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Lecture Monday: 08:00-09:00 hrs Course type

Schedule Thursday: 10:00-12:00 hrs Semester
Core, 7th Semester
Theory = 3 credit per week
Credit Hours Lab = 1 credit per week Pre-requisite -
Prof. Dr. Sajjad Mubin
Instructors Engr. Anam Fatima Contact ‐  
Engr. Khadija Mawra
Office - Office Hours -
Teaching Lab Class
None Wednesday: 13:00-16:00 hrs
Assistant Schedule
Construction Industry and it’s practices in Pakistan. Characteristics of construction
industry of Pakistan. Historical perspective, importance of construction
management. Principles and functions of construction management. Types of
construction projects. Public v/s Private sector projects. Phases in a project and
concept of project life cycle. Project stakeholders and their roles and responsibility
Organization structures. 10 Knowledge Areas of Project Management vis-a-vis
Construction Management.
Project Time Management: Project planning and scheduling techniques. (Bar Chart,
Critical Path Method and others)
Procurement and Contract: Basic principles of procurement, Introduction to
Contracts, Contract law. Types of Contracts (Item rate, EPC, PPP and others),
FIDIC standard form of contract, Contract administration, claims, change order,
Course construction disputes and alternate dispute resolution mechanism including
Description/ Arbitration, liquidated damages and defect liability.. Insurance of project,
Outline equipment and persons.
Project Cost Management: definition of cost, types of costs, cost planning and
financial management. Budgeting and controlling of project costs.
Engineering Economy: Basic principles and application of Engineering economics
studies in construction project. Interest rates, concept of equivalence and money
time relationship, cash flow diagrams, economic analysis methods including
present worth, annual worth and future worth methods.
Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OHSE) in Construction projects:
OHSE requirements and law. OSHA.
Philosophy and importance of Quality in construction projects, Quality
Management Systems (QMS), application of ISO 9000 and total quality
management in construction management. Risk Assessment and Management in
Construction Projects.

CLOs Description PLOs Domain

Able to apply general principles of construction management
CLO1 PLO-1 C-3
Measurable Learning

and develop project time schedules

Able to apply basic knowledge of engineering economy and
CLO2 PLO-11 C-3
contract management
Able to develop understanding of construction health, safety
CLO3 PLO-11 C-2

and risk management

Able to illustrate quality concepts , Quality Management
CLO4 PLO-11 C-2
System(QMS) and construction productivity
Textbooks PMI. A, Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute, USA. (6th
Reference Edition-2018)
Book Kerzner, Harold Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Griffith, A. and Watson, P., Construction Management: Principles and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan,
New York.

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