TCS TECHNICAL MCQ'S (2020-21) : Programming Logic

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Programming Logic:

Q1. Which argument is passed to fflush()? parameters

Answer: Option B

Q2. What will be the output for the below? Enter your answer only as Numeral

public Class Main

public static void main(string[])
int x=1/2;

Answer: 0

Q3. What is the name of the method that examines a particular data entity and determines
what data elements need to be associated?
A. Entity relationship diagram
B. Logic Data modeling
C. Customer Entities
D. Functional Primitive

Answer: Option A

Q4. What will be the output of the below code?

public class Main

static int num=30;
static class inner
void msg()
System.out.Println(‘Num: num++);}
public static void main(string args[])
Main.Inner tw=new Main.Inner();

Answer: 30

Q5. Select the correct code for opening a file for writing in binary mode

A. File*f =fwriteb(“abc.bin”)
B. File*f = fopen(“abc.bin”,”bw”)
C. File*f = fopen(“abc.bin”,”wb”)
D. File*f =fwrite(“abc.bin”,”b”)

Answer: Option C

Q6. What will be the output of the below code?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
class MainClass
public void sort()
ArrayList<String> arrayList= new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator iterator = arrayList.iterator();
System.out.print( +" ");
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
MainClass mainclass = new MainClass();
A. mango grapes
B. Compilation error
C. Collection.sort() throws Concurrent Modification Exception
D. Grapes mango

Answer: Option A

Q7. What is the name of the method that examines a particular data entity and determines
what data elements need to be associated with it?
A. Customer Entities
B. Entity Relationship Diagram
C. Logic Data Modelling
D. Functional Primitive

Answer: Option B

Q8. We cannot overload operator.

A. : :
B. []
C. ()
D. +

Answer: Option A

Q9. Which of the following functions is used to accept strings with white spaces?


Answer: Option C

Q10.Which data structure is used to convert expression from one form to another form?

A. Graph
B. Stack
C. LinkedList
D. Queue

Answer: Option B

Q11.What is the mathematical function used to round off 6.23 to 7?

A. floor(6.23)
B. ceil(6.23,7)
C. floor(6.23,7)
D. ceil(6.23)

Answer: Option D
Q12. Which combination of the integer variables a, b and c makes the variable m get the value
4 in the following expression?
m = (a > b) ? (( a > c ) ? a : c) : ((b > c ) ? b : c )
A. a=6, b=3, c=5
B. a=6, b=5, c=3
C. a=5, b=4, c=5
D. a=3, b=4, c=2

Answer: Option D

Q13. Which of the following options best suits for ‘Memory Leak Occurred’
A. Resource allocation pending while debugging the code
B. Program releases resources allocated in the memory
C. Program does not free the memory which is allocated dynamically
D. Occurs due to address assignment failure.

Answer- Option C

Programming Logic

Q1..Given here is a scenario. Consider the graph algorithm and answer the given question.

John wants to go to different locations of the city in which he is. He has listed all of
themdown.However he wants to visit one location before visiting some other location
What application of graphs he uses to determine that location?

B. Dijkstra’s
D. Topological Sorting

Answer: Option D

Q2. What will be the

output?public class main {

int $ = 5;

A. Nothing will print

B. Symbol not found error
C. Runtime error
D. Compile error

Answer: Option A

Q3. What will be printed if the below sample code is executed? Enter your answer only as

class main
public static void main(string args[]}
int i,j,x=0;

Answer: -101233

Q4..Which among the following is a server - based paradigm?

A.Request for information

B. Cloud computing
C. Total Cost of Ownership
D. Data Validation Routine

Q5. There are two integer numbers X and Y that are between 0 to 25. User stores the
valueunder a 5 bit number. How many minimum bits are required to store the result of the
below expression?


Answer: Option D

Explanation: If we perform X-Y the possible answers shall be from -75 to 75. In order to
storethis we need 8 bits.

Q6. Find Prefix and suffix for the below infix problem statement :

Infix Expression : 11 +20/5*(20-15)^6^5

A. Prefix Expression: 11 20 15 20 5 - ^^*6 5/+

Postfix Expression: +20/11*5-20^^15 6 5

B. Prefix Expression: 11 20 5 20 15-6 5^^*/+

Postfix Expression: +11/20 *5^^ -20 15 6 5

C. Prefix Expression: 11 20 5 20 15 - ^^^/+6 5

Postfix Expression: +11/^^-20*5 20 15 6 5

D. Prefix Expression: +11/20*5^^-20 15 6 5

Postfix Expression : 11 20 5 20 15 -6 5^^/+

Answer: Option D

Q7. Write the name of a library of functions which is used to perform arithmetic operations
onBigInteger and BigDecimal.

Answer: import java.math.*;

Q8. When we declare constant pointer to integer, we CANNOT change:

A. address in pointer variable
B. changes are not permitted
C. either address in pointer variable or value at that address
D. Value pointed by the pointer

Answer: Option B

Q9. Which among the following is a server-based paradigm?

A. Request for Information(RFI)
B. Cloud Computing
C. Total Cost Of Ownership(TCO)
D. Data Validation Routine

Answer: Option B

Programming Logic
Q1. The primary mission of an analyst or systems designer is to

A. Extract the physical requirements of the user and convert them to the software
B. Calculate the return on investment
C. Create a data flow diagram
D. Development of software evaluation tool

Answer: Option A

Q2. The statement printf (“%d, 25 ? 5 ? 0 : 5 : 25); will print

A. 5
B. Compile time error
C. 0
D. 25

Answer: Option C
Q3. When we execute the given code what will be the value of x and y?

Enter your answer only as numeral

Answer: 1020

Q4. What will be the return value of fseek() function if error occurs?

A. Any non zero value

B. 0
D. 1

Answer: Option A

Q5. What will be the output of the following program?

Answer: 1-1

Q6. Integer m=10, n= 35, p=5, d=6

Comment about the output of the given two statements
Print m*n + p/d
Print p/d + m*n

A. Differ by 10
B. Same
C. Differ by 20
D. Differ due to left and right precedence

Answer: Option B

Q7. Which of the following is incorrect syntax for function declaration with default argument?

A. int foo(int x= 10, int y=20, int z=30);

B. int foo(int x, int y=20, int z =30);
C. int foo(int x, int y, int z =30);
D. int foo(int x, int y=20, int z);

Answer: Option B

Q8. When we implement stack by using linked list then:

A. Insertion of node is done from end and deletion from end

B. Insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from end
C. Insertion of node isdone from beginning and deletion from beginning
D. Insertion of node is done from end and deletion from beginning

Answer: Option C
Q9. What will be the output of the below code?

A. Inside protected method

B. Compilation error
C. Run time error
D. Inside static method

Answer: Option B

Q10. Match the followings:

Match functions usage C language Output in float data type format

A ceil(3.6) 1 32.000000
B floor(3.6) 2 3.000000

C pow(2, 5) 3 12.000000

D abs(-12) 4 25.000000

5 4.000000

6 0.000000

A. A-5, B-2, C-4, D-3

B. A-2, B-5, C-4, D-3
C. A-5, B-2, C-1, D-6
D. A-2, B-6, C-1, D-3

Answer: None of the mentioned options is correct. The correct answer is

A - 5, B - 2, C - 1, D - 3
Programming Logic
Q1. Select the best suitable answer for the below functions.
1. sizeof()
2. strlen
A. sizeof() - Returns size of string including null characters
strlen() - Returns size of string excluding null characters
B. sizeof() - Returns size of string including null characters
strlen() - Returns size of string including null characters
C. sizeof() - Returns size of string excluding null characters
strlen() - Returns size of string excluding null, characters
D. sizeof() - Returns size of string excluding null characters
strlen() - Returns size of string including null characters

Answer: Option A

Q2. The data modelling phase consists of which of the following?

A. Creation of evaluation tool
B. Creation of big data analysis model
C. Creation of infographics
D. Creation of the logical data model.

Answer: Option D
Q3. Which of the following is NOT a logical operator?
A. !
B. &&
C. ||
D. &

Answer: Option D

Q4. In a Singly Circular Linked List, how many address fields are there?
A. 1+1
B. 2+1
C. 1
D. 2

Answer: Option C

Q5. What will be the output of the below code?

Enter your answer ONLY as NUMERAL in the box.


Q6. What will be the output of the given program?

A. Compile time error

B. ellos hellos fellos
C. ellos
D. hellos

Answer: Option D

Q7. When we compose a binary tree through the given preorder sequence, what will be left
child of 6? (Note: Consider 4 as root node)
4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 7
A. 1
B. 5
C. 7
D. 3

Answer: Option B
Q8. What will be the output of the following program?

Answer: 252689732Inside Exception

Q9. Based on below infix and postfix expressions, identify the Prefix expression.
Infix expression: P-Q-(R+S)/(W-X)*Y+Z
Postfix Expression: PQRS+*WX-Y*/Z+
A. -P/*Q+RS+*-WXYZ
B. -P/*Q+RS+*W-XYZ
C. P-/*Q+R+S*WXYZ-
D. P-/*+RS+Q*-WXYZ-

All the answer options are wrong.

Correct Answer: -P-Q+/+RS*-WXYZ. Best similar answer can be option A

Q10. What will be the output?
A. It’s mercedes
B. Run Time Error
C. Compile Time Error
D. Brand is not defined yet

Answer: Option A

Programming Logic
Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer here:


Q2. function is used to show a key pressed by a user will appear on the screen.
A. getche()
B. getsf()
C. gfets()
D. getch()

Answer: Option A

Q3. When we implement stack by using linked list then:

A. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from beginning
B. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from end
C. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from beginning
D. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from end

Answer: Option A
Both A and B can be correct. If insertion and deletion happens at the same end it is stack and if
it happens at different ends it is Queue. Here the best among A and B is Option A
Q4. The primary mission of an analyst or systems designer is to:
A. calculate the Return on Investment
B. development of Software Evaluation Tool
C. create a Data Flow Diagram
D. extract the physical requirements of the users and convert them to software

Answer: Option D

Q5. is a process to identify the key aspects of an entity and hiding the rest.
A. Encapsulation
B. Inheritance
C. Abstraction
D. Polymorphism

Answer: Option C

Q6. Among the following loops which is a post tested loop?

A. while
B. do-while
C. for
D. If

Answer: Option B

Q7. Which one is not a type of topology?

A. Star-topology
B. Circuit-topology
C. Ring-topology
D. Bus-topology

Answer: Option B
Q8. Assume: Linked list as head -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8

What will be the output of the given program?

A. 2460
B. 2468
C. 246
D. 246NULL

Answer: Option C
Q9. Predict the output.

A. No output
B. 20
C. 0
D. Compilation Error
Answer: Option A

Q10. What would be the Time Complexity of below Code? Type your answer:

Programming Logic
Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer here:


Q2. function is used to show a key pressed by a user will appear on the screen.
A. getche()
B. getsf()
C. gfets()
D. getch()

Answer: Option A

Q3. When we implement stack by using linked list then:

A. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from beginning
B. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from end
C. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from beginning
D. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from end

Answer: Option A

Both A and B can be correct. If insertion and deletion happens at the same end it is stack and if
it happens at different ends it is Queue. Here the best among A and B is Option A

Q4. The primary mission of an analyst or systems designer is to:

A. calculate the Return on Investment
B. development of Software Evaluation Tool
C. create a Data Flow Diagram
D. extract the physical requirements of the users and convert them to software

Answer: Option D

Q5. is a process to identify the key aspects of an entity and hiding the rest.
A. Encapsulation
B. Inheritance
C. Abstraction
D. Polymorphism

Answer: Option C

Q6. Among the following loops which is a post tested loop?

A. while
B. do-while
C. for
D. If

Answer: Option B

Q7. Which one is not a type of topology?

A. Star-topology
B. Circuit-topology
C. Ring-topology
D. Bus-topology

Answer: Option B
Q8. Assume: Linked list as head -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8

What will be the output of the given program?

A. 2460
B. 2468
C. 246
D. 246NULL

Answer: Option C
Q9. Predict the output.

A. No output
B. 20
C. 0
D. Compilation Error

Answer: Option A

Q10. What would be the Time Complexity of below Code? Type your answer:

Programming Logic
Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer here:


Q2. function is used to show a key pressed by a user will appear on the screen.
A. getche()
B. getsf()
C. gfets()
D. getch()

Answer: Option A

Q3. When we implement stack by using linked list then:

A. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from beginning
B. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from end
C. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from beginning
D. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from end

Answer: Option A

Both A and B can be correct. If insertion and deletion happens at the same end it is stack and if
it happens at different ends it is Queue. Here the best among A and B is Option A

Q4. The primary mission of an analyst or systems designer is to:

A. calculate the Return on Investment
B. development of Software Evaluation Tool
C. create a Data Flow Diagram
D. extract the physical requirements of the users and convert them to software

Answer: Option D

Q5. is a process to identify the key aspects of an entity and hiding the rest.
A. Encapsulation
B. Inheritance
C. Abstraction
D. Polymorphism

Answer: Option C

Q6. Among the following loops which is a post tested loop?

A. while
B. do-while
C. for
D. If

Answer: Option B

Q7. Which one is not a type of topology?

A. Star-topology
B. Circuit-topology
C. Ring-topology
D. Bus-topology

Answer: Option B
Q8. Assume: Linked list as head -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8

What will be the output of the given program?

A. 2460
B. 2468
C. 246
D. 246NULL

Answer: Option C
Q9. Predict the output.

A. No output
B. 20
C. 0
D. Compilation Error

Answer: Option A

Q10. What would be the Time Complexity of below Code? Type your answer:

Programming Logic
Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer here:


Q2. function is used to show a key pressed by a user will appear on the screen.
A. getche()
B. getsf()
C. gfets()
D. getch()

Answer: Option A

Q3. When we implement stack by using linked list then:

A. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from beginning
B. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from end
C. insertion of node is done from end & deletion from beginning
D. insertion of node is done from beginning and deletion from end

Answer: Option A

Both A and B can be correct. If insertion and deletion happens at the same end it is stack and if
it happens at different ends it is Queue. Here the best among A and B is Option A

Q4. The primary mission of an analyst or systems designer is to:

A. calculate the Return on Investment
B. development of Software Evaluation Tool
C. create a Data Flow Diagram
D. extract the physical requirements of the users and convert them to software

Answer: Option D

Q5. is a process to identify the key aspects of an entity and hiding the rest.
A. Encapsulation
B. Inheritance
C. Abstraction
D. Polymorphism

Answer: Option C

Q6. Among the following loops which is a post tested loop?

A. while
B. do-while
C. for
D. If

Answer: Option B
Q7. Which one is not a type of topology?
A. Star-topology
B. Circuit-topology
C. Ring-topology
D. Bus-topology

Answer: Option B

Q8. Assume: Linked list as head -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8

What will be the output of the given program?

A. 2460
B. 2468
C. 246
D. 246NULL

Answer: Option C
Q9. Predict the output.

A. No output
B. 20
C. 0
D. Compilation Error

Answer: Option A

Q10. What would be the Time Complexity of below Code? Type your answer:

Programming Logic

Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer in the given box.

Answer: [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]

Q2. Construct post order Transversal for the constructed tree with the given In-Order and
Preorder Traversals:
In-Order: 9 7 10 6 8
Pre-Order: 6 7 9 10 8

A. 9 10 7 8 6
B. 9 7 6 10 8
C. 8 9 10 7 6
D. 9 8 10 7 6

Answer: Option A
Q3. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your output in the given box.

Answer: 8-0-2

Q4. Consider the following variables declarations:

Float num1;
Short num2;
Long num3;

What is the data type of num1-num3/num2?

A. None of the given options

B. Float
C. Double
D. Short

Answer: Option B

Q5. The kind of software testing you can do when you have both the source code and the
executable code in hand, is called as?

A. Red Box Testing

B. Black Box Testing
C. White Box Testing
D. Blue Box Testing

Answer: Option C

Q6. Select the precise options for the below scenarios

Expression 1: cout<<endl;
Expression 1: cout<<”\n”<<flush;

A. Second expression will not insert new line

B. First expression will not insert new line
C. Both expression will give same results
D. Both expression will give different results

Answer: Option C

Q7. Spot the error in the given code. If there is no error, select the most appropriate option
A. Error at line 9
B. Error at line 8
C. Employee User Id:12
D. Compilation error

Answer: Option C

Q8. float (*p)[5]

Here, p is

A. Pointer to array of float

B. Float
C. Array of pointer
D. Pointer

Answer: Option C

Q9. What is the function of rewind()?

A. Setting file pointer at the beginning of line
B. Setting file pointer anywhere in file
C. Setting file pointer at the end of file
D. Setting file pointer at the beginning of file

Answer: Option D
Q10. What will be the output of the following program?

A. Run time error

B. Triangle
C. Compile Time error
D. It’s Rectangle

Answer: Option C.

Programming Logic

Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer in the given box.

Answer: [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]

Q2. Construct post order Transversal for the constructed tree with the given In-Order and
Preorder Traversals:
In-Order: 9 7 10 6 8
Pre-Order: 6 7 9 10 8

A. 9 10 7 8 6
B. 9 7 6 10 8
C. 8 9 10 7 6
D. 9 8 10 7 6

Answer: Option A
Q3. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your output in the given box.

Answer: 8-0-2

Q4. Consider the following variables declarations:

Float num1;
Short num2;
Long num3;

What is the data type of num1-num3/num2?

A. None of the given options

B. Float
C. Double
D. Short

Answer: Option B
Q5. The kind of software testing you can do when you have both the source code and the
executable code in hand, is called as?

A. Red Box Testing

B. Black Box Testing
C. White Box Testing
D. Blue Box Testing

Answer: Option C

Q6. Select the precise options for the below scenarios

Expression 1: cout<<endl;
Expression 1: cout<<”\n”<<flush;

A. Second expression will not insert new line

B. First expression will not insert new line
C. Both expression will give same results
D. Both expression will give different results

Answer: Option C

Q7. Spot the error in the given code. If there is no error, select the most appropriate option
A. Error at line 9
B. Error at line 8
C. Employee User Id:12
D. Compilation error

Answer: Option C
Q8. float (*p)[5]
Here, p is

A. Pointer to array of float

B. Float
C. Array of pointer
D. Pointer

Answer: Option C

Q9. What is the function of rewind()?

A. Setting file pointer at the beginning of line
B. Setting file pointer anywhere in file
C. Setting file pointer at the end of file
D. Setting file pointer at the beginning of file

Answer: Option D
Q10. What will be the output of the following program?
A. Run time error
B. Triangle
C. Compile Time error
D. It’s Rectangle

Answer: Option C.

Programming Logic

Q1. What will be the output of the following program?

Enter your answer in the box.

Answer: False

Q2. What is the name of the approach by development of a system by means of a series of
iterations to incorporate mid term changes until the system tests all the business requirements.
A. Prototyping
B. Normalization
C. Smoke test
D. Tracking

Answer: Option D

Q3. Suppose there is a stack of size 7. In that stack we push first 3 even numbers from the range
of 1 to 10 in ascending order. Then we perform two pop operations then we push first 3 odd
numbers from the range 11 to 20 in ascending order, then what will be the top element into
the stack?

A. 13
B. 2
C. 15
D. 6

Answer: Option C

Q4. In the given program, if the sum value is initialized with 0 value before starting the loop,
find the aggregate value of sum after completion of loop statements.

A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18

Answer: Option B

Q5. Which of the following combinations forms the correct example combo for Greedy and
Divide & Conquer Algorithms?

Greedy Divide and Conquer

● Multiplication, Knapsack problem ● Closest Pair (or Points)

● Job Scheduling Problem ● Traveling Salesman
● Graph - Map Colouring ● Binary Search
● Strassen’s Matrix

Greedy Divide and Conquer
● Strassen’s Matrix ● Closest Pair (or Points)
● Multiplication, Knapsack Problem ● Traveling Salesman
● Job Scheduling Problem ● Binary Search
● Graph - Map Colouring

Greedy Divide and Conquer

● Strassen’s Matrix ● Traveling Salesman

● Job Scheduling Problem ● Binary Search
● Closest Pair (or Points) ● Graph - Map Colouring
● Multiplication, Knapsack Problem

Greedy Divide and Conquer

● Multiplication, Knapsack Problem ● Closest Pair (or Points)

● Job Scheduling Problem ● Binary Search
● Graph - Map Colouring ● Strassen’s Matrix
● Traveling Salesman
Answer: Option D

Q6. Find the output of the following code.

Enter your answer ONLY as a numeral in the box.

Answer: 1

Q7. What will be the prefix conversion of the following postfix expression?

Postfix expression: IJK/-LM/N-*

C. *-I/JK/-LMN
D. *-IJK/-/LMN

Answer: Option A

Q8. 6-Sigma Standard is developed in which organization?

A. Ericson
B. ANSI - American National Standard Institute
C. ECMA - European Computer Manufacturing Association
D. Motorola, Inc

Answer: Option D

Q9. What would be the output of the following code?

A. Compilation Error
B. Null
C. 10
Runtime ErrorAnswer: Option A

Programming Logic
Q1. What would be the output of the below snippet?

Enter your answer as only numerical in the box:

Answer: 92

Q2. The Hashing Technique hash function takes a and returns the value of
that key in order to identify the index of an array.
A. Null, Hash
B. Hash, Key
C. Key, Null
D. Key, Hash
Answer: Option D
Q3. What will be the output of the following program?

Type your answer here:

Answer: Not equal

Q4. We can’t overload operator.

A. .(Dot operator)
B. [ ](subscript operator
C. ()(parenthesis)
D. =(assignment operator)

Answer: Option A
Q5. What would be the output of the below code?

B. error : variable a wrongly initialized in the default constructor
C. error: incompatible types <null> cannot be converted to int
D. 0

Answer: Option C

Q6. Which of the below functions is used to convert double value 8.33 to 9?
A. ceil()
B. top()
C. fabs()
D. floor()

Answer: Option A
Q7. When we execute the given program what will it print?

A. Compile time error

B. value remains 3 itself still
value remains 3 itself
C. still value remains 3 itself
D. value remains 3 itself

Answer: Option A

Programming Logic
Q1.What would be the output of below code?

Type your answer here:

Answer: Apple Fruit11

Q2. Specify the precise answer for Overloading of destructor:
A. Partially Possible
B. Possible
C. Not Possible
D. None of the given options

Answer: Option C

Q3. Which of the following is not a technique of dynamic memory allocations?

A. dmalloc()
B. realloc()
C. calloc()
D. malloc()

Answer: Option A

Q4. When the given code is executed, what will be the output that is printed?

Enter your answer ONLY as a NUMERAL in the box.

Answer: 11

Q5. Match the pairs.

Real Time Usages Terms Best Suited underlined data


A Network data mode 1


B Relational Database Management 2 Queue

System 3 Array

4 Graph

A. A-3, B-2
B. A-4, B-3
C. A-3, B-1
D. A-2, B-4

Answer: Option C

Q6. Which of the following statements about constructor is NOT true?

A. We can define more than one constructor with different signature in same class
B. We can overload constructor in derived class
C. Constructor has no return type
D. Constructor has the same name as the class name

Answer: Option B

Q7. Glass box testing is also known as

A. White Box Testing
B. Sanity Testing
C. Black Box Testing
D. Smoke Testing

Answer: Option A
Q8. Write the output for the below code.

A. NullPointerException
B. Error in Main Method
C. Advanced Java
D. Java EE

Answer: Option C

Q9. A bus conductor has a bunch of coins, each coin has a different value. New coins
are addedat the end of the bunch. Only coins are issued to customers from the top
side of the bunch.
Developer X wants to implement this in application by the help of data structure.
Which datastructure is best suitable for implementation of current logic?
A. Queue
B. Graph
C. Stack
D. Tree

Answer: Option A

Q10. What is the full form of ROI in the context of Software development?
A. Return-on-investment
B. Rationality-of-internet
C. Reduction-of-investment
D. Rate-of-integration

Answer: Option A

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