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Unit 11 General quiz Name: Gonzalez Zayas Daniel

Date: November 28th, 2020

Total Score
38 / 50 points

A Listen to two friends talking about buying fake goods. Check (✓) True or False for
each sentence.

                                                                                                True False

1. The woman regrets that she paid so much for the bag.   
2. The man agrees with the woman’s point about buying fake goods.   
3. The woman says there is little people can do about the problem.   
4. The man says that the trade in fake goods is expensive for taxpayers.   
5. The man has some sympathy for people who want to look fashionable.   
A 10 / 10 points (2 points each) 

B Complete the sentences using a correct form of the expressions in parentheses.

Some are negative.

Apparently, the earth’s magnetic poles are bound to (be bound to) reverse at some point in
the future, but nobody knows exactly when this is set to (be set to) take place. If it is to (be to)
happen within our lifetime, then it would affect all our technological devices, which is bound to
(be to bound to) to cause problems. Some also fear it might cause natural disasters. Fortunately,
this switch is bound to (be about to) happen soon, but in the next few thousand years.

Many people believe that in the future, healthcare is bound to (be bound to) be far more
focused on preventing people from becoming sick than it is today. If people are to (be to) have
regular check-ups, for example, this would help medical staff pick up on problems at an early
stage. Experts say that within the next 10 years, most organizations are to (be to) introduce
schemes that reward employees who participate in health education programs.

B 7 / 8 points (1 point each) 

C Match the idioms on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the letters on the
lines. There is one option that you do not need to use.

1. She wished she could turn back the clock to avoid a. a moment of change
having that argument. e b. become
2. He was worried about losing his job, but it turned out that he c. become apparent
didn’t need to worry at all, because he got promoted. c d. do something helpful
3. She decided to become an honest citizen and turn her e. go back in time
back on her previous life of crime. k f. go to, approach
4. He could always turn to his parents for help. f g. ignore
5. She hoped that the therapist could help her turn her life h. make a change for the
around. h better
6. That experience was an important turning point in his i. refuse
life. a j. stop a bad habit
7. She knew that if she didn’t turn over a new leaf and cut k. stop being involved in
down on junk food soon, her health wouldn’t improve. j
8. He was determined to turn a blind eye to the fact that

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he was very unlikely to succeed. g
9. Her friends were surprised to see her turn into a hard-
working student. b
10. It was an invitation he just couldn’t turn down. i

C 10 / 10 points (1 point each) 

D Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

I know what I’d like to (1) be remembered / remember for. It’s for always (2) refusing / being
refused to tell lies, even when it would have been much easier to do so. I recall (3) be
tempted / having been tempted to say I liked a birthday gift, even when I really didn’t. Though
I did avoid (4) offending / being offended my friend by talking about how much I always enjoy
(5) being given / be given presents for my birthday.

My mother says I deserve (6) having been congratulated / to be congratulated for working so
hard in college, but everyone else is doing the same, so I guess it’s normal. But of course I love
(7) being told / telling I’m doing the right thing! If they made a movie about my life, it would be
pretty boring though. Having said that, I don’t regret (8) to be seen / being seen as a serious
student, because it’s what I actually am! Those guys who manage (9) to be awarded / having
been awarded good grades without seeming to do much work are often studying harder than
they’ll admit. They’re not always telling the whole story.

D 6 / 9 points (1 point each) 

E Complete the conversation with the words from the box. There is one option that you
do not need to use.

  That doesn’t seem right That would be my concern To her To him To me To them

A You know what I think? It’s easy to say to kids that they should never lie, but they have to
learn to be kind, too. To me that’s the most important thing.
B I know what you mean, but when you’re raising children, you should be consistent.
And if you told them not to lie, and then they saw you lying yourself, they might get pretty
confused. That would be my concern
A Yeah, but you can’t let them just ignore other people’s feelings, can you? That doesn’t seem
B No, I agree. But my brother has young kids, and he sometimes worries about the way they
tell lies to get out of trouble. To him it’s a big deal, you know?
A Yeah, but most people grow out of that, don’t they? Your brother’s kids are just doing what most
kids do. To them it’s probably just a case of getting an awkward conversation over with as fast
as they can!

E 5 / 5 points (1 point each) 

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F Read the article. Then read the statements and write T for true, F for false, or NG if
the information is not given.

1. Some fake drugs are ineffective rather than poisonous. NG

2. Most fake drugs are sold to medical charities. F
3. Government agencies have identified where the majority of the fake drugs are being
produced. T
4. There are now international laws that ban the sale of fake drugs. T

F _______ / 8 points (2 points each) 

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