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.File Name: videoplayback.


File Length: 00:13:28

Duration: 00:00:00 - 00:03:00

Service Provider: 360Converter

Date: 09/08/2021, 09:05:01

The E-commerce market is now witnessing the most intensive business war since its inception while
Amazon and Flipkart seem to be the undisputed king of the battle as of now on the other side jio now
preparing to disrupt the market with their extensive and robust supply chain and just like any other business
war Indian commerce market is now about to witness the most astonishing business strategies in the game.
the first episode of the Indian e-commerce series the billion-dollar business strategies deployed by both
amazon and flip card to help you understand what exactly is the position market and most importantly what
are the business lessons that we need to learn from their business strategies to become incredible business
leaders. The war started way back in 2014 was by far the undisputed king on the market with forty
per cent market share in fact in two thousand and fourteen had three times more market share as
compared to amazon that had only twelve per cent market share two two thousand and sixteen
revenue started reaching new heights by two thousand and eighteen once had three times less market
share compared to flip cards I was now standing to do is Flipkart with only seven point three per
cent difference in market share and this is something that didn't happen in every single country that
amazon and told that is played in the market but all of a sudden Amazon comes in and start eating
into the existing players market and then begs the question what exactly is amazon strategy and what
is so special about the strategy that it can challenge and beat is established rivals so confused this
strategy is none other than the launch of amazon

everybody has Market is now witnessing the most intensive business worse
since its Inception what side do you do my Dandy Mart on now preparing to
disrupt the market with an extensive and robust supply chain apply to some of
the most astonishing business strategies in the game so in this case, you
understand what exactly is your position to e-commerce market and most
importantly what are the business license. we ll get will get one month of the
free trial from skin versus ss with business was started way back in 2014
when Flipkart was by far the Undisputed King in the market with 40% market
share in three times more market share as compared to Amazon that had only
12 per cent market share by 2018 the same Amazon that one side 3
market share as compared to flip card was now standing toe-to-toe with
Flipkart flip card with only 7.3% difference in Market share and this is
something that didn't just happen in India every single country that Amazon
entered that is eating into the existing players big players look begs the
question question what exactly is Amazon strategy and what is so special
about this strategy that it established the launch of Amazon Prime
subscription Amazon Prime subscription on Prime video but the
behaviour designed that it brings in the consumer spending now the
question is what exactly is this the secret sauce and how did it make you
want to jump in and Indian e-commerce in this 1970 and research people
that was published by a Nobel Laureate call Richard uses a psychological
phenomenon called the song sunk cost fallacy at which ich the e good will l
be good will be utilized in Civil War you say sick you sit inside the movie u
moose e s at ped d olute tely be he's absolutely boring but even then because
you paid for it the t that even by sitting through the entire world you're not
going to get back with me never ever leave the theatre and sit through the
entire movie not going to get our money back inside there's a chance that you
might want or end up with a stomach ache because they paid for it this is
what you call a as the

cost fallacy and the psychological phenomena leave in German is a billion
billion dollar idea because bridge on Prime Video has been designed the
moment or Amazon you will by default choose Amazon order Flipkart and
where is nothing short of a 2016/17 stand up comedy was one of the hottest
markets in cities like Mumbai Pune and other metropolitan cities trapeze in
2016 after Amazon Prime video Sebastian and a very very clearly trying to be
Amazon Prime subscription at a cost of 490 rupees for the entire know t want
to know what happened knowingly or unknowingly the audience ended up
thinking that the Amazon Prime membership is absolutely worth it because it
was not just giving them three stand-up specials stand up Special K bars ito's
to combine that with one day delivery and a lot more offering and not so
surprising even today often because I was on constantly keep putting out
dates in the form of miserable and family man when does Diwali sale happens
people in naturally inclined to buy from Amazon s what according to the
report from subscribe it was noted that Amazon Prime customer customers by
three times more three times more as compared to 1 on Prime customer and
this is one of the primary reasons why from 2016 onwards Amazon started
waking up insane amount of Revenue eventually 7.5 billion dollars in 2018
and when this is combined with Amazon Alexa and fire stick in your house
you are practically bound to the Prime Membership
you have officially entered deep into the Amazon Echo by at at do the most e
most in est ing boy nt but the most interesting point of a nerd with her is that
in spite of Amazon being so aggressive with its prime investment in spite of
its strategy before Diwali before Diwali before Diwali in spite of miserable
being a massive hit in spite of miserable being a massive hit YMCA love
Amazon in Flipkart whereas Amazon only head had 34% share of the question
is why Flipkart Flipkart dominated Amazon number one the cow s ume r the
customers who belonged to tier-2 tier-3 cities & Beyond and Beyond and it
had tremendous brand recognition secondly while Amazon Prime membership
of 120 for students three students I e's a why do the reason why this is very
important is because students are the chief technology officer of the house
and by giving them free free membership Flipkart flip card is actually the
decision-makers who is going to choose which electronic instrument to buy
electronic instrumental by instrumental by George Lucas loyalty program into
one of the most successful programs in the e-commerce Market and became
wildly popular shoes and a 75% all the flip card Plus members come from a
base that has not been a part of any loyalty program shop pays as much as
non Prime customers show up five to seven times more

to non-Plus customers my kkah . hu do in the dumb s of terms of fashion
because of winter in Japan in Japan and they've got got 70% market share in
the online fashion segment there. stand toe-to-toe getting ahead of each other
with each passing water with each passing cost to build a strong fashion
brand ecosystem like that of Amazon window future retail case against the
Lions and flip card bad offline space with extremely profitable physical
stores spread all across the country this is what you need to know about the
face one of these the revolution of India and this brings me to the most
important part of the video and that is with all this drama. drama drama
drama that is so happening in the face one of the retail Revolution what are
the most important business license lessons that we need from the strategies
deployed by flip card on Amazon and Amazon must be a complete game in
this case was costing for for 9:10 for the entire day and now it's the one it's
the one do n't know how many feet don't know how many if you know this
but you might actually try to apply the Suncoast strategy with a cold gold
with a one year membership gold but because but because it includes massive
losses to the

restaurants and eventually a double-edged sword sword a double-edged sword
is the most important aspect of pricing what's the demography stand-up
comedy stand up comedy at the same time if you see a Flipkart plus looks
quite counting to do to us it is doing wonders in tier two plus cities a are
Amazon. does in order to appeal to the tier tier 2 + 14 + audience and more
importantly born exactly what exactly does with future retail and lost most
importantly people if you have someone who wants to do a deep dive into
such billion dollar bill billion-dollar behavioral economics billion dollar bet I
would highly recommend if you don't find time to read this book has the
1970s 1979 behavioral economics business and business and political case
studies please subscribe to a channel thank you so much for watching I will
see you in the next one by by

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