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*The information given in this sheet will be strictly used for the Erasmus + pairing.

Maloș Mihai
Full name: ______________________________________________________

Date of birth: ____________________________________________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________

Telephone number: ________________________________________________

Are you vegetarian or vegan? Yes ______ No _______

Are you allergic to something? Yes_________ No_______

If yes, explain: _____________________________________________________

Do you take medicines? If so, explain: ___________________________________

Do you have covid 19 digital certificate? __________________________________

Yes, german
Do you study a language different from English? ____________________________

Would you prefer to stay with: A boy __________ A girl_________ Irrelevant

(We will try to respect your option if it is possible, but this will depend on the number of girls
and boys)

Circle the adjectives that best describe you:

Funny Outgoing Shy Talkative

Independent Calm Hardworking Other:

Circle your favourite activities:

Watching Music Travel Riding a bike Reading

Surfing Videogames Dancing Photography Learning
the net
What are your hobbies?
Programming, photography and cycling
What are your favourite sports?
Football, basketball
Do you play any instruments?
No, I don't

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