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(TITANIC 1997)

Short of climbing aboard a time capsule and peeling back eight and one-half decades, James
Cameron's magnificent Titanic is the closest any of us will get to walking the decks of the
doomed ocean liner. Meticulous in detail, yet vast in scope and intent, Titanic is the kind of
epic motion picture event that has become a rarity. You don't just watch Titanic, you
experience it -- from the launch to the sinking, then on a journey two and one-half miles below
the surface, into the cold, watery grave where Cameron has shot never-before seen
documentary footage specifically for this movie.

In each of his previous outings, Cameron has pushed the special effects envelope. In Aliens,
he cloned H.R. Giger's creation dozens of times, fashioning an army of nightmarish monsters.
In The Abyss, he took us deep under the sea to greet a band of benevolent space travelers. In
T2, he introduced the morphing terminator (perfecting an effects process that was pioneered
in The Abyss). And in True Lies, he used digital technology to choreograph an in-air battle.
Now, in Titanic, Cameron's flawless re-creation of the legendary ship has blurred the line
between reality and illusion to such a degree that we can't be sure what's real and what isn't.
To make this movie, it's as if Cameron built an all-new Titanic, let it sail, then sunk it.

Of course, special effects alone don't make for a successful film, and Titanic would have been
nothing more than an expensive piece of eye candy without a gripping story featuring
interesting characters. In his previous outings, Cameron has always placed people above the
technological marvels that surround them. Unlike film makers such as Roland Emmerich and
Dean Devlin, Cameron has used visual effects to serve his plot, not the other way around. That
hasn't changed with Titanic. The picture's spectacle is the ship's sinking, but its core is the
affair between a pair of mismatched, star-crossed lovers.

Titanic is a romance, an adventure, and a thriller all rolled into one. It contains moments of
exuberance, humor, pathos, and tragedy. In their own way, the characters are all larger-than-
life, but they're human enough (with all of the attendant frailties) to capture our sympathy.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about Titanic is that, even though Cameron carefully
recreates the death of the ship in all of its terrible grandeur, the event never eclipses the
protagonists. To the end, we never cease caring about Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack
(Leonardo DiCaprio).

Titanic sank during the early morning hours of April 15, 1912 in the North Atlantic, killing 1500
of the 2200 on board. The movie does not begin in 1912, however -- instead, it opens in
modern times, with a salvage expedition intent on recovering some of the ship's long-buried
treasure. The expedition is led by Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton), a fortune hunter who is searching
for the mythical "Heart of the Ocean", a majestic 56 karat diamond which reputedly went down
with the ship. After seeing a TV report about the salvage mission, a 101-year old woman
(Gloria Stuart) contacts Brock with information regarding the jewel. She identifies herself as
Rose DeWitt Bukater, a survivor of the tragedy. Brock has her flown out to his ship. Once
there, she tells him her version of the story of Titanic's ill-fated voyage.
The bulk of the film -- well over 80% of its running time -- is spent in flashbacks. We pick up
the story on the day that Titanic leaves Southampton, with jubilant crowds cheering as it
glides away from land. On board are the movie's three main characters: Rose, a young
American debutante trapped in a loveless engagement because her mother is facing financial
ruin; Cal Hockley (Billy Zane), her rich-but-cold-hearted fiancé; and Jack Dawson, a penniless
artist who won his third-class ticket in a poker game. When Jack first sees Rose, it's from afar,
but circumstances offer him the opportunity to become much closer to her. As the voyage
continues, Jack and Rose grow more intimate, and she tries to summon up the courage to
defy her mother (Frances Fisher) and break off her engagement. But, even with the aid of an
outspoken rich women named Molly Brown (Kathy Bates), the barrier of class looms as a
seemingly-insurmountable obstacle. Then, when circumstances in the Rose/Cal/Jack triangle
are coming to a head, Titanic strikes an iceberg and the "unsinkable" ship (that term is a
testament to man's hubris) begins to go down.By keeping the focus firmly on Rose and Jack,
Cameron avoids one frequent failing of epic disaster movies: too many characters in too many
stories. When a film tries to chronicle the lives and struggles of a dozen or more individuals, it
reduces them all to cardboard cut-outs. In Titanic, Rose and Jack are at the fore from
beginning to end, and the supporting characters are just that -- supporting. The two
protagonists (as well as Cal) are accorded enough screen time for Cameron to develop
multifaceted personalities.

As important as the characters are, however, it's impossible to deny the power of the visual
effects. Especially during the final hour, as Titanic undergoes its death throes, the film
functions not only as a rousing adventure with harrowing escapes, but as a testimony to the
power of computers to simulate reality in the modern motion picture. The scenes of Titanic
going under are some of the most awe-inspiring in any recent film. This is the kind of movie
that it's necessary to see more than once just to appreciate the level of detail.

One of the most unique aspects of Titanic is its use of genuine documentary images to set the
stage for the flashback story. Not satisfied with the reels of currently-existing footage of the
sunken ship, Cameron took a crew to the site of the wreck to do his own filming. As a result,
some of the underwater shots in the framing sequences are of the actual liner lying on the
ocean floor. Their importance and impact should not be underestimated, since they further
heighten the production's sense of verisimilitude.For the leading romantic roles of Jack and
Rose, Cameron has chosen two of today's finest young actors. Leonardo DiCaprio (Romeo +
Juliet), who has rarely done better work, has shed his cocky image. Instead, he's likable and
energetic in this part -- two characteristics vital to establishing Jack as a hero. Meanwhile,
Kate Winslet, whose impressive resume includes Sense and Sensibility, Hamlet, and Jude,
dons a flawless American accent along with her 1912 garb, and essays an appealing,
vulnerable Rose. Billy Zane comes across as the perfect villain -- callous, arrogant, yet
displaying true affection for his prized fiancé. The supporting cast, which includes Kathy
Bates, Bill Paxton, Frances Fisher, Bernard Hill (as Titanic's captain), and David Warner (as
Cal's no-nonsense manservant), is flawless.

While Titanic is easily the most subdued and dramatic of Cameron's films, fans of more frantic
pictures like Aliens and The Abyss will not be disappointed. Titanic has all of the thrills and
intensity that movie-goers have come to expect from the director. A dazzling mix of style and
substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, Titanic represents Cameron's most
accomplished work to date. It's important not to let the running time hold you back -- these
three-plus hour pass very quickly. Although this telling of the Titanic story is far from the first,
it is the most memorable, and is deserving of Oscar nominations not only in the technical
categories, but in the more substantive ones of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and
Best Actress.
( Covid 19 news )

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading globally, which is not merely a

health problem, but also affects the world economy and the environment in
diverse ways. As of July 10, 2020, 12.10 million people have been affected
worldwide and 551,046 have died (WHO, 2020). While COVID-19 is causing
severe damage to economies and societies, it has augmented the environment
as pollution has reduced significantly (Chakraborty and Maity, 2020). Due to
COVID-19, governments have imposed restrictions on the movement of
people, vehicles, and suspended industrial activities (Zambrano-Monserrate et
al., 2020). The consequences of such lockdowns have been remarkable, as
pollution levels have dropped significantly; for instance, greenhouse gas
emissions, nitrogen dioxide, black carbon and water pollution have decreased
drastically (Chakraborty and Maity, 2020; Saadat et al., 2020; Tobías et al.,
2020; Wang and Su, 2020; Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020).

In Barcelona, Spain, for example, air pollution levels dropped by 50% during
the lockdown period, notably, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and black carbon (BC)
rates declined by 45–51% (Tobías et al., 2020). However, ozone (O3) levels in
Barcelona increased by between 33% and 57% during the lockdown period
(Tobías et al., 2020). In China, carbon emissions dropped by 25% during
lockdown, that is, approximately 1 million tons less compared to same period
last year (Wang and Su, 2020). In Malaysia, particulate matter (PM2.5) dropped
by approximately 58.4% during that country's lockdown (Abdullah et al., 2020).
Water pollution in Venice, Italy was significantly reduced due to lockdown as a
result water canals of Venice became more transparent compared to the pre-
lockdown period (Saadat et al., 2020). Likewise, the surface water quality in the
Vembanad Lake in India improved significantly during that country's lockdown
period as suspended particulate matter (SPM) dropped by 15.9% compared to
the pre-lockdown phase (Yunus et al., 2020). Meanwhile, COVID-19 is also
having adverse consequences on the environment due to the hefty amount of
domestic and medical litter and the lack of initiatives to recycle medical trash
in fear of the surge to spread COVID-19 to the people associated with recycling
(Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020).

While the pros and cons of COVID-19 on the environment are evident in the
literature, the environment or climate has also had a significant influence on
COVID-19 transmissions and mortality. Several studies have reported a
significant correlation between climate indicators such as temperature, due
point, humidity, wind speed, rainfall and COVID-19 transmissions and fatality
(Ma et al., 2020; Pirouz et al., 2020; Qi et al., 2020; Şahin, 2020; Sobral et al.,
2020; Zhu et al., 2020). Moreover, studies have argued that temperature
influences the COVID-19 transmissions, but have found mixed (positive,
negative and insignificant) impacts on COVID-19 transmissions (Briz-Redón
and Serrano-Aroca, 2020; Prata et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2020; Xie and Zhu, 2020).
Air pollution is another crucial indicator that affects the COVID-19
transmission and mortality rate (Abdullah et al., 2020; Carrington, 2020;
Muhammad et al., 2020). Northern Italy, where the air is more polluted than the
rest of the country, was struck relatively hard by COVID-19, with significantly
higher incidence and related casualties (Carrington, 2020). Therefore, COVID-
19 can influence the environmental factors and vice versa. While investigating
this phenomenon, most studies have focused on one side of the coin or the
other. However, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have explored the
bidirectional characteristics of COVID-19 and the environment. Being an
emerging study domain, a critical review of studies on the nexus between the
COVID-19 and the environment can formulate a current state of knowledge that
could provide directions to future research. Furthermore, such a review can
summarize methodological advancement, which can be implemented in the
context of countries other than the studied ones to further investigate the
relationship between COVID-19 and the environmental .
( Covid-19 active and death cases )

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 originally identified in December

2019 as a severe case of pneumonia in Wuhan province of China
and since that has become a global pandemic, affecting greatest
nations around the whole world (1-5). Following the few days after
diagnosing the first case of this previously unknown pneumonia, a
novel coronavirus and its contributing agents have been identified
by the several independent laboratories (6-8). For the time being
the causative virus has been named as severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the relevant infected
disease has been named as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
by the World Health Organization respectively. According to the
daily report of the World Health Organization, the epidemic of
SARS-CoV-2 so far registered 118 319 cases and 4292 deaths to
113 countries that reported by March 11, 2020 and the World Health
Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic On March 30
reported 693 224 confirmed cases, including 33 106 deaths in more
than 200 countries (9). The novel coronavirus COVID-19 originally
identified in December 2019, based on the data issued by March 30,
2020 daily report, the epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 so far has caused
693224 cases and resulted in 33106 deaths in more than 200
countries. Referring to the data reported, World Health
Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic. We considered the
chain-binomial type of the model which involves short stages of
high infectivity and approximately constant incubation periods.
This research paper is to study and analyze the COVID-19 Virus
spreading statistics on the examples of the cases from the different
counties. High correlation coefficients (91.64%) and determinants
(83.98%) between the total volumes of virus spread and recovery
are considered to be high and indicate the correctness of the Bailey
model. Thus, as of March 30, with the results of statistical and
mathematical data processing, it is difficult to predict the future
spread-reduction variables of the pandemic.
Figure 1 shows the new Covid-19 cases in the Philippines from March 20 to
June 8, 2020, based on data from the Department of Health (DOH). The figure
shows an increase in the number of new cases beginning May 24. Figure 2
shows the average number of daily Covid-19 cases for the dates from April 1 to
May 15, from May 16 to May 31, and from June 1 to June 8(based on
DateRepConf of DOH data, new data from the Department of Health was
disaggregated according to the date of reporting of confirmed cases). The first
period coincided with the implementation of Enhanced Community Quarantine
(ECQ) in NCR, the second period coincided with implementation of Enhanced
Community Quarantine (MECQ) in NCR, and the third period coincided with
the implementation of General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in NCR

Figure 2 shows the aggregate test result data backlog for the Philippines, shown
as the difference between the number of individuals who tested positive for
Covid-19 and the official number of Covid-19 cases. As of June 7, 2020, the
backlog accounts for 6,359 cases.

Title of Proposed Project : COVID-19 prevention and control

Contact Person : DR. Md Rezaul Kabir, Executive Director

Organization Name : Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF).

Address : Vill+Post-Raihanpur,Thana-Patharghata,District-Barguna,Bangladesh

Phone : 01712136558/01716733676/01718766442.


Legal status of Organization:

Disable Development & Educational Foundation (DDEF) is Registered with

a. Department of Social Service: Barguna-433

b. NGO Affairs Bureau: NGOAB-2608

c. Department of Youth affairs: Barguna-220

Project Cost: BDT. 1,19,80,000.00 ( One core Nineteen Lac eighty thousand taka )

Project Description:

Corona viruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in humans. In humans,
several corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered corona virus causes
corona virus disease COVID-19.

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered corona virus. This
new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in
December 2019.

News of the virus has spread quickly throughout the Bangladesh and already the virus has
been jokingly referred to as “moronavirus” (ie dying-virus) because of the severity
surrounding it. The global reaction to the threat has generally increased the perception of the
severity of the illness and the threat it poses to the peoples. However, there is a widespread
lack of clarity on specifics related to the illness. The general view of the virus is that it is
spreading rapidly and that actions taken by donors have increased the perception that the
corona virus is a serious threat to Bangladeshi people’s live

MOVIE REVIEW……………………………..............
ARTICLE CRITIQUE…………………………..........
RESEARCH REPORT………………………………..
POSITION PAPER……………………………...........
LITERATURE REVIEW………………………..........
RESIGNATION LETTER……………………...........
LETTER OF EXPLANATION………………...........
INQUIRY LETTER…………………………………..
OFFICE MEMO………………………………………
LETTER OF REFUSAL………………………...........
(Vaccination of Filipinos for Covid-19)

As the world welcomes the availability and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines,

coupled with it is the ‘hesitant’ predicament of some Filipinos to get
vaccinated because of the confusing information regarding its efficacy. With
this, the government needs to build up public trust to assure a successful
vaccination program. A recent study suggested that a more ‘localized’ public
education and role-modeling from public officials and health authorities can
help in building public trust.

However, this needs a lot of clarification if applied in the current situation

where education is fully executed online. The problem now lies in the
country’s poor internet connectivity which greatly affects the online setup.
This study then proposes that a house-to-house massive information
campaign by local health care personnel which is led by a medical doctor to
ensure a credible explanation of the entire procedure. In the same way, the
idea of public officials as role-models seemed to be ineffective since there
were already casualties linked to the vaccine. A consistent transparent
approach is suggested in lieu of this which can prepare the country for a more
defensive strategy to fight the pandemic.

“It is not only for our people's healthy well-being, but also for making our
economy vibrant again and ultimately get our pre-pandemic normal lives back

In general, vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccination saves lives. For the
Filipinos, we will only give vaccines that are proven to be safe and effective.
And vaccination is free and will be made available for all Filipinos starting with
high-risk sectors such as health workers and then senior citizens
The vaccine will become the currency of life and death. Nearly every person on
the planet will need it to stay safe from the virus. Ensuring everyone has
access is the only way to protect us all from another COVID-19 pandemic.


Rapunzel retold by Rachel Isadora is a children's fairy tale that was published in 2008.
The story starts off with two parents who were wishing to have a baby; their wish was
granted. However, the mother then fell ill and was in great need of the rapunzel that
was growing in the wicked sorceress' garden near by. In order to keep her alive he
husband would fetch the rapunzel during the night until the sorceress stopped him.
For the husband to keep his wife alive he traded the rapunzel for their baby who was
to be born soon. Once the sorceress received the baby, she locked her in a tower with
no entryway. The sorceress thought she was only one entering the tower by calling
out, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down you hair" but she was wrong because a prince
was visiting Rapunzel during the nights. Rapunzel and the prince said their marriage
vows, and she became pregnant. The sorceress then found out, and was very upset,
so she cut off Rapunzel hair and proceeded to leave her in the wilderness alone. The
prince sang the chant to let Rapunzel's hair down but instead of having Rapunzel be
there, it was the sorceress who then blinded him for his actions. Years went by with
Rapunzel and the prince on their own, until one day the prince heard Rapunzel's
beautiful voice where they were then reunited! The tears of joy cured the prince's
vision so he was then able to see her and their twin children. From then on, the four of
them lived happily ever after once they returned to the prince's kingdom!

This book falls under the genre of a fairy tale because it is a retold story of the well-
known fairy tale of Rapunzel. The elements that make this book a fairy tale are the
storyline, the artistic elements, and the characters used. The storyline of Rapunzel is
not realistic in the sense that she was taken from her parents and locked away into a
tower with no doors or staircases, and then sought by a prince who proceeded to
climb up her hair. This book could also be considered a folklore because of the
African background and setting, but it is more of a fairytale because of the storyline
itself. There were lots of things that I found interesting while reading this book. This
would be a good story for young readers, however there are some flaws. I appreciate
that there are Africans being represented in the book. It really meant a lot to me and it
made me excited to read the book when I found out that the story was an African
Novel. As a student in elementary teaching we never seemed to talk about a variety of
cultures. I find it relevantly hard to focus on some texts when they discuss and teach
us about the same groups of people and their practices. Multicultural education
advances students to acknowledge other cultures that they may not be familiar with,
which was done beautifully in this book. The setting of the story is a typical African
scene. There are lots of animals in the background of the illustrations. On one of the
pictures the prince is riding a zebra and I felt as though Isadora fell into the
stereotype that Africa is this place of free roaming animals that interact with humans.
This vision that Isadora is painting isn’t a clear vision and she
begins to put barriers on African culture by her apparent
illustrations of the animals.



Purok 8, Maria Cristina Balo-i Lanao del Norte



• Caregiver/Patient Care Assistant


• To learn new things and technology

• To work for excellence

• To work harmoniously with one another

• To grow more in my chosen career


AGE: 20

BIRTH DATE: May 24,2001

BIRTH PLACE: Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao del Norte (Philippines)

WEIGHT: 43 kg

RELIGION: Roman Catholic


Tertiary : Two Year Graduate of Midwifery Program

St. Mary’s Maternity and Children’s Hospital School, Inc

Tibanga, Iligan City, Philippines

(S.Y. 2014-2015)

Secondary : Balo-I National High School

Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao del Norte

(S.Y. 2011-2012)

Primary : Maria Cristina Central School

Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao del Norte

(S.Y. 2007-2008)


• St. Mary’s Maternity & Children’s Hospital School

Quezon Ave. Extension Iligan City (OJT)

• Lanao del Norte Provincial Hospital

Baroy, Lanao del Norte (OJT)

• Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital

Pala-o, Iligan City (OJT)

• Tambacan Barangay Health Center

Tambacan, Iligan City (OJT)

• Minebea Mitsumi Inc.

Sabang danao, Cebu City (Production Operator)

• Gregorio T. LLuch Memorial Hospital

Pala-o, Iligan City (Nursing Attendant- November 2017 to February 2018)


Nursing Attendant
Pala-o, Iligan City (2018-2020)


• Ability to handle the queries of the patient and their families and also
resolve them.

• Strong ability to identify the needs of the patient and focus on the
investigation of the physical and psychosocial development.

• Profound organization and communication skills both verbally and


• Computer Literate


Gerlyn S. Villar, RM Midwife (063) 09269126947

Evelyn A. Murio, RM Midwife (063) 09553451869

Mila Libot, RN Nurse IV (063) 09055985926


Rhea Mae S. Iniego

Purok8, Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao Del Norte

August 7, 2021




I would like to notify you that I am resigning as one of the Contact Tracer from Iligan City
August 21.

Thank you very much for the opportunity you’ve given to me. I have genuinely enjoyed my
time with my journey as Contact Tracer, and I believe the experience has taught me much

RheaMae S. Iniego


RheaMae S. Iniego

Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao Del Norte

Zip Code: 9205

Date: 06/5/21

DR. Habib W. Macaayong

Mindanao State University (Main)

Marawi City

Zip Code: 9700

Dear Sir/Madam Macaayong,

After a thorough research about different colleges, the Mindanao State

University is my final choice. This university offers a Psychology program and
has an outstanding reputation and excellent reviews. Mindanao State
University is a recommendation by the previous graduates and I am interested
in enrolling myself in the Psychology program.

My aim is to finish the Psychology program offered at the Ohio State

University and I want to continue my studies after graduating from the
undergraduate program. After entering the graduate program I want to become
a counselor dealing with young children.
Majors in Psychology is my long-term goal and I am confident of making the
right career choice. Attached is my application, transcripts, essays, and letters
of recommendation as per the admission requirement.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Rheamae S. Iniego


July 5, 2021




Department Head

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am applying for the position of contact tracer in your Department. I am a

graduate of 2 years Midwifery at St. Mary’s Maternity and Children’s Hospital
School Inc, Tibanga Iligan City. All of my Skills and experiences are stated at
my attached Resume.

I am hoping for your favorable feedback with this application. You can reach
me at 09187329264 at your most available time. Thank you and God Bless!
Respectfully yours,

Rheamae S. Iniego


Republic of the Philippines Province of Lanao Del Norte Barangay Maria


September 28, 2014




Warmest greetings from Maria Cristina Youth Council of Maria Cristina Balo-I
Lanao Del Norte, Maria Cristina Youth Council is a youth organization
organized with a purpose of providing young people a forum to fully and
effectively deal with an issue that is especially important to them, such as
involvement to non-productive activity, youth violence and education. We, the
Maria Cristina Youth Council, in collaboration with Maria Cristina Barangay
Council and with the support of the residents of Barangay Maria Cristina are
planning to have our Annual Barangay Fiesta this coming August 26, 202021.
We are eager to bring back the unity and cooperation of the residents of our
barangay after a decade since 2016 was the first and last annual fiesta of the
barangay. In preparation for the coming event, we are organizing an
Invitational Basketball Tournament aged 18 years old and below. The
competition will commence on the 20 th day of October 2014 and shall end on
the 23rd day of September 16. In this regard, may we respectfully request
donation whether monetary or in kind from your respected office. We wish to
solicit from your esteemed office sports equipment which will be utilized in the
upcoming basketball tournament. We hope you take this opportunity to
support this event, as your donation will do so much for our barangay.
Anticipating your munificence and generosity. Maraming Salamat po!

Respectfully Yours,

RheaMae S. Iniego



RheaMae S. Iniego

Purok8, Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao Del Norte


July 5, 2021

Dear: Mr/Madam

I am a highly successful and experienced sales executive and am writing to

inquire if you have any openings at your company for which I might apply.

I am currently working for Yang’s Kitchen Retailers as a sale executive. My

duties include cold calling, chasing up leads, meeting potential clients and
closing sales. I have a very successful track record in all of these fields.

I have enclosed my CV with this enquiry letter, if after reviewing it you feel
there may be a position in your company for me then please do not hesitate to
contact me.
I look forward very much to an opportunity to discuss my related work
experience and explain in more detail how I can contribute to the continued
success of your company.


RheaMae S. Iniego


TO: Premier Health Managers, Providers, and Staff of Iniego’s Company

FROM: RheaMae Iniego, President & CEO, Iniego’s Company

DATE: June 30, 2021

RE: Update on PPE (Masks to be Used by All Providers, Employees, and Visitors at All Sites of


As we continue to work to ensure the safety of all providers, staff, and others at our
sites of company, we would like to make you aware of our latest guidelines for the use
of masks and face coverings at Iniego’s Company facilities. This update also ensures
consistency with the latest guidance from the Joint Commission and the state of
Ohio. Effective Friday, July 1, to minimize the spread of COVID-19, all Iniego’s
Company employees, contractors, visitors, and staff must wear masks or face
coverings at Iniego’s Company facilities and subsidiary locations. This new
requirement to all employees still must adhere to the transmission-based isolation
precaution policy and other precautions as outlined for the care of confirmed or
suspected COVID19 patients. Even with this new policy, we ask that if you have been
wearing a mask from home, you continue to do so to help conserve PPE and ensure a
safe environment for everyone at our care sites. Each employee who does not bring
their own face protection may be provided with one Premier-issued mask per shift
that must be worn for every patient encounter. Under normal conditions, we anticipate
one mask per shift per employee should be sufficient. These masks will be distributed
atthe employee’s entry point to the care site if the employee is not already wearing a
mask. Staff caring for patients in isolation will need to ensure that they are wearing
the appropriate mask when interacting with patients in those areas.
Employees who provide support services but do not provide direct patient

▪ Must wear a face covering throughout their shift if they cannot maintain six feet of

distancing” from their colleagues (this includes in cubicle work environments if

someone is

sitting within six feet of you);

▪ May and are encouraged to wear their own cloth masks, if they have them.

Masks may be removed when social distancing of at least six feet is possible (for example,
after the employee enters a private office). Managers should take care to ensure that locations
where employees take their meals and breaks can accommodate social distancing
requirements so that employees can remove their masks while eating. Please note that masks
and other face coverings should not be placed on children under age 2, anyone who has
trouble breathing, or anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to
remove the mask without assistance. Patients may remove their cloth face covering when in
their rooms, but should put them back on when leaving their room or when others who are not
wearing a mask enter the room.

As a reminder, non-Premier issued masks must meet the following criteria:

▪ Properly worn

▪ Regularly inspected, maintained and replaced as necessary by the employee

▪ Properly removed, cleaned, and stored or disposed of, as applicable, to avoid contamination

self, others, or the environment.

▪ Employees must perform hand hygiene after handling.


▪ Mask must be discarded if it is wet, soiled, damaged (holes, rips, tears) or becomes hard to

breathe through.

▪ If it is a cloth mask (non-patient care areas only) it must be washed in between shifts. It is the

responsibility of the employee to launder between shifts.


▪ Employees must perform hand hygiene before removing masks.

▪ Employees must perform hand hygiene after removing masks.

▪ Employees must try to avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth.

▪ When the employee is not within six feet of other people, the mask can be carefully

folded so that the outer surface is held inward and against itself to reduce contact

with the outer surface during storage. The folded masks can be stored between uses

in a clean sealable paper bag or zip lock baggie or breathable container or hang below

your chin resting on your neck.

▪ The employee should write their name on the bag.

Please note: Cloth face coverings are NOT PPE and must not be worn for the care of patients
with known

or suspected COVID-19 or other situations where a respirator or facemask is warranted.

Iniego’s Company

Purok8, Maria Cristina Balo-I Lanao Del Norte


July 5, 2021


Marawi City


Dear Mr. Morales:

Thank you for the recent invitation. I’m sorry I will not be able to attend
the reception honoring the board of directors in your new office building. I
have another meeting in Canton, which has been scheduled for several
I have watched your building go up from the start and hope you will give
me another opportunity in the future to visit with you and get a closer look.


RheaMae Iniego



Despite the temporary closure of our school buildings around the world due to
COVID-19, learning and teaching continues through our distance learning approaches
across the International Schools Partnership (ISP). The safety and wellbeing of
students, staff and families remains our top priority as we continue to put learners
and learning at the forefront of everything we do.

We know it is a very different and unsettling time for everyone as we transition to our
‘new normal’ and that these exceptional circumstances are a change for our
educators, students and their families. However, change brings opportunities as well
as challenges. We continue to find strength through our global ISP community and
supporting one another through these changes.

Some of our ISP schools and offices have already been learning and working from
home for over three weeks, and others are only just starting this new way of life. It is a
time of learning, for reflection and improving and getting better together. The truth of
the matter for all of us is that living in isolation is hard and will get harder over time.
We will all experience more challenging times together in those weeks ahead and the
human spirit of togetherness is what will help us through.

The severe short-term disruption is felt by many families around the world: home
schooling is not only a massive shock to parents’ productivity, but also to children’s
social life and learning. Teaching is moving online, on an untested and
unprecedented scale. Student assessments are also moving online, with a lot of trial
and error and uncertainty for everyone. Many assessments have simply been
cancelled. Importantly, these interruptions will not just be a short-term issue, but can
also have long-term consequences for the affected cohorts and are likely to increase

The effects of the COVID-19 panic has caused a massive changes to our daily lives,
changes that have often happened rapidly and abruptly. Life adjustments often come
with a wide range of experiences and emotions. Sometimes that transition can feel
smooth and other times that journey to the new normal is choppy or downright

Some people may find themselves in survival mode, gathering information and
resources necessary to function at school, work, as a person, and in our relationships
with others. Others may be attempting to settle into their new routines. For some, this
means trying to combat social isolation. For many, it means learning how to live (or
re-live) with friends, family members, partners, or roommates, which is not always
easy. I hear a lot of people struggle to find a distraction-free space at home that is
conducive to do productive and effective work. For myself, I feel like it takes twice as
much time, effort, and energy to do even simple tasks, which can be quite draining.
I’ve really had to be very compassionate and patient with myself lately. Others may be
struggling with the fatigue, frustration, sadness, anger, grief, and anxiety (among
other things) of adjusting. Some people (and I hope there are a lot of you out there),
have gone through the adjustment process and are finding comfort in your new

In this uncertain environment, it’s important that learning continues, even if it can’t
happen in person. That’s why we’re providing access to expert faculty, best practices,
and other online learning resources for people who are studying, teaching or working
remotely. We’ll be updating this site regularly with even more helpful resources

Education is not forgotten during the crisis or in its aftermath. Investing in education
not only provides normalcy and a pathway for our young people to participate fully in
the economy and society, but it fuels innovation and the skills and talents that will be
needed to combat the next pandemic or crisis.
Reading and Writing
Sub. From: Iniego, Rheamae

Sub. To: Melody p. niez

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