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xmlns:word="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="
html40"><head><xml> <word:WordDocument> <word:View>Print</word:View>
<word:Zoom>90</word:Zoom> <word:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </word:WordDocument>
</xml></head><body><b>Remington 21st Edition.pdf</b><br><a
href=file:///C:/Users/admin/Documents/Physical Pharma LEC/Remington 21st
Edition.pdf>file:///C:/Users/admin/Documents/Physical Pharma LEC/Remington 21st
Edition.pdf</a><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Normally, matter exists in one
of three states: solid, liquid,or gas</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Although it is not pharmaceutically important, twoother states of
matter exist:</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">the plasma
state</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">in which matterexists as a
hot gaseous cloud of atoms and electrons; and a morespeculative state, possibly
having only a momentary existence,is one which has characteristics of a
superdense supermetal</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">transient
state is produced when material is sub-jected to very high pressures such as
those used to make dia-monds when compressing graphite.</span> </p><b>1- Historical
Development of Pharmacy.pdf</b><br><a href=file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/1-
Historical Development of Pharmacy.pdf>file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/1-
Historical Development of Pharmacy.pdf</a><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">Greek</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Pharmakon”</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">druggists</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">practice in pharmacy</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">safe and effective medication use.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">The bowl with a snake coiled around it</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #D1FF61">Hygeia</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">Aesculapius’s daughter</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">bowl of Hygeia with the serpent of Epidaurus.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Greek Goddess of health.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">symbol was a serpent drinking from a bowl</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">wo snakes on a staff</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Caduceu</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">staff</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">epicted with
wings,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Mercury (Roman</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Hermes (Greek</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">pharmacy shop sign</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">ools of traditional pharmacy,</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">“recipe</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">‘take thou’)</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">start of
prescriptions</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">trial and
error</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">folk knowledge</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">SHANIDAR CAVE BURIAL</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Fait</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">ne could avoid disease by leading a righteous lifeand worshipping the
proper God.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFCAD7">3 Deities/Gods</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Ninazu</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Ningishrida</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Gula</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">3 Main Medical
Practicioners:</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Asu</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">Ashipu</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Baru</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">sease is a
consequence of a SIN.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">LIBRARY OF
NINEVEH</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Asshurbanipal</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Ancient Egyptians</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">estore harmony</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">PAPYRUS EBERS</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">pharmaceutical record</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">collection</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">GEORGE
EBERS</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">libraryof
theUniversity</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">medical papyri
ofAncient egy</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Pen-ts’ao</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Shen-nun</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">material medica</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">“fund am ental s of simples</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">he botanical basis of pharmacy”.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Greek medicine and pharmacy developed within this cultural
framework.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Theophrastus</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">father of botany."</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">De Historia Plantarum and De causisplantarum</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Fall of Rome</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">CLADIUS GALEN</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">galenicals.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">prominentGreek physician</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">for 1,50</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">0</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">originator of the formula</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">cold cream</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Three remedies</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">HIERA
PICRA</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">TERRA SIGILLATA</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">was the pharmaceutical par
excellence</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">antidote for poisons,
dysenteries, fevers and other illnesses.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">aloes</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">spices</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">other herbs</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">oney</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">argely herbal</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">antidote to
the bites of wild creatures</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">AVICENNA</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Canon
medicinae</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Rhazes (860-932) &amp;
Avicenna</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">separate practice of
pharmacy from medicine.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">id
13thcentury (1240) Frederick II codified</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Apothecary</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Renaissance</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Paracelsus</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">quintessencesfrom</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">ather
of toxicology</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">PhilippusAureolusTheophrastus Bombastusvon Hohenheim</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Sparked the growth of modern Pharmaceutical</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">DISCOVERY OF QUININE</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Quinine</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">malarial fevers</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Germ
theory of disease</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Pasteur and
Koch</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">1880-189</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #B4FFEB">1876</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">h
proved that microorganism cause disease</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">Robert Koc</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFCAD7">DISCOVERY OF
VACCINE</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Pasteu</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #D1FF61">ed 3 vacc</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">fowl choler</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">anthrax</span> <p><i>biowarfare agent</i></p><div><i>- also use in
asasination of important people back then.</i></div><div><i>- contagiuos thriugh
inhalation&nbsp;</i></div><p></p></p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">rabies</span> <p><i>acute unflammation in the brain of human and
animals(rats, cats, and dogs).</i></p><div><i><br></i></div><p></p></p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Emil Von Behring</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">iphtheria</span> <p><i>was meant to cause light general
response when introduced.</i></p><div><i><br></i></div><p></p></p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Paul Ehrlich’s</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">Salvarsan</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">1910</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">chemotherapeutic agents.</span>
<p><i><span style="color: rgb(32, 33, 36); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-
size: 16px;">Antineoplastic drugs</span></i></p></p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Salvarsan</span> <p><i>compound 606, magic bullet and
arsphenamine</i></p><div><i><br></i></div><p></p></p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">selective toxicity</span> <p><i><span style="color: rgb(77, 81, 86); font-
family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">means killing the microbial cells
but&nbsp;</span><span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(95, 99, 104); font-
family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">not</span><span style="color: rgb(77,
81, 86); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">&nbsp;the
host's cells</span></i></p></p><b>MICROBIOLOGY_ASSIGNMENT_1.docx.pdf</b><br><a
/Users/admin/Downloads/MICROBIOLOGY_ASSIGNMENT_1.docx.pdf</a><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">smallest unit of life is cell.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">xcept the viruses are composed of one or
manycell</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">cell can be defined as a
basic fundamental unit of life</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">first observed by a scientist named Robert Hooke</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">1665</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">unicellular organisms (single cell)</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">acteria and archae</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">prokaryotic cell</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">multicellular organisms</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">eukaryotic cells</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFDE70">cytoplasm</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFDE70">cell membrane</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">genetic
material in common</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">before</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">nut or kerne</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">cell nucleus</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Prokaryotes</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">without a
cell nucleus,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">membrane bound
organelles</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">some prokaryotes are
multicellular.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">lue green algae
(cyanobacteria), bacteria archaea</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">prokaryotic cells.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">acks
in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes,
centrioles,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">simplest types of
cells</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">he oldest form of life on
earth</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Bacteria,</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">DNA</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">ot contained within a nucleus.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">called nucleoid region</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Generalized structure of Prokaryotic cel</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">receptor</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">adhesive also provides protection to the cell wall</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">genetic material (DNA)</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">condensed into the small packet.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">transfers of DNA</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">ell-cell adhesion</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">ollow attachment present on the surface</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">extension</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">unfolded</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">cytoplasm</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">cellular respiration</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">movement</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">basal body</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">rigidity and
support</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">attachment to the
surface</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">mating</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">small hair-like structur</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">storage</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">rotein synthesis</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ayer of
protein and lipids,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">urrounds
cytoplasm</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">egulate</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">surviving during harsh conditions.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">Gram-positive</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Gram -negative bacteria</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">rokaryotes</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">large amount of peptidoglycan</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">have the thin layer</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">former</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">atter</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">advanced type of cells</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">plant, animals, and fungi</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">well-defined nucleus</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">lgae, fungi, protozoa, plants, and animals and can be
single-celled,colonial or multicellular.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">general structure</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">well-
defined nucleus</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">DNA</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">production of protein synthesis and ribosome
also</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">chromosome</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">surrounded by</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">bi-lipid layer and controls the passage of ions and
molecules.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ther organelles are
located</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">metabolic activities of
the cell also take place</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">owerhouse</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">aking
ATP</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">own DNA and ribosome</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">algae and plant</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">most important organelles in the plant</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">converting energy sunlight into chemical
energy</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">photosynthesis</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">resembl</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #B4FFEB">cisternae</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#B4FFEB">stack of many flattened, disc-shaped sacs</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">packaging of materials and in secreting them</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Lysosomes and Vacuole</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">synthesis of Lysosomes</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">digestion of intracellular molecules</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #D1FF61">hydrolase.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Vacuoles</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">fluid as well as solid materials</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">engulf materials through endocytosis</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">transports lipids, proteins, and other materials
through the cell. T</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">smooth</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">rough</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Cilia are shorter than flagella and numerous</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">movement</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Cilia and Flagella</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #B4FFEB">Glycocalyx</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#B4FFEB">olysaccharide</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">utermost
layer of the cell</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">ell
adherence</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">protection and in
receiving signals from other cells.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">hapes, rigidity, and support</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">cellulose, pectin, chitinor peptidoglycan.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">emi permeable</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">surrounding the cytoplasm</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">barrier</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">entry and exit of
the substances inside and outside the ce</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">two layers of phospholipids embedded with proteins</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Plant cell</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">below</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Animal</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">utermost</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">protein synthesis</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Sedverg unit</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">80S ribosom</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">upporting
framework of the cells</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">two
types</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Microtubules and
Microfilaments.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">icrotubules
h</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">protein called tubulin</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #B4FFEB">icrofilaments</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #B4FFEB">protein called actin</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #B4FFEB">Microtubules are the largest filament</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">mucopeptide</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">cellulose</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">peptidoglycan</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">absent</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ucleus</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">'nucleoid</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">presen</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">nucleus</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">enclosed within
nuclear membrane</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">translation in
cytosol</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Transcription occurs in
nucleus</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">together</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">plasmid</span> </p><b>Reference-Standard Material
Qualification</b><br><a href=
qualification</a><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">cientists performing
analytical testing use reference standards to determine quantitative (e.g., assay
and impurity) as well as qualitative (e.g., identification tests) data, performance
standards, and calibrators (e.g., melting point standards)</span> </p><b>5 Common
Types of FDA Drug Applications: Quick Guide</b><br><a
types/</a><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The Investigational New Drug
(IND</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">first category</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">New Drug Application (NDA)</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">second category</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFDE70">launching point for clinical investigations in the United States</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">primary purpose</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFDE70">is to ensure, as much as possible, the safety and
rights of clinical trial participants.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFDE70">INDs may be categorized as either commercial or research</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFDE70">Commercial INDs allow for the development of a
drug or biologic with the goal of ultimately submitting a marketing
application</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Research INDs involve
therapies that are not intended for commercialization but are being investigated
strictly for research purposes</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFDE70">emergency INDs</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">treatment
of immediately life-threatening conditions when no standard acceptable treatment is
available and insufficient time exists to receive Investigational Review Board
(IRB)</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">all IND applications must
include information about the quality and nonclinical safety of the investigational
product as well as the proposed clinical protocol and investigator.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFDE70">a formal request made by a Sponsor to market a
new drug in the United States</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFDE70">goals of the NDA</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">rovide
enough evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of the drug and to show
that the benefits of its use outweigh the risks</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFDE70">he NDA is much more comprehensive than the IND</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">body’s effect on the drug</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFDE70">drug’s effect on the body</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFDE70">eview and approval of a generic drug product.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">not required to include pre-clinical
(animal) and clinical (human) data to establish safety and effectiveness</span>
ed.pdf</b><br><a href=file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/ansels-pharmaceutical-
drug-delivery-systems-10th-ed.pdf</a><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">n 1821,
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy was established as the nation's
first school of pharmacy.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">820,
the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) was created to aid in establishing
standards for drugs in the United States.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">pharmacopeia</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">pharmakon</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">any recipe or
formula or other stan-dards required to make or prepare a drug.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">first American pharmaco-peia was the
so-called Lititz Pharmacopeia,</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">The first American pharmaco-peia was the so-called Lititz
Pharmacopeia, published in 1778 at Lititz, Pennsylvania, for use by the Military
Hospital of the United States Army. It was a 32-page booklet con-taining
information on 84 internal and 16 external drugs and preparations.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ast decade of the 18th cen-
tury,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">1808</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Massachusetts Medical Society published a 272-
page pharmacopeia</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">January 6,
1817, Lyman Spalding</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">creation
of a national pharmacopeia.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">recognized as the Father of the United States
Pharmacopeia.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">four geographic
districts—northern, middle, southern, and western.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Each district's convention was to draft a
pharmacopeia</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">four district
pharmacopeias were to be compiled into a single national
pharmacopeia</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">January 1,
1820</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The first USP was pub-
lished on December 15, 1820</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">English and Latin, then the international language of medicine, to render
the book more intel-ligible to physicians and pharmacists of any
nationality.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">he objective of the
first USP was stated in i</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">the
convention adopted a constitution and bylaws, with provisions for subsequent
meetings of the convention lead-ing to a revised USP every 10 years.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">1900</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">the Pharmacopeial Convention granted authority to issue sup-
plements to the USP whenever necessary to maintain satisfactory
standards.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">940 meeting of the
convention, it was decided to revise the USP every 5 years while maintain-ing the
use of periodic supplements.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFDE70">he
first United States Pharmacopeial Convention was composed exclusively
of physicians.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">In 1830 and again
in 1840, promi-nent pharmacists were invited to assist in the revision,</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">in recognition of their contribu-tions
pharmacists were awarded full mem-bership in the convention of 1850</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">By 1870, the USP was so nearly in the
hands of phar-macists that vigorous efforts were required to revive interest
in it among physicians.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Of the
eight elected members of the board of trustees, at least two must be
representatives of the medical sci-ences, two others must be representatives of
the pharmaceutical sciences, one must be a public member, and three shall
serve without restriction concerning their affiliation.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">The USP of 1820 reflected the fact that the
apothecary of that day was competent at collecting and identifying botanical
drugs and preparing from them the mixtures and preparations required by
the physician.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The second
half of the 19th century brought great and far-reaching changes.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ndustrial revolution was in full swing in
the United States.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The steam
engine, which used water power to turn mills that powdered crude botanical
drugs, was replaced by the gas, diesel, or electric motor</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">New machinery was substituted for the old whenever
pos-sible, and often machinery from other indus-tries was adapted to the
special needs of pharmaceutical manufacturing. Mixers from the baking
industry, centrifugal machines from the laundry industry, and sugarcoat-ing
pans from the candy industry were a</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">By 1880</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">the
industrial manufacture of chemicals and pharmaceutical products had
become well established in this country,</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">solation of some active constituents of plant
drugs led to the knowl-edge of their chemical structure.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">872</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFCAD7">synthesis of salicylic acid from phenol inaugu-rated the synthesis of a
group of analgesic com-pounds including acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFCAD7">which was introduced into medicine
in 1899</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFCAD7">Among other chemicals
for the first time were sleep-producing derivatives of barbituric acid
called barbiturates.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">synthetic
organic chemis-try—welcomed the turn into the 20th century</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">maladies</span>
<p><i>disorder</i></p><div><i><br></i></div><p></p></p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">1910</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">arsphenamine, a
specific agent against syphilis, was introduced to medical science</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">the start of an era of
chemotherapy</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFCAD7">Paul Ehrlich, the
German bacteriolo-gist who together with a Japanese colleague, Sahachiro Hata,
discovered arsphenamine.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The
standards advanced by the USP were more than ever needed to protect the
public by ensuring the purity and uniformity of drugs.0002035880.INDD
1011/29/2013 3:16:57 PM</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">When
the American Pharmaceutical Asso-ciation (APhA) was organized in 1852, the only
authoritative and recognized book of drug standards available was the
third revision of the USP</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Because of strict selectivity, many drugs and formulas that were accepted
and used by the medical profession were not granted admis-sion to early revisions
of the USP</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">in keeping with the
original objec-tives of the APhA to standardize drugs and formulas,
certain pharmacists, with the sanc-tion of their national organization,
prepared a formulary containing many of the popular drugs and formulas
denied admission to the USP.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">888 under the title National Formulary of Unofficial Preparations
(3)</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The title was changed to
National Formulary (NF) on June 30, 1906</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFCAD7">President Theodore Roosevelt</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">signed into law the first federal Pure Food and Drug
Act, designating both the USP and NF as establishing legal standards for medicinal
and pharmaceutical substances.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Thus the two pub-lications became official compendia.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">he early editions of the NF served mainly as a
convenience to practicing pharmacists by providing uniform names of drugs
and preparations and working directions for the small-scale
manufacture of popular pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by
physicians.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">efore 1940, the NF,
like the USP, was revised every 10 years.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">After that date, new editions appeared every 5
years,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">1975, the United States
Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. purchased the NF</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Today, the United States Pharmacopeia-National
Formulary (USP-NF) is continuously revised</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Revisions are available annually in hard copy and as online
editions, includ-ing twice-yearly supplements and update notices on the USP
Web site.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Monographs for drug
substances, dietary supplements, dos-age forms, and compounded preparations
are contained in the USP sections of the com-bined compendium whereas
monographs for pharmaceutical excipients are contained in the NF
section.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">2006</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Presently, USP standards are used in more than 140
countries worldwide</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">ensuring the
availability of quality drugs and pharmaceutical products and
preparations.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">products” is now
generally used to refer to manufactured drugs and “prepa-rations” to
compounded drugs.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">he USP-NF is
used by pharmacists, physicians, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, producers, and
sup-pliers of bulk chemicals for use in drug pro-duction; large and small
manufacturers of pharmaceutical products; drug procurement officers of various
private and public health agencies and institutions; drug regulatory and
enforcement agencies; and others</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">The USP and NF adopt standards for drug substances,
pharmaceutical ingredients, and dosage forms reflecting the best in the
cur-rent practices of medicine and pharmacy and provide suitable tests and
assay procedures for demonstrating compliance with these standards. In
fulfilling this function, the com-pendia become legal documents, every state-ment
of which must be of a high degree of clarity and specificity</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">a drug with a name recognized in the
USP-NF must comply with compendial identity standards or be deemed adulterated,
misbranded, or both.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">o avoid
being deemed adulterated,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">rugs
recognized in the USP-NF also must comply with compendial stan-dards for
packaging and labeling.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">he initial
part of the monograph consists of the official title (generic or nonproprietary
name) of the drug substance. This is followed by its graphic or structural
formula, empiri-cal formula, molecular weight, established chemical names,
and the drug's Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Appearing next in the monograph is a
statement of chemical purity, a cautionary statement that reflects the toxic
nature of the agent, packaging and storage recommendations, and chemical and
physical tests, and the prescribed method of assay to substantiate the
identification and purity of the chemical.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">PUS is used by pharmacists and homeopathists as
well as by law enforce-ment agencies that must ensure the quality of
homeopathic drugs. The term homeopa-thy was coined by Samuel
Hahnemann (1755–1843) from the Greek homoios, mean-ing similar, and
pathos, meaning disease. In essence, the basis of homeopathy is the law
of similars, or that like cures like: that is, a drug that produces
symptoms of the illness in healthy persons will also be capable of
treating those same symptoms and curing the disease.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">The IP is published by the World Health
Organization (WHO)</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Prescription
drugs must bear the symbol “Rx Only”</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">New drug substances are limited to prescription-only</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">Durham-Humphrey Amendment of the Federal
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act estab-lished a legal distinction between
prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) or nonprescrip-tion drugs. Until that
time, all drugs could be purchased over the counter by consumers.</span> </p><p>
<span style="background: #FFFB78">Kefauver-Harris Amendments to the Federal Food
Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">thalidomide,</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">OTC in
Europe.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">apparent lack of
toxicity even at extreme dosage levels.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">investigational new drug application (IND)</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">NDA seeking approval for marketing</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Phase 1 includes the initial
introduction of an investigational drug into humans and is primarily for
the purpose of assessing safety.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">he initial dose of the drug is usually low, usually one tenth
of the highest no-effect dose observed during the animal studies.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Phase 1 studies are designed to determine
the human pharmacology of the drug, struc-ture–activity relationships, side
effects asso-ciated with increasing doses, and, if possible, early evidence of
effectiveness.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Only clinicians
expert in the disease being treated are used as investigators during Phase 2
studies</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Phase 2 trials are
controlled clinical stud-ies to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug in
patients with the condition for which the drug is intended and to assess side
effects and risks that may be revealed. Because this phase uses patients as
subjects, side effects or toxicity symptoms that were not shown in the
preclin-ical animal studies or in Phase 1 studies with healthy volunteers may be
revealed for the first time</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">hase 3 studies may include several hun-dred to several thousand
patients in con-trolled and uncontrolled trials.</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">Dioscorea</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Hormonal substances, such as thyroid extract, insulin, and
pituitary hormone obtained from the endocrine glands of cattle, sheep, and
swine, are lifesaving drugs used daily as replace-ment therapy in the human
body.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The urine of pregnant
mares is a rich source of estro-gens.</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Today the poliomyelitis vaccine is prepared in cultures of renal mon-
key tissue, the mumps and influenza vac-cines in fluids of chick embryo,
the rubella (German measles) vaccine in duck embryo, and the smallpox
vaccine from the skin of bovine calves inoculated with vaccinia virus.</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Chapter 2 • New Drug DevelopmeNt
aNDapproval proCess39be chemically modified to yield important drugs with
profound pharmacologic activity. For example, the various species of
Dioscorea, popularly known as Mexican yams, are rich in the chemical
steroid structure from which cortisone and estrogens are semisynthetically
produced.Animals have served humans in their search for drugs in a
number of ways. They not only have yielded to drug testing and biologic
assay but also have provided drugs that are mannered from their tissues
or through their biologic processes. Hormonal substances, such as thyroid
extract, insulin, and pituitary hormone obtained from the endocrine glands
of cattle, sheep, and swine, are lifesaving drugs used daily as replace-ment
therapy in the human body. The urine of pregnant mares is a rich source of
estro-gens. Knowledge of the structural architec-ture of the individual
hormonal substances has produced a variety of synthetic and semi-synthetic
compounds with hormone-like activity. The synthetic chemicals used as oral
contraceptives are notable examples.The use of animals in the production of
various biologic products, including serums, antitoxins, and vaccines, has had
lifesaving significance ever since the pioneering work of Edward Jenner
on the smallpox vaccine in England in 1796. Today the poliomyelitis
vaccine is prepared in cultures of renal mon-key tissue, the mumps and
influenza vac-cines in fluids of chick embryo, the rubella (German
measles) vaccine in duck embryo, and the smallpox vaccine from the skin
of bovine calves inoculated with vaccinia virus. New vaccines for diseases such as
AIDS and cancer are being developed through the use of cell and tissue
cultures</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Both recombinant rDNA
and mAb production techniques influence cells’ ability to produce proteins</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">recombinant DNA</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #FFFB78">mAb production is conducted entirely within the cells
of higher animals, including the patient. The technique exploits the ability of
cells with the potential to produce a desired antibody and stimulates an unending
stream of pure antibody pro-duction. These antibodies have the capacity
to combat the specific target.</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">The
first human gene therapy used was to treat adenosine deaminase (ADA)
defi-ciency, a condition that results in abnormal functioning of the immune
system. Therapy consisted of the administration of geneti-cally modified
cells capable of producing ADA</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">Human gene therapy</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#FFFB78">c</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #FFFB78">Pacific yew tre</span>
MitYtEDfTjxAqeyTxzt</a><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">The study of
microscopic organisms</span> </p><p> <span style="background:
#D1FF61">Bacteria</span> </p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Viruses,</span>
</p><p> <span style="background: #D1FF61">Fungi</span> </p><p> <span
style="background: #D1FF61">Protozoa</span> </p></body>

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