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“A complete nutrient for healthy rubber tree bark”

“Intensified formula to care and enrich bark of rubber trees”


1. Product Details

2. Product Benefits

3. Product Mixing Procedure Before Application

4. Application for Dry Bark Rubber Trees

5. Application for Healthy Rubber Trees

6. Important Notes and Precautions

7. Bark Dryness Treated Photos

8. Yield Increase Photos

9. Photo of the Improvement Observed on the tree Cambium before and

after Gudbark™ application.


GUDBARK™ is an invention by well learned technical personnel in a multinational

chemical and agricultural industry. The quality and efficacy of the product was given utmost

priority in our production. We are proud to share that our Research and Development team

continue to work on advanced formulas to move forward in the industry. GUDBARK™

plays a vital role to enrich the bark of rubber trees. The bark of the rubber tree is the most

important property for latex production. Our focus to protect and enrich the bark of the rubber

tree has gained tremendous result and appreciation from various parties.

GUDBARK™ is an intensified formula especially invented for rubber tree bark.

GUDBARK™ is a well proven invention to CURE BARK DRYNESS and INCREASE

THE LATEX YIELD. The miracle was discovered in the first application and amazingly in

one application. GUDBARK™ is proven and used in many countries.

Product Name : GUDBARK™

Product Type : Yellowish or orange gel

Product Usage : Rubber tree application especially for tree bark

Method of Application : To be applied on tree tapping channel with a paint brush

Dosage : One dip per application

Frequency : At the interval of 15 days for healthy trees

At the interval of 5 days for Dry Bark trees


1. Formulated intensively to Cure and Prevent Bark Dryness.

 Long term effects of using harmful chemicals, irregular tapping patterns and

other external factors are potential to cause rubber tree bark dryness. The bark

dryness will cause the tree to become unproductive completely. Trees treated

with GUDBARK™ have shown significant results and gradually the bark of

the tree has improved to a healthier stage.

2. Increase latex yield without compromising the shelf life of the rubber trees.

 GUDBARK™ is well known to increase latex yield. Many have shared with

us that upon application of GUDBARK™ the bark of the trees have become

thicker. Scientifically, the bark contains lactiferous vessels. The lactiferous

vessels are little tubes that produce latex. Therefore, by thickening the bark,

there are more lactiferous vessels developed and more tubes are producing

latex in the bark. Indirectly, this will increase the latex yield without any

damage to the economic shelf life of the tree.

3. Increase dry rubber content (DRC).

 Latex yield collected through trees treated with GUDBARK™ has shown the

Dry Rubber Content (DRC) increment or at least maintained the current

reading. We believe the quality is important although the quantity increases.

4. Enrich the bark for healthier rubber trees.

 The earlier explanation speaks well about our product function to enrich the

bark of the trees. Enrichment includes physically and internally.

GUDBARK™ helps gradually to improve the structure of the rubber tree by

thickening the bark. The bark contains lactiferous vessels which are the little

tubes that produce latex. In addition to that, we also provide quality

nourishment for further enhancement of the lactiferous tubes in the tree bark.

A vast improvement in the bark structure could be seen as it is healthy with

GUDBARK™ application.

5. Absorbs faster and better for quick results.

 GUDBARK™ has the potential to absorb faster for quick results. This result

can be seen in the first application.

6. Friendly to the tree and environment.

 Our materials used in GUDBARK™ are highly graded and carefully selected

in order not to harm the Rubber Tree and the environment. It is user friendly

for the tree, human and the environment.


1. Gudbark™ comes with bottle

of liquid and powder which is
packed in tight sealed
aluminium sachet.

2. Open the aluminium sachet to

place the powder in the bottle
of liquid.

3. Open the cap of the bottle

followed by the insert.

4. Place the powder from the

aluminium sachet into the
bottle of liquid as shown in
the photo.

5. Close the bottle with the insert and cap

after placed the powder in it.

6. Shake the product thoroughly until the

powder mix well in the liquid.

7. The color will change to yellowish as

shown in the picture.



Strongly recommend to use the product completely at

the soonest upon mixing of the powder in the liquid.

1. Identification of Dry Bark or

Tapping Panel Dryness Tree
in a plantation.

2. Development of new
tapping channel as the Dry
Bark Tree will not be
tapped for several months
or years.

3. Apply the mixed GUDBARK™ on

the newly tapped groove of the
tree bark. Rest the tree for 3
days for complete absorption.
The tree can be tapped on the
4th day to view the result.

4. Remove the
dried latex from
the groove of
the tapping

1. Apply gently on the

groove of the
tapping channel.
2. Apply evenly for
better absorption.
3. Rest the tree for 24
hours before

4. This application should proceed at interval of every 10 days for healthy trees. However,
trees with dry bark disease should apply at interval of every 5 days.

5. Highly recommended to apply GUDBARK™ during wintering season as this will help to
enrich the bark of the tree and contributes to the overall health of the tree. Tapping is
strictly prohibited.

6. Not advisable to apply GUDBARK™ during raining season.

7. Rubber trees which used stimulants are advised to rest for a month before applying

Important Notes

1. GUDBARK™ must be stored in room temperature. Avoid exposure to direct


2. Do not mix GUDBARK™ with other chemicals.

3. Do not tap rubber tree on the same day GUDBARK™ is applied.

4. Should manage trees well and suitable tapping system must be implemented.

5. Should it rain within 4 hours of application, please repeat the application again.

6. Please consult us for the first application of the severe Dry BARK trees.


 Keep away from the children

 Not to be inhaled or consumed. Avoid direct contact with skin.

 Wash well with plenty of water in case of contact with skin.

 Destroy all used containers.


Severe dry bark affected the tree more than 20 years

After GUDBARK™ Application

After 1st application on the affected tree the result is shown as below
Improvement Observed on the tree Cambium before and after Gudbark™


Before Application of
Gudbark™, the cambium was
dried and cracks are observed
throughout the cambium.

After application of
GUDBARK™ about 3 months,
the physical observation such
a smoother and healthier
bark was noticed. Besides
that, the cracks were not
seen anymore and the
cambium was greener.

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