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Ch 7 Muscle Practice Test

1. What ensures that one action potential in the neuron yields only one action potential in the skeletal muscle
fibers of the stimulated motor unit and therefore only one contraction per fiber? 
A. the amount of calcium that enters the pre-synaptic cell
B. the rate of diffusion of acetylcholine across the synaptic cleft
C. the number of muscle fibers that make up the motor unit
D. enzymatic breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase
E. All of these ensure this one to one ratio.

2. The anterior hip muscle that flexes the thigh is the 

A. iliopsoas.
B. gluteus medius.
C. tensor fascia latae.
D. gluteus maximus.
E. entire gluteal group.

3. The ___________ is a group of muscle cells surrounded by perimysium. 

A. myofilament
B. myofibril
C. muscle fiber
D. muscle fasciculus
E. whole skeletal muscle

4. A high-energy molecule that can be quickly used to produce ATP is 
A. creatine phosphate.
B. glucose.
C. carbon dioxide.
D. lactic acid.
E. water.

5. Most types of nerve gas exert their effect by inactivating acetylcholinesterase. One of the antidotes for nerve
gas is atropine, which is also a poison. Although it may seem strange to have one poison counteract the effects
of another poison, which of the following suggestions might be accurate for the effect that atropine has on the
neuromuscular junction? 
A. Atropine increases the production of acetylcholine in the synaptic vesicles.
B. Atropine increases the release of acetylcholine across the synaptic cleft.
C. Atropine increases the number of receptor sites for acetylcholine on the muscle cell membrane.
D. Atropine attaches to receptor sites for acetylcholine on the muscle cell membrane.
E. Atropine increases both the release of acetylcholine and the number of available receptor sites.

6. Elasticity is the ability of skeletal muscle to 

A. shorten with force.
B. lengthen passively.
C. respond to a stimulus.
D. recoil to their original resting length.
E. generate new collagen fibers.

7. The _________ is the smooth ER of a muscle fiber and stores calcium ions. 
A. sarcolemma
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. sarcomere
D. sarcoplasm
E. T tubules

8. All of the following are functions of muscle EXCEPT: 

A. body movement
B. production of red blood cells
C. constriction of organs and vessels
D. maintenance of posture
E. production of body heat

9. The specific molecules that provide calcium binding sites on actin are __________ molecules. 
A. troponin
B. tropomyosin
C. titin
D. myosin

10. Calcium ions 
A. bind to myosin myofilaments.
B. are returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by active transport.
C. are released from the T tubules by active transport.
D. provide the energy for muscle contraction.
E. have both bind to myosin myofilaments and are returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by active transport as
normal properties.

11. Excitability is the ability of skeletal muscle to 

A. shorten with force.
B. lengthen passively.
C. respond to a stimulus.
D. recoil to their original resting length.
E. be stretched.

12. Which of the following statements is FALSE? 

A. Smooth muscle does not have actin & myosin.
B. Smooth muscle is not striated.
C. Smooth muscle cells have gap junctions.
D. One function of smooth muscle is to constrict blood vessels.
E. Smooth muscle can contract either in response to signals from the nervous system or on its own

13. The major functions of the muscular system include all of the following EXCEPT: 
A. body movement
B. prevention of water loss
C. maintenance of posture
D. respiration
E. temperature homeostasis

14. The ___________ is the most stationary end of a muscle. 

A. origin
B. insertion
C. agonist
D. antagonist
E. prime mover

15. Each sarcomere 
A. extends from one Z line to the next Z line.
B. has a light-colored H zone in the center.
C. contains parts of two I bands and a single A band.
D. contains overlapping actin and myosin myofilaments.
E. has all of these characteristics.

16. The ____________ is the end of a muscle attached to a bone undergoing the greatest movement. 
A. origin
B. insertion
C. agonist
D. antagonist
E. prime mover

17. Which of the following characteristics would establish conclusively that muscle tissue being examined was
skeletal muscle tissue? 
A. several nuclei per cell
B. striations present
C. contracts spontaneously
D. intercalated disks present
E. under involuntary control

18. Mary Thon, a long-distance runner, asks her coach why it is so difficult to have a "finishing kick" (sprinting
the last hundred yards to the finish line). Her coach should reply: 
A. Sprinting requires large amounts of oxygen, and she doesn't have much available at that point.
B. There is no physiological reason why the finishing kick should be difficult.
C. Sprinting requires fatty acids, which are likely to be gone at that point.
D. Anaerobic activities like sprinting are limited by available glucose and rate of buildup of lactic acid.
E. She has already built up an oxygen debt from too much aerobic exercise.

19. The _______ phase is the time between the application of a stimulus and the beginning of a contraction. 
A. lag
B. relaxation
C. contraction
D. refractory

20. Anaerobic respiration 
A. is used by all cells during sustained periods of exercise.
B. produces the most ATP's for each glucose molecule broken down.
C. produces lactic acid within the muscle.
D. produces an oxygen debt.
E. produces lactic acid within the muscle and produces an oxygen debt.

21. The ____________ is a muscle in a group that plays a major role in a desired movement. 
A. origin
B. insertion
C. agonist
D. antagonist
E. prime mover

22. Creatine phosphate 
A. is produced by the process of anaerobic respiration.
B. can replace ATP in binding myosin molecules during contraction.
C. acts as an energy reserve in muscle tissue.
D. is only formed during strenuous exercise.
E. causes the build up of lactic acid.

23. What is the function of tropomyosin in muscle contraction? 

A. to bind to the myosin head and cock it back
B. to prevent the inappropriate binding of actin to myosin (inhibition)
C. to initiate contraction by releasing Ca++
D. to move the troponin complex off the active site of myosin
E. to form the crossbridge

24. The hip muscle commonly used as a site for injections is the 

A. gluteus maximus.
B. gluteus medius.
C. iliopsoas.
D. tensor fascia latae.
E. hamstring muscle.

25. ATP 
A. attaches to the myosin myofilaments.
B. provides energy for the movement of the cross bridges.
C. is required for muscle relaxation.
D. releases part of its energy as heat.
E. has all of these characteristics.

26. The __________ is attached to bones via tendons. 

A. myofilament
B. myofibril
C. muscle fiber
D. muscle fasciculus
E. whole skeletal muscle

27. The muscle that works in opposition to another muscle is the 

A. origin.
B. insertion.
C. agonist.
D. antagonist.
E. prime mover.

28. Acetylcholine 
A. is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction.
B. is broken down by acetylcholinesterase.
C. binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane.
D. causes an influx of sodium ions into the muscle cell when bound to its receptor.
E. has all of these characteristics.

29. The resting membrane potential 
A. occurs when the outside of the cell membrane is negatively charged.
B. is reversed in sign when sodium ions rush out of the cell.
C. will be changed if the membrane permeability to one or more ions is selectively altered.
D. is reestablished by depolarization after an action potential.
E. only occurs when the cytosol has a net negative charge.

30. Muscles of mastication include 

A. the masseter.
B. the hyoid muscles.
C. the pharyngeal constrictors.
D. the temporalis.
E. both the masseter and the temporalis.

31. The anterior forearm muscles 

A. extend the wrist and fingers.
B. are called intrinsic hand muscles.
C. flex the wrist and fingers.
D. supinate the forearm.
E. perform both flexion and supination at the wrist.

32. Cardiac muscle 
A. is under involuntary control.
B. has long, cylindrical cells
C. has many nuclei per cell.
D. has no striations.
E. has all of these characteristics.

33. Slow-twitch muscle fibers 
A. are the predominant type of muscle fibers in the upper limbs.
B. have a richer blood supply than fast twitch fibers, and contain myoglobin.
C. would be used for activities resulting in (or requiring) anaerobic respiration.
D. fatigue more easily than fast-twitch fibers.
E. have all of these characteristics.

34. A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates is called a 
A. neuromuscular junction.
B. synaptic cleft.
C. motor unit.
D. synapse.
E. presynaptic terminal.

35. Muscles are named according to their 

A. location or number of heads.
B. function or action.
C. origin or insertion point.
D. size or shape.
E. Muscles can be named based on all of the above features.

36. A muscle located on either side of the linea alba, which flexes the waist and is crossed by tendinous
intersections is the 
A. transversus abdominis.
B. external intercostal.
C. external abdominal oblique.
D. rectus abdominis.
E. erector spinae.

37.  Connective tissue that surrounds the muscle bundle is called  
A.  perimysium.
B.  endomysium.
C.  fascia.
D.  fasciculi.
E.  microfibrils.

38. A _________ is a single muscle cell. 

A. myofilament
B. myofibril
C. muscle fiber
D. muscle fasciculus
E. whole skeletal muscle

39. Which of these muscles is NOT a fixator of the scapula? 

A. latissimus dorsi
B. trapezius
C. levator scapulae
D. serratus anterior
E. pectoralis minor

40. The ________ is the functional unit of skeletal muscle because it is the smallest portion of the skeletal
muscle capable of ___________. 
A. muscle fiber, receiving a stimulus
B. muscle fiber, contracting
C. sarcomere, contracting
D. sarcomere, receiving a stimulus
E. myofibril, contracting

41. Which of the following muscles are used to elevate the larynx? 
A. the masseter
B. the soft palate muscles
C. the hyoid muscles
D. the pharyngeal constrictors
E. the sternocleidomastoid

42. To treat some of the symptoms of Myasthenia gravis, physicians sometimes prescribe the anticholinesterase
drug neostigmine. Why does this drug help with the symptoms of muscle weakness and fatigue? 
A. The drug inhibits the production of the antibodies which the patient's immune system forms against ACh
receptors. It thereby prevents the breakdown of ACh receptors so the muscle cells receive the normal
contraction stimuli.
B. The drug increases the amount of acetylcholine released by the neuron, thereby increasing the chance that the
few ACh remaining receptors on the muscle fiber membranes will bind ACh and receive the signal to contract.
C. The drug inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which prevents the breakdown of ACh. Consequently,
ACh levels in the synapse remain elevated, thereby increasing the stimulation of the reduced number of
functional ACh receptors.
D. The drug acts as an AP and signals the release of ACh. Consequently, ACh levels in the synapse remain
elevated, thereby increasing the stimulation of the reduced number of functional ACh receptors.
E. The drug increases the activity of acetylcholinesterase. ACh is then broken down more quickly, thereby
allowing a quicker signal cycle.

43. In a neuromuscular junction, 

A. the presynaptic terminal is separated from the postsynaptic terminal by the synaptic cleft.
B. the presynaptic terminal contains vesicles filled with sodium ions.
C. the presynaptic terminal contains receptor molecules for the neurotransmitter.
D. the neurotransmitter causes an action potential in the presynaptic terminal.
E. all of these conditions occur.

44. "Pull-ups" are easier to do with the hands supinated than with the hands pronated. An explanation for this is 
A. the biceps brachii is attached to the radial tuberosity.
B. the biceps brachii supinates the forearm.
C. if the forearm is pronated, the biceps brachii is ineffective in flexing the forearm.
D. the brachialis is a much smaller muscle than the biceps brachii.
E. All of these contribute to a full and proper explanation.

45. In a resting cell, K+ ions have a higher concentration ______ the cell, which results in the net movement of
K+ _______ of the cell. 
A. inside; out
B. outside; into
C. inside; into
D. outside; out

46. Caffeine aids in the movement of calcium ions across membranes by both making it easier for the Ca++
channels to open and by holding the channels open longer. How would the administration of caffeine to a
muscle fiber affect its contraction? 
A. Caffeine would increase the strength of the fiber's contraction.
B. Caffeine would allow more cross bridges to form in the fiber.
C. Caffeine would increase the duration of the fiber's contraction.
D. At high enough levels, caffeine would cause the muscle fiber to contract without a signal from the associated
motor neuron.
E. Caffeine would have all of these effects.

47. A superficial muscle of the posterior compartment of the leg is the 

A. tibialis anterior.
B. peroneus.
C. gastrocnemius.
D. plantar fascia.
E. hanstring group.

48. Extensibility is the ability of skeletal muscle to 
A. shorten with force.
B. respond to a stimulus.
C. recoil to their original resting length.
D. be stretched.
E. create heat energy through contraction.

49. Carl Daver, your anatomy and physiology instructor, is conducting a field trip, and notices a dog
approaching a fire hydrant Always alert to instructional opportunities, he excitedly says, "Now watch as the dog
utilizes his _____ and _____ muscles to lift his leg." 
A. iliopsoas, gluteus medius
B. gluteus maximus, tensor fascia latae
C. gluteus maximus, adductor longus
D. iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris
E. gluteus medius, adductor longus

50. Which of the following conditions is INCORRECTLY paired? 

A. fibromyalgia – chronic widespread pain in muscles and muscle-tendon junctions
B. duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy – results from the faulty production of dystrophin
C. tendinitis – inflammation of a tendon or its attachment point
D. hypertrophy – a decrease in myofilaments within the muscle fibers
E. cramps – spastic contractions of muscle usually the result of an irritation

Ch 7 Muscle Makeup Key

1. What ensures that one action potential in the neuron yields only one action potential in the skeletal muscle
fibers of the stimulated motor unit and therefore only one contraction per fiber? 
a. the amount of calcium that enters the pre-synaptic cell
b. the rate of diffusion of acetylcholine across the synaptic cleft
c. the number of muscle fibers that make up the motor unit
D. enzymatic breakdown of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase
e. All of these ensure this one to one ratio.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #24
Type: Knowledge

2. The anterior hip muscle that flexes the thigh is the 

A. iliopsoas.
b. gluteus medius.
c. tensor fascia latae.
d. gluteus maximus.
e. entire gluteal group.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #54
Type: Knowledge
3. The ___________ is a group of muscle cells surrounded by perimysium. 
a. myofilament
b. myofibril
c. muscle fiber
D. muscle fasciculus
e. whole skeletal muscle

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #64
Type: Knowledge

4. A high-energy molecule that can be quickly used to produce ATP is 
A. creatine phosphate.
b. glucose.
c. carbon dioxide.
d. lactic acid.
e. water.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #35
Type: Knowledge

5. Most types of nerve gas exert their effect by inactivating acetylcholinesterase. One of the antidotes for nerve
gas is atropine, which is also a poison. Although it may seem strange to have one poison counteract the effects
of another poison, which of the following suggestions might be accurate for the effect that atropine has on the
neuromuscular junction? 
a. Atropine increases the production of acetylcholine in the synaptic vesicles.
b. Atropine increases the release of acetylcholine across the synaptic cleft.
c. Atropine increases the number of receptor sites for acetylcholine on the muscle cell membrane.
D. Atropine attaches to receptor sites for acetylcholine on the muscle cell membrane.
e. Atropine increases both the release of acetylcholine and the number of available receptor sites.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #59
Type: Application
6. Elasticity is the ability of skeletal muscle to 
a. shorten with force.
b. lengthen passively.
c. respond to a stimulus.
D. recoil to their original resting length.
e. generate new collagen fibers.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #6
Type: Knowledge

7. The _________ is the smooth ER of a muscle fiber and stores calcium ions. 
a. sarcolemma
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
c. sarcomere
d. sarcoplasm
e. T tubules

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #75
Type: Knowledge

8. All of the following are functions of muscle EXCEPT: 

a. body movement
B. production of red blood cells
c. constriction of organs and vessels
d. maintenance of posture
e. production of body heat

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #72
Type: Knowledge
9. The specific molecules that provide calcium binding sites on actin are __________ molecules. 
A. troponin
b. tropomyosin
c. titin
d. myosin

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #73
Type: Knowledge

10. Calcium ions 
a. bind to myosin myofilaments.
B. are returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by active transport.
c. are released from the T tubules by active transport.
d. provide the energy for muscle contraction.
e. have both bind to myosin myofilaments and are returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by active transport as
normal properties.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #30
Type: Knowledge

11. Excitability is the ability of skeletal muscle to 

a. shorten with force.
b. lengthen passively.
C. respond to a stimulus.
d. recoil to their original resting length.
e. be stretched.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #4
Type: Knowledge
12. Which of the following statements is FALSE? 
A. Smooth muscle does not have actin & myosin.
b. Smooth muscle is not striated.
c. Smooth muscle cells have gap junctions.
d. One function of smooth muscle is to constrict blood vessels.
e. Smooth muscle can contract either in response to signals from the nervous system or on its own

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #43
Type: Knowledge

13. The major functions of the muscular system include all of the following EXCEPT: 
a. body movement
B. prevention of water loss
c. maintenance of posture
d. respiration
e. temperature homeostasis

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #1
Type: Knowledge

14. The ___________ is the most stationary end of a muscle. 

A. origin
b. insertion
c. agonist
d. antagonist
e. prime mover

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #68
Type: Knowledge
15. Each sarcomere 
a. extends from one Z line to the next Z line.
b. has a light-colored H zone in the center.
c. contains parts of two I bands and a single A band.
d. contains overlapping actin and myosin myofilaments.
E. has all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #12
Type: Knowledge

16. The ____________ is the end of a muscle attached to a bone undergoing the greatest movement. 
a. origin
B. insertion
c. agonist
d. antagonist
e. prime mover

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #70
Type: Knowledge

17. Which of the following characteristics would establish conclusively that muscle tissue being examined was
skeletal muscle tissue? 
A. several nuclei per cell
b. striations present
c. contracts spontaneously
d. intercalated disks present
e. under involuntary control

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #42
Type: Knowledge
18. Mary Thon, a long-distance runner, asks her coach why it is so difficult to have a "finishing kick" (sprinting
the last hundred yards to the finish line). Her coach should reply: 
a. Sprinting requires large amounts of oxygen, and she doesn't have much available at that point.
b. There is no physiological reason why the finishing kick should be difficult.
c. Sprinting requires fatty acids, which are likely to be gone at that point.
D. Anaerobic activities like sprinting are limited by available glucose and rate of buildup of lactic acid.
e. She has already built up an oxygen debt from too much aerobic exercise.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #58
Type: Application

19. The _______ phase is the time between the application of a stimulus and the beginning of a contraction. 
A. lag
b. relaxation
c. contraction
d. refractory

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #76
Type: Knowledge

20. Anaerobic respiration 
a. is used by all cells during sustained periods of exercise.
b. produces the most ATP's for each glucose molecule broken down.
c. produces lactic acid within the muscle.
d. produces an oxygen debt.
E. produces lactic acid within the muscle and produces an oxygen debt.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #36
Type: Comprehension
21. The ____________ is a muscle in a group that plays a major role in a desired movement. 
a. origin
b. insertion
c. agonist
d. antagonist
E. prime mover

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #67
Type: Knowledge

22. Creatine phosphate 
a. is produced by the process of anaerobic respiration.
b. can replace ATP in binding myosin molecules during contraction.
C. acts as an energy reserve in muscle tissue.
d. is only formed during strenuous exercise.
e. causes the build up of lactic acid.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #38
Type: Knowledge

23. What is the function of tropomyosin in muscle contraction? 

a. to bind to the myosin head and cock it back
B. to prevent the inappropriate binding of actin to myosin (inhibition)
c. to initiate contraction by releasing Ca++
d. to move the troponin complex off the active site of myosin
e. to form the crossbridge

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #37
Type: Knowledge
24. The hip muscle commonly used as a site for injections is the 
a. gluteus maximus.
B. gluteus medius.
c. iliopsoas.
d. tensor fascia latae.
e. hamstring muscle.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #55
Type: Knowledge

25. ATP 
a. attaches to the myosin myofilaments.
b. provides energy for the movement of the cross bridges.
c. is required for muscle relaxation.
d. releases part of its energy as heat.
E. has all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #31
Type: Comprehension

26. The __________ is attached to bones via tendons. 

a. myofilament
b. myofibril
c. muscle fiber
d. muscle fasciculus
E. whole skeletal muscle

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #63
Type: Knowledge
27. The muscle that works in opposition to another muscle is the 
a. origin.
b. insertion.
c. agonist.
D. antagonist.
e. prime mover.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #69
Type: Knowledge

28. Acetylcholine 
a. is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction.
b. is broken down by acetylcholinesterase.
c. binds to receptors on the muscle cell membrane.
d. causes an influx of sodium ions into the muscle cell when bound to its receptor.
E. has all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #19
Type: Knowledge

29. The resting membrane potential 

a. occurs when the outside of the cell membrane is negatively charged.
b. is reversed in sign when sodium ions rush out of the cell.
C. will be changed if the membrane permeability to one or more ions is selectively altered.
d. is reestablished by depolarization after an action potential.
e. only occurs when the cytosol has a net negative charge.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #13
Type: Comprehension
30. Muscles of mastication include 
a. the masseter.
b. the hyoid muscles.
c. the pharyngeal constrictors.
d. the temporalis.
E. both the masseter and the temporalis.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #47
Type: Knowledge

31. The anterior forearm muscles 

a. extend the wrist and fingers.
b. are called intrinsic hand muscles.
C. flex the wrist and fingers.
d. supinate the forearm.
e. perform both flexion and supination at the wrist.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #53
Type: Comprehension

32. Cardiac muscle 
A. is under involuntary control.
b. has long, cylindrical cells
c. has many nuclei per cell.
d. has no striations.
e. has all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #40
Type: Knowledge
33. Slow-twitch muscle fibers 
a. are the predominant type of muscle fibers in the upper limbs.
B. have a richer blood supply than fast twitch fibers, and contain myoglobin.
c. would be used for activities resulting in (or requiring) anaerobic respiration.
d. fatigue more easily than fast-twitch fibers.
e. have all of these characteristics.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #39
Type: Knowledge

34. A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates is called a 
a. neuromuscular junction.
b. synaptic cleft.
C. motor unit.
d. synapse.
e. presynaptic terminal.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #20
Type: Knowledge

35. Muscles are named according to their 

a. location or number of heads.
b. function or action.
c. origin or insertion point.
d. size or shape.
E. Muscles can be named based on all of the above features.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #71
Type: Knowledge
36. A muscle located on either side of the linea alba, which flexes the waist and is crossed by tendinous
intersections is the 
a. transversus abdominis.
b. external intercostal.
c. external abdominal oblique.
D. rectus abdominis.
e. erector spinae.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #50
Type: Knowledge

37.  Connective tissue that surrounds the muscle bundle is called  

A.  perimysium.
b.  endomysium.
c.  fascia.
d.  fasciculi.
e.  microfibrils.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #7
Type: Knowledge

38. A _________ is a single muscle cell. 

a. myofilament
b. myofibril
C. muscle fiber
d. muscle fasciculus
e. whole skeletal muscle

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #65
Type: Knowledge
39. Which of these muscles is NOT a fixator of the scapula? 
A. latissimus dorsi
b. trapezius
c. levator scapulae
d. serratus anterior
e. pectoralis minor

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #51
Type: Comprehension

40. The ________ is the functional unit of skeletal muscle because it is the smallest portion of the skeletal
muscle capable of ___________. 
a. muscle fiber, receiving a stimulus
b. muscle fiber, contracting
C. sarcomere, contracting
d. sarcomere, receiving a stimulus
e. myofibril, contracting

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #10
Type: Knowledge

41. Which of the following muscles are used to elevate the larynx? 

a. the masseter
b. the soft palate muscles
C. the hyoid muscles
d. the pharyngeal constrictors
e. the sternocleidomastoid

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #48
Type: Comprehension
42. To treat some of the symptoms of Myasthenia gravis, physicians sometimes prescribe the anticholinesterase
drug neostigmine. Why does this drug help with the symptoms of muscle weakness and fatigue? 
a. The drug inhibits the production of the antibodies which the patient's immune system forms against ACh
receptors. It thereby prevents the breakdown of ACh receptors so the muscle cells receive the normal
contraction stimuli.
b. The drug increases the amount of acetylcholine released by the neuron, thereby increasing the chance that the
few ACh remaining receptors on the muscle fiber membranes will bind ACh and receive the signal to contract.
C. The drug inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which prevents the breakdown of ACh. Consequently,
ACh levels in the synapse remain elevated, thereby increasing the stimulation of the reduced number of
functional ACh receptors.
d. The drug acts as an AP and signals the release of ACh. Consequently, ACh levels in the synapse remain
elevated, thereby increasing the stimulation of the reduced number of functional ACh receptors.
e. The drug increases the activity of acetylcholinesterase. ACh is then broken down more quickly, thereby
allowing a quicker signal cycle.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #27
Type: Knowledge

43. In a neuromuscular junction, 

A. the presynaptic terminal is separated from the postsynaptic terminal by the synaptic cleft.
b. the presynaptic terminal contains vesicles filled with sodium ions.
c. the presynaptic terminal contains receptor molecules for the neurotransmitter.
d. the neurotransmitter causes an action potential in the presynaptic terminal.
e. all of these conditions occur.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #21
Type: Comprehension
44. "Pull-ups" are easier to do with the hands supinated than with the hands pronated. An explanation for this is 
a. the biceps brachii is attached to the radial tuberosity.
b. the biceps brachii supinates the forearm.
c. if the forearm is pronated, the biceps brachii is ineffective in flexing the forearm.
d. the brachialis is a much smaller muscle than the biceps brachii.
E. All of these contribute to a full and proper explanation.

Difficulty: Hard
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #61
Type: Comprehension

45. In a resting cell, K+ ions have a higher concentration ______ the cell, which results in the net movement of
K+ _______ of the cell. 
A. inside; out
b. outside; into
c. inside; into
d. outside; out

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #16
Type: Knowledge

46. Caffeine aids in the movement of calcium ions across membranes by both making it easier for the Ca++
channels to open and by holding the channels open longer. How would the administration of caffeine to a
muscle fiber affect its contraction? 
a. Caffeine would increase the strength of the fiber's contraction.
b. Caffeine would allow more cross bridges to form in the fiber.
c. Caffeine would increase the duration of the fiber's contraction.
d. At high enough levels, caffeine would cause the muscle fiber to contract without a signal from the associated
motor neuron.
E. Caffeine would have all of these effects.

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #29
Type: Comprehension
47. A superficial muscle of the posterior compartment of the leg is the 
a. tibialis anterior.
b. peroneus.
C. gastrocnemius.
d. plantar fascia.
e. hanstring group.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #57
Type: Knowledge

48. Extensibility is the ability of skeletal muscle to 

a. shorten with force.
b. respond to a stimulus.
c. recoil to their original resting length.
D. be stretched.
e. create heat energy through contraction.

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #5
Type: Knowledge

49. Carl Daver, your anatomy and physiology instructor, is conducting a field trip, and notices a dog
approaching a fire hydrant Always alert to instructional opportunities, he excitedly says, "Now watch as the dog
utilizes his _____ and _____ muscles to lift his leg." 
a. iliopsoas, gluteus medius
B. gluteus maximus, tensor fascia latae
c. gluteus maximus, adductor longus
d. iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris
e. gluteus medius, adductor longus

Difficulty: Moderate
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #62
Type: Comprehension
50. Which of the following conditions is INCORRECTLY paired? 
a. fibromyalgia – chronic widespread pain in muscles and muscle-tendon junctions
b. duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy – results from the faulty production of dystrophin
c. tendinitis – inflammation of a tendon or its attachment point
D. hypertrophy – a decrease in myofilaments within the muscle fibers
e. cramps – spastic contractions of muscle usually the result of an irritation

Difficulty: Easy
Seeley - 007 Muscular... #78
Type: Knowledge
Category #  of  Questions
Difficulty: Easy 36
Difficulty: Hard 1
Difficulty: Moderate 13
Seeley - 007 Muscular... 50
Type: Application 2
Type: Comprehension 10
Type: Knowledge 38

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