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21 March 2014

Miss Nuruljannah Hairil Anwar

Lot 2105, Kg Parit Jarum Tengah Mrs Susannah Wolfenden
Bukit Gambir External Affairs Office
Muar Telephone: 0161 275 6181
Johor 84800 Email:
Fax: 0161 275 6204

Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science Computer Security

Mode of Study: Full-time
Entry: 15 September 2014 JACS Code: I100
University of Manchester User ID: 9526034

Dear Miss Hairil Anwar

Thank you for your application to study at The University of Manchester. I am delighted to make you a conditional offer of a place on the
above taught course.
The conditions of this offer are:
The award of a Bachelor Degree with Honours (2i)
Please provide evidence of meeting your offer conditions as soon as this is available.
If you envisage any difficulties in satisfying our English language requirements you can attend a pre-sessional English language course. The
courses are designed specifically to help international students meet our requirements prior to the start of their courses. Following successful
completion of a 5-10 week pre-sessional students will be able to register onto the MSc course in September without needing to retake IELTS
(20 week pre-sessionals require an IELTS on completion). Further information on pre-sessional courses can be found
at: Please note that the pre-sessional courses are extremely popular, so
early booking is advised. .
International fees
The University charges different tuition fees depending on whether a student is classified as Home/EU or International, using criteria outlined
in the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations 1997. From the information you have provided to us, you have been classified as an
International student for tuition fees purposes. The tuition fee for this course in the academic year 2014/2015 is £18,000 (GBP). All students
are bound by the University's Ordinances and Regulations on the payment of fees and the consequences of non-payment.

Most international students will need a Tier 4 (student) visa to study in the UK. This offer is not a confirmation of your eligibility for a Tier 4
visa. You can find visa information at Self-funded international applicants for this course will be
required to pay a deposit of £1000 towards their tuition fees before a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) is issued. This deposit will
only be refunded if immigration permission is refused. We will notify you about how and when to make this payment.
Please let me know whether you wish to accept this offer by logging on to using your University of Manchester
User ID shown at the top of this letter (within 8 weeks of the date shown at the top). Your password is your date of birth in the format
DDMMYYYY. Please note that this is an academic offer of a place on the above course, and is not an offer of funding. You must make
separate arrangements for the payment of fees and living costs.

A copy of our Accommodation Guide will be sent to in due course, in the meantime further information about fees, funding, living costs and
accommodation can be found at (offering guidance for entry2013 - an updated version will be
published closer to September 2014).
If you have any queries relating to your offer, please do not hesitate to contact me, and meanwhile we look forward to welcoming you to The
University of Manchester.
Yours sincerely

Susannah Wolfenden (Mrs)

PGT Admissions Officer

General terms and conditions relating to this offer can be found in the attached PDF.

Please note that information on the registration and induction process will be sent to you shortly before the start of the MSc course.
Terms and Conditions relating to your offer

This information is important, please read it carefully. This document supersedes any previously sent
information regarding the terms of your offer.

The following documents provide a framework through which the University and its students work together to
create a positive environment for learning and academic achievement:

 The Offer Letter

 The University’s Royal Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and General Regulations, available at
 The Undergraduate and Postgraduate Prospectuses, available at
 Admissions related policies and procedures, available at and
 The Crucial Guide and Registration Documentation
 Student-related Policies, available at
 School Handbook/Course Handbook, available from the admitting School

Terms and Conditions relating to your offer establish the basis of an agreement between the University and its
students as to the rights, roles and responsibilities of both parties. The document is available on the University’s
website at: or can be made available from the admitting School.

Criminal records check

If you have a relevant criminal conviction that is not spent, you are required to declare this on your application. If
you declare a relevant criminal conviction it does not mean that you will be automatically excluded from the
application process. We will carry out a risk assessment to find out whether your conviction will permit you to
study on your chosen course.

If you are offered a place on a course that involves working with children or vulnerable adults, you will be asked to
complete criminal records check before you start the course. Further information is available in Information and
guidance for applicants with a criminal conviction at and on the course website.

If you have additional support needs, you are encouraged to contact the University’s Disability Support Office prior
to making a formal application. Any information disclosed at the application stage will be passed automatically to
the Disability Support Office who will send you an information pack. Any information you provide will be treated
as strictly confidential. Please refer to for information about the practical
support that we have to offer. If you have any new evidence to demonstrate that your academic performance
has been, or is currently being compromised as a direct result of your disability, you should provide this as soon
as possible. Further information is available in the Procedure for Applicants with a Disability at

Health Requirements
If you are offered a place on a vocational or professional course you will be required to demonstrate medical
fitness prior to admission in order to comply with the requirements of relevant professional bodies. You may also
be required to provide evidence of immunisation against certain diseases. You may not be able to undertake your
course if you have not met these requirements. For further information, see Procedure for Admitting Applicants for
Courses Requiring Medical Fitness Assessment at

Fraudulent or plagiarised applications

The University reserves the right to terminate the application or registration of a student who is found to have
omitted relevant facts or information in connection with their application for admission or who has falsified or
plagiarised any part of their application.

Courses of Study
The University will make all reasonable endeavours to deliver your course as described in the prospectus or in your
Offer Letter, subject to updates and improvements in content or delivery for educational purposes. However, very
rarely, unforeseen circumstances may force the University to alter, combine or discontinue a course. Should this
happen, we will tell you at the earliest possible opportunity and will make every effort to offer suitable alternative
Fees and Costs
The University charges different levels of tuition fees depending on whether a student is classified as Home/EU or
International. You are bound by the University's Ordinances and Regulations on the payment of fees and the
consequences of non-payment (Ordinance XVI; General Regulation XII). If you are a sponsored student and your
sponsor fails to pay your tuition fees, you will become responsible for payment. Once you register with us as a
student, your fee status cannot change during the academic year, and can only change at the next registration
point if your changed circumstances meet specific criteria. It is your responsibility to register at the University
each academic year and to ensure that your tuition fees and all other expenses relating to your course are paid on
time. The tuition fees for this year are set out in your Offer Letter. Please note that Home/EU fees are reviewed
each academic year.

For some courses a non refundable deposit is required at the point at which you firmly accept the offer of a place.
In these cases, the amount paid will be deducted from the total tuition fee due at the start of the academic

In addition to the annual tuition fees, you may be required to pay other charges or fees e.g. for residential
accommodation, travel/field trip expenses or other course costs. An indication of these costs is provided on the
University website. Please note that the tuition fees for some postgraduate research courses may vary due to the
cost of consumables and facilities of a project. Information on these costs will be provided by the admitting

Tier 4 (Student) visa

If you are not a British citizen, or a citizen of one of the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, you will need a
visa to study in the UK. This is inline with a points based immigration system operated by the UK government for
all overseas (non-EU) students. See and for more information.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

To study certain courses in the UK, international non-EU applicants are required to obtain an Academic Technology
Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate. If this applies to you, the immigration rules state that you must have
obtained an ATAS certificate for the programme before applying for a student visa or extension of stay. We advise
that you begin the ATAS application process as soon as possible. Further information is available at

Appeals and Complaints Procedure for Applicants

To safeguard the interests of applicants the University has established an Appeals and Complaints Procedure for
Applicants (detailed in the Student Admissions Policy). This procedure can be found on the University website at

Data Protection
The information already provided as part of your application to study at the University will be processed to form
part of your student record. The information held (including amendments) is stored on a database and will be
made available to Schools in the University. All data held is processed in accordance with the requirements of the
Data Protection Act 1998 and within the limits agreed with the University's Data Protection Officer. Full details of
the University of Manchester’s notification to the Information Commissioner can be viewed on the public register of
data controllers,

You have the right to check the information held about you and to correct it if necessary. Please see for further information on how
your data will be used by the University, when the data may be disclosed to a third party and what information on
your student record, and other information held by The University of Manchester about you, will be sent to the
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Distance Selling Regulations

The University’s admissions process is subject to the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000.
After accepting an offer, you have a right to cancel your acceptance of the offer by informing us in writing within
seven working days after your acceptance, provided that the only communication between you and the University
has been by distance, i.e., up until your acceptance of the offer, there has been no face-to-face contact between
you and the University and you have not visited the University. If you cancel within the relevant period, you will
be entitled to a refund of any deposit/fees that you have paid prior to the cancellation.

General matters
The agreement is between the University and the student and only these two parties can enforce the agreement
between them and the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply. The agreement between the
student and the University is governed by English Law and the University and student agree to submit to the non-
exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

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