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Chapter No.

1 MCQs

Amount of carbon dioxide in inspired air is:

16% 0.04% 4% None of these

Which structure acvely helps in taking the air out of lungs? Choose an answer

Nasal cavity Bronchus Bronchiole Diaphragm

A thick muscular layer beneath lungs is called: Choose an answer

Kidney Diaphragm Bladder Ureter

The process of gaseous exchange involves. Choose an answer

Break down of CH bounds to yield energy. Physical movements that take air ain and our of body
Geng oxygen from the air and removing carbon dioxide

Lungs are enclosed in a membrane called; Choose an answer

peritonium pleural membrane epidermis pericardium

The normal breathing rate in buman being is: Choose an answer

10-40 mes per minute 16-20 mes per minute 30-40 mes per minute None of these

What happens during Exhalaon? Choose an answer

Ribs muscles relax Diaphragm become dome shaped Pressure on lungs increased All of these

In which of the following disease, the paent has usually lost 50% to 70% of his/her lung ssue when
symptoms appears? Choose an answer

Pneumonia Asthma Emphy sema Bronchis

Most of the gaseous exchange in a leaf occurs through: Choose an answer

Stomata General surface Cucle Lencels

Which disease is involved in the breakdown of air sacs of the lungs? Choose an answer

Bronchites Emphysema Pneumonia Asthema

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