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Iron Revolution 3 Day Raw Powerlifting Program

Brought to you by

When entering your raw maxes, be sure to enter weights you have done or a
Name Insert Name conservative weight you know you can do. Over estimating your max can
lead to plateauing or injury.
Raw Maxs Units
Squat 100 Kgs ← Select the units you will be training with Pounds or Kilograms
Bench 65
Deadlift 120

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Monday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight

Squat 60% 3x6 60 65% 4x4 65 70% 5x3 70 75% 4x3 75

Bench 70% 3x6 45 75% 4x4 50 80% 5x3 52.5 85% 6x2 55

2-4 Board Press 3x5 3x5 4x5 3x3

Shrugs 2x10 2x12 3x10 3x12

Barbell Rows 2x8 2x10 3x10 3x10

Dumbell Side Bend 2x10 each 2x12 each 3x10 each 3x12 each

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Wednesday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight

Squat 70% 3x6 70 75% 4x4 75 80% 5x3 80 85% 6x2 85

Bench 50% 2x12 32.5 55% 2x10 35 60% 2x8 40 50% 2x12 32.5

Shoulder Press 2x10 3x8 3x8 3x5

RDL 3x5 4x5 5x5 5x5

Chin Ups x20 x25 x30 x35

JM Press w/ 6 sec 3x5 4x5 5x5 5x5

AB Roll outs 2x8 2x8 3x10 3x12

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Friday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight

Squat 50% 2x12 50 55% 2x10 55 60% 2x8 60 50% 2x12 50

Bench 60% 3x6 40 65% 4x4 42.5 70% 5x3 45 75% 6x2 50

Deadlift 0.7 12x1 w/ 45- 85 0.75 10x1 w/45-60 90 0.8 8x1 w/60-90s 95 0.85 5x1 w/60-90s 102.5
Glute Ham Curl w/ 6 3x5 3x5 3x8 3x10
sec eccentric
Pull Ups x20 x25 x30 x35

Triceps Push Down 2x15 3x15 3x20 3x25

3-Way Planks 2x20 sec each 2x20 sec each 2x30 sec each 2x30 sec each
side side side side

Iron Revolution 3 Day Raw Powerlifting Program
Brought to you by

Name Insert Name

Raw Maxs
Squat 100
Bench 65
Deadlift 120

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Monday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight Meet/ Re Test Week

Squat 80% 3x2 80 85% 3x1 85

Bench 90% 3x2 57.5 95% 3x1 62.5 90% 1x2 57.5

3-5 Board Press 3x5 3x5 3x3

Shrugs 4x8 4x10 4x12

Barbell Rows 4x8 4x8 5x5

Single arm Farmers 2x25 yards 3x25 yards 4x25 yards
Walk each hand each hand each hand
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Date: Date: Date:

Wednesday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight

Squat 90% 3x2 90 95% 3x1 95 90% 1x2 90

Pause Speed Bench 50% 7x3 w/ 45-60s 32.5 55% 5x3 w/ 45-60s 35 60% 3x3 w/ 45-60s 40
Shoulder Press 3x5 3x3 3x3

Good Morning 4x5 5x5 5x5

Chin Ups x40 x45 x50

JM Press 3x12 4x10 5x8

Hanging Leg Raise 2x8 3x8 3x10

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Date: Date: Date:

Saturday % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight % Set/Reps Weight

Pause Speed Squat 50% 10x2 w/ 45- 50 55% 8x2 w/ 45-60s 55 60% 8x2 w/ 45-60s 60
60s RI RI RI
Bench 80% 3x2 52.5 85% 3x1 55 0

Deadlift 0.87 4x1 105 0.9 3x1 107.5 0.85 3x1 102.5

Glute Ham Curl 5x5 5x8 5x10

Pull Ups x40 x45 x50

Triceps 4x25 3x30 3x35

Land Mines 3x30 sec each 3x30 sec each 3x45 sec each
side side side


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