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1. What do you think are the factors that drive Filipinos to become entrepreneurs?

- I think one of the many factors that drive Filipinos to become entrepreneurs is
money. The main reason why you’re putting up a business is to make a profit out of
it, may it be for personal use or you just want to earn money to save up for your
future. One factor also is some entrepreneurs explore on their own because they
get tired of doing traditional works, being your own boss is different because it frees
you from those restraints and you get to work your own hours. You can also set your
own goals and responsibilities.

2. Name three entrepreneurial trends that you observe in your environment. Why do you think
these entrepreneur ventures into these businesses?
- I commonly see milk tea, clothing and online businesses. I think entrepreneurs
venture into these kinds of businesses because its trendy and is usually consumed
by the public.

3. Do you look entrepreneurship as a career option? Explain your answer.

- Yes, since I also have a small business, I consider entrepreneurship ay a career
option because this can be my fall back if I won’t get the chance to go into the
course I graduated. Putting up a business is a great option since you get to be
flexible with your products and you can think of many ways on how you can
improve in many aspects.

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