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Date/ Time Focus DAR

09/15/21 Disturbed D- “I am losing time,” as verbalized by the patient. “I believed that Margaret is turning the set on in the middle of the night because when I get up in the
thought morning, the TV is on,” as verbalized by the patient. “I mailed my granddaughter Becky a news clipping from the local paper,” as insisted by the patient- but it
9:00 AM never arrived. “I kept on forgetting date, time, day of week,” complained by the patient. “I saw a strange man with a hat was looking in my window from the
street,” insisted by the patient – This has not been verified. Age: 81 y/o. Disorientation to date, time, person, and circumstances. Altered perceptions to
surroundings. Hallucinations.
A- Identify factors contributing to disturbed thought processes. Recognized the client's perception of the environment. Evaluated response on diagnostic
examinations. Assessed the patient's ability for thought processing such as cognitive functioning, memory changes, disorientation, difficulty with
communication, or changes in thinking pattern. Assessed the level of cognitive disorders such as change to orientation to date, time, people, attention, and
circumstances. Assessed level of confusion and disorientation. Allowed the patient the freedom to sit in a chair near the window, utilize books and magazines
as desired. Provided positive reinforcement and feedback for positive behaviors. Spoke slowly and clearly. Allowed ample time for the patient to respond.
Planned the patient’s routine and follow it as consistently as possible. Provided educational materials to the significant other on ways to manage disturbed
thought processes. Administered medicine as prescribed by the physician. Instructed significant others methods to use with communication with patient such
as listen carefully, listen to stories even if they’ve heard them many times previously, and avoid asking questions that the patient may not be able to answer.
Instructed significant others, to provide a calm environment
R- Mrs. Sta. Maria was able to improved slightly her thought process, maintained closely at the baseline level. Somehow aware and oriented and reality was
slightly maintained at given intervals. Perceived the environment correctly for a time being and shifted to being lost in time again. Significant others exhibited
understanding of required care and demonstrated coping skills in interacting with Mrs. Sta. Maria. __________

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