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Volume Calculation Matching Workflow

between Petrel and ECLIPSE

There are two ways to calculate STOIIP, GIIP. The first is Volume Calculation process in Petrel. It uses
contact depth, saturation, porosity, NTG, RS, RV, Bg,Bo. These data can be imported or given by user as
constants. The second method is ECLIPSE. ECLIPSE initialize the saturation and other properties
assuming Hydrostatic equivalent state.

But they give unmatched results as their way of calculation is a bit different. Here the workflow shows
how the difference is, where to check to match.

Reason of the difference between ECLIPSE and Petrel Volume Calculation

1. Petrel doesn’t calculate volume below the OWC but Eclipse does.
2. Eclipse use ACTNUM to exclude inactive cells from the calculation but Petrel ignores ACTNUM.
3. Eclipse use rock compressibility but Petrel use very low compressibility of 1E-12.
4. Eclipse decides cell property at cell center and Petrel decide cell property geometrically at OWC
and GOC giving different saturation.
5. ECLIPSE use Rs, Rv read from table as pressure varies with depth but Petrel use constant or
imported property.

Comparison between ECLIPSE and Petrel Volume Calculation

To see the difference between ECLIPSE and Petrel Volume calculation, here we first build up the cases
for ECLIPSE and Petrel volume calculation.

1. Go to define simulation case process,
2. Go to grid tab and drop PERM, PORO, NTG, ACTNUM from models pane
3. Drop fluids(Light oil + gas), relative permeability(Pcow=0) and compressibility(C=1E-4) from
Input pane.

4. Click run.
5. Open Print file and check Field Pore Volume.

Volume calculation
1. Go to volume calculation process.
2. Choose Oil, Gas as hydrocarbon interval. Drop the contact set from models pane.
3. In General tab, NTG, PORO is selected

4. In Oil tab, type in 0.2 for water saturation and 0 for gas saturation.

5. In Gas tab, type in 0.2 for water saturation and 0.8 for gas saturation.
6. Click run.

Results Comparison

PORV (RM3) HCPV oil (SM3) HCPV gas (SM3) HCPV water (SM3)
ECLIPSE 276780006 102090885 11575762890 126927064
Petrel 203322400 142622725 20035194

Matching pore volumes

Dividing Region
As above, there are many reasons why ECLIPSE and Petrel differs in volume calculations. To compare
and match, it is easier to start with divided regions. The region involves gas zone, oil zone, water zone,
cells cut by OWC, cells cut by GOC and ACTNUM.
1) Gas zone, Oil zone and Water zone
a. In the models pane, right click on the Contact set and click show settings.

b. Choose Gas zone in code above highest contact. Use both contact. Oil zone and Water zone
in each for hydrocarbon interval below contact.
c. Click Make property.
d. Contact set is created in Properties folder in Models pane.

2) Cells cut by contact

a. Right click on any of horizons in models pane and
click ‘convert to structured surface’

b. In input pane, Surface named Horizon1 is created. Double click on the surface and go to
calculations tab.

c. Choose radio button for the first option. To create surface at GOC, type GOC depth(-1250)
and click Z=A in Assign. Click OK. Rename it to GOC
d. Copy(Ctrl+C) and Paste(Ctrl+V) Horizon 1. Double click on the copied surface and go to
calculations tab. Type OWC depth(-1875) and click Z=A in Assign. Click OK. Rename it to

e. Go to geometrical modeling process. Choose Cells cut by surface as method. Drop the GOC
surface in input pane to Surface. Assign cells cut by the surface to 4 and other cells as
undefined. Click ok. Go to models pane and find the created properties under properties
folder. Rename it to GOC.

f. Go to geometrical modeling process. Choose Cells cut

by surface as method. Drop the GOC surface in input pane to Surface. Assign cells cut by the
surface to 5 and other cells as undefined. Click ok. Go to models pane and find the created
properties under properties folder. Rename it to OWC

4) Combine them into one region properties

a. Check the values of properties. Go to models pane and double click on Contact set. Go to
Dis.stat. Gas has 0, Oil has 1, Water has 2.

Double click on ACTNUM and check values in Dis.stat. 1 as active and 0 as inactive.

Double click on GOC and its value is 4.

Double click on GOC and its value is 4.

b. Right click on properties and choose calculator.

c. Type REGION=Contact_set+1 and choose Region as template. Click ENTER. Now REGION has
value from 1 to 3 representing gas, oil and water each.

d. To combine GOC and REGION, Type REGION=if(GOC=4,GOC,REGION). Now in REGION, cells

cut by GOC is added.

e. To combine OWC and REGION, Type REGION=if(OWC=5,OWC,REGION). Now in REGION,

cells cut by OWC is added.

f. To combine ACTNUM and REGION, type REGION=if(ACTNUM=0,6,REGION).

g. To recognize what represents what, Double click on REGION in Models pane, Go to Colors
tab. Change name appropriately.
Build the case
Now, region is ready to be used for calculation. When it is used in calculation, it will give you regional
volume. Here we will build the case and volume calculation to give regional volumes.
a. Go to define simulation case process.
b. Choose create new and name it as ECLIPSE_REGION
c. Append item in the table in Grid Tab.
d. Drop in REGION and choose Fluid in place region[FIPNUM] for the KEYWORD.

e. Go to Results tab and go to Results subtab.

f. In reports(PRT), change Fluid in place to Field & regions.

g. Go to advanced tab and click Editor

h. In solution, double click RPTSOL and type in FIPRESV.

i. Save it and close. Click Apply and Click OK.

j. Click run
2) Petrel Volume Calculation
a. Go to Volume calculation process
b. Choose create new and name is as Petrel_Volume_Calculation_Region
c. Go to settings tab and go to Facies subtab.
d. Click Facies and choose REGION from drop down menu.

e. Go to output tab, click report settings.

f. In Settings for Volumetric window, Go to Format tab and choose Facies. Click OK.

g. Click run.

Compare the results

1. Petrel has no pore volume for water zone as it doesn’t calculate at all.
2. ECLIPSE has no pore volume for ACTNUM area as it doesn’t calculate at all.
3. For the gas and oil zone, it has small differences due to ECLIPSE taking account into compaction.
FIELD FIELD 278309650 203322400 74987250
1 GAS 15994543 15960000 34543
2 OIL 135430603 134820003 610600
3 WATER 76029620 0 76029620
4 GOC 20628622 20580000 48622
5 OWC 30226262 14742396 15483866
6 ACTNUM 0 17220000 -17220000

Removing Compaction effect

1. Copy and Paste the ECLIPSE_REGION. Rename new case as ECLIPSE_REGION_NOCOMPACTION

2. Go to Make rock physics functions process.
3. Go to compaction tab
4. Type in 1E-12 to Rock compressibility.

5. Go to define simulation case and Functions tab.

6. Replace Rock compaction C=1E-4 with C=1E-12.
7. Run
Compare the case(Pore Volume): Compaction VS No compaction

REGION Compaction No Compaction Difference

FIELD 278309650 276780006 1529644
1 15994543 15960000 34543
2 135430603 134820003 610600
3 76029620 75390002 639618
4 20628622 20580000 48622
5 30226262 30030001 196261
6 0 0 0

Compare the case(Pore volume) : Petrel VS No compaction

REGION REGION Petrel No Compaction Difference

FIELD FIELD 203322400 276780006
1 GAS 15960000 15960000 0
2 OIL 134820003 134820003 0
3 WATER 0 75390002
4 GOC 20580000 20580000 0
5 OWC 14742396 30030001 -15287605
6 ACTNUM 17220000 0

Only OWC has difference. The reason is that Petrel divide cells cut by OWC into Water section and Oil
section geometrically and calculate pore volume. Whereas ECLIPSE calculates whole pore volume of cells
cut by OWC as ECLIPSE calculation include water zone.

Matching Hydrocarbon Pore volumes

Now we know where the difference comes from in Pore volumes. Now we will see the difference of
hydrocarbon pore volumes.
Hydrocarbon Pore volumes comparison

Table comes from the results of previous cases.


REGION No Compaction Compaction Petrel No Compaction Compaction Petrel No Compaction CompactionPetrel
FIELD 19152000 19193951 20035194 129696003 130283480 142622725 127932003 128832219 0
GAS 12768000 12795634 12768000 0 0 0 3192000 3198909 0
OIL 0 0 0 107856002 108344483 107856002 26964001 27086121 0
WATER 0 0 0 0 0 0 75390002 76029620 0
GOC 6384000 6398317 7267194 10080000 10104581 9196807 4116000 4125724 0
OWC 0 0 0 11760000 11834416 11793916 18270000 18391845 0
ACTNUM 0 0 0 0 0 13776000 0 0 0

GAS, OIL and GOC has same pore volume. OWC has different volume between Petrel and ECLIPSE due
to part of cell below oil water contact not considered for the no compaction and Petrel case. Here when
we compare hydrocarbon pore volume, we can see the difference. The reason is that ECLIPSE initialize
saturation using Equilibration method based cell by cell, While Petrel calculates geometrically.

Modify initialization option

3. Right click on the case and choose editor.
4. Under SOLUTION, double click on EQUIL Keyword

5. Change 9th item to 1 and save it.

6. Add EQLOPTS Keyword by click insert button. In EQLOPTS, add QUIESC and save it.

7. Run the simulation

When QUIESC option is used, it affects contact area. In the table, GOC and OWC volumes has
changed. The results shows less difference with Petrel.
REGION REGION No Compaction No comp, EQUIL Petrel No Compaction No comp, EQUIL Petrel No Compaction No comp, EQUIL Petrel
FIELD FIELD 19152000 20076000 20035194 129696003 128604003 142622725 127932003 128100003 0
1 GAS 12768000 12768000 12768000 0 0 0 3192000 3192000 0
2 OIL 0 0 0 107856002 107856002 107856002 26964001 26964001 0
3 WATER 0 0 0 0 0 0 75390002 75390002 0
4 GOC 6384000 7308000 7267194 10080000 9156000 9196807 4116000 4116000 0
5 OWC 0 0 0 11760000 11592000 11793916 18270000 18438000 0
6 ACTNUM 0 0 0 0 0 13776000 0 0 0

Oil saturation No EQUIL VS EQUIL

If there is initial saturation to be used, it can be used in Petrel. Also, it should be used with
SWATINIT with Pc curve given.

ECLIPSE uses other properties like Rs, Rv, Bo, Bg calculated at pressure. But Petrel volume
calculation uses constants. For Petrel to use those properties like ECLIPSE, the only way is to import
ECLIPSE results. To do this, you can use RPTRST with ALLPROPS Keyword.

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