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Seminar on

5 Pen PC Technology
Submitted To Submitted by
Mr Arun Kumar Uttam Singh Chaudhary
Assisstant Professor 17EMBIT055
Information Technology Information Technology
• Introduction

• Related Work

• Methodology/Working

Principle/Technologies used
Agenda • Applications

• Advantages and limitations

• Conclusion

• References
5 pen PC technology is a P-ISM (“Pen-
style Personal Networking Gadget
Package”), which is nothing but the
new discovery, which is
under developing, stage by
NEC Corporation.

INTRODUCTION • developed by Toru Ichihash.

• This technology uses 5 pens

in making a computer.

• This technology consists of an input

device with input that can be taken
from handwriting, a Central
Processing Unit, a small projector and
a camera along with a mobile phone.
1. P-ISM(pen style personal networking
gadget) created in 2003 by Tokyo-based
Japanese technology company NEC.

2. P-ISM was first featured at the 2003 ITU

Related Work Telecom world held in Geneva,

3. The P-ISM system was based on "low-

cost electronic perception technology"
• All devices communicate with each other
using wireless technology (wi-fi) and it
can be connected to mobile phones and
other internet connections.

• These work as different parts of a

computer such as a CPU, a camera, a
virtual keyboard, a projector and a phone.

• All these are placed on a holder, called

base, that holds and charges their batteries.
We can get a digital copy of handwritten
data and it can even be directly sent as
• Using 5 pen PC technology, monitor
and keyboard is produced on a flat

• The functions of these keyboards and

monitors are similar to a normal

Working personal computer (PC).

• It mostly uses pen (stylus) for input.

• It uses a special Operating System
that supports handwriting recognition.

• It is a small handheld device.

• CPU pen –
This is used as computing engine. All
processes and calculations are processed
here. Works with windows OS

• Communication pen –
Technologies This is used as a mobile phone and pointer.
It can also be used as an earpiece that
used uses Bluetooth for communication.

• Projector pen –
This is an LED projector of approximately
A4 size with a resolution of 1024×768.
• Keyboard pen –
This is a vir tual keyboard. It can be
projected on any flat sur face using
3D IR Sensors.

• Camera pen –
This pen is used for clicking pictures,
audio and video recordings. It can
take 360 degrees of visual.

• The base is actually a holder for 5

pens and also is a charger and acts
as a mass storage unit.
It can go up-to 6 days. For normal
use it would work for 2 weeks.
1. Many researches has been made but
there is no clear result so far. Only
One that uses it is E-fingerprinting
Application the gadget will be more secure, which
allows only owner to activate the PC.
So even if we lose it, no one else can
access the gadget.
• It is Portable.

• It has a very long lasting battery life.

• It reduces electronic waste.

Advantages • Virtualization reduces costs.

• It is much lighter than a traditional

portable computer.
• It is very costly.

• Projection surface for both display unit

and virtual keyboard must be flat for
smooth usage.
Limitations • It has limitation on range due to use of
wireless technology.

• It can be misplaced easily due to small is

PC are becoming smaller and smaller. We can see
that the 5 pen pc technology is one of the advanced
Portable PC that is easy to carry even in our pockets
and work with it any-where we want.

This 'pen sort of instrument' produces both the

monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces

Conclusion from where you can carry out functions you would
normally do on your desktop computer. This has also
Wi - F i t e c h n o l o g y i n w h i c h u s e r c a n c o m m u n i c a t e
through the internet, It’s another major advancement
is the camera which can be used even for video
conferencing. This is just a new start. We can expect
much more advanced comfortable pc system in
• http://w w pe r s /J ETI R C 006145.pdf

• https ://w w e ks f orge e ks .org/in tr oduc tion- of -

5- pe n- pc - te c hnology/

• https ://w w w.s e mina r s only.c om/I T/5_P e n_P C _Te c


• I nte r n a tiona l J our na l of C ur r e nt Engine e r ing a nd

References Te c hnology E- I S S N 2277 – 41 06, P - I S S N 2 347 –

• https ://c a tc hupda te s .c om/5- pe n- pc - te c hnology/s

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