including the os-
ular biological and cell-culture techniques are being used in teoblast-derived isoforms [3-5]. Such methods are promising
basic biochemical research on bone-cell metabolism. Results diagnostic and investigative tools in clinical studies, includ-
may aid understanding of normal and abnormal regulation of ing osteoporosis investigations.
the bone-cell metabolism, and thus provide further insights In a previous study [3], we found levels of the bone-
relating to the diagnosis and prevention of osteoporosis. specific isoform of alkaline phosphatase to be age-related:
they were lower in patients 20-40 years old than in those
Key words: Biochemical markers - Osteoporosis - Osteo- 40--60 years old. Our findings were in agreement with those
blasts - Osteosarcoma. of Duda et al. [6]. Kuwana et al. [4] found an age-related
decline in bone alkaline phosphatase in both sexes. In
women, however, bone alkaline phosphatase increased from
the sixth decade on. Duda et al. [6] found bone alkaline
Osteoporosis is a feature of normal physiological aging as phosphatase to be lower in young adults of both sexes than
well as of a number of disease states. Osteoporosis of aging in older people, with an increase from the sixth decade in
involves nonhormonal and hormonal factors. Estrogen, both sexes. The decline in bone alkaline phosphatase up to a
1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol), and parathyroid hormone (PTH) are certain age obviously indicates decreased bone formation
critically concerned hormones. Osteoporosis arises from an and turnover.
imbalance in bone remodeling: more bone is resorbed than
formed. Age-related osteoporosis shows itself in altered
urine biochemistry [1]. Excretion of hydroxyproline (HOP)
is increased, and excretion of calcium may be decreased. In Osteocalcin
spinal osteoporosis, however, calcium excretion may be in-
creased with HOP excretion normal. Low plasma calcitriol
levels have been found in age-related osteoporosis. In spinal Measurement of osteocalcin has revealed an increase in age-
osteoporosis, plasma calcitriol may be high. This could ex- related osteoporosis in many studies. This could reflect in-
plain the increased bone remodeling found histomorphomet- creased resorption or synthesis as well. Some osteocalcin
rically in spinal fracture patients [1]. antisera probably also measure osteocalcin fragments result-
Since bone matrix synthesis is performed by cells of os- ing from degradation as well as the freshly synthesized pro-
teoblastic lineage, matrix proteins synthesized by osteo- tein.
blasts reflect the osteoblastic activity and bone formation. Serum osteocalcin levels decrease significantly in both
They may be used as biochemical markers in osteoporosis sexes as the age of 50 approaches (Fig. 1) [7]. After the age
studies. The major macromolecular matrix components syn- of 50, there is an age-related increase, which is more marked
thesized by osteoblasts are type I collagen and bone in women than in men. These findings are in agreement with
~-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)-containing protein, osteocal- those of other studies [6-11]. Our results [7] differ from those
cin. Osteoblasts also synthesize osteoclast-activating fac- of Epstein et al. [10] in that we found osteocalcin in men to
tors, prostaglandins, growth factors, and several enzymes, be higher than in women. Our normal range for osteocalcin
such as procollagenase and alkaline phosphatase (Table 1). [7] is, however, fairly low as compared with that in other
PTH and calcitriol are major controllers of osteoblast activ- studies. We also found a close correlation between serum
ity, but other factors, including cytokines and growth fac- osteocalcin and total alkaline phosphatase (P < 0.01). Levels
tors, play important roles [2] (Table 2). of serum osteocalcin were slightly high in long-stay geriatric
patients. There was a significant negative correlation (r =
-0.452, P < 0.05) between serum osteocalcin concentra-
tions and calcitriol levels in such subjects [7]. These findings
Assays of the Osteoporosis Markers in Serum and Urine agree with those of Epstein et al. [10] but conflict with the
fact that calcitriol stimulates osteocalcin synthesis: adminis-
Alkaline Phosphatase tration of calcitriol has been shown to increase serum osteo-
calcin in normal and osteoporotic postmenopausal women
[12, 13].
Serum total alkaline phosphatase determinations are of lim- Recently, Vanderschueren et al. [8] have shown that age-
ited value for clinical diagnosis or therapeutic control of os- related changes in serum osteocalcin are closely reflected by
M. T. Parviainen et al.: Osteoblast Markers $27

Table 1. Major characteristics of the osteogenic cell lineage (modi- 4 ,

fied from [2]) [] Women
[] Men
1. Synthesis of macromolecular matrix components
Bone Gla-protein (BGP)
Type I collagen
2. Synthesis of autocrine and paracrine messages
Osteoclast activating factor (OB-OAF)
Growth factors
3. Synthesis of metalloproteins, their inhibitors, and their
Procollagenase El
Collagenase proactivator
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
Plasminogen activator
4. Synthesis of alkaline phosphatase

0 ,
20-2s 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69

Table 2. Major controls of the osteoblast phenotype (modified Age (years)

from [2])
Fig. 1. Mean circulating osteocalcin (BGP) concentrations (-+SE) in
1. Calciotropic hormones healthy women and men of different age groups. Numbers of sub-
PTH jects is as follows: age 20-29, women (4), men (3); age 30-39, women
Vitamin D metabolites (calcitriol) (17), men (16); age 40-49, women (5), men (12); age 50-59, women
2. Cytokines (15), men (8); age 60--69, women (3), men (31).
Tumor necrosis factors a and 13
3. Growth factors (GFs) (20)
Skeletal GF (lo)
Transforming GF-13
Insulin-like GF-1 (somatomedin C) 3
Epidermal GF
Acidic and basic fibroblast GFs (84)
Bone-derived GF (132-microglobulin)


changes in osteocalcin in EDTA extracts of the cortical iliac 1

crest, suggesting that serum osteocalcin is a good indicator
of bone metabolism. They concluded that the overall de-
clines in bone osteocalcin in men and women and in serum
osteocalcin in men indicate decreases in bone formation and
turnover. Osteoblastic activity and bone turnover increase 0
I1-111 IV-V Vl-Vll VIII-IX X-XI
for a time postmenopausally, as indicated by increases in
bone and serum osteocalcin levels. The increased turnover
results, however, from a negative bone balance. There are
obviously other reasons for age-related osteoporosis than Fig. 2. Mean circulating osteocalcin (BGP) concentrations (---SE) in
defective osteoblastic function [8]. samples collected during different months. Numbers of subjects are
shown above the columns.
Seasonal variation in serum osteocalcin has been re-
ported in recent studies [7, 14]. In ours [7], osteocalcin levels
were higher in summer and autumn than in winter. Serum
osteocalcin concentrations from October to November were
higher (by 37.1%, P < 0.01) than those between February Urinary ~l-Carboxyglutamic Acid (Gla)
and March (Fig. 2). Thomsen et al. [14] found highest values
in February, lowest values in July. These conflicting results Urinary Gla levels can also be considered as markers of bone
can be at least partly explained by different geographical metabolism. Gla is released from osteocalcin when the latter
locations of the populations studied. is degraded. Since vitamin-K-dependent proteins other than
Duda et al. [6] showed that serum osteocalcin and bone- osteocalcin may release Gla, determinations of this sub-
derived alkaline phosphatase are equally sensitive markers stance in urine may be of low diagnostic value. In our stud-
for abnormal bone turnover in patients with many metabolic ies, urinary Gla did not correlate well with age, or serum
diseases. F o r example, their determination gave concordant calcium, total alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, or calcitriol
results in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Determination of levels. In hyperparathyroid patients, urinary excretion of
bone-derived alkaline phosphatase allowed, however, Gla was, however, significantly lower than that in normal
slightly better differentiation between normal and abnormal subjects (28.3 -+ 13.6 p~mol/24 h vs 46.4 -+ 14.2 ~mol/24 h, P
subjects (see Fig. 4 in [6]). < 0.05) [7]. Women exhibited somewhat lower excretion
$28 M. T. Parviainen et al.: Osteoblast Markers

rates than men (38.3 --- 12.3 ~mol/24 h vs 54.4 -+ 11.9 a)

ixmol/24 h). 8 0 84

60 AP
Other Markers -5 [] Cell Protein

E 40
Studies of the newly identified markers of collagen metabo- 0
lism, e.g., procollagen peptides in plasma (see elsewhere in
this volume), and urinary pyridinium cross-links [15], may t,"'- 20
make valuable contributions to osteoporosis studies.
E 0

Experimental Cell Studies

-20 |
The balance between bone formation and resorption is reg-
ulated by the action of hormones, growth factors, and other -40
100 10 1 0,01
substances in osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Human osteo-
blast-like cells and osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells can
Calcitriol (nM)
serve as good models in in vitro studies of bone metabolism.
If the fundamental processes of bone metabolism are to
be understood, biochemical functions and modes of regula- b)
tion need to be precisely resolved. Study of cultures of cells
80 84
from normal human bone would facilitate understanding of
the in vivo situation. Primary culture of such cells is, how-
[] AP
ever, tedious and demanding. The cell numbers recovered 50
-6 [] Cell P r o t e i n
can be unsufficient for molecular biological studies. Contin- x_
uous cultures of clonal or transformed human or rat osteo- E 40
sarcoma cell lines have therefore been used as model sys- O
tems in many studies. However, such cells may exhibit drift
from the original phenotype with time, and may accordingly r- 20
exhibit changing patterns of hormonal responsiveness [16].
O 0

Human Osteoblast-Like Cells

~ -20
~7. ./

Cultures of human osteoblast-like cells have been estab-

lished without collagenase digestion from trabecular ex- 1 0 1 0,01
plants obtained from donors during surgery [17, 18]. This
method has been highly successful in isolating cells from Estradiol (nM)
normal bone. These cells have been characterized in terms Fig. 3. The effect of calcitriol (a) and estradiol (b) on the alkaline
of responsiveness to calcium-regulating hormones, and their phosphatase (AP) specific activity and cell proliferation (cell protein
abilities to synthesize constituents such as osteocalcin [18] was measured) in human bone derived cells in vitro. Each column
and alkaline phosphatase (Fig. 3a). The calcitriol-induced represents mean of three experiments and is expressed as an in-
synthesis of osteocalcin can be antagonized by interleukin-1 crease or a decrease (%) from the control level.
and by the immunomodulator, cyclosporin A [18]. Sex ste-
roids and anabolic steroids have been shown to have partic-
ular effects on the proliferation of human-bone-derived cells
26]. Examples of one hormone regulating the receptors of
[17] (Fig. 3b).
another hormone (heterologous regulation) have also been
described. Regulation of calcitriol receptors is an important
mechanism of cellular responsiveness to calcitriol [27]. Sev-
Studies with Osteosarcoma Cells eral hormones, e.g., retinoic acid, glucocorticoids and estro-
gen, have been shown to increase synthesis of calcitriol re-
For steroid hormones to have direct effects on bone cells, ceptors [21, 28], increasing cell responsiveness to calcitriol
high-affinity receptors must be present. Steroid-hor- in specific tissues.
mone-receptor complexes interact with specific genes and Steroid hormones regulate many functional responses in
regulate their transcriptional activity [ 19, 20]. Homogeneous bone cells. There are differences in hormone responsiveness
populations of well-characterized human and rat osteosar- between different species and cell types. We have shown
coma cell lines, each phenotypically osteoblast-like, have [25] that calcitriol up-regulates its own receptor levels in
been used to reevaluate the existence of nuclear receptors three different human osteosarcoma cell lines (MG-63, U2-
for calcitriol, estradiol, retinoic acid (an analogue of vitamin Os, SaOs-2). All of these cell lines exhibit alkaline phos-
A), and thyroid hormone in bone cells, for example [21-24]. phatase activity, which is characteristic of osteoblast-like
The mechanism of biological response to a hormone is cells. Calcitriol is, however, capable of stimulating osteocal-
ligand-dependent regulation of its receptor levels (homolo- cin synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activity only in MG-
gous regulation). Calcitriol has been shown to up-regulate its 63 cells. U2-Os and SaOs-2 cells may therefore represent
own receptor levels in human and rat osteosarcoma cells [25, different maturational stages of osteoblasts (Table 3). In rat
M. T. Parviainen et al.: Osteoblast Markers $29

Table 3. Effects of calcitriol on its binding, osteocalcin synthesis, Isopal System Analis/Belgium for the separation of AP isoen-
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cell lines. Calcitrioi treatment was for 24 h at 1 nM concentration in 6. Duda RJ, O'Brien JF, Katzmann JA, Peterson JM, Mann KG,
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