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Assignment II

Engineering Physics A

Last date of submission:12-07-2021

Group 1 (Roll no.s 1 to 6)

1. Based on below videos explain the need of quantum mechanics (minimum 2 pages, 5
2. Write any five medical applications of nanotechnology (2.5 marks)
3. Define gradient of a scalar function and divergence and curl of a vector. (2.5 marks)
4. Explain dia, parra and ferromagnetic materials.(5 marks)

Group 2 (Roll no.s 7 to 12)

1. Based on below video solve the Schrödinger Equation for a Particle in a Box (minimum
2 pages, 5 marks)

2. Write any five industrial applications of nanotechnology (2.5 marks)

3. Define magnetic flux and magnetic flux density. (2.5 marks)
4. Derive the free space electromagnetic wave equations and show that the velocity of the
electromagnetic wave is .(5 marks)

Group 3 (Roll no.s 13 to 18)

1. Based on below videos explain wave function and normalization condition (minimum 2
pages, 5 marks)
2. Compute the de Broglie wavelength of an electron whose kinetic energy is 5 eV. (2.5
3. State and prove Ampere’s circuital law. (2.5 marks)
4. Deduce the Maxwell’s equations for free space from the Maxwell’s equations .(5 marks)

Group 4 (Roll no.s 19 to 24)

1. Based on below video explain uncertainty principle (minimum 2 pages, 5 marks)
2. An electron and a proton have the same non-relativistic kinetic energy. Show that the
proton has a shorter de Broglie wavelength. (2.5 marks)
3. Distinguish between conduction current density and displacement current density (2.5
4. Define the terms given below;
Magnetising Field, Magnetic Permiability, Intensity of magnetization, Magnetic
Induction, Magnetic Susceptibility. (5 marks)

Group 5 (Roll no.s 25 to 30)

1. Based on below video derive time dependent Schrodinger equation (minimum 2 pages,
5 marks)
2. An electron is confined to a potential well of width 1.1×10–9 m. Calculate the minimum
uncertainty in its velocity. (2.5 marks)
3. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic Induction (2.5 marks)
4. Derive the free space electromagnetic wave equations and show that the velocity of the
electromagnetic wave is (5 marks)

Group 6 (Roll no.s 31 to 36)

1. Based on below video explain quantum mechanical tunneling (minimum 2 pages, 5

2. Calculate the ground state energy of an electron confined to a box of 1.5 Å width. (2.5
3. Explain dia, parra and ferromagnetic materials.(5 marks)
4. Explain briefly gauss Divergence Theorem and Stokes Theorem. (2.5 marks)

Group 7 (Roll no.s 37 to 42)

1. Explain de-Broglie wave and wavelength based on the video below (minimum 2 pages,
5 marks)
2. Write any five research areas in nanotechnology (2.5 marks)
3. Explain hysteresis of a ferromagnetic material. (2.5 marks)
4. Deduce the Maxwell’s equations for free space from the Maxwell’s equations (5 marks)

Group 8 (Roll no.s 43 to 48)

1. Based on below video explain the difference and advantageous of nanoparticle over bulk
particle. Explain surface to volume ratio. (minimum 2 pages, 5 marks)
2. The transition time of a particle from excited state to ground state is equal to 10-8 s. What
is the minimum uncertainty in the energy and frequency of the particle? (2.5 marks)
3. Explain the physical significance of gradient, divergence and curl. (2.5 marks)
4. Define the terms given below;
Magnetising Field, Magnetic Permeability, Intensity of magnetization, Magnetic
Induction, Magnetic Susceptibility. (5 marks)

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