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Microbial Physiology

e. Electron Transport Chain

A. Biochemical Pathways of Energy Electrons are brought to the electron
Production transport chain by NADH.
A series of enzymatically catalyzed
chemical reactions called biochemical The electron transport chain consists of
pathways store energy in carriers, including flavoproteins,
and release energy from organic molecules. cytochromes, and ubiquinones.

1. Carbohydrate Catabolism f. Chemiosmotic Mechanism of ATP

Most of a cell's energy is produced from the Energy produced from movement of the
oxidation of carbohydrates. protons back across the membrane is used
Glucose is the most used carbohydrate. by ATP synthase.
The two major types of glucose catabolism In eukaryotes, electron carriers are located
are respiration, in which glucose is on the inner mitochondrial membrane; in
completely broken prokaryotes, electron carriers are in the
down, and fermentation, in which it is plasma membrane.
partially broken down.
g. Summary of Aerobic Respiration
a. Glycolysis In aerobic prokaryotes, 38 ATP molecules
The most common pathway for the can be produced from complete oxidation
oxidation of a glucose
of glucose is glycolysis. molecule in glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and
Pyruvic acid is the end-product. the electron transport chain.
Two ATP and two NADH molecules are In eukaryotes, 36 ATP molecules are
produced from one glucose molecule. produced from complete oxidation of a
glucose molecule.
b. Alternatives to Glycolysis h. Anaerobic Respiration
The pentose phosphate pathway is used to The final electron acceptors in anaerobic
metabolize five-carbon sugars; respiration include NOT , SO₄²—,And
one ATP and 12 NADPH molecules are CO,²—.
produced from one glucose molecule. The total ATP yield is less than aerobic
The Entner-Doudoro0 pathway yields one respiration because only part of the Krebs
ATP and two NADPH molecules from one cycle operates
glucose molecule. under anaerobic conditions.

c. Definition of Respiration i. Fermentation

in aerobic respiration, O₂ functions as the Fermentation releases energy from sugars
final electron acceptor. or other organic molecules by oxidation.
In anaerobic respiration, the final electron O2is not required in fermentation.
acceptor is an inorganic molecule other than Two ATP molecules are produced by
0₂. substrate-level phosphorylation.

d. The Krebs Cycle i. Fermentation

Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid produces
one CO2molecule and one acetyl group.
The final electron acceptor is an organic
molecule. 4. Biosynthesis of Purines and Pyrimidines
In tactic acid fermentation, pyruvic acid is The sugars composing nucleotides are
reduced by NADH to lactic acid. derived from either the pentose phosphate
In alcohol fermentation, acetaldehyde is pathway or the Entner-Doudoroñ pathway.
reduced by NADH to produce ethanol. Carbon and Nitrogen atoms from certain
Heterolactic fermentors can use the pentose amino acids form the backbones of the
phosphate pathway to produce lactic acid purines and pyrimidines.
and ethanol.
C. Integration of Metabolism
2. Lipid Catabolism Anabolic and catabolic reactions are
Lipases hydrolyze lipids into glycerol and integrated through a group of common
fatty intermediates.
acids. Such integrated pathways are referred to as
amphibolic pathways.
3. Protein Catabolism
Before amino acids can be catabolized, they D. Summary of Energy Production
must be converted to various substances Sunlight is converted to chemical energy in
that enter the oxidation-reduction reactions carried by the
Krebs cycle. phototrophs
Transamination, decarboxylation, and To produce energy, a cell needs an electron
dehydrogenation reactions convert the donor (organic or inorganic), a system of
amino acids to be catabolized. electron carriers, and a final electron
acceptor (organic or inorganic).
B. Biochemical Pathways of Energy Use
(Anabolism) E. Nutritional Patterns Among Organisms
1. Biosynthesis of Polysaccharides Phototrophs obtain energy by
Glycogen is formed from ADPG. photophosphorylation and fix carbon from
UDPNAc (uridine diphospho-N- CO2 via the Calvin Benson cycle to
acetyIgIucosamine) is the starting material synthesize organic compounds.
for the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan. Cyanobacteria are oxygenic phototrophs.
Green sulfur bacteria and purple sulfur
2. Biosynthesis of Lipids bacteria are anoxygenic phototrophs.
Lipids are synthesized from faby acids and Photoheterotrophs use light as source of
glycerol. energy and an organic compound for their
Glycerol is derived from dihydroxyacetone carbon source or electron donor.
phosphate, and fatty acids are built from Chemoautotrophs use inorganic compounds
acetyl CoA. as their energy source and carbon dioxide as
their carbon source.
3. Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and
Proteins Amino Acids are required for Microbial Genetics
protein biosynthesis
All amino acids can be synthesized either A. DNA Synthesis:
directly or indirectly from intermediates of At the start of replication DNA is anchored
carbohydrate metabolism, particularly from to the cell
the Krebs cycle. membrane at a mesosome.
Replication is semi conservative. Donor cells lyse, a fragment of DNA is
DNA gyrase nicks between complimentary released and passed into a recipient cell.
strands to create 2 V shaped forks that Enzyme dissolves one strand of the
replicate in both directions at the same time. fragment, and the other strand displaces a
DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the 3 ' homologous segment of the recipient's
end of the continuously growing strand. DNA.
Okazaki fragments are synthesized in the 5 ' The recipient then has a recombinant DNA.
to 3 direction on the discontinuous strand The displaced fragment is dissolved by an
and are then joined to the previously enzyme.
synthesized section by DNA ligase. Only competent cells can be transformed
and DNA of both organisms must be
B. Bacterial Mutation: similar.
1. Spontaneous mutations have no Competence is the ability to take up DNA
identifiable cause and are rare. from the environment.
2. Induced mutations are due to chemical
or physical mutagens e.g. UV light, nitrous 2. Conjugation
acid, base analogs etc. It involves two live bacteria, donor and
3. Other mutations are caused by recipient, with the transfer of genetic
transposable genetic elements. material from a plasmid. The donor is F+,
has fertility factor and codes for sex pilus.
Three major types of transposable elements Once there is contact with the F - or
recipient, plasmid DNA begins to replicate
1. Insertion sequences by the Rolling circle method.
They are segments of DNA that encode 3. Transduction
enzymes for site specific recombination and The transfer of genetic material from one
have distinct nucleotides at their terminals. organism to another by a transducing phage.

2. Transposons a. There are two types of transducing

They are larger than insertion sequences, 1) Lytic
code for protein synthesis and can induce The phage reproduces and causes the
mutation the same way as insertion bacterium to lyse.
sequences. This is a virulent phage.

3. Transposable phages (Mu) 2) Lysogenic

They can alternate between lytic and The phage codes for a repressor protein
lysogenic growth. During lysogeny. which prevents its own
They can insert themselves anywhere on the replication.
bacterial chromosome, and later transpose This is a temperate phage.
from one location to another, inactivating
the bacterial gene just as other transposable
elements. b. There are two types of transductions:
1.Generalized Transduction
C. Bacterial Recombination A lytic virus uses the bacterial machinery to
1. Transformation make viruses.
The bacterium lyse and viral parts are
released. 4. Death or Decline phase
The population is dying in a geometric
2. Restricted or Specialized Transduction fashion so there are more deaths than new
When a bacterium with an integrated cells.
prophage is induced to be lytic, the Deaths are due to the factors in stationary
phage DNA is excised. phase in addition to lytic enzymes that are
Sometimes a piece of bacterial DNA released when bacteria lyse.
adjacent to the phage DNA remains
attached to the excised phage DNA. Factors That Affect Microbial Growth
Only genes adjacent to the phage can be
transduced. These environmental factors añect
microorganisms and play important roles in
Growth the control of microorganisms in laboratory,
industrial, and hospital settings.
Increase in the population of cells is called
a culture. Availability of Osmotic
Cell division is by an asexual process called Nutrients Pressure
binary fission, and the time it takes to Moisture Barometric Pressure
divide (double) is called generation time. Temperature Gaseous
Growth of culture goes through four phases Atmosphere
with time, when plotted on a graph. pH

Growth Phases Availability of Nutrients

1. Lag Phase All living organisms require nutrients —

Organisms are adjusting to the environment various chemical compound use to sustain
(little or no division). life.
They are synthesizing DNA, ribosomes and Energy sources
enzymes to breakdown nutrients, and to be Sources of basic elements
used for growth. C, O, H, N, P, S
Na, K, CI, Mg, Ca, Fe, I, Zn
2. Log or Logarithmic phase
Division is at a constant rate (generation
time) but varies with species, temperature Other Growth Factors
and media.
Cells are most susceptible to inhibitors. Other growth factors are organized into
three categories:
3. Stationary phase 1. Purines and pyrimidines: required for
Dying and dividing organisms are at an synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
equilibrium. 2. Amino acids: required for the synthesis
Death is due to reduced nutrients, pH of proteins
changes, toxic waste and reduced oxygen. 3. Vitamins: needed as coenzymes and
Cells are smaller and have fewer ribosomes. functional groups of certain enzymes
In some cases cells do not die but they are
not multiplying. Terms Relating to Energy Sources
Psychrotrophs — OGT is 4OC (refrigerator
Phototrophs (organisms that use light as an temperature)
energy source) Psychrodurics — can tolerate or endure
Chemotrophs (organisms that use chemical very cold temperature of less than —4OC
as energy source)
Terms Relation to Carbon Source
Autotrophs (organisms that use CO2 as a The term “pH” refers to the hydrogen ion
carbon source) concentration of a solution and, thus, the
Photoautotrophs acidity or alkalinity of the solution.
Heterotrophs (organisms that use organic Most microorganisms prefer a neutral or
compounds as a carbon source) slightly alkaline growth medium (pH 7.0—
Chemoheterotrophs 7.4).

Osmotic Pressure
Water is essential to all life on Earth.
Cells are composed of between 70 95% Osmotic pressure is the pressure that is
water. exerted on a cell membrane by solutions
All living organisms require water to carry both inside and outside the cell.
out their normal metabolic processes, and Isotonic
most will die in environments containing Hypotonic
too little moisture. Hypertonic
Desiccation — complete drying process
Some microbial stage can survive Barometric Pressure
Most bacteria are not añected by minor
Temperature changes in barometric pressure. Some
thrive at normal atmospheric pressure.
Optimum growth temperature — the
temperature at which the microorganisms Gaseous Atmosphere
grows best
Minimum Growth Temperature - Below Oxygen serves as electron acceptor in
this, the microorganisms cease to grow aerobic respiration. Bacteria can be divided
Maximum Growth Temperature - Above into the following groups based on their
this, the microorganisms die oxygen requirements:
Temperature Range 1. Obligate aerobe
Glucose is completely oxidized to CO2 and
H2O, requiring 21% oxygen.
Thermophiles — microorganisms that
grows at temperature of 50-60OC 2. Microaerophilic
Mesophiles — microorganisms that grow The metabolic process is comparable to
best at moderate temperature of 20 obligate aerobes but requires 1-15%
40OC oxygen.
Psychrophiles — prefer cold temperature of 3. Facultative anaerobe
In the absence of 02, glucose undergoes present alone or with other bacterial
glycolysis to pyruvic acid, and then species in a patient specimen.
fermentation takes place. e.g. Blood, Chocolate agar

4. Obligate anaerobe 2. Supportive media contain nutrients

Glucose undergoes glycolysis to pyruvic that support growth of most non-
acid, then fermentation or anaerobic fastidious organisms without giving
respiration in which oxygen is not the final any organism a growth advantage.
electron acceptor. 3. Selective media contain one or more
Some organisms use nitrate, sulfate or agents that are inhibitory to all
carbonate. organisms except those being
5. Capnophile e.g. MacConkey agar, Eosin
Requires carbon dioxide to survive. methylene blue

Classification of Culture Media 4. Differential media employ some

factors that allows colonies of one
A. Culture media according to consistency: bacterial species or type to exhibit
1. Liquid media are used for growth of pure certain metabolic or culture
batch cultures. characteristics that can be used to
2. Solidified media contain agar and are distinguish them from other bacteria
used widely for the isolation of pure growing on the same agar plate.
cultures, for estimating viable bacterial
populations, and a variety of other

B. Culture media according to composition.

1. Chemically-defined (synthetic) medium
is one in which the exact
chemical composition is known.
2. Complex (undefined) medium is one in
which the exact chemical constitution of the
medium is not known. Also known as basal

C. Culture media according to their

function and use.

1. Enrichment media contain specific

nutrients required for the growth of
bacterial pathogens that may be

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