Tribute To My College - Royal Thimphu College

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Tribute to my College | Royal Thimphu College

My post here may seem more or less to boast my experiences gained in my stay at Royal
Thimphu College, the first and only private college in Bhutan. First of all, before my readers
start reading this post let me clarify in its first instant that this post is the tribute and the
respect that I would like to pay to my college, the management of the college and the faculties
there in the college. Moreover, I would not forget my colleagues who were vital and extremely
involved with me in providing such spaces for my improvements.

It was on 5th August, 2010 when I was admitted to Royal Thimphu College after I was awarded a
scholarship by Department of Adult and Higher Education under the In-Country Undergraduate
Scholarship Scheme (ICUGS). It was a new world for me then comparing to the very remote
places I have dwelled in the east before. Moreover it was an exciting experience to meet with
wide range of friends from all walks of life. 

In case of mine, college life was always a time for new and exciting experiences as well as a time
to explore diverse and innovative ideas. I am actually grateful for the Royal Government of
Bhutan for this initiative. Nevertheless on my behalf I took this opportunity to enhance my
education and moreover a lifelong experiences. I constantly strived for excellence and I was
committed to making my time as an undergraduate as productive and beneficial as possible. 

Attending Royal Thimphu College always liberated me and allowed me to not only explore a
wider array of subjects, but also explore myself. I will now be able to apply my new-found
knowledge to my entire life. The first semester in the college was no different than my high
schooling days. I could make not much difference in my life. It was just listening lectures from
the lecturers, doing assignments as assigned. 

But it is a different story in the next semesters then. I participated in all the events that took
place in the college. I participated in most of the voluntary and social service activities. I was
also an active member for the RTC Math Club for two semesters and have been the Club
Coordinator for three semesters then. I have also organized three Inter Program Math Quiz
Competitions which was loved and appreciated by most of the RTC family.

Out of eight hundred or more students, I was only the one to organize RCSC Preparatory
Classes. I organized the class for three semesters. With the help of some of my lecturers, I
helped those students who were interested in appearing the Bhutan Civil Service Examination.
The unique and outstanding volunteerism of mine was appreciated by the management of the
college and the students who attended the session. 

In my final year, I was also a Teaching Assistant. I volunteered to work in RTC Learning Resource
Center. I taught some programming languages to second year BCA students. In the centre, I was
there to help the IT students solve their problems related to the course. I was fortunate to be in
that centre as I have learnt so much from the students that I have tutored. 

Moreover, during my final year in the college, I got selected as the Residence Assistant. As a
Residence Assistant, my work was to create a positive environment by fostering a sense of
community within the residence halls, by providing help and assistance to students, and by
working with students and staff to ensure the best possible operation of the residence halls. We
were considered as valuable members of the college whose work helped to develop a
residential environment conducive to RTC students’ academic and personal growth. Therefore,
the college is proud for us who enabled it to provide its student with residential services and
facilities of the college to the fullest. 

In terms of my primary duty as a scholarship, I demonstrated excellently in my studies in all

semesters. It can be authenticated by different levels of certificates that I have secured in
Dean’s List and the Director’s List for every semester which were awarded in recognition of
excellent academic achievement.

Strengths that I have gained after being in the college are exemplary leadership and social skills.
These experiences will now train me to unearth creative solutions to challenges, organize my
experiences in the community for the purposes of both. Now as I go on with the actual way of
life ahead, I hope to become an instrumental member of society, using all of my energies to
bring about constructive change and create a path to the “good life,” not only for myself but
also for others.  

Thanks for Department of Adult and Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Royal
Government of Bhutan for offering scholarship for me. 
A tribute to our university
This is a tribute to our one and only University. It is also an opportunity to give a
warm congratulations to Professor Alfred Vella – a worthy and merited appointment
after ten successful years of leadership by Professor Juanito Camilleri. Professor Vella
will live up to the maxim “the right man for the right time” as our university has been
able to select the appropriate rectors over the long years of its existence and even
during the most challenging times.
For a university that traces its foundation to the 1590s with the Jesuits’ Collegium
Melitense conferring degrees in philosophy and divinity, and later anatomy and
surgery, the university has developed and adapted to the times. It is today recognized
as a learning institution of very high quality that has as its alumni, capable and
valuable persons who have exercised their professions both in Malta and overseas
with outstanding vigour and accomplishment. The principles that have guided the
university over the years have been based on the understanding that the university
goes beyond an institution that imparts technical and vocational learning, but which
generates and influences life and society from generation to generation. The
university is a reflection of a civilisation. It is not a business or a training school. We
should not abuse the title of a university.On the other hand, a university is not an
ivory tower. It is an amalgam of academic learning and research, but also a forum for
discussion, understanding and announcements on issues related to society. The
university is a community of teachers, academics, undergraduate and post graduate
students. It is an active participant in the democratic life of a country. This explains
why its autonomy and non-interference by either state or sponsor is critical to
success.Universities thrive on the principle of freedom, of intellectual space where
teachers and students mingle. It cannot be restricted to a utilitarian purpose, but
should trigger imagination, exploration and vision. The value lies therefore beyond the
realms of subjects and themes, but moves also on campus in extra-curriculum
activities such as arts, drama, science, debate and performance.Our university has
played an important role in society. It forms part of a larger community which today
goes beyond our geographical space. It plays a role on a European level, on a western
social hemisphere and within a global orbit. Participation, outreach and non-provincial
thinking become a must in an environment where privacy, rights and freedom are
being constrained in different ways. This also explains why universities are also about
power and politics and where both academic and student voices need to be heeded
to. Active university participation is a guarantee of democracy.I can see our university
move towards bigger investment in research, with more active participation of
students in university life and society in general, with an extensive involvement on a
pan-European and Anglo-Saxon university environments. I can also see the university
finding time to reflect on its ideals and charism, by searching in its past, while never
losing sight of the signs of our times and the indicators for our future. The university
is only relevant to society if it plays its role as a guide and animator.

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