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Chapter I

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
Mushroom cultivation is a profitable agribusiness and Oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus
ostreatus) is an edible mushroom having an excellent taste and flavour. Mushroom is a
nutritious vegetarian delicacy and has many varieties. Most of them are edible. It contains
many vitamins and minerals but very low on sugar and fat. It can be grown in a temperature
between 20 and 30 C and required relative humidity is 55 to 75%. Fresh mushrooms can be sold
in the market. There is also growing market for processed - dried and packed - mushrooms as
their shelf life is longer. There are two main varieties of mushroom viz. button type and oyster.
Oyster mushrooms are easy to cultivate and process and do not require huge investment.
Hence, this note deals with cultivation and processing of oyster mushrooms.
We think for a not common delicacies that is nutritious and affordable. Bagoong is an
encompassing term for Philippine condiments made from fish or tiny shrimps that are salted
and fermented for several weeks. The color varies from light pink to dark brown, the texture
from firm to watery. Oyster mushroom bagoong with ginger is treated a unique and exciting
way with oyster mushrooms. A perfect balance of salty, sweet and spicy for your dishes, salads
and green mangoes. This product is affordable and a healthier condiments that can everyone
have. Oyster mushroom bagoong with ginger can described as a food delicacies because it’s
delicious even fishy.
Significance of the Study
The study gives the consumer a product which is affordable and nutritious condiments but
have its own quality.
To the customers- the researchers believed that the customers will benefit because the
study was made for them. The researcher will set this product at a low price but have a quality.
It is made for them to have a condiments that is healthy and used for a long time.
To the farmers-the proposed study will help the farmers to engage in cultivation of oyster
mushroom and this is not about selling but to help them in promoting their mushroom.
To the students and children - in doing the study, the researchers think that the students
and children will benefited in eating this product accompaniments with dishes, salads and
green mangoes that providing a huge stockpiles of essential vitamins, minerals and organic
compounds but very low on sugar and fat.
To the teachers- this proposed study will help the teachers for their health who are elderly
people these products provide many benefits. It will help them in balance diet because it is low
on sodium, and very low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
To the Entrepreneur- the researchers believed that will help the entrepreneur to have a
small business that is not require a huge of investment and they will adopt this kind of
To the future researchers- this study will help the future researchers to be aware and
knowledgeable of the processes involved in making a nutritious condiments. This study can be
there future reference for making studies in the future.

Scope and Limitation

This study search for a condiments that is nutritious and healthy. The researchers are
focused on formulating a new feasible and profitable product. We make a not common food here
in the town of San Juan. The Oyster Mushroom Bagoong with ginger is a shrimp paste with the
mix of an edible mushroom with ginger to create a not so fishy and delicious bagoong.
The target respondents of this study are 25 persons who are a small entrepreneurs and 25
persons who wants to start up a new a business with the total of 50 respondents within the
Municipality of San Juan to prove and identify if it is feasible and possible.
This study are limits for those people who have an allergy in shrimp and mushroom. The
researchers aim to provide a healthy products at a low price and low capital to one entrepreneur.
Chapter II

Definition of Terms
 Bagoong - a sauce or paste made from fermented or salted fish, used as condiment.
 Condiments - a substance such as a spice that you add to food to improve its taste.
 Cultivation - is the act of caring for or raising plants. Your desire to grow your own fruits
and vegetables in the backyard means you’ll be engaged in some heavy cultivation.
 Delicacies - something delightful or pleasing, especially a choice food considered with
regard to its rarity.
 Ginger - a hot, fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant, which may be chopped
or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup or candied.
 Mushroom - a fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on a stalk,
with gills on the underside of the cap.
 Organic Compound - any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or more
atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly
hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen.
 Oyster Mushroom - a widely distributed edible fungus that has a greyish-brown oyster
shaped cap and a very short or absent stem, growing o the wood of broadleaved trees
and causing rot.
 Saturated Fat - a type of containing a high proportion of fatty acid molecules without
double bonds, considered to be less healthy in the diet than unsaturated fat.
 Stockpile - large accumulated stock of goods or materials, especially one held in reserve
or use at a time of shortage or other emergency.
Chapter III
This chapter presents the research design of the study, a description of the research
locale or setting and the research population, the instrument used and the statistical procedure
utilized to analyse the collected data.

Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive design and applied using survey questionnaires
and key informant interview. The survey was conducted by providing structured questionnaires
to a number of identified respondents from the Municipality of San Juan who are the small
entrepreneurs and the person who wants to start up a new venture. The participants give their
feedbacks about the oyster mushroom bagoong with ginger of what flavour they want to taste
if it is sweet, salty or spicy. The survey are randomly selected from identified respondents.
Moreover, interviews and survey conducted with existing business in the town of San Juan who
has a cultivation and farm of oyster mushroom which serves an additional information about
the uses of oyster mushroom on how will we improve more that our product offerings to our
target markets.

Research Locale
The researcher survey questionnaires will be distributed in the selected barangays in the
Municipality of San Juan including the conduct of interviews.
The number of respondents that are chosen to answer survey questionnaires in the
random areas in San Juan are composed of 25 entrepreneurs and 20 persons who are willing to
start a new small business and 5 persons who have a cultivation of oyster mushroom. After they
answer the questionnaires we will conduct a short interview for the participants to give their
insights and their feedbacks about our proposed study.
Chapter IV
Technical Study
This chapter will discuss the product description

Product Description
Our Mushroom Bagoong is not a common food in the Philippines. And made with oyster
mushroom, anchovies, shrimp and other species of fish. In addition, a salt-cured fermented
served as a condiment or a seasoning in a variety of food dishes.
 Oyster mushroom
 Shrimp paste
 Brown sugar
 Garlic
 onion

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