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Educ1: Child and Adolescent Development

Shaira leigh Pacete/ BSED-Earner

Activity 1
1. What are the rights of the child that are most often violated? Why?

One of the most violated rights of a child is the right to be educated. As we have
witnessed over the years, millions of people are functionally illiterate. They are battling against
poverty that forces them to choose work rather than education because as they say, "education
cannot feed hungry tummies", oblivious of the fact that education might be the key to success.
This situation violates another right of the child. Child labor is so predominant and widely
accepted that this problem cannot be eradicated so easily. This should not be tolerated but,
children are afraid of not being able to eat or their families cannot eat because they act as
breadwinners, that with all their strength and heart, they would choose to work in sweat rather
than work in pencil. Another child's right that is often violated is the right to a balanced diet,
adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, proper medical attention and all the physical requirements
of a healthy and vigorous life. An article released by UNICEF said that, 95 children a day are
dying because of malnutrition in the Philippines because, once again, of poverty. Apart from
high rates of stunting and deaths, children lack access to clean water and food as well as
immunization coverage. We can see children begging on the streets, selling rags or cigars with
no home, and no help coming for them. This sad situation threatens the future of these
children. Children's rights are more prone to be violated because of their innocence, pure love
or simply just a mere victim of unfair circumstances. And this needs to be addressed

2. To what extent has the school participated in child advocacy?

The school has a great impact in the lives of the children and in protecting their rights. In
school, all children are given the same opportunity to become better and to develop their
special talents, and to become a useful and active member of the society. And if the child is
physically, mentally or emotionally handicapped, the school provides treatment, education,
counseling and proper care required of the particular condition. If the child is sick, the school
provides clinic that would help them and give them proper medical attention. And also the
school provides a safe environment, free from dangers and bullying. But bullying is sometimes
unavoidable but teachers and other staffs will help and protect the child from possible harm.
The school provides also a safe space where a child can grow as a free individual, not limiting
their capabilities so they can live as a healthy human being.

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