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Final Exam


To assess student’s achievement regarding his/her development of autonomous reading

comprehension skills as a research tool in English.


Select three different types of texts that correspond to the ones studied in the course namely: a
descriptive text, an argumentative text, and a research article abstract. They can be full texts or
excerpts selected from the texts as needed in order to comply with the tasks.

Specific instructions

1. Descriptive text:

a. Make a list of 10 key descriptive words found in the text along with: (1) their meaning in
context and (2) their corresponding definitions in English.
b. Point out two ideas expressing processes described in the text.
c. Point out two paragraphs of the text in which the author expresses facts and opinions.
Underline the corresponding ideas.

2. Argumentative text:

a. Point out the main parts of the argumentative text.

b. Infer the author’s thesis.
c. Point out three arguments that support the thesis.

3. Abstract:

a. Point out its main parts.

b. Infer the author’s intention and point out two ideas that support your inference.
c. Infer the author’s tone and point out two ideas that support your inference.

Universidad de Antioquia · Escuela de Idiomas · Programa Institucional de Formación en Lengua Extranjera

Todos los contenidos están bajo licencia Creative Commons 4.0
Submission Details

The students will be given these guidelines during the development of the last unit. The instructor will
decide if the exam will be developed individually or in pairs and establish the submission deadline
and means.

Holistic Rubric to Assess Final Product

4,5 - 5

The final product reflects an excellent level of comprehension, which is evident in the completeness
and outstanding quality of the task: (1) the three texts or excerpts have been accurately selected, and
(2) the three subtasks required per every type of text have been successfully developed.

4 - 4,4

The final product reflects a good level of comprehension, which is evident in the completeness and
high quality of the task: (1) the three texts or excerpts have been accurately selected, and (2) despite
few occasional errors, the three subtasks required per every type of text have been successfully

3 - 3,9

The final product reflects an acceptable level of comprehension: (1) the three texts or excerpts have
been accurately selected, and (2) despite there were some errors found, the most important
objectives were achieved for at least two out of the three subtasks established for every type of text.

2 - 2,9

The final product does not reflect an acceptable level of comprehension: (1) at least one of the texts
or excerpts was not accurately selected, and (2) many errors were found in the development of the
subtasks, which evidenced serious misunderstanding of the concepts studied throughout the course.

0 - 1,9

Did not submit exam or it was very incomplete and confusing.

Assign a grade based on the descriptor that best reflects student’s performance.

Final grade _______________

Universidad de Antioquia · Escuela de Idiomas · Programa Institucional de Formación en Lengua Extranjera

Todos los contenidos están bajo licencia Creative Commons 4.0

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