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KarnataKa State aKKaMaHaDeVI WOMen’S UnIVerSItY VIJaYaPUra

New syllabus of BSc Computer Science Optional Subject, III, IV, V and VI semesters, w.e.f. 2019-20
and onwards

Teaching Scheme Examination

Subject Title Hrs/week Exam. Marks
Subject Code
Duration Theory/
Theory Practical (Hrs) IA Total
BSc III Semester (w.e.f. 2019-20 and onwards)
BSC301CS Object Oriented
4 -- 3 60 10 070
Programming With C++
Computer Lab-1 (Based on
BSC301CS) -- 6 3 20 10 030

BSc IV Semester (w.e.f. 2019-20 and onwards)

BSC401CS Database Management
System 4 -- 3 60 10 070
Computer Lab-1 (Based On
BSC401CS) -- 6 3 20 10 030

BSc V Semester (w.e.f. 2020-21 and onwards)

BSC501CS Data Structures Using C
4 -- 3 80 20 100
BSC502CS Programming in JAVA
4 -- 3 80 20 100
BSC503CS Computer Lab-1 (Based On
BSC501CS and BSC502CS) -- 6 3 80 20 100

BSc VI Semester (w.e.f. 2020-21 and onwards)

BSC601CS Web Programming
4 -- 3 80 20 100
BSC602CS Data Communications and
Computer Networks 4 -- 3 80 20 100

BSC603CS Computer Lab-1 (Based On

BSC601CS and BSC602CS) -- 6 3 80 20 100

BSc V and VI sem. Approved in BoS(UG) Computer Science dated 19-06-2019

1 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

B.Sc. III Semester Computer Science (Optional)

BSC301CS Object Oriented Programming With C++

Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 10Hrs
Overview of C++: Object Oriented Programming concepts, advantages, C++ program development
environment, the C++ language standards, C++ as a superset of C.
Classes & Objects: classes, structure & classes, union & classes, inline function, scope resolution operator,
static class members: static data member, static member function, passing objects to function, returning
objects, object assignment, constructors & destructors, friend function, friend classes.

References & Dynamic Allocation Operators: array of objects, pointers to object, type checking C++
pointers, the this pointer, pointer to derived types, pointer to class members, reference parameter, call by
reference and return by reference, passing references to objects, returning reference, C++’s dynamic
allocation operators, allocating objects.


Overloading as polymorphism: function & operator overloading, operator overloading restrictions, operator
overloading using friend function.
Namespaces: global namespace and namespace std, nested namespaces
Inheritance : base class access control, inheritance & protected members, protected base Class inheritance,
inheriting multiple base classes, constructors, destructors & inheritance, execution of constructor & destructor
functions, passing parameters to base class constructors, granting access, virtual base classes .
Virtual Functions & Polymorphism: virtual function, pure virtual functions, early vs. late binding.

Templates and Exception Handling: Exception handling in C++, try, throw, catch sequence, multiple catch
blocks, uncaught exceptions, catch-all exception handler, Templates: Reason for templates, compactness and
flexibility, function template, class templates.
The C++ I/O System Basics: C++ Streams, the basic stream classes, c++ predefined streams, formatted I/O,
file processing.

UNIT V 10Hrs
Overview of the Standard Template Library: The Standard Template Library, Design goals, Header files,
STL components, STL Example: vectors, lists, maps, sets. Containers-Vector, Deque, List, Associative
Containers, Set, Multiset, Map, Multimap. Iterators: Input iterators, Output iterators, Forward iterators,
Backward iterators.


1. Herbert Schildt, C++ The Complete Reference,Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

2. Al Stevens, C++ Programming, Wiley Publications.
3. B. A. Forouzon, R. F. Gilberge, Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++, Thomson
4. Stroubstrup B., The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley.
5. William H. Murray, Chris H. Pappas, Data structures with STL Prentice Hall

2 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Practical: 6 Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 20
IA Marks : 10

Suggested assignments

1. Simple C++ Programs to Implement Various Control Structures. a. If statement b. Switch case
statement and do while loop c. For loop d. While loop
2. To convert from decimal to binary. Use class concept.
3. Implement function overloading in order to compute power(m,n) where i) m is double and n is int ii)
m and n are int.
4. Define a class Employee with data members data members: Employee_Number, Employee_Name,
and Employee job. Illustrate object creation using various constructors(constructor overloading).
Display the Employee details.
5. Define a class Employee with data members data members: Employee_Number, Employee_Name,
Basic, DA, IT, Net_Sal. Member Functions: To read the data, To calculate Net_Sal and To print data
membersRead the data of N employees and compute Net_Sal of each employee. (DA= 52% of Basic
and Income Tax (IT)=30% of the gross salary). Define a static member function dispCount() to
display number of objects created.
6. Using above example illustrate array of objects concepts.
7. Define a class called 'TIME' that has - three integer data members for hours, minutes and seconds -
constructor to initialize the object - member function to add two TIME objects - member function
to display time in HH:MM:SS format.
8. Define a class for Departmental store with data itemCode, itemName, itemPrice. Write a function
shoppingList() to reflect the order of a customer and perform operations like adding item to the list,
and print total order price.
9. Define a class Complex. Perform addition/subtraction/multiplication of two complex numbers using
operator overloading. The function should return the result as complex object.
10. Define a class called DATE. Accept two valid dates in the form dd/mm/yy. Implement the following
operations by overloading the operators + and -. After every operation display the results by
overloading the operator <=d2 and no_of_days is an integer. 2)d2=d1-no_of_days; where d1 is a
DATE object and no_of_days is an integer.
11. Write a C++ program to create a class called MATRIX using a two- dimensional array of integers.
Implement the following operations by overloading the operator== which checks the compatibility
of two matrices to be added and subtracted. Perform the addition and subtraction by overloading
the operators + and -. Display the result by overloading the operator <<. if(m1==m2) Then m3=m1-
m2 and m4=m1+m2 else display error.
12. Design the class hierarchy BookHardCopy; BookEBook. Include functions to add/delete book;
Implement using run-time polymorphism.
13. Write a function template to sort array of implicit types like int, float, char. It should also sort user
defined objects like strings. Use overloading operators wherever required.
14. Create class called String and implement basic string operations.
15. Reading and writing to and from the files.

3 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Scheme of Examination

Theory: Exam Marks: 60 IA: 10

The question paper has TWO Parts.

1) Part I consists of 10 compulsory questions of 1 Mark each.

2) Part II consists of 7 questions, out of which 5 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 10Marks.


IA marks : 10

Practical exam. Marks : 20

i) Writing Two programs (including algorithm/flowchart) : 10 marks (5 each)

ii) Execution of One program : 8 marks

iii) viva-voce : 2 marks

4 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

B.Sc. IV Semester Computer Science (Optional)

BSC401CS Database Management System

Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 10Hrs
Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, View of Data, Database Languages, Database Design, Data
Storage and Querying, Transaction Management, Database Architecture, Database Users and Administrators.

Introduction to the Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys, Schema
Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations.


Introduction to SQL: SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL Queries, Basic Operations- Set
Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Subqueries, Modification of the Database, Join
Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data Types and Schemas, Functions and
Procedures, Triggers.

Database Design and the E-R Model: Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-Relationship Model,
Constraints, Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to
Relational Schemas, Entity-Relationship Design Issues, Extended E-R Features.

UNIT V 12Hrs
Relational Database Design: Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form,
Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Multivalued Dependencies, More Normal Forms-2NF, 3NF,
refinement, BCNF, and 4NF, Database-Design Process, Modeling Temporal Data.
Data Storage: Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage, RAID, File Organization, Organization of Records in Files.

1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th edition, Mc Graw
2. Coronel, C. M., Morris, S. & Rob, P., Database systems: Design, implementation, and Management
(10th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning
3. Elmasari & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education
4. Feuerstein, Oracle PL/SQL Programming, SPD/O’REILLY
5. Korth, Data Base System Concepts, TMH
6. Bipin Desai, An introduction to Database System, Galgotia Publications
7. P.S. Deshpande, SQL PL/SQL for Oracle 8 & 8i, Wiley Dreamtech

5 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Practical: 6 Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 20
IA Marks : 10

Suggested Assignments

1. Draw E-R diagram and convert entities and relationships to relation table for a given scenario.
a. Two assignments shall be carried out i.e. consider two different scenarios (eg. bank, college)
2. Write relational algebra queries for a given set of relations.
3. Perform the following:
a. Viewing all databases, Creating a Database, Viewing all Tables in a Database, Creating
Tables (With and Without Constraints), Inserting/Updating/Deleting Records in a Table,
Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)
4. Perform the following:
a. Altering a Table, Dropping/Truncating/Renaming Tables, Backing up / Restoring a Database.
5. For a given set of relation schemes, create tables and perform the following
Simple Queries, Simple Queries with Aggregate functions, Queries with Aggregate functions
(group by and having clause), Queries involving- Date Functions, String Functions , Math
Join Queries- Inner Join, Outer Join
Subqueries- With IN clause, With EXISTS clause

6. For a given set of relation tables perform the following

a. Creating Views (with and without check option), Dropping views, Selecting from a view
7. Illustration of Trigger, procedures and functions.
8. Given the table EMPLOYEE(EmpNo, Name, Salary, Designation, DeptID) write a cursor to select
the five highest paid employees from the table.

Scheme of Examination

Theory: Exam Marks: 60 IA: 10

The question paper has TWO Parts.

1) Part I consists of 10 compulsory questions of 1 Mark each.

2) Part II consists of 7 questions, out of which 5 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 10Marks.


IA marks : 10

Practical exam. Marks : 20

i) Writing Two programs :10 marks (5 each)

ii) Execution of One program : 8 marks

iii) viva-voce : 2 marks

6 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

B.Sc. V Semester Computer Science (Optional)
BSC501CS Data Structures Using C
Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 10Hrs
Advanced C: Dynamic memory allocation and pointers in C- Declaring and initializing pointers, Pointer &
Functions, Pointer & Arrays, Pointer & Strings, Pointer& Structure, Pointer to Pointer. Static and dynamic
memory allocation. Memory allocation functions: malloc, calloc, free and realloc.
File Management in C: Defining and Opening & Closing File, Input & Output Operations on Files, Random
Access to Files,

Introduction to Data structures: Definition, Classification of data structures: primitive and non-primitive.
Operations on data structures
Search: Basic Search Techniques- sequential search, Binary search- Iterative and Recursive methods.
Sort- General Background: Definition, different types: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort,
Quick sort


Recursion: Definition, Recursion in C, Writing Recursive programs – Binomial coefficient, Fibonacci, GCD,
towers of Hanoi.
Stack – Definition, Array representation of stack, Operations on stack-push and pop, Infix, prefix and postfix
notations, Conversion of an arithmetic expression from Infix to postfix, applications of stacks.

Queue - Definition, Array representation of queue, Types of queue: Simple queue, circular queue, double
ended queue (deque) priority queue, operations on all types of Queues.

UNIT V 10Hrs
Linked list – Definition, components of linked list, representation of linked list, advantages and disadvantages
of linked list, Arrays versus linked list, Types of linked list: Singly linked list, doubly linked list, Circular
linked list and circular doubly linked list. Operations on singly linked list: creation, insertion, deletion, search
and display. Implementation of stack and queues using linked list.

1. A. K. Sharma, Data Structures Using C, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
2. Achuthsankar S. Nair, T. Makhalekshmi, Data Structures in C, PHI.
3. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, Pearson Education.
4. Samanta. D., Classic Data Structures, Prentice Hall
5. Richard F. Gilberg, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data structures-A Pseudocode Approach with C, Thomson
6. A. M. Tenenbaum, Y, Langsam, M. J. Augustein, R. L. Kruse, B. P. Leung and C. L. Tondo, Data
Structures using C, PHI.
7. Trembley, An introduction to Data Structures with applications, Tata McGraw Hill.

7 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

BSC502CS Programming in JAVA
Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 10Hrs
History of Java, features of Java, JDK Environment, Java Virtual Machine, Java Runtime environment.
Identifiers and Keywords, data types, variables, Java coding Conventions, expressions, control structures,
decision making statements, Arrays and its methods, Garbage collection & finalize() method.

Java classes, define class with instance variables and methods, object creation, accessing member of class,
argument passing, Constructors, Method overloading, static data, static methods, static blocks, this
keyword, Nested & Inner classes, Wrapper Classes, String (String Arrays, String Methods, StringBuffer,


Inheritance: Super class & subclass, abstract method and classes, method overriding, final keyword, super
keyword, down casting and up casting, dynamic method dispatch.
Packages and Interfaces: Importing classes, user defined packages, modifiers &access control (Default,
public, private, protected, private protected), implementing interfaces, user defined interfaces, Adapter
classes, Exploringjava.lang package: Wrapper classes, Math class. Exploring java.util package: Vector,
Scanner, Date, Calendar, StringTokenizer, Random.

Exception handling: Types of Exceptions, try, catch, finally, throw, throws keywords, creating your own
exception, nested try blocks, multiple catch statements, user defined exceptions.
Java Input Output: Java IO package, File, Class Byte/Character Stream, Buffered reader / writer, File reader /
writer Print writer File Sequential / Random Serialization and de serialization.

UNIT V 10Hrs
Multithreading:Multithreading Concept,Java thread model, Main thread, creating a thread, creating multiple
threads, using is Alive() and join(), thread priorities, synchronization, Inter-thread communication,
suspending, resuming and stopping threads, using multithreading

1. Herbert Schildt, The Java 2 : Complete Reference, Fourth edition, TMH,
2. Balaguruswamy, Programming with JAVAA primer, 4th Edition, TATA McGraw-Hill.
3. Cay S Horstmann, Fary Cornell, Core Java 2, Volume – I, Sun Microsystems Press

Additional Reading:

5. Peter Van der Liden, Just Java, Prentice Hall

8 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

6. H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, Java: how to program, 5th edition, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Y. Daniel Liang, Introduction to Java programming, 9thEdition, Pearson education.

Computer Lab-1 (Based On BSC501CS and

Practical: 6 Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 80
Practical Record : 20

Section A: Data Structures-- Suggested Assignments

1. Write a C program to demonstrate the Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structure by reading and
printing n student details.
2. Write a C program to read a one dimensional array, print sum of all elements along with inputted
array elements using Dynamic Memory Allocation.
3. Write a C program to add two matrices using pointer to an array concept.
4. Write a program to sort array of integers using array of pointers concept.
5. Write a function that accepts pointer to an array and sorts array of integers.
6. Write a program that takes a file as an argument and counts the total number of lines. Lines are
defined as ending with a newline character. Program usage should be count filename.txt and the
output should be the line count.
7. Write a C program to read a text file and convert the file contents in capital (upper-case) and
write the contents in an output file.
8. Write a C program to find n Fibonacci numbers using recursion.
9. Write a C program to find factorial of any number using recursion.
10. Write a C program to search for an element in an array using Sequential search
11. Write a C program to search for an element in an array using Binary search
12. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements using Bubble sort Technique
13. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements using Merge sort Technique
14. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements using Quick sort Technique
15. Write a C program to sort a list of N elements using Insertion sort Technique
16. Write a C program to demonstrate the working of stack of size N using an array. The elements of the
stack may assume to be of type integer or real, the operations to be supported are 1. PUSH 2. POP 3.
DISPLAY. The program should print appropriate messages for STACK overflow, Under flow and
empty, use separate functions to detect these cases
17. Write a C program to convert a given infix expression into its postfix Equivalent, Implement the
stack using an array.
18. Write a C program to simulate the working of an ordinary Queue using an array. Provide the
operations QINSERT, QDELETE and QDISPLAY. Check the Queue status for empty and full.
19. Using dynamic variables and pointers Write a C program to construct a singly linked list consisting
of the following information in each node; Roll – No (Integer), Name (Character string). The
operations to be supported are :
1. LINSERT Inserting a node in the front of the list
2. LDELETE Deleting the node based on Roll – No
3. LSEARCH Searching a node based on Roll-No
4. LDISPLAY displaying all the nodes in the list
20. Write a C program to implement stack using linked list.

9 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Section B: JAVA Suggested Assignments

Students are encouraged to use Linux-Open Source OS for executing java –programs using javac compiler
available in Linux.
1. Write a Java program to find sum and average of n integer numbers.
2. Write a Java program to perform matrix multiplication.
3. Write a Java program to find GCD and LCM of two numbers (GCD is calculated using Euclidean
Algorithm. LCM is found using factorization method.).
4. Write a Java program to search an element using binary search.
5. Write a Java program to count the frequency of words, characters in the given line of text.
6. Write a Java program that creates an object and initializes its data members using constructor. Use
constructor overloading concept.
7. Write a Java Program to implement Wrapper classes and their methods.
8. Write a Java Program to illustrate function overloading concept.
9. Write a Java program implement basic queue operations using class concept.
10. Write a Java program implement basic stack operations using class concept.
11. Write a Java Program to implement inheritance and demonstrate use of method overriding(example:
Bank account/Employee)
12. Write a program to demonstrate use of user defined package by importing the package and access the
member variable of classes contained in the package..
13. Write a program to demonstrate use of interfaces for two different classes. Interface should also include
contants along with function prototypes.
14. Write a java program to implement exception handling using multiple catch statements. Also include
code to identify the significance of finally block in handling exceptions.
15. Write a java program to implement the concept of Exception Handling by creating user defined
16. Illustrate creation of thread by extending Thread class/ implementing runnable interface
17. Write a java program to illustrate thread join.
18. Write a java program to illustrate thread priorities.

10 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Scheme of Examination
Theory: Exam Marks: 80 IA: 20

The question paper has TWO Parts.

1) Part I consists of 12 compulsory questions out of which 10 questions have to be answered.

Each question carries 2 Marks.
2) Part II consists of 8 questions, out of which 6 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 5 Marks.
3) Part III consists of 5 questions, out of which 3 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 10 Marks. Each question further may have sub questions a), b).

Practical: Computer Lab-1

IA marks/Record book : 20
Practical Exam. Marks : 80
i) Writing Two programs : 40 marks (20 each)
ii) Execution of One program : 20 marks
iii) viva-voce : 20 marks

11 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

B.Sc. VI Semester Computer Science (Optional)

BSC601CS Web Programming

Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 08Hrs
The World Wide Web: Introduction to world wide Web, Web Pages and Contents, Web Clients, Web
Servers, Web Applications, Websites – Home Pages: Web Site Development ; How to Builds Web Sites? ,
Web Content Authoring, Web Graphics Design, Web Programming.
What is a scripting language? Motivation for and applications of scripting, How scripting languages differ
from non-scripting languages, Types of scripting languages.

Web Design:
Origins and evolution of HTML and XHTML, Basic syntax, Standard XHTML document structure, Basic
text markup, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, Frames, Syntactic
differences between HTML and XHTML.Overview and features of HTML5.
CSS: Introduction, Levels of style sheets, Style specification formats, Selector forms, Property value forms,
Font properties, List properties, Color, Alignment of text, The Box model, Background images, The <span>
and <div> tags, Conflict resolution.Overview and features of CSS3.


JavaScript: Object orientation and JavaScript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and
expressions; Screen output and keyboard input; Control statements; Object creation and modification; Arrays;
Functions; Constructor; Pattern matching using regular expressions; Errors in scripts; Examples.

Java Script and HTML Documents, Dynamic Documents with JavaScript. The Document Object Model;
Element access in JavaScript; Events and event handling; Handling events from the Body elements, Button
elements, Text box and Password elements; The DOM 2 event model; The navigator object; DOM tree
traversal and modification.
Introduction to dynamic documents; Positioning elements; Moving elements; Element visibility; Changing
colors and fonts; Dynamic content; Stacking elements; Locating the mouse cursor; Reacting to a mouse click;
Slow movement of elements; Dragging and dropping elements.
XML: Introduction to XML, Anatomy of an XML, document, Creating XML Documents, Creating XML
DTDs, XML Schemas, XSL, XML processors, Web services.

UNIT V 10Hrs
PHP : Why PHP and MySQL?, Server-side web scripting, Installing PHP, Adding PHP to HTML, Syntax
and Variables, Passing information between pages, Strings, Arrays and Array Functions, Numbers, Basic
PHP errors / problems. PHP/MySQL Functions, Displaying queries in tables, Building Forms from queries,
String and Regular Expressions, Sessions, Cookies and HTTP, Type and Type Conversions.


12 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

1. Thomas Powell, Web Design The complete Reference, Tata McGrawHill
2. Thomas Powell, HTML and XHTML The complete Reference, Tata McGrawHill
3. Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider, JavaScript 2.0 : The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Tata
4. PHP for the Web: Visual Quick Start Guide, 4th Edition, Peachpit Press
5. Beginning PHP 5.3 (Wrox, free ebook:

Additional Reading:

6. Steven M. Schafer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python and PHP - Web standards Programmer‘s
Reference‖, Wiley Publishing, Inc..
7. Thomas A. Powell, The Complete Reference HTML & XHTML, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Learn To Build With PHP: A Crash Course (free ebook: )
10. W3Schools: PHP ( )
11. PHP Language Reference (
12. W3Schools: JavaScript( )

BSC602CS Data Communications and Computer Networks

Teaching: 4Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 60
Total Teaching Hours : 52 IA Marks : 10

UNIT I 08Hrs
Introduction: Data Communications, Networks, the internet, protocols and standards, network models – OSI
model, TCP/IP protocol suite, addressing.

Data and Signals: Periodic analog signals, digital signals, transmission impairment, data rate limits,
Digital transmission: Digital to digital conversion, analog-to-digital conversion, transmission modes.


Physical Layer and Media: Analog transmission: Digital-to-analog conversion, analog-to-analog conversion.
Multiplexing and Spread spectrum. Transmission media – Guided media and unguided media.

Switching: Circuit-switched networks, datagram networks, virtual-circuit networks, structure of a switch.
Telephone networks, dialup modems, digital subscriber line, cable-tv networks
Detection and Correction: Errors, redundancy, detection versus correction, block coding, linear block codes,
cyclic codes, checksum.

UNIT V 12Hrs
Data Link Control: Framing, flow and error control, noiseless and noisy channels, HDLC, point-to-point
Multiple Access: Random access ALOHA, controlled access, channelization.
13 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)
Wired LANs-Ethernet, Wireless LANs. Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks, and Virtual LANs


1. Behrouza A Forouzan, Data Communication & Networking, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Ed, Pearson Education
3. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 7th Edition, PHI.

Additional Reading

5. Proakin, Digital Communications, Mc Graw Hill.

6. W. Stalling, Wireless Communication and Networks, Pearson.
7. Brijendrasingh, Data Communication and Computer Networks, PHI.
8. Dr. Prasad, Data Communication & Network, Wiley Dreamtech

Computer Lab-1 (Based On BSC601CS and

Practical: 6 Hrs/week Exam. Marks: 80
Practical Record : 20

Section A: Web Programming Suggested Assignments

I. Web Programming
1. Write a HTML code to demonstrate various formatting tags, ordered and unordered list, and table
using frames suitably.
2. Write HTML/Java scripts to display your CV in navigator, your Institute website, Department
Website and Tutorial website for specific subject.
3. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML document that illustrates the use external style sheet, ordered
list, table, borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag.
4. Create a HTML form containing Textboxes to enter name of student, roll number, course, and grade
obtained. When the form runs in the Browser fill the textboxes with data. Write JavaScript code that
verifies that all textboxes has been filled. If a textboxes has been left empty, popup an alert indicating
which textbox has been left empty.
5. Develop and demonstrate a XHTML file that includes JavaScript script for receiving a number n as
input and outputting first n Fibonacci numbers..
6. Write a JavaScript code to compute the sum of n natural numbers.
7. Create a HTML form containing textbox to enter text. Write a JavaScript code block, which checks
the contents entered in a form’s Text element. If the text entered is in the lower case, convert to upper
case. Make use of function to Uppercase ( ).
8. Design an XML document to store information about an Employee viz. Name, EmpId, Job, Department
and position. Make up sample data for 3 employees. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the
9. Create a XHTML form with Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, and E-mail text fields. On
submitting, store the values in MySQL table. Retrieve and display the data based on Name.

14 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

10. Write a small password checking script. This will record the username, old password and new password.
The rules are that a password is OK if it is >7 characters long, contains some uppercase characters and is
different to the old password. The admin user (username ‘admin’) can do whatever they like. Print out
whether the new password is OK.
11. Write a PHP program to store current date-time in a COOKIE and display the “Last visited on” date-
time on the web page upon reopening of the same page.
12. Write a PHP program to store page views count in SESSION, to increment the count on each refresh,
and to show the count on web page.
13. Using PHP and MySQL, develop a program to accept book information viz. Accession umber, title,
authors, edition and publisher from a web page and store the information in a database and to search
for a book with the title specified by the user and to display the search results with proper headings.
14. Mini Project: Prepare your own E-commerce business site.

Section B: Data Communication

1. To study different types of transmission media.

2. To analyze a PCM system and interpret the modulated and demodulated waveforms for a sampling
3. To analyze a Delta modulation system and interpret the modulated and demodulated waveforms.
4. To analyze a FSK modulation system and interpret the modulated and demodulated waveforms.
5. To analyze a PSK modulation system and interpret the modulated and demodulated waveforms.
6. To study quadrature shift keying modulation.
7. Study and analysis of QAM modulation.
8. To study serial interface RS-232.
9. To study PC _to communication using parallel ports.
10. To study different LAN topology (creating a network topology using CSICO packet tracer software).
11. To study different internetworking devices in a computer network.
12. To Study fiber optic communication.
13. To study wireless communication.
14. To study the working Basic Networking Commands.

15 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

Scheme of Examination
Theory: Exam Marks: 80 IA: 20

The question paper has TWO Parts.

4) Part I consists of 12 compulsory questions out of which 10 questions have to be answered.

Each question carries 2 Marks.
5) Part II consists of 8 questions, out of which 6 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 5 Marks.
6) Part III consists of 5 questions, out of which 3 questions have to be answered. Each question
carries 10 Marks. Each question further may have sub questions a), b).

Practical: Computer Lab-1

IA marks/Record book : 20
Practical Exam. Marks : 80
i) Writing Two programs : 40 marks (20 each)
ii) Execution of One program : 20 marks
iii) viva-voce : 20 marks

16 |BSc Computer Science Optional Subject Syllabus (III-VI semester)

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