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1. Why is literacy rate is low in the females?
(a) Lack of equal education opportunities (b) Lack of transport
(c) Lack of infrastructure (d) Lack of

2. Which state has highest literacy rate as per 2001?

(a) Kerala (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Bihar (d) Orissa

3. Which of the following is a significant step towards providing

basic education to the children in the age group of 6-14 years?
(a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (b) Adult Education Programme
(c) Mid-day meal (d) None

4. Market activity known as production for

(a) Exchange (b) Earning income
(c) Earning profit (d) All the above

5. Increase in longevity of life is an indicator of

(a) Good quality of life (b) Improvement in
health sector
(c) Better HDI (Human Development Index) (d) All the above

6. What is Self-consumption is called

(a) Non-production activity (b) Non-market activity
(c) Non-economic activity (d) None of the above
7. Which one from the following is include in Secondary sector
(a) Trade (b) Marketing
(c) Manufacturing (d) Education

8. One who can read and write in any language with

understanding is termed as
(a) Student (b) Adult
(c) Child (d) Literate

9. What is India’s position in scientifically and technically manpower

in the world? (a) First (b) Second
(c) Third (d) Fourth

10. Investment in human capital is expenditure on

(a) Education (b) Training
(c) Medical Care (d) All the above

11. The scheme for the establishment of residential schools to

impart education to talented children from rural areas is
(a) Kendriya Vidyalayas (b) Navodaya Vidyalayas
(c) Sarvodaya Vidyalayas (d) None of the above

12. Services of housewives are included in

(a) National Income (b) Domestic Income
(c) Household Income (d) None Of The Above

13. Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the
age of
(a) 1 year (b) 2 years
(c) 3 years (d) 4 years

14. Choose the non-market activities (i) Vilas sells fish in the village
market (ii) Vilas cooks food for his family
(iii) Sakal works in a private firm
(iv) Sakal looks after his younger brother and sister
Options :
(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (iii) & (iv) (c) (i) & (iii) (d) (ii) & (iv)

15. Which one from the following is the primary sector activities
(i) Forestry (ii) Poultry farming
(iii) Animal husbandry (iv) Manufacturing
Options :
(a) (i) (b) (i), (ii), (iii)
(c) (ii), (iii), (iv) (d) All the above

16. What are Tertiary sector provides

(a) Services (b) Goods
(c) Both goods and services (d) None of the above

17. The quality of population depends on

(a) Literacy rate (b) Health
(c) Skill (d) All the above

18. People as a resource refers to the

(a) Educational Skills (b) Productive Skills
(c) Health Skills (d) None of the above

19. Where is Seasonal unemployment found

(a) Urban areas (b) Rural areas
(c) In remote areas (d) Both in rural and urban areas

20. Bribe taking by parent is an

(a) Economic Activity (b) Marketing Activity
(c) Non-Economic Activity (d) None of the above

21. The persons who are not working by their own willing is
covered under
(a) Seasonal Unemployment (b) Disguised Unemployment
(c) Educated Unemployment (d) None of the above

22. Disguised unemployment when the number of persons working

on a farm is
(a) Only what is required (b) More than required
(c) Less than required (d) None of the above

23. If a person cannot find jobs during some months of the year,
which type of employment is this called?
(a) Structural unemployment (b) Cyclical unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment (d) None of these

24. What is the literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?

(a) 60% (b) 62%
(c) 74.04% (d) 70%

25. What is the sex-ratio of India According to 2001 census, :

(a) 921 females per 1000 (b) 930 females per 1000
(c) 928 females per 1000 (d) 933 females per 1000

26. Forestry and dairy are related to which?

(a) Primary Sector (b) Tertiary Sector
(c) Secondary Sector (d) None of the above

27. What is the expended form of PHC

(a) Public Health Club (b) Private Health Club
(c) Primary Health Centre (d) None of these

28. From the following in which fields is disguised unemployment

(a) Industries (b) Agriculture
(c) Mining (d) Fisherise
29. What is the aim of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan? (a) To provide
elementary education to women.
(b) To provide elementary education to the rural poor.
(c) To provide elementary education to all children in the age group
6-14 years.
(d) To provide elementary education to the urban poor.

30. Which one from the following is related to the tertiary sector?
(a) Agriculture (b) Forestry
(c) Mining (d) Communication

31. Which one from the following is the most labour absorbing
(a) Agriculture (b) Fisheries
(c) Poultry farming (d) Mining

32. Which one is an economic activity in the following?

(a) Work of Nurse at her home (b) Work of Doctor at
their home
(c) Work of Teacher in the school (d) None of the above

33. Which one of the following is considered important to create a

'virtuous cycle' by the parents?
(a) To sand their children to the school.
(b) To provide goods food to their children.
(c) To join their children in corporate schools.
(d) To take care of the health and education of their children.

34. Infant mortality rate in 2001 was :

(a) 85 (b) 70 (c) 75 (d) 35

35. What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000?
(a) 72 years (b) 53 years (c) 64 years (d) 80
36. Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher
education from 6% to :
(a) 7% (b) 9% (c) 10% (d)

37. Decrease in IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) of a country signifies:

(a) Increase in life expectancy
(b) Increase in GNP
(c) Economic development of a country
(d) Increase in number of colleges in a country
38. Which one is odd in the following (with reference to
population) :
(a) Education (b) Medical Care
(c) Training (d) Computers

39. The number of females per thousand males refers to

(a) Sex Ratio (b) Literacy Rate
(c) Infant Mortality Rate (d) Birth Rate

40. Increase in longevity of life is an indicator of

(a) Good quality of life.
(b) Improvement in health sector.
(c) Better HDI (human development index).
(d) All the above.

41. Which of the following is the most labour absorbing sectors of

the Indian economy?
(a) Primary sector (b) tertiary sector
(c) Secondary sector (d) Private sector

42. Which of the following is included in the primary sector?

(a) Manufacturing (b) Tourism
(c) Forestry (d) Communication
43. Which of the following is included in the tertiary sector?
(a) Fishing
(b) Trade
(c) Mining
(d) Health

44. Which of the following is included in the secondary sector?

(a) Poultry farming
(b) Manufacturing
(c) Transport
(d) Quarrying

45. Investment in human capital can be made through

(a) Education
(b) Training
(c) Medical care
(d) All the three

46. The literacy rate during 2010-11 was

(a) 64%
(b) 74%
(c) 70%
(d) 80%

47. Which of the following sectors faces the problem of seasonal

(a) Agriculture
(b) Service sector
(c) Trade
(d) IT sector
48. Infant mortality rate is the death of a child under
(a) One year (b) Three, year
(c) Two year (d) Four year

49. The workforce population includes people from 15 years to

(a) 59 years
(b) 62 years
(c) 60 years
(d) 65 years

50. Which age group of children does the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan aim
to promote education?
(a) 6 to 10 years
(b) 5 to 3 years
(c) 6 to 14 years
(d) 7 to 12 years

51. The number of females per thousand males refers to :

(a) Sex Ratio
(b) Literacy Rate
(c) Infant Mortality Rate
(d) Birth Rate

52. Decrease in IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) of a country signifies:

(a) Increase in life expectancy
(b) Increase in GNP
(c) Economic development of a country
(d) Increase in number of colleges in a country

53. What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000?
(a) 72 years
(b) 53 years
(c) 64 years
(d) 80 years

54. Which one of the following is considered important to create a

‘virtuous cycle’ by the parents?
(a) To sand their children to the school
(b) To provide goods food to their children
(c) To join their children in corporate schools
(d) To take care of the health and education of their children

55. Which one from the following is the most labour absorbing
(a) Agriculture
(b) Fisheries
(c) Poultry farming
(d) Mining

56. What is the aim of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan?

(a) To provide elementary education to women
(b) To provide elementary education to the rural poor
(c) To provide elementary education to all children in the age
group 6-14 years
(d) To provide elementary education to the urban poor

57. What is the expended form of PHC

(a) Public Health Club
(b) Private Health Club
(c) Primary Health Centre
(d) None of these

58. What is the sex-ratio of India According to 2001 census, :

(a) 921 females per 1000
(b) 930 females per 1000
(c) 928 females per 1000
(d) 933 females per 1000

59. If a person cannot find jobs during some months of the year,
which type of employment is this called?
(a) Structural unemployment
(b) Cyclical unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment
(d) None of these

60. The persons who are not working by their own willing is
covered under
(a) seasonal unemployment
(b) disguised unemployment
(c) educated unemployment
(d) none of the above

61. Where is Seasonal unemployment found

(a) urban areas
(b) rural areas
(c) in remote areas
(d) both in rural and urban areas

62. The quality of population depends on

(a) literacy rate
(b) health
(c) skill
(d) all the above

63. Which one from the following is the primary sector activities
(i) Forestry
(ii) Poultry farming
(iii) Animal husbandry
(iv) Manufacturing
(a) (i)
(b) (i), (ii), (iii)
(c) (ii), (iii), (iv)
(d) All the above

64. Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the
age of
(a) 1 year
(b) 2 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 4 years

65. The scheme for the establishment of residential schools to

impart education to talented children from rural areas is
(a) Kendriya Vidyalayas
(b) Navodaya Vidyalayas
(c) Sarvodaya Vidyalayas
(d) None of the aboves

66. What is India’s position in scientifically and technically

manpower in the world?
(a) first
(b) second
(c) third
(d) fourth
67. Which one from the following is include in Secondary sector
(a) trade
(b) marketing
(c) manufacturing
(d) education

68. Increase in longevity of life is an indicator of

(a) good quality of life
(b) improvement in health sector
(c) better HDI (Human Development Index)
(d) all the above

69. Which of the following is a significant step towards providing

basic education to the children in the age group of 6-14 years?
(a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
(b) Adult Education Programme
(c) Mid-day meal
(d) None

70. Why is literacy rate is low in the females?

(a) lack of equal education opportunities
(b) lack of transport facilities
(c) lack of infrastructure
(d) lack of income

71. Which of the following sectors is related to agriculture, forestry

and dairy?
(a) Primary Sector
(b) Tertiary Sector
(c) Secondary Sector
(d) None of the above
72. Which one of the following is related to the tertiary sector?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Forestry
(c) Mining
(d) Communication

73. Disguised unemployment occurs when the number of persons

working on a farm is
(a) only what is required
(b) more than required
(c) less than required
(d) None of the above

74. Which of the following is an economic activity?

(a) A teacher teaching his son
(b) Recitation among friends
(c) Teacher teaching in the classroom
(d) All of the above

75. Services of housewives are included in

(a) national income
(b) domestic income
(c) household income
(d) none of the above

76. Secondary sector includes:

(a) Manufacturing
(b) Forestry
(c) Trade
(d) Quarrying
77. Seasonal unemployment is found in
(a) urban areas
(b) rural areas
(c) in remote areas
(d) both in rural and urban areas

78. What is the major aim of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan?

(a) To provide elementary education to women
(b) To provide elementary education to the rural poor
(c) To provide elementary education to all children in the age
group 6-14 years
(d) To provide elementary education to the urban poor

79. On which of the following point, does the quality of population

not depend?
(a) Literacy rate
(b) Health of person
(c) Skill formation
(d) Birth of a person

80. The tertiary sector is also called:

(a) Primary sector
(b) Service sector
(c) Manufacturing sector
(d) All of the the above

81. Domestic work by house wife is a _____ activity.

(a) Economic
(b) Noneconomic
(c) Both of them
(d) None of the above
82. Disguised unemployment could be traced in:
(a) mining activity
(b) service sector
(c) agriculture
(d) social forestry

83. In which of the following fields is disguised unemployment

(a) Industries (b) Agriculture (c) Mining (d)

84. Why are rural women employed in low-paid jobs?

(a) They do not need to work in high-paid jobs
(b) They lack in education or the necessary skill
(c) They are not allowed by their families to do high paid jobs
(d) They are not aware of the wage structure
85. Bribe taking is an
(a) economic activity
(b) marketing activity
(c) non-economic activity
(d) none of the above

86. Which of the following is not done by women at home?

(a) Cooking food
(b) Cleaning utensils
(c) Washing clothes
(d) Doing tuition work by teaching students

87. Which of the following is a significant step towards providing

elementary education to all the children in the age group of 6-14
(a) Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan
(b) Mid-day meal
(c) Navodaya Vidyalaya
(d) Sainik School

88. Which state has highest literacy rate as per 2001?

(a) Kerala
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Bihar
(d) Orissa

89. Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the
age of
(a) 1 year
(b) 2 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 4 years

90. Resources are generally classified into:

(a) 2 Types
(b) 3 Types
(c) 4 Types
(d) 5 Types

91. The excess population is considered as a burden for an economy

but they can become human capital if there is an investment made
in the form of:
(a) Education and health
(b) Hospitals and schools
(c) Education, training and medical care
(d) None of the above
92. Which of the following is a non-economic activity?
(a) Mother doing household work
(b) Washerman washes doth of people
(c) Chef cooking food in the hotel
(d) All of the above

93. The two determinants of earning by an individual in the

market are:
(a) Health and education
(b) Education and skill
(c) Age and education
(d) Skill and age

94. What is India’s position in scientifically and technically

manpower in the world?
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d)

95. Why is literacy rate is low in the females?

(a) lack of equal education opportunities
(b) lack of transport facilities
(c) lack of infrastructure
(d) lack of income

96. Why is literacy rate is low in the females?

(a) lack of equal education opportunities
(b) lack of transport facilities
(c) lack of infrastructure
(d) lack of income

97. Which state has highest literacy rate as per 2001?

(a) Kerala (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Bihar (d) Orissa

98. Which of the following is a significant step towards providing

basic education to the children in the age group of 6-14 years?
(a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (b) Adult Education Programme
(c) Mid-day meal (d) None

99. Market activity known as production for

(a) exchange (b) earning income
(c) earning profit (d) all the above

100. Increase in longevity of life is an indicator of

(a) good quality of life (b)
improvement in health sector
(c) better HDI (Human Development Index) (d) all the above

101. What is Self-consumption is called

(a) non-production activity (b) non-market activity
(c) non-economic activity (d) none of the above

102. Which one from the following is include in Secondary sector

(a) trade (b) marketing
(c) manufacturing (d) education

103. One who can read and write in any language with
understanding is termed as
(a) student (b) adult
(c) child (d) literate

104. What is India’s position in scientifically and technically

manpower in the world?
(a) first (b) second (c) third
(d) fourth

105. Investment in human capital is expenditure on

(a) education (b) training
(c) medical care (d) all the above

106. The scheme for the establishment of residential schools to

impart education to talented children from rural areas is
(a) Kendriya Vidyalayas (b) Navodaya Vidyalayas
(c) Sarvodaya Vidyalayas (d) None of the aboves

107. Services of housewives are included in

(a) national income (b) domestic income
(c) household income (d) none of the above

108. Infant mortality rate refers to the death of a child under the
age of
(a) 1 year (b) 2 years
(c) 3 years (d) 4 years

109. Choose the non-market activities

(i) Vilas sells fish in the village market
(ii) Vilas cooks food for his family
(iii) Sakal works in a private firm
(iv) Sakal looks after his younger brother and sister

(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (iii) & (iv) (c) (i) & (iii) (d)
(ii) & (iv)

110. Which one from the following is the primary sector activities
(i) Forestry (ii) Poultry farming
(iii) Animal husbandry (iv) Manufacturing

(a) (i) (b) (i), (ii), (iii)

(c) (ii), (iii), (iv) (d) All the above

111. What are Tertiary sector provides

(a) services (b) goods
(c) both goods and services (d) none of the above

112. The quality of population depends on

(a) literacy rate (b) health
(c) skill (d) all the above

113. People as a resource refers to the

(a) educational skills (b) productive skills
(c) health skills (d) none of the above

114. Where is Seasonal unemployment found

(a) urban areas (b) rural areas
(c) in remote areas (d) both in rural and urban areas

115. Bribe taking by parent is an

(a) economic activity (b) marketing activity
(c) non-economic activity (d) none of the above

116. The persons who are not working by their own willing is
covered under
(a) seasonal unemployment (b) disguised unemployment
(c) educated unemployment (d) none of the above
117. Disguised unemployment when the number of persons
working on a farm is
(a) only what is required (b) more than required
(c) less than required (d) None of the above

118. If a person cannot find jobs during some months of the year,
which type of employment is this called?
(a) Structural unemployment (b) Cyclical unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment (d) None of these
119. What is the literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?
(a) 60 (b) 62% (c) 74.04% (d) 70%

120. What is the sex-ratio of India According to 2001 census, :

(a) 921 females per 1000 (b) 930 females per 1000
(c) 928 females per 1000 (d) 933 females per 1000

121. Forestry and dairy are related to which?

(a) Primary Sector (b) Tertiary Sector
(c) Secondary Sector (d) None of the above

122. What is the expended form of PHC

(a) Public Health Club (b) Private Health Club
(c) Primary Health Centre (d) None of these

123. From the following in which fields is disguised unemployment

(a) Industries (b) Agriculture
(c) Mining (d) Fisheries

124. What is the aim of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan?

(a) To provide elementary education to women
(b) To provide elementary education to the rural poor
(c) To provide elementary education to all children in the age
group 6-14 years
(d) To provide elementary education to the urban poor

125. Which one from the following is related to the tertiary sector?
(a) Agriculture (b) Forestry
(c) Mining (d) Communication

126. Which one from the following is the most labour absorbing
(a) Agriculture (b) Fisheries
(c) Poultry farming (d) Mining

127. Which one is an economic activity in the following?

(a) Work of Nurse at her home (b) Work of Doctor
at their home
(c) Work of Teacher in the school (d) None of the above

128. Which one of the following is considered important to create

a ‘virtuous cycle’ by the parents?
(a) To send their children to the school
(b) To provide goods food to their children
(c) To join their children in corporate schools
(d) To take care of the health and education of their children

129. Infant mortality rate in 2001 was :

(a) 85 (b) 70
(c) 75 (d) 35

130. What is the life expectancy in India as per the census of 2000?
(a) 72 years (b) 53 years
(c) 64 years (d) 80 years
131. Tenth Plan endeavoured to increase enrolment in higher
education from 6% to :
(a) 7% (b) 9%
(c) 10% (d) 12%

132. Decrease in IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) of a country signifies:

(a) Increase in life expectancy
(b) Increase in GNP
(c) Economic development of a country
(d) Increase in number of colleges in a country

133. Which one is odd in the following (with reference to

population) :
(a) Education (b) Medical Care
(c) Training (d) Computers

134. The number of females per thousand males refers to :

(a) Sex Ratio (b) Literacy Rate
(c) Infant Mortality Rate (d) Birth Rate

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