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Date/Ti Focus DAR

09/15/21 Impaired Data:
10:00 am Physical S:Pain in both knees when walking evidence by Pain scale
Determined degree of immobility in relation to previously suggested scale.
Assessed client’s developmental level, motor skills, ease and capability of
movement, posture and gait. Review importance and purpose of regular
exercise. Monitored nutritional needs as they relate to immobility.
Administer medications prior to activity as needed for pain. Consult with
physical medicine specialist and occupational or physical therapists in
providing range-of-motion exercise, isotonic muscle contractions, assistive
devices, and activities.

Patient performed normal daily activities with the least amount of
assistance and Demonstrated measures to increase strength and function
on both knees
------------------------Maria Chrislyn M. Genorga BSN-3B-USI Genorga M.

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