Diago, Primel MS 102 Prelim M1 L1

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1 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

2 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

In pursuance of the above-stated mission, the objectives of the (course/program) are as follows:
(Program/Course Outcomes)
This 3-unit course enables the students to know the scientific approach to decision making when
solving problems. Through the use of primary statistical techniques, the students attain a meaningful
understanding of statistical reasoning within the context of management decision-making. Several methods
are introduced in applying mathematics to solve linear programming problems quantitatively.


At the end of the course, the students must have:
1. Apply the most widely used quantitative techniques in decision making;
2. Grasps the wide applicability of quantitative techniques in statistical method;
3. compute and apply accurately the descriptive measures in statistics, measures of central tendency and
variability to analyze data and interpret the result in solving problems related to research, business,
education, technology, science, economics and others.
4. demonstrate appreciation of the utility and beauty of statistics in relation to its applications in other
mathematics fields;
5. Perform the simplex and graphical method of linear programming and interpret it;
6. Appreciate the value of mathematical reasoning and analysis in daily life situation; and
7. Realize the Importance of certain mathematical techniques in getting the best possible solution to a
problem involving limited resources.
3 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics


This module will introduce the meaningful understanding and valuable insights on the basic concepts,
tools, and sampling techniques of statistical investigation.Statistics as a field of knowledge proved so much in
the world as very powerful tool in almost all field of works. It is a way of collecting and displaying information.
This information is usually associated with data. Data come in different forms and from different sources. You
read them in daily newspaper, hear them over the radio, and find them on the internet. Raw data is organized
and then presented using tables (frequency distributions) and graphs (bar graphs, pie charts). So statistics,
is the science of collecting, describing and interpreting data.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 (Statistics and Sampling technique). The importance of statistics in
gathering,summarizing, deriving data and communicating meaningful conclusions.
Lesson 2 (Tabular and Graphical Presentation). The importance of graph in organizing and
presenting results in order to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of facts.


In this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the most appropriate way of selecting a sample and sampling technique in collecting data in
a particular study.
2. Appreciate the importance of statistics and graphs in the presentation of data.
3. Apply statistics in research and in any systematic investigation.
4. Apply suitable sampling techniques to solve real life problems in different discipline.


4 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics


In this lesson, you are expected to:
 Fill up the distance learning survey;
 Analyse the importance of statistics in your field;
 Compare and contrast qualitative and qualitative method;
 Gather data from social friends about their opinion on coronavirus disease
 Make a concept map about sampling technique
 Make a reflective journal of what you have learned happened during placement

Instruction: Read, analyse and answer each of the following questions. Encircle the letter of your
correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an example of population?
a. The top 10 search results for advertisements for IT jobs in the Philippines.
b. The selected 50 undergraduate students from three universities who volunteer for research study.
c. The selected songs from the Got Talent Contest were performed in ASAP.
d. All graduates of Information Technology were passed the preparatory examination for Civil Service.
2. A group of librarians is interested in the numbers of books and other media that patrons check out from
their library. They examine the checkout records of 90 randomly selected adult patrons. Identify the
population and sample in this setting.
a. The population is all adult patrons of the library; the sample is the 90 patrons selected.
b. The population is all patrons of the library; the sample is the adult patrons of the library.
c. The population is all patrons who check out at least 1 book from the library; the sample is
the 90 patrons selected.
d. The population is all 90 adult patrons; the sample is the number of books.
3. Which of the following is an ordinal data?
a. age b. Socioeconomic status c. Skin tone d. civil status
4. Which of the following is not a nominal data?
a. age b. religion c. Marital status d. civil status
5. Which of the following is an interval data?
a. celsius temperature b. Skin tone c. Eye color d. Religion
6. Which of the following method obtained from the National Statistics Office(NSO) to get your personal
a. Interview method b. Registration Method c. Questionnaire Method d. Experimentation
7. To do market research, a Shoppee randomly selected 1000 names from a store’s database and contacted
them. Classify the sampling method used.
a. Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling
5 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

8. A College polled 500 of its students, randomly selecting them proportional to the number of students
enrolled in each degree program. Classify the sampling method used.
a) Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b) Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

9. A sample selected in such a way that every element in the population or sampling frame has an equal
probability of being chosen, this sampling method is ______________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

10. When a random starting point is chosen, followed by every nth individual, this sampling method is
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling
11. A sample obtained by stratifying the population, or sampling frame, and then selecting a number of items
from each strata, this sampling method is ______________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

12. The sampling frame are subdivided and the sample is chosen in more than one stage, this sampling
method is ________________.
a) Qouta sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Multistage sampling

13. In this technique, the selection of sample units is not by individuals but by groups, this sampling method
is _____________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Convenience sampling

14. It will be chosen based on their knowledge of the information required by the researcher, this sampling
technique is ________________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Quota sampling
b. Purposive Sampling d. Convenience sampling

15. It can be defined as a sampling method of gathering representative data from a group with respect to
certain features, traits, or interests, this sampling methods is __________ .
a) Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Convenience sampling
16. The researcher wants to study beggars. He knows the three areas in the city where the beggars are
found in abundance. He will visit only these areas and interview beggars of his choice. What sampling
technique must be used?
a.Simple random sampling c. Quota sampling
b. Purposive Sampling d. Convenience sampling
6 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

17. The number of IT students from each group that we would include in the sample of giving the vaccine
would be based on the proportion of male and female students among the 5,000 University students (50
Male & 50 Female or 40 Male and 60 Female) What sampling technique must be used?
a. Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Purposive sampling
18. Which of the following statement is an example of quantitative data?

a) The place where you go on vacation b. One glass of fizzy drink has 97.5 calories.

b) The type of calculator you use. d. The room was bright and airy with blue curtains.

19. Which of the following statement is an example of qualitative data?

a. I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter.
b. 150 respondents were of the opinion that the new product feature will not be successful.

c. The distance it is from your home to the nearest grocery store.

d. We noticed that all the donuts with bites were chocolate cake with pink frosting.

20. Which of the following is an example of discrete data?

a. The number of students in a quantitative method class.
b. Height or weight of the students in a statistics class.
c. Last semester I got a grade of 2.5 in my Algebra subject.
d. The boiling point of water is 100C.


Introduction to

Data/ Variables

Probability Non-Probability
Quantitative Qualitative Sampling Sampling

Figure 1. The flow of Introductory Statistics



Activity 1: Distance Learning Survey
7 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

Instruction: For each of the statements below, please write or put a check (/) on the box that best describes
yourself and your opinion concerning online learning/distance education during a pandemic.
Part I. Please fill up the given information and put your answer in the space provided.
Gender: _______________
Age: _____________
Number of online class I have taken: _________
Estimated number of hours I spend per week online: ___________
Part II. Please indicate your answer by ticking ( /) the appropriate box provided on your opinion concerning
online learning distance education.
Scale Verbal Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
Distance Learning 4 3 2 1
1. I am able to easily access the Internet as needed for my studies
2. I believe looking back on what I have learned in a course will help me to
remember it better.
3. In my studies, I am self-disciplined and find it easy to set aside reading and
homework time.
4. I am able to manage my study time effectively and easily complete
assignments on time
5. As a student, I enjoy working independently.
6. As a student, I enjoy working with other students in groups.
7. I possess sufficient computer keyboarding skills for doing online work.
8. I feel comfortable composing text on a computer in an online learning
9. I feel that face-to-face contact with my instructor is necessary to learn.
10. I am motivated by the material in an Internet activity outside of class
11. I can collaborate with other students during Internet activities outside of class.
12. Learning is the same in class and at home on the Internet.
13. I can practice English grammar during Internet activities outside of class
14. I believe that learning on the Internet outside of class is more motivating than
a regular course
15. I could pass a course on the Internet without any teacher assistance

Part III. Please answer the given questions to extend your analysis about distance learning.
1. How helpful your school has been in offering you the resources to learn from home?
2. How stressful is distance learning for you during the COVID-19 pandemic?
3. How helpful are your teachers while studying online?
4. How peaceful is the environment at home while learning?
5. Do you have access to a device for learning online? What device do you use for distance learning?
6. Would you consider yourself a successful student? If yes, what makes you a successful online student? If
No, what are the reasons for your lack of success with online classes?


8 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

Activity 2: Read Me!

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each concept below and understand the thought about statistics and sampling
Statistics has become the universal language of the sciences. As potential users of statistics we need
to master both the “science” and the “art” of using statistical methodology correctly. According to Parreno
(2006), statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of data. It has been very useful in recording facts about people, objects, and
events and in making predictions and decisions based from the available data.

Education Statistics is used to measure and described test results that can improve the teaching and
learning process
Science Statistics is used as a tool in research and experimentation as well as in the interpretation of
the collected data.
Medicine Statistics used to collect information about patients and diseases and to make decisions
about the use of new drugs or treatment.

Descriptive statistics Inferential Statistics
Deals with the collection and presentation of data Deals with predictions and inferences based on the
and the summarizing values that describe the group analysis and interpretation of the results of the
characteristics. information gathered by the statistician.
Common tools are: Common tools are:
Measures of Central Tendency and Hypothesis Testing ; Regression Analysis ; and
Measures of Variability Normal distribution
Example: In a Math test, 32 out of 40 students were Example: In a sample survey conducted, 65% of
able to receive a passing mark. The average score of Filipino Generation Z prefer to drink milk tea than
the class is 82 out of 100. coffee while only 34% of Filipino Millennial prefer to
drink milk tea than coffee.


Population: It is a finite or infinite collection of Sample: It is a finite or limited collection of objects,
objects, events or individuals with specified class or events or individuals selected from a population.
characteristics under consideration. - Denote by small letter n as sample size
- Denote by capital letter N as population size Example: Percentage of graduates from a certain
Example: National Passing Average in the LET exam school who passed the board examination.
administered by the PRC.
Slovens Formula: If you take a population sample, you must use a formula to figure out what sample size
you need to take. Sometimes you know something about a population, which can help you to determine a
sample size.

where: n = sample ; N = population and e = margin of error

9 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

Definition: Here is the basic terms involved in statistics.

An element or member of a sample or population is a specific subject or object (for example, a person, firm,
item, state, or country) about which the information is collected.
A variable is a characteristic under study that assumes different values for different elements. In contrast to
a variable, the value of a constant is fixed.
The value of a variable for an element is called an observation or measurement.
A data set is a collection of observations on one or more variables.

Categorical or Qualitative Variables - are variables Numerical or Quantitative variables - are
that are classified according to some attributes or variables that are classified according to numerical
categories. characteristics.
Example: The residence hall for each student in a Example: The amount of gasoline pumped by the
statistics class. next 10 customers at the local Unimart.
Types of qualitative data: Types of quantitative data:
Dichotomous variable: Gender (male, female) Continuous data. The value results from some
Trichotomous variable: Opinion Poll, the response of continuous scale that covers a range of values
individuals toward an issue (to go for, against it and without gaps, interruptions, or jumps.
undecided). Example: Profits, Final Grades
Multinomous variable: Smoking habits (Always, Discrete data. The value in discrete data is either a
Often, Seldom, Very seldom and Never). finite number or a countable number.
Example: Number of students in statistics class.
10 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

The scale of measurement determines which statistical calculations are meaningful. The four scale of
measurement are: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

- classifies data into
- classifies data into names, categories that can be
labels or categories in which
no order or ranking can be
ordered or ranked.
imposed. Class Standing:
Gender: 1 - Male, 2- female Freshman, Sophomore,
Junior and Senior

- classifies ordering scores Ratio
from hoghest to lowest. A - similar to the interval
zero entry simply represents
a position on a scale; zero level, but a zero entry
has no meaning. is meaningful.
Temperature reading from Height and Weight
-15C to 60C. Scale of


1. Direct or Interview Method – is a person to person interaction between an interview and an interviewee.
2. Indirect or Questionnaire Method – Written responses are obtained by distributing questionnaires to the
respondents through mail.
3. Registration Method – enforced by private organizations or government agencies for recording purposes.
4. Observation Method– is a scientific method of investigation that makes possible use of all senses to
measure or obtain outcomes/ responses from the object.
5. Experimentation– is used when the objective is to determine the cause and effect of a certain
phenomenon under some controlled conditions.

Tech notes: You may click the link below for your own perusal.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVArW4MItG4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jigW0a8cC5c
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-5D3PijQvg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpFj1Re1l84

Sampling Technique is the procedure of gathering sampling from the population. Sampling is needed in
almost all forms of data collection as in most research processes it is simply not possible to gain data from
every available source.Hence, sampling methods will use to produce data that are representative of the
11 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

population and not biased. There are two types of sampling techniques: Random sampling/Probability
sampling technique and Non-random sampling/ Non-probability sampling technique.

Random Sampling is the most commonly used sampling technique in which each member in the population
is given an equal chance of being selected in the sample.
1. Lottery or Fishbowl Sampling. This is done by simply writing the names or numbers of all the members of
the population in small rolled pieces of paper which are later placed in a container.
2. Systematic sampling. Relies on arranging the target population according to some ordering scheme and
then selecting elements at regular intervals through that ordered list. In this case: k=(population size/sample
3. Stratified sampling. This method is applied when the population is divided into different strata or classes
wherein each class must be represented in the study.
4. Multi-stage sampling. Complex form of cluster sampling in which two or more levels of units are embedded
one in the other.
5. Cluster sampling. In this technique the selection of sample units is not by individuals but by groups.

Non-random sampling is a method of collecting a small portion of the population by which not all the
members in the population are given the chance in a sample.
1. Purposive sampling. Based on a certain criteria laid down by the researcher.
2. Quota Sampling. It is inexpensive method to operate since the choice of the number of persons or
elements to be included in a sample is done at the researcher’s own convenience.
3. Convenience Sampling. It refers to a sampling procedure in which the investigator selects the persons who
are most conveniently available or who accidentally come in contact during a certain period of time in the

Tech notes: You may click the link below for your own perusal.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PsF5MsrCOo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLAEwukvuZs


Activity 3: Let Me Explain!
INSTRUCTIONS: Based on the concept above, explain the given questions comprehensively.
1. Explain how quantitative method can address/solve problems in learning process especially in the
platforms (online, modular, radio/TV-based, etc.) in your field where school is/are currently using the New
12 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

2. Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methods?

3. In your point of view how statistics applied in your field and how importance it is?
4. Philippines today regularly asks readers about, “ Have you complaint about airline baggage handling,
refunds, advertising, and customer service?” What kind of sampling method is this? Are the results likely to
be biased? Explain.
5. Compare and contrast between probability and non-probability sampling and give one concrete example.


Activity 4: Share my Opinion.: Something to Chew
C. Using any social media site, ask your friends to share their opinions either one of this question:
- How can be sure the New COVID-19 Vaccines (Sinovac, Astrazeneca,..etc) are safe?
- How are the new coronavirus variants differ from Coronavirus disease(COVID-19)?
Afterwards, screenshot their five responses and paste it in your documents. Explain on how you gathered
data on five respondents.
13 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics



Activity 5: Concept Mapping
INSTRUCTIONS: Summarize your understanding on the topic sampling technique by using a concept map.
Draw your concept map below.

Activity 6: Reflective Journal

INSTRUCTIONS: In the reflective journal, you are asked to write your self-reflection on what have you
learned happened on your placement. Below are the guide questions to help you to process your learning.

Reflective Guide Question:

 What I have LEARNED and NOT LEARNED about this topic?

 What I have DONE to made me better to learned this topic?

 How can I IMPROVE to understand this topic?

14 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

In this lesson, you have learned that …
 Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of data.
 The division of statistics composed of descriptive and inferential statistics.
 Population is defined as a group of people, animals, places, things or ideas while sample is a
subgroup of the population.
 There are two type of variables: Qualitative variables (Dichotomous ,Trichotomous ,and Multinomous)
and Quantitative variables (Continuous data and Discrete data).
 The scale of measurement composed of nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data.
 Some common methods of data collection are Direct or Interview Method, Indirect or Questionnaire
Method, Registration Method, Observation Method and Experimentation.
 Sampling Technique is the procedure of gathering sampling from the population. There are two kinds
of sampling technique: the Random sampling/Probability sampling technique (Lottery or Fishbowl
Sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Multi-stage sampling, and Cluster sampling) and
Non-random sampling/ Non-probability sampling technique(Purposive sampling, Quota Sampling,
and Convenience Sampling)

Instruction: Read, analyse and answer each of the following questions. Encircle the letter of your
correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an example of population?
a. The top 10 search results for advertisements for IT jobs in the Philippines.
b. The selected 50 undergraduate students from three universities who volunteer for research study.
c. The selected songs from the Got Talent Contest were performed in ASAP.
d. All graduates of Information Technology were passed the preparatory examination for Civil Service.
2. A group of librarians is interested in the numbers of books and other media that patrons check out from
their library. They examine the checkout records of 90 randomly selected adult patrons. Identify the
population and sample in this setting.
a. The population is all adult patrons of the library; the sample is the 90 patrons selected.
b. The population is all patrons of the library; the sample is the adult patrons of the library.
c. The population is all patrons who check out at least 1 book from the library; the sample is
the 90 patrons selected.
d. The population is all 90 adult patrons; the sample is the number of books.
3. Which of the following is an ordinal data?
a. age b. Socioeconomic status c. Skin tone d. civil status
15 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

4. Which of the following is not a nominal data?

a. age b. religion c. Marital status d. civil status
5. Which of the following is an interval data?
a. celsius temperature b. Skin tone c. Eye color d. Religion
6. Which of the following method obtained from the National Statistics Office(NSO) to get your personal
a. Interview method b. Registration Method c. Questionnaire Method d. Experimentation
7. To do market research, a Shoppee randomly selected 1000 names from a store’s database and contacted
them. Classify the sampling method used.
a. Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

8. A College polled 500 of its students, randomly selecting them proportional to the number of students
enrolled in each degree program. Classify the sampling method used.
c) Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
d) Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

9. A sample selected in such a way that every element in the population or sampling frame has an equal
probability of being chosen, this sampling method is ______________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

10. When a random starting point is chosen, followed by every nth individual, this sampling method is
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling
11. A sample obtained by stratifying the population, or sampling frame, and then selecting a number of items
from each strata, this sampling method is ______________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Stratified random sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Convenience sampling

12. The sampling frame are subdivided and the sample is chosen in more than one stage, this sampling
method is ________________.
b) Qouta sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Systematic random Sampling d. Multistage sampling

13. In this technique, the selection of sample units is not by individuals but by groups, this sampling method
is _____________.
a.Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Convenience sampling

14. It will be chosen based on their knowledge of the information required by the researcher, this sampling
technique is ________________.
16 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics

a.Simple random sampling c. Quota sampling

b. Purposive Sampling d. Convenience sampling

15. It can be defined as a sampling method of gathering representative data from a group with respect to
certain features, traits, or interests, this sampling methods is __________ .
b) Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Convenience sampling
16. The researcher wants to study beggars. He knows the three areas in the city where the beggars are
found in abundance. He will visit only these areas and interview beggars of his choice. What sampling
technique must be used?
a.Simple random sampling c. Quota sampling
b. Purposive Sampling d. Convenience sampling
17. The number of IT students from each group that we would include in the sample of giving the vaccine
would be based on the proportion of male and female students among the 5,000 University students (50
Male & 50 Female or 40 Male and 60 Female) What sampling technique must be used?
b. Simple random sampling c. Cluster sampling
b. Qouta Sampling d. Purposive sampling
18. Which of the following statement is an example of quantitative data?

a) The place where you go on vacation c. One glass of fizzy drink has 97.5 calories.

b) The type of calculator you use. d. The room was bright and airy with blue curtains.

19. Which of the following statement is an example of qualitative data?

a. I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter.
b. 150 respondents were of the opinion that the new product feature will not be successful.

c. The distance it is from your home to the nearest grocery store.

d. We noticed that all the donuts with bites were chocolate cake with pink frosting.

20. Which of the following is an example of discrete data?

a. The number of students in a quantitative method class.
b. Height or weight of the students in a statistics class.
c. Last semester I got a grade of 2.5 in my Algebra subject.
d. The boiling point of water is 100C.


Altares, P.; Copo, A.;et al (2012). Elementary Statistics with Computer Applications. Rex Book
Angeles, F.; Evangelista, Y.;et al (2005). Simplified Approach to Statistics. Mutya Publishing
House, Inc.
Calaca, N.; Uy, C.;et al (2016). Statistics and Probability. Vibal Group, Inc.
Johnson, R.; Kuby, P. (2013). Statistics Second Edition. Cengage Learning.
Parreno, E.; Jimenez, R. (2006). Basic Statistics a Worktext. C & E Publishing Inc..
17 Module 1 | Introduction to Statistics


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