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,N* @
Moorish American Consular Court Competent Jurisdiction
Pursuant to P.L. 8 Stat.484
ffooric! ^fational Scfub[it felerel Gobernment fr.ortll Gax
@eritorieg an! Dominiong
\* - 9n tf,ninorporate! finoris$ 9dente @esqle tor 9merita
@6ec;tlie anD Da lltr f,stural *eirg an! lnDaritlrt to tte fun!
\t - I. Self. Law. Am. Master. - \*
Y. )
elio bohechio trogon el, sui juris ) "Plea IAnswerlto the Court"
[misrepresented in the record as "RES" with )
lCertified mail: 7020 2450 0000 1766774/.1 )
[ 20c Fm4s B AW 422020CF4s I sA Zl

Plea to the IMARION COUNTYU COURTI: Answer to the Criminal Complaint filed under libels

I, elio bohechio trogon el, sui juris, make this restricted and special appearance, plea to the court, :rn answer to the
criminal complaints before stated against nomen - [MANES PIERRE]

The court ought not have or take further cognizance of the action aforesaid, because the said "cause of action"
and each and every one of them: ILEWD MOLESTATION OF A CHILD UNDER 12] accrued to the said
[STATE OF FLORIDA] is out of the jurisdiction of this court and exclusively within the jurisdiction of the united
States of America supreme courts, Article III, for that to wit:

The said respondent, I clio bohechio trogon el am not a citizen of the state - [FLORIDAJbecause I am a Moor, a
Moorish American National of African heritage, descent and bloodline, a Moabite


Material Fact and Point No. I
I am not a Thing, with a TRADE NAME or NOMEN and I am not Black.

I, elio bohechio trogon el, the respondent am misrcprcsented and identified in the original complaint filed in the
record [and every subseguent document submined to this court by the prosecution - [ESTEBAN RAFAEL
ALVAREZI - BAR No. [90857J as well as orher agents of this court and FLORIDA] as a "RRS" with NOMEN -
[MANES PIERRE], etc., and that I am black.

I-et the record show, I do not have a name, as only a thing and property can have a name. My appellation is elio
bohechio trogon cl, sui juris and I am not negro. colored, african american, afro american, etc., but a Moor.

See Stare Decisis - Res.Iudicata Case:

D William Dungey v. Joseph Spencer (Oct. lE, lE55),

"Regardless of Dungey's skin color, his Portuguese or Moorish ancestry gave Dungey legal and social
rights in the community, state and the country."

American slander laws were enacted to safeguard and individual's good reputation in the community against petty
character assassinations, slander and defamation of character.

Material Fact and Point No 2

The court IMARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE], for the [STATE OF FLORIDA] does not have jurisdiction
over I, elio bohechio trogon el, the respondent.

When there is no personam jurisdiction, there can be no subject-matter or territorial jurisdiction.

Aflidavit of Fact - Plea to the Court - Answer to the Criminal Complaint I Page I of 5J
ccrtificd mail: 7020 2450 0000 17667744
C虹辞 e ■
Moo面 sh AHle耐 can Consular CouH,Co】 mpetent Jurisdictton
鬱 Pursuant to P.L。 8 Stat,484

See Sttre Dech山 ―Res Judicata Case:

>Jackson vo Ashton(8 Pet。 ,148),

・`held consent ofparties could not givejuisdiction。 ''

l elio bohechio trogon el aFn a MOOrish Ame面 can NatiOnal.within a foreign(3ovem:nent,the Moo五 sh National
Republic Federal Government NoRh East Amexem Teritories and Dorrunions and therefore pЮ tected under

See united Stttes of Ame両 ca Republic Constitution,Anicle vI,cialise 2.

The 1837 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the united States of America and His Lmperial MtteSty the
EmpeЮ r of Morocco,巨RttA.&,3 Srα tt fOけ rr?a,settes 2rイ ‐r.]These tWO artides t20 and 21]in the treaty
avers the supreme law ofthe land on how disputes and clairns rnade between aヽ loor and a citizen or any persons
under the pЮ tection of the united States and within its te面 tories(s??′ du&働 ゴ?sグ)霞 tO be Settled and
further state's the Consuis as the competent authonzes to handle such matters,notthe courts ofthe tSTATE OF
FLORDA],nor any Agents to the same.

Mattrial Fact and Point No。 3

田he united States of America Republic Constitution pЮ hibits states fЮ m applying their statutes against Foreign
nationals with Treaty rights that supersede them.

The Constitution of[STATE OF FLORIDA〕 ,to inClude cities,boroughs,counties and disthcts under its authoity
are pЮ hibited fЮ m applying or enforcing its c"il or criminal codes,statutes(see Page l),regulations,or
ordinan∝ s to any foreign national when there is already in e対 stence a``standing''Treaty(s).bilateral agreements,
or conventions between the two paHies.

State constitutions and laws should not conaict with iaws ofthe Federal constitution and that in case of a conΠ ict
statejudges are“ legallデ 'bound tO honorthe FederaHaws and constitution overthose of any state.
S?9,ど 力¢ ,μ ?ど S協ど ,stげ A″ ι¢Л αR?“ Л亀 ●οttSttrμ 直oLA脱 ど
ilじ ?Ⅵ,Cr■ S?2α ,ど 3.倒膨 SIPr?″ αCプ Crα Иsa
“ “
S∝ Stare D∝ ね益―Res Judicatt Case:

>Kolovrate v.Ore20n.366.U.S.187.
“State policies as to the nghts for foreign nationals must give way under the constitutions supremacy
clause to overriding federal obhgations and treaties and connicting〔 道Tangements."

“Ifthe provisions of a treaty have not been superseded or abrogated,they prevail over any requirements of
state law which connict with them。 "

>Ciark v.Allen.331.UoSe S03.

“Itis not fbr the state to denounce treaties generany en b10c."

Matenal Fact and Point No.4

No state can introduce new citizens,that poweris held exclusively to the Congress ofthe united States under the
Rules of Naturalization.

No state can,by any act oriaw ofits own,pttsed since the adoption ofthe Constitution,introduce a new member
into the pontical community created by the Constitution for the united States.

It cannot introduce any person,or desc面 ption of persons,who were not intended to be embraced in this new
POlitiCal fh∬ ily,which the Constitution brought into existence,but were intended to be excluded from it.
D″?r Scο tt Jο れ,F工 。 ′ ο
Sα ,,デ (ra57).

The Constitution has confelred on Congress the right to establish an unilbrm rule of naturalization and this right
is evidently`texclusively''and has always been held by this coun to do so.
S¢ ?“ Я″¢ FSど,ど ?slげ A脇 9流cα R¢P“ うど lil,Cο Яs舵 ,,A蔵cleL S?C虚0,あ Crα s,4
"力 “
No state can naturalize an alien,invest hirn with the hghts and p耐 vileges secured to a citizen of a state under the
Federal Covemment,thereFore cannot be sued in the Coun of any state for violations of any state statutes.

Attdavit oF Fact‐ Hea to the CouH‐ Answerto the Cimin』 ComplaintI Pagc 2 orS〕
certirled nlail: 70202450000017667744
C鉄轟 e
Moonsh American Consular CouH,Competent Jurisdiction
Pursuant to P.L.8 Stat。 484

Dred Scott v.John FoA.Sand負 )rd(1857)。

I,ctio bohccilio trogon el,by the laws of the united States Constitution cannot be a citizen of the tSTATE OF
FLORDA],nor Can it be presumed under common taw.

States cannot exercise authority beyond the lirnits Fnarked out by the Constitution.

Mate耐 al Fact and Point No。 5

The united States District Coux`have exclusivejurisdiction in contЮ versies invol宙 ng foreign nationals,

As a Foreign national,the District Coutts for the united States has original jurisdiction over cittms and cases
betweem patties of different states and foreign states and citizens,motthetMARION COUNTY COURT〕 of the

S??動 ¢ 打諏ガ Srar?♂ οデA″ :9滋a,CO打 鍼 廟 ο,,A脱 ′

¢比 S● T肋 ″ 2-助 ?)ν :iり α Sa
デ G'正 z9,s仰 じど
“ “ “
I. elio bohechio trogon el. being the respondent, froΠ l the Moroccan Govemment and the plaintiff being the
tSTATE OF FLORIDA],putS thiS caゝ e under the jurisdiction of a Anicle IH coun― The united States Disthct

●D9σ ねね―R9sJttar■
S,9S′■ァ G園?sf

>Clark vo Allen,331U.S.503
“Foreign AFFaitt are exclusively resewed by the Constitution to the Federal Govemmentt''

>Bingham ve Cれ bot(3 Dall.382)

・The pro宙 sion of the Constitution which gives junsdictiOn in contЮ vesies between citizens of different
states, he must distinctly show in his pleading that they are citizens of different Statesi and he cannot
maintain his suit with out“ showing"that fact in the pleadings."

Therefore,ali charges flled under hbeis[20CF004515AX′ 422020Cr4515AZ],etC.,are civil claims tt you do not
have authority lawfully to rile criEinal Charges against Fne aS I am not accused as well as there are no witnesses
against rne I've wounded or killed.'・

The Supreme Coun w萌 n decide cOnstitutional issues or state law.

Mhterial Fact and Point No。 6

hdividuals of AF正 can hentage,descent and bioodhne can not be citizens of any state or ofthe united Stttes

An AFrican watt not intended to be included in and fottned no part of the people who frarned and adopted the
Declaration of hdcPendence.(D′ ?ど Scο tt ЙS,,どデ οアr cas9)

An African, whose ancestos were brought into this country and placed into involuntarily seⅣ itude, is not a
“citizen4e within the meaning of the united States of America Republic Constitutioni and not being citizens they
are not entitted to sue in that character in a coun ofthe united States and the Circuit Coutts has no jurisdiction in
such a suit.
S?9“ 加 盟 Sraど ?sοデA″ te歳こR9P“う施 Cο 打諏 的 打,A″ ,9,′開伽 ′働 腕 ce■ r′ 3)りЙ力ね o弾距 こ″り9奇 (20)
S?c虚o■ s― SEC r2.A,ilじαЯS S力 α″,ο どう?じ 財た?Я s.

S,9Lメ 0暦 れ S'ν α″
哺 .∬ ∂び2

I,elio bohechio trogon el,a Moorish American National,cannot be made a citizen ofthe ISTATE OF FLORDA〕
by being``carried''into such tenritory.even ifthe intention was to become a permanent FeSident orinhabitant.

The alien is exctuded,because being born in a ibreign country,he cannot be a rnember ofthe corllmunity.
S??ι力?“″ir9ど sr″?sοデA″getta Cο ,snilttο P,,A脱 ′ ?L SEC∂ Cと イ

The Constitution apphes to rne as a foreign national onty thЮugh the article VI,CL.2,the treaty clause.

Matettal Fact and Point No.7

No civil action for the collection or recording oftaxes or of any anes,penalties,or forfeitures,shali be
corrlmenced unless the Secretary authorizes or sanctions the proceedings and the Attomey Ceneral,or his

Attdavit of Fact‐ Pltt to the CouH・ Answer to the C両 minal Complaint I Pasc S Ors〕
certiried ttiail: 70202450000017667744
M∞ 面sh
American Corisular Cour傷 Competent Jurisdic領 om

鬱 Pursuant to P.L,8 Stat.484

detegates directs thatthe action be coFnmenCed.Title 26 U.S.Code§ 7401.

∼ In Concillsion∼
All matehal facts and Points considered,not being a citizen within the rneaning ofthe united States of AFnenCa
Republic Constitution,morthe Constitution ofthe tSTATE OF FLORDA】 ,I cannOt be sued for offense in its
coutts based on ISTATE OF FLORIDA〕 State Statutes:[800.04.5AB.〕

The only decision for adlmnistrative cterks uudges]Of this couHt― [MARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE]is to
vacatejudgment and dsmiss』 I charges without pttudi∝ ・

As a Civilian l am entitled to rHly nghtt and p面 vatt propeny.Asa Ci甑 lian,I have a置 ght to``subrogadon
in equity"as surety.

Iっ elio bohechio tЮgon el,suiju五 s,veriaes,ali facts and statementt set fonh in this iawful d∝ ument and affadavit
―Plea to the cou直 ,are tme and correctto the best ofrny knowiedge.

elio bohechio
Tmst∝ ′Benenctt E■ uitable ntle
On Behalfof〔 MANES
A‖ Rights ReseⅣ ed.Withoutと式 udice― UCC§ 1‐ 308

Affldavit of fact

Cettifacate of service
I,clio bohechio tЮgon el,hereby cenify on this ヱ Of Je鯵 ″′
湊 r, 2021,the enciosed
aFfidavit of fact c五 minal plea′ answertothe
FLORDA,was emailed,andノ o「 sent前 a UNrED STATES POSTALSERVICE CERTFED MAIL,to the
fo‖ owing rccipients:


HO NW itt Avenue
Ocala,aonda republic lnear解路75]


110 NW itt Avenue
Ocala,aorida republic lnear 3卑 175]


Attda萌 t of Fact・ 阿餡 tO the CouH‐ Ansver to the C山 耐 nal CompttntI PagC 4 oFS〕
cenined Iれ ail: 70202450000017667744
M∞ 遭sh
Ame置 can Consular Court,Cogmpetent Judsdictton
鬱 Pursuant to P.L.8 Stat.484

l10 NW itt Avenue

Ocala,aorida republic inear 34475]


110 NW iSt Avenue
Ocala.norida republic lnear 34475〕

Ail righis reserved.

The use ofthis rblII二 and the above signature(or any de面 vative thereof)is К,Stricted to the witnesses
h good standing as ofthe date stattd herein.Any and』 i other usages are pЮ hibited.

cc: Laurel M.晩 e,Florida Secretary oF State

Antony Bhnken,United States S∝ retary oF State
Merick B.Gariand,United States Attomey General
Uttam Dhilion,Dir∝ tor of lnterpol,Washington DoC.
Michelle Bachelet,United Nations High Corrimssion for Human Rights
Chief Ad H∝ Judge,Universal Worid Court
Embassies and Consulates ofthe lntemational Community and Other lnterested Parties
enfOにeth∝ Onsdtution.ory
consulate of morocco atthe ao苗 da state EepubhC

箋確 刀姥T■ 1と 1
2ヽ aO斜 颯

Attda撹 t ofFact・ mea to ttt COu置 ‐Answer to the C市 耐 nal ComplaintI Page Sors〕
ccHi『led lnait: 70202450000017667744

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