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Also known as

Carcinosin, carcin
CARCINOSINUM (A nosode from Carcinoma)  
It is claimed the Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be
elicited, or symptoms of the disease itself exist. (J.H. Clarke, M.D.)  Carcinosinum has a history of affecting
over carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and induration of glands; carcinoma of uterus with
the offensive discharge. 
Hemorrhage and pain are greatly relieved by carcinosinum when the other symptoms agree. Carcinosinum
can be considered in indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach and bowels, rheumatism and Cancerous
cachexia (weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness like cancer).   
- Emotional, PASSIONATE individuals with strong desires, push themselves, work hard, strong sex-desire
(from early age), surges of passion, outbursts of emotion, expression, live life intensely.  
- FASTIDIOUS, need for order and control over life. 
- Cannot rest when things are not in proper place.  
- Restlessness, discontent, desire to travel.  
- Conscientious, great sense of duty, responsible   
- Anticipation.  
- Lack of self-confidence.  
- PRECOCITY (smart or skilled people who achieve much earlier than usual)
- SYMPATHETIC, Affectionate, sensitive to suffering of people, animals, planet.  
- Anxiety for others. Horrible things affect profoundly.  
- Want to please other people.  
- Fears not to be accepted, not to be loved.  
- SENSITIVE TO REPRIMANDS, esp. in children.  
- Ailments from rudeness, reproaches.  
- Suppress their emotions, the hurt. Yielding, bearing all suffering without protest.  
- Ailments from repression excessive parental control, prolonged childhood suffering, severe education, too
early responsibility.  
- EASILY OFFENDED, intolerant of contradiction, aversion to consolation.  
- Fears: high places, animals, dogs, failure (exams), thunderstorm.  
- Anxiety about health (cancer); for others.  
- Sensitive to sensual impressions, art, nature.  
- Love thunderstorms (Sepia).  
- Sensitive to music, rhythm and carcinosin love dancing (Sepia).  
- Music aggravates, may cause weeping.  
- Slow mental development: easily distracted, difficult concentration.    
- Warm blooded, but mostly worse by heat and cold.  
- Better by: Sea, Short sleep, Evening.  
- Worse by: Vaccination.  
- Periodicity: aggravation at 1-6 pm, esp. 5-6 pm. Every 7 days. Annual periodicity. 
- Mononucleosis (abnormally high proportion of monocytes in the blood, especially associated with
glandular fever)
- Neurodermitis,  dermatitis in which localized areas (especially the forearms or back of the neck or outer
part of the ankle) itch persistently. 
- Severe inflammatory illness (whooping cough, pneumonia) in early life, childhood. 
- Childhood diseases: too soon; or appear after puberty; very severe, or absent.    
Food and drinks  
- The same food can alternately be desire or aversion.  
- Desire: Chocolate, sugar, fat, raw potatoes, spices, sweet and sour.  
- Aversions: Fruit, potatoes, milk, salt.  
-Worse: Eggs.    
- High places.    
- Migraine alternate with asthma.  
- Constrictive feeling in brain.  
- Pulsating deep in brain.  
- Headache aggravates on right side, before storm.  
- Pain in forehead above eyes, better in open air.  
- Blue sclera (the white outer layer of the eyeball).  
- Frequent blinking, winking.  
- Tics.  
- Twitching.    
- Hay fever.  
- Chronic coryza.
- Sinusitis.    
- Acne.  
- Twitching, tics, esp. eyelids, eyebrows. 
- Grimaces (an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry
- Aphthae.    
- Scraping, worse before speaking.  
- Sensation of lump.    
- Anxiety or excitement felt in stomach.  
- Nausea riding in car.    
- Constrictive pain better by pressure, bending forward, warm drinks.  
- Flatulence, distention, with colic in babies.    
- Severe constipation, even without desire.  
- Dry hard stools like stones.  
- Burning pain in rectum.
Female genitalia  
- Sexual desire high. 
- Masturbation in children.  
- Dysmenorrhoea, Pain labor-like, cramping.  
- Ovarian cysts, worse on right. 
- Fibroids in uterus. 
- Endometriosis.    
- Asthma, at young age, from fright, better or worse at sea.
- Cough worse morning, undressing, washing, shaving, stretching neck, yawning.  
- Whooping cough, long-standing; chronic pneumonia.    
- Swelling breasts before menses.  
- Chronic mastitis.    
- Trembling of muscles, with itching, aggravated on arms, thighs.  
- Rheumatic pains, ameliorated by warmth, slowly moving.  
- Weakness, worse lower limbs, better motion.    
- SLEEPLESSNESS, esp. in children; children have to be rocked.  
- Wake suddenly as from fright.  
- Falling asleep difficult from thoughts, wake frequently, esp. 4 am and can't sleep afterwards.  
- Position: GENU-PECTORAL (sleep in posture resting on the knees and upper part of the chest) 
- Dreams of searching someone he can't find.    
- Dark, brownish complexion. 
- MOLES, PIGMENTATION spots like coffee.
- Keloid.  
- Acne (face, upper back, sternum).  
- Boils burning and painful. 
- Eczema: Between shoulder blades, sternum, aggravated by Milk.  
- Itching aggravated by undressing.  
- Warts: lips, abdomen, back of hands, fingers, about fingernails, foot soles.
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results
may vary depending upon the conditions.
Questions & Answers
Total Questions 2
Have a question about this product? Ask Here
How to use Carcinosin 10 M? Reply to this Question
You can take 5 drops in a half cup of water once in a Dr. Anamika Mitra on Apr 13, 2019
How to take Carcinosin 200 CH? Reply to this Question
Tke 5 drops of the medicine in 1/4th cup of water 2 times a day, or as advised by your physician. Kindly take the
medicine under the prescription of your Dr. Pednekar on May 01, 2020
Lonely Carcinosin
March 4, 2012 admin Homeopathic Materia Medica 0
Dr Afsar Imam Sayyed
Dr Haider Imam
Discussion on the remedy solely as the rubrics standing with Carcinosinum being the only remedy. Most of similar
modalities, desires, aversions and biphasic character discussed. Also possible indications from family or personal
history described. The viewpoint from unusual angle emphasized.
Carcinosinum, sole remedy, rubrics, biphasic character, hereditary, sequelae, modalities, desires, aversions
The new century has put mankind under different challenges like common man’s poor economy, food
adulteration, radiation damage and mental stress from noise, traffic or pollution etc. The numerous factors create
many new symptoms/pathogenesis due to chemical wizardry in healthy humans. Of course we have very
competent arsenal of homeopathic materia medica. But what can be the answer when we look around to
overcome the new generation’s queer symptomatology covering all the miasms and still stand out unique; which is
of course, marvelous achievement of great Dr Burnett, Carcinosinum.
Here we go with the unusual collection of data where no other remedy does compete; each rubric showing
Carcinosinum as sole remedy
1. Cirrhosis liver hereditary
2. Constriction, bending amel.
3. Distension after onions
4. Infectious inflamation of liver
5. Constrictive pain bending amel
6. Pain umblicus region, appearing and disappearing gradually
1. Cramps cervical region from fear, fright
2. Eruption between scapula, undressing
3. Rash between scapula
4. Heaviness /weight, left cervical region
5. Itching left scapula, inner angle
6. Itching between scapulae, undressing
7. Pain boring sacroiliac articulation
8. Pain slightest motion agg.
9. —-” slightest motion agg.
10. —-” paulsating, throbbing, right lumbar region
11. —–”, with numbness right leg
12. ——” sacroiliac articulation, drawing legs amel.
13. ———–”, ————————”, rest amel.
14. ———”, ———–” rising from seat impossible,
15. Tension deep inspiration agg.
16. ———-”, dorasl region, motion agg
17. ——”, ———-” night, on waking
18. Twitching spinal muscles
1. Burning pain, warm/hot applications amel.
2. Urging to urinate, morbid desire, warm hot application amel.
1. Anemia in pregnancy
2. —–” pernicious, hereditary
1. Eczema sternum
2. Eruptions,sternum after undressing,
3. Itching sternum when coughing
4. Pain pressing mammae left to right
5. —–” sore bruised, before menses
6. Shape changed mammae
7. Swelling painful, lymhatic axilla
8. Tumor, false rib, left, lipoma
1. Chilliness, pain with, in throat
2. Allergy tartarazin e102
3. —–” multiple
4. Thalassemia
5. Cough
6. Apples agg.
7. Convulsive, spasmodic, apples agg
8. Dressing while
9. Pain from, tearing in throat
10. Whooping, esp children
11. —-” early life
12. —-” hereditary
1. Eruptions boils, furuncles, external meatus
2. Infection external, outer lobes. right
1. Coldness, draft of air agg.
2. —-”, painful wrists
3. Cracks/fissures painful between toes
4. Discoloration blue, upper limbs 3rd middle finger
5. Dryness hand water agg.
6. Eruptions dry upper limbs upper arms
7. —–”  eczema, itching hand left
8. ——” excoriating raw, upper limbs, fingertips, night on waking
9. Heaviness of limbs abnormal
10. —-”,  tired limbs, thighs, exercise amel.
11. ——-”, ———–” sudden, upper limbs
12. ——-”, ———”,———————-”, hands night on waking
13. Numbness, thighs, exercise amel.
14. ——–”, ——–”, short sleep amel.
15. Pain aching, thighs, exercise amel.
16. ——”, ——”, —-” short sleep amel.
17. ——-”, gripping, upper limbs, upper arm, left
18. —-”, lower limbs, legs, motion, quick from, agg,
19. —”, ——”, —–”, ———-”, ———-”, gentle, from amel.
20. ———”, —–”, ———”, —–”, after short sleep, amel,
21. ——–”, ——-”, quick motion, agg.
22. ———”, ——”, thighs, exertion amel.
23. ———–”, ———”, ———”, short sleep amel.
24. —-”, stitching, hips, after playing soccer,
25. Pain, upper limbs, shoulders, right after lifting
26. Shortened sensation, knee muscles and tendons
27. Swelling lower limbs, thighs, short sleep, after, amel.
28. —–”, upper limbs, hands,  mountains agg.
29. Tension, upper limbs, shoulder left
30. Twisting sensation, lower limbs, thighs
31. Twitching, lower limbs, leg muscles, individual
32. ————-”, upper limbs, muscles, individual
33. Weakness, lower limbs, thighs,, exercise/physical effort amel
34. —————”, ———”, ————”,short sleep amel
1. Discoloration, blueness, porcelain like, sclera
2. ————-”, —————-”, sclera, children
3. Inflammation, lids, blephritis, alternating sides
4. Pain, stinging, lids, upper
5. Swelling, lids, alternating sides
1. Discoloration, brown, ‘café-au-lait’
2. Eruptions, vesicles, circular
1. Eruption, itching, extending to anus
2. Pain, cramping, uterus, during ovulation
3. ——-”, uterus, ovulation during
4. Tumors, painful, ovaries
1. Mononucleosis, after
2. Rheumatic fever in childhood
3. Vaccination, after
1. Air, seaside agg., amel., then
2. —–”, ——–”, east coast agg. south coast amel. Or vice versa, England
3. Cancer,  mamma, hereditary,
4. ———-”, ———”, ———”, esp mother side
5. Childhood diseases absent or too late
6. Collapse, pain from, back, in
7. Food, milk chocolate, desire
8. Coffee, desire, agg., which
9. Cumin, aversion to
10. Desires, alternating with aversion, in children
11. Eggs, aversion, soft boiled
12. ——-”, desires agg., which
13. Lamb, desire/aversion
14. Meat, desire, agg. Which
15. ——-”, desire, fat
16. Milk products, desires, agg. Which
17. Fright, fear, prolonged agg.
18. Measles, hereditary, after
19. Moon full, amel.
20. Shuddering, nervous, on waking
21. Swelling, lymphatic tissue, with fever
22. ———”, tubercular open glands
23. Transfusion, ailments from
24. Weariness with extreme weakness
25. Weather extremes of
1. Constriction headache, during
2. Eruption eczema, occiout protrubrances
3. ——–”     scurfy hair margins of
4. Pain afternoon agg, 1-6 pm
5. —-” drawing forehead, left then right
6. —” with tired feeling
1. Noises, bending head forward  amel.,
2. Pain stitching standing,
3. Palpitation 2-6 PM
4. Prominent blood vessels over body
1. Affection desire children
2. Anxiety, anticipating about relatives.
3. ——-”, for environment
4. Biting fingertips,
5. Aversion to company for asthma
6. Desire company in rejected children
7. Desire dancing to music f fetus
8. Delusion, protection has no defence
9. Discontented children
10. dreams about bad conscience
11. —-” swamp
12. Fear of frogs
13. —–” of introversion,
14. —–” from noise during menses
15. ——” old fears return
16. ——-” of people during menses
17. Gestures, make constant
18. ——-” tapping with fingertips on his skull
19. Handle, cannot anything before menses, overwhelming stress
20. Irritability in crowded places
21. —–” after long grief
22. —–” violent in children
23. Mildness masking violence
24. Morose, cross, in coryza
25. Reproaches averse to
26. Responsibility too strong in children
27. Sensitive to arts, drawing, or literature, oversensitive,
28. —–” oversensitive to drums, music
29. ——”, ——-” music before menses
30. Tears skin around nails, oneself
31. Thoughts rush of, sleepless from
32. Untidy except what he is performing
33. Weeping mood from birth
34. ——–” ——–” hurt seeing others
1. Abscess sensation palate
2. Absence of papillae at tongue tip
3. Itching, apples, agg.
4. Tingling palate evening
5. Pricking palate morning
1. Pain thyroid gland left
Coryza dry alternating sides
2. Discoloration red nostrils
3. Sinuses hereditary
4. Pain burning after 5 PM
5. ———————” nostrils morning
1. Emotion , excitement agg., what might happen
2. Constipation, seashore amel.
3. Constriction, contraction, bending amel.
4. ———–”————-” painful warm drinks amel
5. ——”——-”———”————–” pressure amel
6. —-;”——”———–”—————-” stooping amel
7. Itching, anus, warmth agg.
8. Pain burning warmth agg.
9. —–” drinks warm amel.
1. Asthma after midnight, after 3 am amel.
2. —–” perspiration amel
1. Discoloration brown liver spots numerous
2. Moles crops of
3. Water running over in drops
1. Sleepless form anticipation,
2. —-” from disappointed love
1. Appetite wanting from disappointed love
2. Nausea constant in pregnancy
3. Pain extending upward, cardiac  end, from spices, vinegar, fat or pickled food
4. —-” cramping form hazelnuts
5. ——” Fasting amel.
6. Ulcers hereditary
7. Vomiting in acetonemia
8. —- ” alternating diarrhea
9. —–‘  from anticipation
1. Culture yeast
2. Odor offensive malignant
1. Lump plug sensation on waking
2. ——”   —” , warmth agg.
3. Pain, sore, warm drinks agg.
1. Evening 8-9 pm
2. Motion, changing position agg.
3. Turning in  a circle, as if, night, waking him 
Carcinosinum could prove miracle, if its choice is made intelligently taking family history and personal history as a
The hereditary indications are suicidal disposition, delirium tremens, measles, cancer esp. of mamma in mother
side, TB, whooping cough, diabetes, anemia, esp. pernicious type, liver cirrhosis, gastric ulcer and pyloric stenosis.
Personal history may be sequelae of any long standing fever, measles, injuries, esp. head injury, whooping cough,
cancer surgery, abuse, esp. children abuse, disappointed love esp. with migraine, insomnia or anorexia also same
from long standing grief,  fever after vaccination or mononucleosis.
Also ailments of business, masturbation, in nurslings, during ovulation, from parasites, transfusion, too early
responsibility, sensual impressions and shock.
As early as 1980, great Dr. Schmidt. had marked the rubric as highest grade; ‘Offended easily, takes everything in
bad part’ in Barthel Klunker Synthetic repertory published by Haug Verlag Heidelberg.
To my experience the most distinct indication has been desire which aggravates the ailment by any of the foods.
The queerest aspect is presence of biphasic character; desire and aversion or aggravation and amelioration in the
same rubric.
 Carcinosinum, seminar, Hetchel, Belgium 1989
 Barthel Klunker Synthetic repertory, Haulg verlag 1980, Heidelberg
 Smits Tinus, Practical material medica for consulting room,
 Mezger J, Geschishtes Arzneimittellehre, Haug verlag 1979
Dr Afsar Imam Sayyed
Dr Haider Imam MBBS, director, [medical services]
Dr Akhter Husain Medical foundation 21 Birdwood road, Lahore54000 Pakistan
Email :]
The Cycle Of Carcinosin
The New England Journal of Homeopathy
Fall 1996, Vol.5 No.4
by Frank W. Gruber, MD
Carcinosin was always a difficult remedy for me to understand. Partly, this was due to the lack of information on
the remedy. Partly it was due to the fact that much of information found was contradictory to itself. And partly it
was difficult because the information found was so nebulous that it seemed similar to so many other remedies.
Sometimes it looked like Natrum muriaticum, sometimes
like Phosphorus, Staphysagria, Lachesis, or Tuberculinum. This confusion makes some homeopaths prescribe this
remedy rarely, where as others prescribe it daily. But both can not be right. The intense disparity within the
remedy that seems to make it so confusing actually makes it easier to understand once we see how the cycle of
the remedy unfolds.
Understanding Remedies through Cycles and Segments
As readers of this journal know, for the last number of years Paul Herscu ND, has been developing a theory which
advocates looking at remedies as a cycle of segments. Each segment represents an idea which encompasses many
of the symptoms found in patients needing that remedy, as well as those symptoms recorded in the materia
medicas for that remedy. There are generally between 4-6 segments for each remedy. When the segments are all
taken together, they cover all the symptoms of that remedy. This is especially useful, as it helps explain
contradictory symptoms effectively.
Each segment or fundamental idea leads to the next and the next and the next, until the last idea leads back to the
first. This is the nature of chronic disease. The patient is in a cycle of pathology that they can’t escape. This cycle
prevents the vital force from allowing them to heal. For more information on the theories of Cycles and Segments,
as developed by Paul Herscu ND, read his book Stramonium with an Introduction to Cycles and Segments. See ad
on page ___.
Notice that the symptoms which are noted in the following cycle of Carcinosin include those from the
mental/emotional, general, and physical realms. The cycle of a remedy represents the untunement of the vital
force. That untunement is dynamic. It moves from segment to segment. As it moves it creates symptoms at all
levels which are reflections of the untunement of the vital force.
The Cycle of Carcinosin
In this part of the cycle the Carcinosin patient is fearful. They have fear of being alone, of animals, of the future, of
insects, mirrors, and spiders. They have fears about their health, riding fast. They have ailments from anticipation.
This fear is really about their ability to make their way in the world. If they can’t affect change in their own life,
literally everything seems threatening, uncontrollable. Consciously or unconsciously they choose a strategy for
survival which pushes them to the next part of the cycle.
If you have a fear about your own ability to make your way in the world, the easiest thing is to let someone else do
it for you. You let them take care of you. Often this is a pattern developed in childhood. An overbearing parent may
‘train’ the patient to be dependent, by not encouraging them to make their own decisions, by constantly doing
things for them, or by giving them the message that they are not capable of doing things for themselves.
So the symptoms that fit this portion of the cycle are: company ameliorates, loves affection, affectionate,
propensity for caresses, smiling, desires to be carried, resignation, desire for rocking, and sociability.
Also included in this segment are the myriad of things that tend to take care of them i.e. ameliorate them. Seaside
air amel., pain lower limbs warmth of bed amel., music amel., throat pain warm drinks amel., everything seems to
ameliorate them. They are letting themselves be taken care of. They take whatever they are given and it makes
them feel better.
They even desire foods which are comfort oriented: butter, chocolate, delicacies, eggs, fruit, milk, sweets, sugar.
You can almost imagine their mother giving them all their favorite comfort foods. Later on in life, they still need to
be taken care of and still find comfort in the same foods.
As Herscu explains in his theory of overreaction, you often get what you want but the intensity makes it
insupportable. For example, Pulsatilla desires consolation, desires to be carried and rocked and loved up, to be
smothered by others and yet they develop a fear of suffocation.
Likewise, because Carsinosin wants to be taken care of, they have to submit their will to the will of the person who
is doing the caretaking. They begin the process of losing their sense of self, not really knowing themselves as much
as they should, not being a solid individual. They hear only the vague voice of who they really are, who they were
meant to be. I think this is the famed keynote symptom for the remedy. It is not just suppression from the parent,
but rather the loss of self that results from that suppression. Here they may be mistaken
for Staphysagria or Natrum muriaticum. So they are quiet and inward. They tend to hold on to their feelings in this
phase, to suppress them. They don’t speak out. Things dwell and swell up inside of them.
A telltale symptom is: abdominal pain, bending double ameliorates. They bend over and take whatever they are
given in order to feel better. Or sleep position on knees with face forced into the pillow. This pretty much describes
the passivity. Yet it’s more than just passivity. It’s the next step. The overattention or being taken care of is
beginning to close in on them. It’s beginning to grate, be cloying. But they can’t say anything. They just keep it in
and swell up.
Other specific symptoms include : cautious, reserved, responsive without interest, taciturn, suppresses his desires,
aversion to company, anger with silent grief, suppressed grief, and answers in monosyllables.
Physical symptoms which reflect the same idea are: styes of eyes, stiffness of lower jaw, abdomen constriction,
rectum constriction, constriction of the heart, chest swelling of mammae before menses, extremity pain, motion
agg. They are held in, constricted, can’t move, swollen, and so are their physical symptoms. They can only take this
“holding on” for so long before they move to the next segment.
They get resentful. They can’t hold it in completely any more. They become contradictory. Three symptoms which
reveal this idea are: delusions she has suffered wrong, unhappiness due to influence of others, and delusions arms
do not belong to her. She can’t do what it is she wants. Her arms, which she uses to accomplish things, can’t be
used to do what she wants. She is at the mercy of someone else – and she resents it.
Other symptoms include: contradictory states, capricious, intolerance of contradiction, disobedience, quarrelsome,
ailments from domination, ailments from reproaches, discontented, disgust, anger at his mistakes, remorse,
sensitive to reprimands, dreams of murder, conversation aggravates.
Anything that makes them feel closed in bothers them. They have fear in narrow places or riding in a carriage
(closed in). At this phase, everything that looks like consolation or affection makes them worse: consolation
aggravates and seaside air aggravates. Eggs, fruit, and milk were comfort foods. Now they either are averse to, or
aggravated by them.
We see that the cycle explains the divergent aggravations a’d ameloriations by the same modalities. During the
‘letting themselves be taken care of’ segment of the cycle, these things make them feel better. In the ‘resentment’
segment of the cycle they make the patient feel worse.
Finally they have to break out. They are excitable, sexually intense, love to move. They are on their own. They
finally can take care of themselves. Symptoms include: Dancing, desire for travel, restlessness, blueness of the
sclera, runs about, disposition to masturbate, cheerful when it thunders and lightnings, extremity pain motion
ameliorates. They are finally alive.
But the excitability increases. You have the symptoms: starting from noise, talking in sleep, shrieking at night,
weeping, weeping at trifles, tics, twitching of eyelids, sleeplessness, destructiveness in children, biting fingers, and
tearing himself.
They start taking care of others. These rubrics include: Caring for others, too much of a sense of duty, anxiety
about family, full of cares for others, anxiety for others. They do many things for others, here looking
like Phosphorus or Causticum.
Cancerous affectations are found here as the cells lose cancer suppressing ability and proliferate with all the
energy possible-with so much vitality that it can kill the rest of the body. It is in a way a reaction to having been
suppressed for so long before. In the struggle for freedom, for growth and individuality, the person overshoots and
creates too much, just as what happened with the personality.
Finally it is just too much activity. They move to the next segment of the cycle.
They break down and are weak, sad. Symptoms of the breakdown are: schizophrenia, suicidal disposition, mouth
aphthae, ulcerations, and bleeding. The effects of cancer can be found here.
The weakness is seen with the following symptoms: mind development arrested, retardation, dullness,
concentration difficult, want of self confidence, sadness, weakness of eyes, rectum prolapse, sexual desire
diminished, extremities, weakness thigh. Too weak to walk, or to talk.
Expending so much energy has left a hole in them, has weakened them so much so that they can feel sensitive to
the outside world. So much so that they resemble Phosphorus or Pulsatilla or occasionally Medorrhinum.  They feel
other’s pains, but other’s beauty as well. Just as Phosphorus feels the music, sees the colors so vibrantly, so too
doesCarcinosin. But it is a sensitivity that can come from weakness and from being too open.
And so, the breakdown and weakness push them back into being fearful, and the cycle is back to the beginning and
starts around one more time.
So looking at the cycle of Carcinosin explains a few things. First, as mentioned above, it explains why at one
segment of the cycle certain symptoms ameliorate and, at another segment of the cycle, the same modalities
aggravate. Similarly, it explains why, at one segment they desire a certain food, at another segment they are
averse to the same food. Compare the modalities and food cravings of the ‘let themselves be taken care of’
segment with those of the ‘resentment’ segment.
Second, it allows us to see how Carcinosin can look like other remedies. During the ‘inward’ part of the cycle they
can easily look like Natrum muriaticum. During the frenetic part of the cycle they can look
like Phosphorus, Tuberculinum, or Lachesis. During the “inwardness, holding on” and ‘resentment’ parts of the
cycle they can look like Staphysagria. Taking other parts of the cycle they can look like other remedies. The beauty
of looking at remedies through the cycles and segments is that you can see how it fits together to form a coherent
picture of Carcinosin.
Third, you can easily see how the many descriptions of Carcinosin have come into the literature. It depends on the
portion of the cycle the patient was in when the homeopath treated them, and on what the homeopath focused
Fourth, the confusion in the literature does not mean that we should not give this remedy, but that we should
work our way through it and find the real issues underlying this remedy. While I do not think we should be
prescribing it every day, we also should not discard it.
As you read through the cases in this issue of the Journal, see if you can identify which segment or segments the
patient described to the homeopath. For example, in Dr. Lugten’s case, see page __, the description of the
patient’s pathology was on the frenetic, breaking out and then break down, weakness phases of the cycle. If you
take all the cases together, you can see how they fit into various portions of the cycle, and how taken all together
they create a full picture of the cycle of Carcinosin.
 To Read More About Cycles & Segments, click here
Frank W. Gruber, MD practices homeopathy full time in Norfolk, VA. He has been studying with Paul Herscu, ND. at
the New England School of Homeopathy for the last 3 years. He gratefully acknowledges, among many other
things, Dr. Herscu’s work in the use of cycles to understand remedies, and in particular for his help in delineating
the cycle of Carcinosin and for the use of his cases for this article.

In homeopathy we link certain familial disease history with the individual’s tendency to respond to stress both
physically and emotionally.  Over the centuries, different diseases have held prevalence over the population and
therefore influenced them in certain ways.  An example of this is the scourge of Tuberculosis around the
nineteenth century.  If we see an ancestor who has had been in contact with Tuburculosis then almost certainly we
see an increase of asthma, tonsillitis and allergies in the following generations.
The current disease of our time seems to be Cancer.  Just the word ‘cancer’ can fill people with fear and
trepidation, especially if it runs in the family.  Just take Angelina Jolie as an example; to prevent breast cancer she
recently had a double mastectomy.  I want to talk about what I commonly see in the clinic when there is a family
history of cancer.
Now, let me make this point quite clear, it does not matter if it was 2 generations back, nor if your mother had a
brush with breast cancer but is fine now.  It all counts.   When there is a family history of cancer, often there is also
a history of diabetes or thyroid disorders in the successive generations.  Each client that I see in my clinic is asked
in their consultation for as much detail as possible about the disease history of their immediate family line, both
maternal and parternal.  Sometimes only one side will have one or two ancestors with it but many of my clients
will have diabetes, thyroid and cancer issues heavily on both sides of the family.  This is where a homeopath would
consider that the Carcinosin miasm (disease history) could be exerting a strong influence over the client.
The Carcinosin Miasm Influence
When cancer is in the family history it exerts it’s influence not only over possible physical symptoms and diseases
that might manifest especially under stress, but also how stress can cause certain behaviors and reactions on the
emotional mental level.  Here is a description of a personality operating under a strong influence of the Carcinosin
miasm which is relevant for both adults and children.
Carcinosin influenced people are deeply empathetic towards others.  This causes them to also feel very responsible
for others.  A Carcinosin child for instance may grab a tea towel and try and help mum at a very young age or an
older sibling may help to watch over a younger brother or sister with quite some concern.  In fact we can see a
Carcinosin predisposition begin to form when a child has had to be overly responsible for others at a young age,
thereby losing some of their childhood.
People under the influence of this miasm are hypersensitive to criticism or any kind of admonition.  The comment
may have been meant kindly but to someone under the influence of this miasm, those words will go deep into the
person’s psyche or heart and there they will sit.  Carcinosin people are easily hurt and often really want to please
To this end they have high expectations of themselves and work very hard to achieve.  The problem is that
sometimes their expectations are so high they can be very difficult to meet.  This will in turn cause a Carcinosin
person to become highly anxious and filled with self-reproach.  These people are fantastic at being dreadfully
unkind to themselves with their own self-talk.  They can really beat themselves up.  In a child, their work may not
be good enough so they will screw it up and start their project again.  It is no understatement to use the
description fastidious and perfectionist when it comes to this miasm’s influence over the personality of these
people.  In fact, I have had some housewives who have responded well to Carcinosin who have appreciated when
their husbands have helped with the housework but have found it impossible to resist the urge to go around
afterwards and need to correct the wrinkles left in the bed spread.
Once a Carcinosin personality finds they have not met their own high expectations and then start their negative
self-reproach, they can succumb to anxiety and insomnia.  Carcinosen is the only remedy in the homeopathic
repertory specifically for children who require hours to fall asleep.  This can hold true for adults too.  After being
given Carcinosen the child can start to fall asleep in a shorter time frame.
Given enough time in an anxious state with not enough sleep, busily self-reproaching, it is only a matter of time
before the Carcinosin personality succumbs to depression.  Many times I have treated depression and also
reoccurring bouts of depression where the person has not been able to break that cycle.  Carcinosin or a closely
related remedy is almost always required in these cases at some point in their treatment.
Just as Carcinosin is required for a client to finally break through their entrenched pattern of responding to stress,
so it is often required for certain physical pathologies that do not seem to respond fully to any other treatment. 
One such example is Irritable Bowel Syndrom.  One of the symptoms indicating that Carcinosin might be required is
malabsorption of nutrients and gluten intolerance.  Obstinate Hayfever and Sinus symptoms may also respond to
this remedy as part of their treatment.  Also, this remedy is a significant remedy to speed the treatment and
recover of glandular fever.
This remedy is often required as part of a treatment plan as it reduces the underlying predispostition to breaking
down in certain ways under stress such as the tendency towards anxiety and depression.  Often after the
prescription of Carcinosin another remedy will be needed to specifically support the individual’s unique
manifestation of symptoms.
Here is a case from my clinic.  This is the typical history and symptoms that I see in my clinic in an adult needing
A female in her late 30’s comes to see me for depression.  She worked very, very hard in her twenties for a
corporation and suffered burnout and depression.  She’d had too many responsibilities that she had taken on at
that time in her busy job and continued to work very hard for an extended amount of time.   At the time of coming
to see me, her circumstances are now similiar at work.  She has changed professions and is now a therapist but is
currently working very hard on two projects that she is doing concurrently.  She is beginning to feel overwhelmed
and worried about the financial success of her business and feels like she is slipping downwards into depression
again.   She is not taking anti-depressants at this time, preferring to use St John’s Wort and manage through
This time there is an added grief as her marriage has ended 1 year ago and she feels as if this is impacting her at
the moment.  It was a shock at the time and she feels very alone and helpless currently.  Her partner had been very
critical of her during their marriage and she still can hear his voice of criticism in her head.  When she is under
stress she worries and has difficulty falling asleep, sometimes this takes hours.  This, of course, makes her more
When she was a teenager her father left suddenly and she needed to care for her younger brothers and help her
mother a lot.  She started off cooking the meals and looking after them after school while her mother was working
but later on she continued to contribute her earnings from her after school job as well as continuing to help her
mother with her siblings.  She has always felt unloved deep down by her father and this feeling seems to be
coming up strongly since her husband left.
The more worried she gets, the more her stomach and bowel becomes irritated.  It used to be just wheat that
caused diarrhoea and a sore stomach but now she cannot pin point exactly what in her diet is causing the IBS
symptoms as they seem to come and go with no particular cause.
Her family history includes thyroid disorder in her mother and cancer and heart problems in the father’s side. 
There is also a history of anxiety and depression that runs through her mother’s side of the family.
Carcinosin 1M was prescribed.
After the prescription the client was able to fall asleep quicker and be less anxious around her work commitments. 
Her energy lifted and her irritable bowel symptoms were less intense and less frequent.  She felt like she could
hold her own with her work commitments now.  She was able to stop the St Johns Wort.
A new symptom of anger had presented itself in regards to her marriage break up but this was very good due to
her working through the stages of the grief process and the client continued to work with me on those and her
irritable bowel symptoms in future consultations.

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