Key A Beaker With Aspirin. B Beaker Without Aspirin

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Problem-What is the affect of putting aspirin in a plants water and how it affects the plants general


Hypothesis –I predict that the aspirin will have a negative effect on the plants general health.

Materials- 2 beakers of same shape made of same material.

200 ml of water in each beaker from same water source.

2 flowers of same species and length.

1 pill of aspirin

Paper to record results and pen to write them down.

Procedure- 1)Get beakers of same shape and material.

2) Fill with 200 ml of water from same source.

3) pick flowers of same species and length.

4)Label one beaker A and one beaker B

5)Put flowers in beaker and add aspirin to beaker A

6)leave alone and observe any changes that take place.

7)Repeat Procedure 6 several times.

Key= A beaker with
aspirin. B beaker without

Data 9/8

Color of flower magenta Magenta
Color of stem Green Green
Color of leaves Green Green
Texture Smooth Smooth
Fragrance Same as B Same as A
Size of leaves Small small
Thickness of stem Same as B Same as A
Number of leaves 6 5
Number of petals 23 22
Amount of water compared to Same Same

Color of flower magenta Magenta
Color of stem Green Green
Color of leaves Green Green
Texture Smooth Smooth
Fragrance Less than B More than A
Size of leaves Small small
Thickness of stem Same as B Same as A
Number of leaves 6 5
Number of petals 23 22
Amount of water compared to Less than B More than A


Color of flower magenta Magenta
Color of stem Grayish Green Green
Color of leaves Yellow Green Green
Texture Rough Smooth
Fragrance Less than B More than A
Size of leaves Small small
Thickness of stem Thinner then B Thicker than A
Number of leaves 6 5
Number of petals 17 22
Amount of water compared to More water then B Less water then A

Color of flower magenta Magenta
Color of stem Grayish Green Green
Color of leaves Yellow Green Green
Texture Rough Smooth
Fragrance Less than B More than A
Size of leaves Small small
Thickness of stem Thinner then B Thicker than A
Number of leaves 6 5
Number of petals 17 22
Amount of water compared to More water then B Less water then A


Color of flower magenta Magenta
Color of stem Grayish yellow Green
Color of leaves Yellow Green Green
Texture Rough Smooth
Fragrance No smell Faint smell
Size of leaves Small small
Thickness of stem Brittle and snapped Thicker than A
Number of leaves 6 5
Number of petals 16 22
Amount of water compared to More water then B Less water then A

Conclusion – I conclude that when aspirin is added to a plants water it shorten that plants life Span, and
hurts its general health.

Analysis – the independent variable was that I put aspirin in one plants water.

The dependent variable was the time it took for plant to change.

This was an interesting lab that I had to take a guess at. My reasoning to me thinking that adding
aspirin to plants hurt them is that I have never heard of adding it to plants. I would have heard of it if it
had a positive effect on the plants life. There could have been many errors in our experiment. One I
could have thought of is if both plants were cut and raised in the same place. Also amount of sunlight
could affect how they reacted.

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