Food Chemicals Codex Online Product: Validation Protocol - Test Information

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Food Chemicals Codex Online Product

Validation Protocol - Test Information

1. Testing Instructions
- You can start and stop testing at your convenience. Please complete all test scenarios.
- Items displayed with quotations indicate a link, button, characters that you need to type or features of the application.
- Do not type the quotes when asked to enter text.
- Do not type periods or commas inside of quotation marks when asked to enter text.
- Depending on the search criteria you enter, you may or may not return search results.
- If you receive an error message, please print it or write down the exact message on the screen.
- Be sure to assign consecutive numbers to your notes.
- Fill in all the fields in the configuration table (Tester, Status, Date, OS …etc.)
- Be sure to print your name and sign your name.
- For every test step, indicate whether it passed, failed, or N/A with an "x" or a checkmark.
- If a test case or test step fails, make sure you enter the actual result in the comments field.

2. Supported Operating Systems & Browsers

Operating Systems Browsers

Windows 7 Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome

Abbr Component Pre-Condition(s)

LI Login User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

QS Quick Search User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

FS Facet Search User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

SB Search By User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

MU User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

MS Miscellenous User needs to open the FCC Online Login page

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HP Help User needs to open the FCC Online Login page
VAL-TEMP-048-_ _
LO Logout User needs to open the FCC Online Login page
Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

Login Pre-conditions: - Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) Online Login page.

- Must have Adobe Reader installed to view PDF files.

LI-1 Open the Validation Protocol in multiple formats The Validation Protocol displays in PDF and Microsoft
Excel format
1 Go to FCC Online landing page is displayed

2 Click the Validation Protocol link. A page displays the validation protocol links.

3 Click the View PDF link and then click Open, if it does not The PDF version of the validation protocol will display.
open in the browser window.

4 Verify the version of the Validation Protocol is the current

version for the current issue of FCC Online.

5 Click Back if the PDF opens in the browser window or The previous page displays or the PDF closes.
click in the upper-right corner of the Adobe Acrobat
Reader application to close the PDF.

6 Click the Download Spreadsheet link and then click An Excel version of the validation protocol will display.
7 Click the button in the upper-right corner to close the The Excel spreadsheet closes.
Excel spreadsheet.

LI-2 Open FCC Product page FCC Product hyperlink successful

1 Go to FCC Online landing page is displayed.

2 Click the FCC Product Page hyperlink. The FCC home page displays.
3 Click Back if a browser window opens or The previous page displays or the New window closes.
click in the upper-right corner of the active window
to close the window.
LI-3 Verify login Login successful

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

1 Go to FCC Online landing page displays.

2 Click LOGIN TO NEW FCC PORTAL link or Click LOGIN The Welcome To The Access Point screen displays.
2 Enter Email and Password. Click Submit button. The Welcome page displays for FCC.

Search Pre-conditions: - Login to FCC

- Locate Search
QS-1 Keyword search using Search Search displays search results
1 Type a valid keyword in the Search text box, for example
keyword "salt".
2 Click Magnifying glass. Or click Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

QS-2 Display results links Search results links display

1 Click on any search results link. The link content is displayed. The search keyword is

QS-3 Search for Empirical formulas Empirical formula is displayed

1 Type a valid empirical formula in the Search text box, for The example given uses the letter "O" not the number
example "C6H14O6". zero. (If the empirical formula is made up of multiple
Note: use double quotes for best results chemical structures type them in with a space
between each one. For example, type Ammonium
Alginate as, "C6H7O6NH4.")
2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that contain the empirical formula display.

3 Select any of the search results. The link content is displayed.

Note: The empirical formula is not highlighted.

QS-4 Search for CAS number Chemical abstract is displayed

1 Type a valid CAS number in the Search text box, for

example "58-08-2".

Note: Use double quotes for best results.

2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the chemical abstract display.

3 Select any of the search results. The link content is displayed. The chemical abstract is
QS-5 Search using the Boolean (AND) search condition Data entries containing both keywords are displayed.

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

1 In the Search text box, search using the Boolean AND, for NOTE: Use AND only once.
example "salt and calcium".
2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keywords display.

3 Select any of the search results. The search result is displayed. The keywords are
QS-6 Search using the Boolean (OR) search condition Data entries containing the keyword display.

1 In the Search text box, search using the Boolean OR, for NOTE: Use OR only once.
example "extract or capsule."

2 Click Magnifying glass. All data entries that match either keyword display.

3 Select any of the search results. The search result is displayed. The keywords are
QS-7 Search using the Phonetic (~) search condition Use the Tilda (~) to search when unsure of the
spelling of a word. Retrieved are documents that
sound similar to the keyword searched.
1 Type ~ at the beginning of a keyword in the Search text
box, for example "~methonene".

2 Click Magnifying glass. All data entries that include words that sound similar
to the keyword display. For example entries that
contain words that sound similar to "methonene" are

QS-8 Search using the Wildcard (*) search condition Wildcard search conditions increase the scope of a
search. The "*" - represents any number of
consecutive alphanumeric characters, including, one
character, several characters, or no character at the
given position in the word.
1 Type a valid partial keyword in the Search text box, for
example "camp*."
2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that contain words similar to the keyword
display. For example, entries that contain the letters
camp*, like "Camphene" display.

QS-9 Search using the Wildcard (?) search condition The "?" Wildcard symbol - represents a single
character at a given position in the word.

1 Type a valid partial keyword in the Search text box, for

example "cas?or".

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that contain words similar to the keyword
display. For example, entries that contain the word
"cas?or," display.
QS-10 Search using the Wildcard (? and *) search conditions Wildcard symbols can be used together.

1 Type a valid partial keyword in the Search text box, for

example "sa?e*."
2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that contain words similar to the keyword
display. For example, entries that contain the word
sa?e*, like "Sage" will be displayed.

3 Select a search result. Search result displays, keyword is highlighted.

QS-11 Search using the Boolean & Wildcard conditions Data entries containing both keywords display.

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search text box using the

Boolean and Wildcard search conditions, for example "garlic
and oi*".
2 Press the Enter key. All entries that contain both keywords or words similar
to the keywords display. For example entries that
contain both "garlic and oi*" display.

QS-12 Search using Proximity search condition The Proximity search, using format “word1 word2”~n
where n is number of words between word1 and

1 In the Search text box, search for terms using proximity

between two words, for example "gellan gum"~4.

2 Click Magnifying glass . All entries that are related or contain the keywords
display. For example entries that contain both gellan
and gum" up to 4 words apart will be displayed.

QS-13 Test Go button without entering any keyword(s). No search results are displayed

1 Click "Magnifying glass" without entering any keyword. Be No action will happen.
sure that the Search text box is blank.

QS-14 User test search for non-existing keywords No search results are displayed

1 Type an invalid keyword in the Search text box, for Search results are displayed.
example "palette."

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

2 Click Magnifying glass. Pop-up widnow displays stating:

Search Results
"There are no results that match your search for
<search term>, for example: "palette".
Facet Search Pre-conditions: - Login to FCC , see LI-3 for more information
- NOTE: Depending on the search criteria you enter search results may not be found.

FS-1 Filter Search Results for Monographs using Monograph Monograph Search results display.
1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example

2 Click Magnifying glass. Entries that match the search keyword display.

3 Following Facet selections are available on left side of the Facet Search options are available.
screen to filter search results:

i. Effective Status
ii. Publications
iii. Document Type
iv. First Publication
v. Last Revised
vi. Publication Date

4 In Facet Search options, Select Monographs checkbox All Monographs with Search term "Calcium" display.
within Document Type folder.

FS-2 Search by Publications using Publications facet. Search results display.

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example

2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 In Facet Search options, Select Publication checkbox within The Publication for FCC 10 1S documents are
Publications folder. For example: Select "FCC 10 1S". displayed for Ammonia.

FS-3 Multiple Facet Search selections. Search results display.

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example


2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

3 Select checkbox within Effective Status, for example: Search Results get filtered based on facets selected.
"Effective" For example: Front Matter effective documents from
FCC 10 1S publication display.
Select checkbox within Publication, for example: "FCC 10

Select checkbox within Document Type, for example:

"Front Matter".

4 Click a search results link. The link content is displayed.

FS-4 First Published with Last Revised documents Search results display.

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example

2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 Select checkbox within First Published, for example: "FCC Search Results get filtered based on facets selected.
5" For example: First Published in FCC 5 documents are
displayed for Calcium and those are Effective in FCC
Select checkbox within Last Revised, for example: "FCC 10.

4 Click a search results link. The link content is displayed.

FS-5 Search by Indicators and Solutions fields Search results display.

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example:


2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 Select checkbox within Last Revised, for example: FCC 10 Search Results get filtered based on facets selected.
For example: Last Revised in FCC 10 documents are
Select checkbox within Publication Date, for example: displayed for Sodium and those are Publication dated
"1-03-2016". in 1-03-2016.

4 Click a search results link. The link content is displayed.

Search By Pre-conditions: - Login to FCC , see LI-3 for more information

- NOTE: Depending on the search criteria you enter search results may not be found.
SB-1 Search by 'Title' Search results display based on Title.

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

1 Click Search by tab (displayed next to Search text box). Following options display:

• Title
• Monographs
o Description
o Chemical Info
o Identification
o Assay
o Impurities
o Specific Test
o Other Requirements

2 In Search field, provide search term, for example: "Sodium


Select Search by option "Title".

3 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the search criteria display.

All documents that have the search term in the Title

display. For example: documents with Title "Sodium"
"Citrate" display.

SB-2 Search by 'Description'

1 In Search field, provide search term, for example: "Sodium


2 Select Search by option "Description".

3 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the search criteria display.

All documents that have the search term in the

Description display. For example: documents having
"Sodium" "Citrate" in the Description display.

SB-3 Search by fields as Monographs with Chemical & Impurites Search results display.

1 In Search field, provide search term, for example: "Sodium


2 Select Search by option "Chemical Info" and "Impurites".

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

3 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the search criteria display.

All documents that have the search term in the

'Chemical Info' OR 'Impurities' display. For example:
documents having "Sodium" "Citrate" in the
Description display.

Bookmark Pre-conditions: - Login to FCC

- Use Search or Search by located on the toolbar on the right
- NOTE: Depending on the search criteria you enter search results may not be found.
MU-1 Bookmark a document Document is bookmarked

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search field, for example

2 Press the Enter key. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 Select Publication > Select FCC 10 1S. The Publication for FCC 10 1S documents are
displayed for Malic.

4 Select Star icon to Save Bookmark. The bookmark save confirmation pop-up window
displays with message "Bookmark added

MU-2 Verify Bookmark Saved Saved bookmark displays

1 Click the Gear icon and select Bookmarks option from drop
down list.

2 Locate the bookmark you saved in MU-1. The bookmark is listed.

3 Click the bookmark name. The bookmark displays.

MU-3 Bookmark the same document Same Document can not bookmarked twice

1 Using the Search display a document, for example

"Acesulfame Potassium".

2 Click to bookmark the document. The Bookmark Title pop-up window displays. Message
displays "Bookmark added successfully!!!"

3 Click to bookmark the same document again. A message displays : "Bookmark Deleted

Note: Selecting the same icon, First time, system

adds the bookmark and Second time it deletes
the Bookmark.

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

MU-4 Change a Bookmark Name Bookmark name is changed

1 Click the Gear icon and select Bookmarks option from drop The manage bookmarks list is displayed.
down list.

2 Click the *Edit* icon Bookmark name displays in Editable mode.

3 Change the Bookmark name.

4 Select Update button. Bookmark name is changed.

5 Click the *Edit* icon Bookmark name displays in Editable mode.

6 Click Cancel. Bookmark name does not change.

MU-5 Display a Bookmark Bookmark displays

1 Click the Gear icon and select Bookmarks option from drop
down list.
2 Select any Bookmark from list. The bookmark document displays.

MU-6 Delete a Bookmark Bookmark is deleted

1 Click the Gear icon and select Bookmarks option from drop
down list.
2 Click Delete next to the name of a bookmark. The bookmark delete confirmation pop-up window

Popup messsage auto-closes.

MU-7 Save a Search Results List using Search Search results display and are saved

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search text box, for example

"Malic" .
2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 Click to save the search results list. The Save Search Title pop-up window displays.
Search term: Malic saved successfully!!!

MU-8 Verify Search Saved Saved search displays

1 Click the Gear icon and select Saved Searches option from
drop down list

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

2 Locate the search you saved in MU-7. The search is listed.

3 Click the search name. The search displays.

MU-9 Save a Search with the Same Name Search is saved

1 Type the same keyword used in MU-7 in the Search box.

2 Click Magnifying glass. All entries that match the keyword display.

3 Click to save the search results list. The Save Search Title pop-up window displays.
Search term: Malic saved successfully!!!
4 Click the Gear icon and select Saved Searches option from
drop down list.
5 Locate the search you saved in MU-7. The search is listed two time with the same name.

6 Click the each search name. Saved Search results display.

Note: System allows duplicate save search.

MU-10 Change a Search Name Search name is changed

1 Click the Gear icon and select Saved Searches option from All "Saved Searches" displays.
drop down list.
2 Click the *Edit* icon Search name displays in Editable mode.

3 Change the Search name.

4 Select Update button. Search name is changed.

5 Click the *Edit* icon. Search name displays in Editable mode.

6 Click Cancel. Search name does not change.

MU-11 Delete a Saved Search Saved search is deleted

1 Click the Gear icon and select Saved Searches option from
drop down list.

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

2 Click Delete next to the name of a search. The search delete confirmation pop-up window
displays with following message "Saved Search "Malic"
deleted Successfully!!!"

Popup messsage auto-closes.

Miscellaneous Pre-conditions: User must be logged into FCC

MS-1 User tests graphics pop-up Graphic pop-up feature successful

1 Search and display a FCC monograph that has a graphic,

for example "Sucrose".

2 Click on the monograph image. The image opens in a pop-up window.

4 Click the button to close the pop-up window. The pop up window closes.

MS-2 User tests graphics pop-up prints Graphic displays in pop-up and prints

1 Repeat test scenario MS-1, step 1.

2 Click the icon located on top of the pop-up image The Print dialog window is displayed.

3 Print the image. The image prints.

4 Click the button to close the pop-up image window. The pop up window closes.

MS-3 External, RS and Cross-reference links Link content displays.

1 Search and display FCC monograph that has external The monograph is displayed.
and/or corss reference links, for example "Xylose".

2 Click on the external link. System directs user to the external link.

3 From the document, click on any cross-reference link. System directs user to the cross-referenced link
(referenced documents within same document or
different document).
4 From the document, click on RS Citations link. RS link opens in USP Store.

MS-4 User tests that monograph information prints Monograph information successfully prints

1 Type a valid keyword in the Search text box, for example

the keyword "calcium".

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CASE ID Action Expected Result Comments (Actual result if


different from expected

2 Click Magnifying glass. Search results display.

3 Click a search results link. The link content is displayed.

4 Click print option from content page. The Print dialog box displays.

Note: Do not use the browser File > Print option to print
documents or images.
5 Print the FCC monograph. Compare the printed version with The monograph information prints.
the online version.

Help Pre-conditions: - User must be logged into FCC

- User must use the Help option
HP-1 Test the Help The Help displays

1 Click the Gear icon and select Help option from drop A pop-up window opens displaying the help.
down list.

2 Click a folder in the TOC. The folder expands to display more files.

3 Click a file in the TOC to display it. File content displays.

4 Click the in the upper-right corner. The help closes.

HP-2 Search Contents

1 Click the Gear icon and select Help option from drop A pop-up window opens displaying the help.
down list.

2 Click the Search section or Click Magnifying glass located The Search text box displays.
on the help toolbar.

3 Type a valid help keyword in the Search text box, for

example: "Login".

4 Click Magnifying glass. Search results display.

5 Click the in the upper-right corner. The help closes.

HP-3 Index

1 Click the Gear icon and select Help option from drop A pop-up window opens displaying the help.
down list.
2 Click the Index button located on the help toolbar. The Index list displays.

3 Select any Index e.g. Wildcard. The wildcard search help information displays.

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different from expected

4 Click the in the upper-right corner. The help closes.

Logout Pre-conditions: User must be logged into FCC

LO-1 Logout Logged out of FCC

1 Click the Gear icon and select Log Out option from The login page displays.
drop down list.

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