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Jeffrey H. Spiegel, MD, FACS,1 Agata K. Brys, MD,1 Amol Bhakti, MD,2 Mark I. Singer, MD, FACS2
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Boston University School of Medicine, 88 East Newton
Street, D-616, Boston, MA 02118. E-mail:
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California

Accepted 4 June 2004

Published online 30 September 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hed.20109

We demonstrated the submandibular gland to be involved only

Abstract: Background. The purpose of this retrospective
in cases of ipsilateral oral cavity tumors or metastasis to ip-
chart review was to determine whether and how the subman-
silateral level I lymph nodes. We conclude that it is oncologically
dibular gland is involved in metastases of squamous cell car-
sound to consider transplantation and replantation of the con-
cinoma of the head and neck.
tralateral submandibular gland for patients with head and neck
Methods. We reviewed the records of all patients for whom
squamous cell carcinoma when level I lymph nodes are unlikely
pathology specimens were available after neck dissection for
to be involved. A 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 26:
primary head and neck cancers at two institutions.
1064 – 1068, 2004
Results. One hundred sixty-nine patients were included in
the study, 27 underwent bilateral neck dissections, and 196 Keywords: submandibular gland; head and neck carcinoma;
submandibular glands were resected and sent for pathology. metastasis; xerostomia
One hundred forty-four glands had normal histologic findings.
Normal or benign histologic changes were present in 187 glands.
Three submandibular glands showed invasion from a locally in- Carcinomas of the head and neck affect 70,000
volved lymph node, and six had direct extension from a primary
people every year in the United States. Treat-
lesion. The primary lesions were all ipsilateral to the involved
gland and originated from cancers of the floor of the mouth, al- ment often involves surgical excision of the af-
veolar ridge, and tongue. No submandibular glands showed fected area followed by radiation therapy. Eighty
pathologic evidence of metastases. percent of patients with head and neck cancer in
Conclusions. Because the submandibular gland has no in- the United States receive at least one course of
traparenchymal lymph nodes, its involvement in upper aerodi-
radiation as a component of their therapy.1 Ra-
gestive tract carcinomas must be through extension from a
locally involved lymph node or the primary tumor. Previous work diation therapy of the head and neck has sig-
has demonstrated that the submandibular gland can undergo nificant associated morbidity, including injury to
transplantation out of the neck with subsequent reimplantation, the major and minor salivary glands resulting in
as a possible means of protection from the effects of radiation. xerostomia. Xerostomia as a radiation-induced
injury to the salivary glands was first described
by the French radiobiologist Jean Bergonie in
1911.2 Radiation treatment with as little as 35 Gy
Correspondence to: J. H. Spiegel causes permanent salivary dysfunction, and, de-
B 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. spite the availability of some newer pharmaceu-

1064 Submandibular Gland Metastasis HEAD & NECK December 2004

ticals that can maximize residual gland function, More recently, Jha and Seikaly12 have shown
so far no true recovery of salivary gland function that submandibular gland transfer to the anterior
after radiation exposure has been reported.3 submental region allows for shielding of the gland
Saliva is important for everyday functions, during radiation therapy and preventing xerosto-
and its absence causes significant discomfort to mia. In other words, Jha and Seikaly demonstra-
those affected.4 Saliva enhances taste, speech and ted that a single submandibular gland prevented
swallowing, facilitates irrigation and lubrication, symptomatic xerostomia and that their patients
and protects the mucous membranes of the upper had a more mild radiotherapy course with less
digestive tract.5 It also has antimicrobial and mucositis and weight loss. This provides support
buffering properties that protect the teeth from that a single gland may be adequate to prevent
dental caries and chronic fungal infections and xerostomia. Of course, by remaining pedicled, the
enhances remineralization of tooth enamel.6 The authors needed to be very careful in modifying
dental complications of radiation-induced xero- the radiation field to avoid the gland, and they
stomia often lead patients to undergo complete therefore limit the situations in which this
dental extractions. However, comfortable use of technique can be applied. Spiegel et al13 demon-
prosthetic dentures or other dental appliances strated that it is possible to transplant the
after total extractions is hindered by the persis- submandibular gland to the groin area in rabbits
tent xerostomia. and to transfer it back to the neck area with the
Current therapy for xerostomia includes syn- gland maintaining its integrity and function.
thetic saliva, gustatory stimulants, autologous sa- They propose that this is a promising preventive
liva storage, acupuncture, electrostimulation, and treatment for xerostomia in patients with head
various medications, although most patients and neck cancers about to undergo radiation
make do with frequent sips of water.7 – 9 None of therapy. Although this work by Spiegel et al is
these treatments can adequately improve the pa- likely the first study to demonstrate that micro-
tient’s quality of life, and some are associated with vascular transplantation and subsequent replan-
significant side effects. For example, pilocarpine tation of the same organ is possible, certainly
hydrochloride, a widely used cholinergic antag- many questions remain before this can be proven
onist, stimulates residual salivary gland tissue as a successful technique in preventing postirra-
not destroyed by radiation therapy, but its side diation xerostomia. In this work, the rabbits did
effects, including sweating, headache, rhinitis, not receive radiation to the neck before replan-
dizziness, and urinary frequency, make it an in- tation of the organ. Radiation treatments affect
tolerable treatment for many patients. blood vessels and nerves. Although there is large
Attention has turned to prevention of xero- clinical experience with successful microvascular
stomia in patients undergoing radiation therapy. tissue reconstruction, including sensate flaps,
Although shielding of the salivary glands is a into radiated head and neck tissue, the particular
desirable method to preserve salivary function, effect this may have on salivary gland replanta-
local shielding can compromise oncologic treat- tion can be reasonably expected to be minimal but
ment and is usually not effective. Surgical is in reality unknown.
options to preserve salivary gland function by Another important question is whether this
preventing damage to the submandibular gland procedure is oncologically sound in a patient with
during radiation are being considered. Preserva- a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. That
tion of one submandibular gland is adequate to is, does squamous cell carcinoma metastasize to
prevent xerostomia.10 the submandibular gland? Clearly, it would be
In 1982, Bourdin et al11 proposed that the unwise to transplant a potentially cancerous or-
transposition of the contralateral submandibular gan. Metastatic spread of a neoplasm to the sal-
gland to the submental region can prevent xe- ivary glands is unusual, and if it occurs, the
rostomia after salivary gland irradiation during parotid gland is more likely to be affected.14 It
radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancer. The re- has been postulated that unlike the parotid gland,
searchers obtained good results in most cases the submandibular gland is unlikely to be the
treated, with conserved salivary secretion as con- host tissue for metastases because of its lack of
firmed by scintigraphy, but they warn that this lymph nodes or vessels.15 When the submandib-
method should be reserved for patients with oro- ular gland is involved in metastatic cancer, it is
pharyngeal cancer without lymph node metasta- through hematogenous spread of cancers origi-
ses to the contralateral side. nating outside the head and neck.

Submandibular Gland Metastasis HEAD & NECK December 2004 1065

This study aims to determine whether and normal histologic findings. Three submandibular
how the submandibular gland is involved in glands showed local invasion from an involved
metastases of squamous cell carcinoma of the lymph node, and six had direct extension from
head and neck. the primary lesion. All of these were from ipsi-
lateral cancers of the floor of the mouth, alveolar
METHODS ridge, and tongue (Table 1). Histologic exami-
This retrospective study reviewed the records of nation of the remaining glands revealed inflam-
patients who underwent neck dissections for can- mation and changes consistent with radiation
cer at the Boston University and the University therapy, chronic sialoadenitis, atrophy, sialometa-
of California San Francisco medical centers from plasia, and oncocytosis. No submandibular glands
1996 to 2001. All patients who underwent dis- showed pathologic evidence of metastases.
section for primary head and neck lesions and for
whom pathology specimens were available were
included in the study.
We reviewed the pathology reports of 169 Metastasis to the submandibular gland occurs
patients, including 103 men and 66 women, with more commonly through hematogenous spread of
mean age of 63 years (range, 21 – 91 years). Of cancers residing outside the head and neck. Ves-
the 169 patients, 27 had bilateral neck dissec- secchia et al16 performed a review of the literature
tions, thus 196 submandibular glands were that revealed more than 100 cases of metastases to
available to examine. Primary tumors included the submandibular gland. Most metastases arose
the tongue (n = 54), floor of the mouth (n = 25), from primary tumors at distant sites, such as the
tonsillar fossa (n = 15), base of tongue (n = 15), breast, lungs, or the genitourinary system. There
retromandibular trigone (n = 11), alveolar ridge have been case reports of metastases to the sub-
(n = 11), palate (n = 6), buccal mucosa (n = 6), lip mandibular gland from uterus leiomyosarcoma.17
(n = 5), and the posterior pharynx (n = 2). Case reports of submandibular gland metastases
Twelve patients had primary tumors involving from the breast have been described by several
multiple structures. authors.18 – 21 Bilateral submandibular gland in-
volvement in a patient with advanced breast can-
cer has also been reported.22
RESULTS In the 1970s, Evans and Cruickshank23 ob-
Of the 196 submandibular glands examined, served that even with advanced carcinoma pre-
144 had no tumor involvement with completely sent in the adjacent submandibular lymph areas,
it is unusual for the submandibular gland to be
involved. More recently, Junquera et al24 eval-
uated the involvement of the submandibular
Table 1. Pathology of submandibular glands (SMG). gland in 31 patients with squamous cell carcinoma
Histology Number of SMG of the floor of the mouth. Histopathologic exami-
nation identified cervical node metastasis in
Normal 144
34.1% of the ipsilateral neck dissections. Cervical
Malignant Changes:
Direct extension from primary tumor (all glands ipsilateral) periglandular metastases were found in 31.7% of
Floor of Mouth 4 neck dissections, but in no case was microscopic
Floor of Mouth and Alveolar Ridge 1 affectation of the submandibular gland found.
Floor of Mouth and Tongue 1 Although periglandular metastases in carcinoma
Local invasion from involved (all glands ipsilateral)
of the floor of mouth are frequent, submandibular
lymph node
Floor of Mouth 1 gland involvement is unusual. Contralateral sub-
Tongue 1 mandibular gland involvement from head and
Alveolar Ridge 1 neck carcinoma has not been reported.
Benign Changes: Our own review of patients with head and
Inflammation and changes consistent 6
neck cancer who underwent neck dissection de-
with radiation therapy
Chronic Sialadenitis 20 monstrated that in no case did a squamous cell
Atrophy 14 carcinoma metastasize to the submandibular
Sialometaplasia 1 gland. The submandibular gland was only in-
Oncocytosis 2 volved in cases in which the primary tumor was
Total 196
in close proximity to the gland, or when meta-

1066 Submandibular Gland Metastasis HEAD & NECK December 2004

stasis to level I of the neck had occurred with tion, a technique protecting the salivary tissue
extension from a locally involved lymph node into from the effects of radiation.
the submandibular gland. Clearly, it would be We demonstrated the submandibular gland to
unwise to dissect out for transplantation a sub- be involved only in cases of ipsilateral oral cavity
mandibular gland that is ipsilateral to a tumor tumors or metastasis to ipsilateral level I lymph
of the floor of mouth or mandible, or one in nodes. We conclude that it is oncologically sound
which metastasis to the submental region is to consider transplantation and replantation of
likely. However, in cancers in which contralateral the contralateral submandibular gland in pa-
neck disease is not suspected, the submandibular tients with head and neck squamous cell carci-
gland is very unlikely to be involved with car- noma when level I lymph nodes are unlikely to
cinoma and would seem to be available to use for be involved.
a xerostomia prevention procedure.
Spiegel et al25 have been successful in trans-
planting the submandibular gland in rats and in
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