Globalization and Communication

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Globalization and Communication

Agreeing to William Masteller, an advertising Executive, he believed that

“Communication is not just words, paint on canvass, math symbols or the equations and
models of scientists; it is the interrelation of Human beings trying to escape loneliness,
trying to share experience, trying to implant Ideas.“ Applying his words, I can say that
communication really does have a huge role for globalization, as well as globalization
takes a part for communication. For globalization can’t be done overnight and is not
possible with just a one-man army and it can’t be completed without the communication
between countries. On the other hand, the ways of communicating can’t advance and
be improved without the aid of innovations and modernizations brought by globalization.
The relationship between globalization and communication can be compared and
paralleled the function of a conversation, a two-way process of exchanging ideas and

The connection between globalization and communication can be seen a long

way down the history man, globalization started when people begun to communicate
with others as they form civilizations and bonds. As well as in the small trades between
neighboring countries way back when large-scale importing and exporting is a thing.
Even in the several pioneering inventions, a lot of which were apparatuses to improve
communication internationally, for instance the invention and usage of Morse code, the
first computers, radios, television and many more. And as much as the first stages
globalization helped the spread of these communication tools throughout the world, this
initiative made a domino effect that lead to further the effects of globalization worldwide
since communication made it easier to distribute knowledge and information.

Taking the television as an example, in my perspective, despite the widespread

usage of computers and internet, television is still the most prominent and effective
product of both communication and globalization, for still it can deliver news and
information as fast as possible and it is more accessible, especially in the Philippines
where cellphones and internet are still a luxury and televisions are considered a
necessity. Nonetheless, globalization and communication are humanities key tools to
further prosper and flourish their way of life and one can’t fully function without the
other. The emergence of both globalization and communication has improved the way
people live, because of these two; people now exist in the time or era where the whole
realm of the world is reachable. With the mutual existence of both globalization and
communication, humanity had unveiled and opened the door for endless possibilities.

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