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Name: Hall-Ticket No:
Subject: Contracts-II Sign:

Multiple Choice Questions:

1)This is also a guarantee---- ( )
a. payment guarantee b. bank guarantee c. letter of credit d. all the above

2) The contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused by
the conduct of promiser himself is called contract of---- ( )
a. guarantee b. indemnity c. bailment d. agency

3) According to Sec 183 who may be employed as agent— ( )

a. person of sound mind b. person of age of majority c. both a & b d. none

4 Agency may be created— ( )

a. by express appointment b. by conduct of the parties
c. by subsequent ratification of unauthorised act d. all the above

5.Which of the following are rights available to an agent--- ( )

a. right of remuneration b. right to retain c. right of lien d. all the above

6) Bailment by several joint owners is dealt under which of the section

a. sec.169 b. sec.159 c. sec 163 d. sec 165 ( )

7) The bailor is bound to disclose to the bailee—

a. price of goods b. faults of goods c. weight of goods d. owner of goods ( )

8) Which type of lien have a bailee?

a. specific lien b. implied lien c. general lien d. special lien ( )

9) A guarantee which extends to series of transactions is known as ---- guarantee

a. specific b. continuing c. both a & b d. none of the above ( )

10) The contract of insurance is in fact contract of--- ( )

a. guarantee b. indemnity c. both a & b d. none of the above


1) The person for whose protection, the indemnity is given is called ____________________
2) The liability of the surety is co-extensive with that of ____________________
3) Legal claim to hold property as security is known as _____________________
4) The person to whom guarantee is given is called _________________________
5) The thing deposited as a security is called a ____________________________
6) Where an agent undertakes on payment of some extra commission to the principal
for the failure of third party to perform contract he is called ____________________________
7) The relationship of agency may also arise by the conduct of the parties.
These are called ________________ agencies.
8) Consideration for sale of goods must be ______________________
9) Caveat Emptor means ______________________
10) Pledge is a transfer of personal property as a ___________________ for a debt .

1. Contract of Bailment.

2) Termination of Agency.

3) Lien of Bailee.

4) Contract of Indemnity.

5) Pledge.

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