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Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters?


Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters?

Data Analysis

Muhammad Bilal

Roll No: 19-11059, Section: G

Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)
  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 1

Data Analysis

Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters?

This study, which is “Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters?”, focuses

primarily on studying about Are teenagers responsible enough not to abuse this technology?

For more understanding of this topic, we were conducting a survey, which provide context to

the issues like usage of cell phone in underage youngster, impacts of usage of cell phones in

teenage or health issues due to over usage of cell phones This survey was crucial to

understand the issues that are specific to the usage of cell phone among underage youngsters

and tackle these issues in an appropriate manner.

The survey collected data from a broad group of males and females, allowing it to encompass

data from the entire spectrum of people present in Lahore.

Furthermore, the majority of the respondents were twenty years old or older.
  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 2

The majority of the respondents identified themselves youngsters are interest the in most

social media function of cell phone and this calculation was not good for the future of our

youngster’s. (Boumosleh and Doris, 2017) in their article talk about Smartphone propensity

among the school understudies found that 35.9 % of understudies feel tired during daytime

and 38.1% have reduced rest quality as they stay subordinate with cells till late nights.

Likewise, According to (van Deursen et al., 2015) Internet and cellphone addiction are one

of a kind comparable to addictions like alcohol or drugs; the past is social and not substance

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 3

Many people are in favor of underage youngsters owning a cell phones to keep track of them.For

example , 98% of guardians of cell-claiming youngsters say a significant explanation their kid has the

telephone is so they can be in touch regardless of where the teenager is. But reality it was totally

opposite and result of survey shows that youngsters are more contacted their friends instead of


The majority of the respondents identified in the answer of that question was mostly of

youngsters their mobile phone in the class. This raises the question of how mobile devices are

changing the progression of social relationships and the nature of peer interaction in the

digital age. (Topper, C. 2017)

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 4

According to (Fischer-Grote et al. 2019) that excessive use of cellphones were increasingly

uncontrollable behaviors and issues like Nerve issue, back issue, anxiety and depression are

truly concerned mental health problems and physical problems. And our youngsters are not

familiar with this health hazardous. So, when we ask the responders about those youngsters

aware about hazardous of cell phone on health. Majority said that they don’t aware of it.

Cells are viewed as a blended gift. Parents and teenagers say telephones make

their lives more secure and more helpful. That’s why cellphone help some extent of them in

study. this is the same result shows in the graph:

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 5

So, when we ask the question about, what they think about cell phone kind of disturbance in

studies? 29 of out of 60 responders agree with this.

When we about Do you really think due to number of functions offered by mobile,

youngsters do not find time for study? 41of out of 60 responders agree with this.

Likewise when ask the responders about what they think cell phones are used for cheating in

examination? Same result shows like previous question 29 of out of 60 responders agree with this.
  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 6

So, after seeing this result, we can say this cellphone is not a good thing designed for youngsters to

their health as well as their education.

(Lim, 2013) said: Warning voices have featured the clear risks that adaptable media and

correspondence present for young people as "degenerate" works out, for instance, sexting and

wireless worked with hassling and wrongdoing. Such scenes have ignited wistful crazes

about the development of flexible media in light of the fact that they are accepted to work

with emanant social/spatial joint efforts that are either striking or occurring on a scale not up

to this time saw. Similarly, when we ask that do you think crime and deviance behaviour is

practiced via mobile? 38 of out of 60 responders agree with this.

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 7

We face a day-by-day reality to such an extent that correspondence through present-day

advancement is essentially required for youngsters. Clearly, the use of cell phone can be

adequate. It outfits us with speedier, more capable ways to deal with talk with others,

nonetheless, it can moreover hurt our ability to talk and write with people. Many cry that our

new modernized capacities influence our ability to make properly (Stewart, 2013). Same

result we found when the question does you think language skills has been badly affected due

to mobile phone? From the responders that 24 of out of 60 responders agree with this.
  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 8

Next when we ask do you think due to mobile, social contacts has been limited? From the

responders. 28 of out of 60 responders agree with this. About same thing (Topper, C. 2017)

enlightens us Modern families are spending more time indoors with multiple electronic

devices and less time interacting face-to-face in outdoor settings. This raises the question of

how mobile devices are changing the progression of social relationships and the nature of

peer interaction in the digital age.

(van Deursen et al., 2015) Cellphone addiction can be described as an alarm showed by these

two points (1) lead that abilities to make enchant and to ease vibes of anguish and stress, and

(2) failure to control or confine the direct despite immense hazardous results. In the light of

this we ask the responders Do you think in youngsters cell phone increases stress level? 46 of

out of 60 responders agree with this.

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 9

When we ask Do you think cell phone increases aggression in youngsters? From the

responders. 47 of out of 60 responders agree with this.

Last but not the least when we ask do you think cell phone causes sleeping disturbance in

youngsters? From the responders. 52 of out of 60 responders agree with this. So it’s totally

right when the use of the Internet or cells becomes addictive, this may achieve unfriendly

results on financial, physical, mental, and social parts of life.

  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 10

Thus, to conclude, the survey showed that the majority of responders agree with

negative effects of cell phone take long lasting impact on underage youngsters than the

positive effects. To comprehend the utilization and effect of youngster’s cell phones usage, to

know the impact of messaging by teens by means of cell phones and to appreciate

consequences for teens mental and actual wellbeing viewpoints concerning their cell phone

usage.sugesstions in the light of this survey So, youngsters keeping cellphones with some

restriction and binding use hours goes far in ensuring their thriving similarly as ingraining

extraordinary social inclinations, moral valves, and education. (Mudasir and Ahmad, 2019).
  Should cell phones be allowed to underage youngsters? 11


Boumosleh, M. and Doris, J. (2017) Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in

university students- A cross sectional study. PLoS ONE Retrieved from:

Fischer-Grote, L., Kothgassner, O. D., & Felnhofer, A. (2019). Risk factors for problematic

smartphone use in children and adolescents: a review of existing literature.

Neuropsychiatrie, 33(4), 179–190. Retrieved from:


Lim, S. S. (2013). On mobile communication and youth “deviance”: Beyond moral, media

and mobile panics. Mobile Media & Communication, 1(1), 96–101.

Stewart, E. (2013, November 25). Does cell phone use really affect our communication
skills? The Lance.

Mudasir Khazer and Shabir Ahmad. (2019). Impact of Smartphones on Young Generation.

Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 2384. Retrieved from:

Topper, C. (2017). Parental Perception of Mobile Device Usage in Children and Social

Competency. Walden University Scholar Works, 1–144. Retrieved from:

van Deursen, A. J., Bolle, C. L., Hegner, S. M., & Kommers, P. A. (2015). Modeling

habitual and addictive smartphone behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 411–420.

Retrieved from:

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