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1. What are the main principles behind Cognitivism? What is the rationale behind this learning theory?
Cognitivism shows that learning is a rational activity based on understanding rules that we cannot
immediately observe.
The cognitivist uses the feedback for guiding and supporting the accurate mental connections. [ CITATION
Tho92 \l 2058 ]
 Learning is a process of organizing information into conceptualized models.
 Instructions should be organized, sequenced and presented in a manner that is understandable
and meaningful to the learner.
 Retention and recall are important to build schema’s in the brain.
 Memory is supported by organizing learning material.
 Teachers must provide tools that help learner’s brain process information.

2. What are the main goals of education using this learning theory?
This theory tries to answer the question “why “something happens or is formed in a particular way.

3. How is teaching done? What kinds of activities are included?

It is a mental process in which students find the rational way of the concepts.
Activities that are included:
 Asking students to reflect on their experience.
 Helping students find new solutions to problems.
 Encouraging discussions about what is being taught.
 Helping students explore and understand how ideas are connected.
 Asking students to justify and explain their thinking.

4. What is the role of the teacher? How is the teacher seen?

The cognitive theory mainly emphasizes the major tasks of the teacher because is whim designs all the
learning experience to the learning situation. Teachers organize and structure the new information to
connect the learners previously acquired knowledge abilities and experiences.

5. How is learning viewed?

Critics say that cognitive code learning has too much focus on explanation of grammar rules. SO it’s
negative for students that cannot easily memorize concepts.

6. Describe evaluation in this learning theory.

This theory is often criticized because the application in the learning process is not easy. It’s very difficult
to be practiced purely because we are impossible in understanding the cognitive structures that exist in
the mind of every student, especially sorting out the cognitive structures into discrete parts or clear

7. Can you mention some methods that are based on this learning theory?
Having our students to recognize logical relationships between things to see how they are connected or
related. Using thinking process to understand how language structures work. Discovering connections
between forms and rules and understanding them.

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